Tuesday, December 01, 2009


This is it. Official book launch. I'll be at the KGB Bar tonight to read; come see! And I'll be on Good Morning America tomorrow morning.

I'm swallowing pills and drinking Diet Pepsi. I'm sure it'll all turn out fine.


Blogger Unknown said...

Good Morning to you. And Goodnight to me. (I'm a Hong Kong person)
Everythinh will be good today! ^^

6:03 AM  
Blogger HanPlans said...

Hope it goes well! Hopefully someone in the USA will post the Good Morning America slot onto youtube or similar - I'm a UK person

6:20 AM  
Blogger Melanie's Randomness said...

Oh awesome! GOOD LUCK!!! I wish I lived just a lil bit closer to the city. I would go. Best wishes!

6:47 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Best of luck, though I bet everything will be fine! I can't wait to buy your new book; the first one had me up at 2am giggling pretty hard... I can only imagine what the next one will be like! :)

7:36 AM  
Blogger bea said...

Hey Julie, I`m so glad to find your blog. I`ve just saw Julie&Julia in cinema in Hungary, and I`m totally amazed of your story. I just wanted to wish you good luck.

7:56 AM  
Blogger fredamans said...

Have fun on Good Morning America!!! Kudos!!!

8:20 AM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Hopefully it goes well. Love it--swallowing pills and drinking Diet Pepsi.

9:15 AM  
Blogger Flip Flops 'N' Flamingos said...

Hey Julie~~

You will do just fine take a deep breath and let it all go!! There doesn't that feel much better!!

Let us know how it all went!!


10:03 AM  
Blogger Kathryn Magendie said...

Good Luck to you! I do admire that you are taking a bit of a "risk" with the second book...it's real easy in this business to sink into "giving the same" because it's expected.

When you have time to sit down and write that fiction book, you will be so excited - it's the best thing ever...have fun with it!

10:23 AM  
Blogger Johanna A. said...

I just read your article on Organic farming and found most of it not worth my time since you don't really seem to understand the actual point of eating organically; you just bemoan its expense.

I am really confused by how you find farmer's markets so elitist. I don't understand your problem with them when you are actually supporting local farmers that cultivate awesome produce. Seems like the least elitist thing in the world to support your local farmers.

You mentioned Sarah Waters but did not mention her idea of an edible schoolyard, which is a way of getting disadvantaged youth to eat more organically and healthfully, something that, as a teacher, I know our children desperately need.

I think that I could go on about that part of the article, but you're pretty set in your beliefs, so instead I will address the end of your article. What I REALLY object to is the way you conflated a nationality with poverty. Why did that family shopping at Western Beef have to be Honduran? Do you only see Hondurans as an impoverished people? What a great elitist stereotype, just as you were crowing over how you are "above" the elitism of people like Sarah Waters! So edgy! It's pretty damn ignorant of you, but then again, I am not surprised, as you seem to be ignorant on quite a range of subjects and, just by the luck of having a blog with an interesting, quirky device that was turned into a movie in which you were played by an actress with more charm in her pinky than you have in your entire body, you are being asked to give your opinion on some of them, as if you are an expert. The least you can do is research what you are talking about before you write about it so you don't look like an ass. And, yes, avoid nasty stereotypes.

Also, last time I checked, "I was supposed to degrease the sauce, but fuck it" was not the epitome of fine dining, so I can't take your sermonizing about fine dining vs. fine shopping.

P.S. Augusten Burroughs can churn out a book every two years because he's actually a good writer, better, it may be said, than you will ever be.

11:52 AM  
Blogger abigail said...

i loved cleaving, at least as much as julie and julia. and p.s. joss whedon rocks.

12:36 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You are an inspiration to us all (well, spparently everyone but "J." But i think it's obvious that's what eating organic does to a person) I think you're fabulous. Look at where you've come from and look at where you are. You're living your dream, and it's so awesome to know that dreams do come true!

1:19 PM  
Blogger jdyke2 said...

Hey, hope all goes well for you today. Although I have only now just watched Julie&Julia, at the time it came out in theatres a local artist where I'm from (St. John's, Newfoundland) came out with a new album which had a track on it called "Julia," and I always thought it was a shame that it was to late to be used on the soundtrack. It's such a beautiful song, and after watching the movie today for the first time (fabulous, tears of joy - evoking story, by the way) I am even more convinced that it would have been a great match. Alas, such is the timing of life...Anyways, I thought I would share it with you and your readers all the same. The artist's name is Amelia Curran...enjoy :)
p.s. good luck in all your future endeavors, so many of us harbour that incurable longing to be published someday, so its nice to see a success story like yours :)

1:56 PM  
Blogger Robert Crane said...

good morning america! excellent!


for a moment there I thought you might be on the "today show" after they sank to an all new low this morning by giving air time to that idiot couple who crashed the state dinner.

i know you would have refused to appear, had that been the case.


2:01 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Grretings form Brazil!

Best of luck!


2:20 PM  
Blogger Lisa Daria said...

I'm ordering it now!

2:35 PM  
Blogger Brendan Hargie said...

All the best with the reading tonight and the interview - Hopefully I will be able to see it on youtube. Cheers. :)

3:51 PM  
Blogger Two French Bulldogs said...

Aaaaa..you are a pro by now! See you in L.A
Benny & Lily
mom: (Andrea)

5:40 PM  
Blogger Mary Ellard said...

Good luck Julie. Not sure if you're ears were ringing, but you & Julia were the topic of conversation at our Thanksgiving get together - Thank you for the laughs and I really can't wait to read your newest book!

Not for nothing, but perhaps you should share some of the pills & pepsi with this J person. (Poughkeepsie, NY)

6:04 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

Good Luck! You have a nice history :)

6:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hello. I'm a Brazilian girl and I've just arrived home from the cinema. I was looking for some interesting movie to watch and guess what... "Julie & Julia" was the perfect end for my "surviving retreat". I still don't know why I started to write to you. I imagine if you really read all these comments...
Well, all I now is that I'm anxious to start reading your blog and to finish something important or something that can become important.
If you ever thought what you were doing at that time was some unimportant (does this word exist?) thing I guess you know now that you can change people's life.
Thanks for changing mine today.
I hope I can be a better person.

6:47 PM  
Blogger Lena said...

I bought the book! Yay! Is there any way you could give us more warning when you are appearing places? I seem to keep missing the news.

Good luck with the book! Can't wait to read it.

6:54 PM  
Blogger t said...

This was a great teaser. Makes me want to read the cleaver book. I'm in Nigeria so probably won't run into it until next year, but I can at least catch Julie/a at the movies.
Have fun in life, and thanks for showing both sides...

8:14 PM  
Blogger n warner said...

Yes indeedy...SHOWTIME! Good luck...have fun, nothing like another round of being in the limelight.
You'll do great...I'm going to look for it. :-) Nina

9:53 PM  
Blogger Bianca Batalla said...

I just watched Julie and Julia last night and I was really inspired. I'm from the Philippines.

After watching, I immediately googled your name and found the Julie/Julia Project weblog and this.

Goodluck to your book launch!

11:25 PM  
Blogger Colleen Diamond said...

Best of luck on GMA!

I just read the description of "Cleaving" on the Huffington Post, which landed me here on your blog, and want to throw my well wishes into the mix. Enjoy these days!

Your forward energy gives me just the kick I need to get down to brass tacks in my own life . . . changes are afoot. And for the inspiration, thank you.

Again, best of luck!

11:39 PM  
Blogger Mister Accretive said...

KGB Reading Review One Artist, One Idealogue:
Julie's reading last night was great. I read her first book and enjoyed it despite having little interest in all this food whatever it is, cultism, I guess. Born of blogging as her career is, it wouldn't work if she wasn't such a gifted writer. Last night's descriptions of knifework and butchery were quite engaging. The other reader presented her case against the meat industry with such smugness and self absorption that I ended up on the side of the meat industry she was attacked. If you have to invoke age, race and physical appearance attacks, how lame. So scorecard for KGB, Julie, Excellent, Diet for a Hot Planet Lady, Bad Enough to send this vegetarian to McDonalds.

12:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Just saw the movie Julia and Julie, and i was really amazed of the story. It was really great seeing you here in the web still blogging. Hope to hear from you soon with some other recipes.

1:29 AM  
Blogger Koelyn Rollison said...

Hi Julie,
I will have to wake up early to see you on Good Morning America!! I saw the movie tonight after my best friend and I were walking back to the car and I asked her if she could imagine cooking 500+ recipes in 365 days. Her answer was no not and have a life and keep a job. Then she goes on to say it would be like me trying to go to work every day, spending time with my husband, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the 2 dogs,cat,turtle,fish,snake. I laughed and said Ha Ha I couldn't do it I have a blog that i don't even have anything written on. Now I am at home thinking and why couldn't I do it? hmmmm. Food for thought, I think I will let that thought simmer for a bit. Thank you Julie I am feeling motivated!

1:56 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Good morning Julie
I write from Italy (Verona, the town of JULIET AND ROMEO...)
... and sorry for my english...
yesterday I saw "Julie & Julia"... a beautiful film... My wife and me love cooking, eat and drink... we think to buy "mastering the art of french cooking"... maybe I'll find an italian version... thnak you for having made known julie, and you too, of course...
Luca Signorini

3:38 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


5:53 AM  
Blogger gimu said...

hi there lovely...
watched the film last night and... I'm crying just by writing it down here.
absolutely touching
it's soooooo good to know you REALLY there
gimu (from brazil)

6:40 AM  
Blogger Marta said...

hola soy española, y me ha gustado mucho la pelicula julie&julia, me podrias pasar la receta donde sale tostando pan en una sartén, que es lo que le ponen tomates, pimientos...., perdona pero no sé inglés, un saludo!!

7:02 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Good job on GMA this am. I'm a media coach (have worked with ABC and currently for other well-known TV networks/local affiliates/news services. Naturally I have some suggestions, I seem always to have them no matter whose appearance it is. I would love to correspond by email. Pls check my website: www.intencomm.com

7:03 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Just read about your new book on Huffington Post. I'm sure there will be a backlash, but I want to preemptively say kudos to you! Relationships are not all sunshine and roses and it takes guts to be honest about issues our society still approaches with so much judgement. I look forward to reading it.

7:35 AM  
Blogger Um novo amanhecer said...

I`m from Brazil!
I`ve just watched your movie and i loved it!
It was very inspiring for me in many ways and i loved your idea!
May God bless you always and make you really happy!
Like you very much and admire you!
Sweet hugs,


5:45 AM  
Blogger Mēnessmeitēns said...

hi, Julie... :)

Grretings form Latvia! I love your book and the movie... ;)

Good luck...

Mēnessmeitēns (Moongirl)

7:26 AM  
Blogger Eduarda Diniz said...

I sow your movie yesterday. AWESOME! I'm brasilian and... uau! Was incredible! Congratulations! The story is realy incradible and... did you meet Julia Child?! I want to know!

I can't belive! It's realy you! CONGRATS!!!!

8:16 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Is there a link to your book tour anywhere? I'd love to see you if you come to town, but I need to know where and when! Hachette's site inconveniently does not have a calendar for you.

2:40 PM  
Blogger Luciane Couto said...

Hello! I live in Brazil and I am reading and loving your book. I write in a blog too.Tomorrow I will see your movie. I love book, movie and write...Kisses

3:01 PM  
Blogger meetta said...

This is a long shot Julie... I don't suppose you will write back, but I just watched the movie online and though I'm not a big cook like Julia, I do enjoy fresh fun movies. I often watch old Julia shows on PBS. Especially the ones with Jacque.

Anyway, I write a blog too. Very different from yours though! I set it up in 13 weekly columns which I've had trouble keeping up! I write about life observations and inspirational, sometimes funny things.

I too, have a job that is going nowhere but I've always had a passion for writing and sharing what I know. I speak for a living as a Historical Presenter (re-enactor) at THE HENRY FORD MUSEUM, in Dearborn, Michigan. I hardly make enough money to live anywhere really decent too!

Anyway, blogging changed m life too! Several months ago, two special guests came to hear me speak. After my presentation, they both stood and stared at me. They asked me personal questions about WHO I AM? They seemed to be taken with the way I speak and my thoughts about things. Those two suggested I start a blog to share. When I asked what it was that I should write about the man said, "Write the way that you speak.". They had to tell me what a blog was and how to set it up! DIDN'T KNOW.
See, for years, I asked the same question, that you did, that many of us ask,...WHAT CAN I DO? Writing is a passion, just as sharing and observing life, is for me. But I don't get paid to do and though people obviously are reading it (according to my stats counter) I only have 1 follower and that is my son. Thank you for being you. I hope you read this and please check out my blog @ www.meettamartin.blogspot.com I'd be honored if yo did.
Maybe, just maybe, I'll have 2 followers. LOL! Sincerely, Meetta Martin

4:16 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm watching Julie and Julia for the 4th time right now! My daughter (who is 21 and just discovering how much she loves to cook) is loving the movie as well. I can't wait to read through your blog!

4:41 PM  
Blogger Bob F said...

Gotta try this comment again. I am new to this. In your movie in the opening you were toasting (in butter??) a dish for your dinner. YOu topped it off with some goodies that have both my wife and I drooling. Gotta recipe for whatever it was??
Enjoy the tour. Theyu do have a way of testing even the most hardy of us humans.
Rochester NY

6:50 PM  
Blogger Gabriel Gallardo said...

Hi Julia.
My name is Gabriel Gallardo, from Venezuela ( South America )(28 years old)
Now... i am finishing to see your movie over my laptop ( 3:42am )
That was amazing. I also cry. But i am feeling really exited because i felt the conection between Julie & you.
Its almost like when my fancy and lovely mother, cooks every day to have the most exiting lunch time.

Mom had write a book about her experiences cooking but she wont publish it. She rather share it with the ladys of her family. ( i wish could share it with my future wife).
It was a pleasure, to write you.
I hope meet you and introduce to you my lovely mom some day.
Best regards,
Gabriel Gallardo.
(Bon Apetit)

the true?: I never had seen this blog before until i saw your movie.
More trues: I learned english in Boston 10 years ago. So, since this moment i will take it again to read more form you and yous extraordinario (awsome) husband.
"Read you is as delicious as eat"

11:54 PM  
Blogger Miss HB said...

hey Julie!

I saw Julie and julia a few days ago and i absolutely loved it!

I am wondering--> Have u eva come across a great cupcake recipe? I neva did!

Gud luck

5:40 AM  
Blogger Nane said...

Salut, Julie!
Mon nom est Jane, je suis brésilienne et je regardais semaine glissée Julia et Julia et transformé un fan de son travail ... depuis que j'ai vu le film sur son histoire, j'ai été en amour avec le Boeuf Bourguignon et demain je vais prendre ma chance dans la cuisine pour voir peut être cet exploit.

6:02 AM  
Blogger andziaos said...

Hi Julie,
Good luck - waiting for your book in Poland.

7:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you were at kgb? bar>???? I used to hang out there all the time...damn! right in my east village hood too.

5:14 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

Hey Julie, I just watched your movie, and I really want the books now! I really loved the movie, so I got on to see if your blog was still on and it is! Keep up the good work!

Your supporter, Amy

10:58 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Am I actually posting to the real Julie Powell??? I literally just watched your movie, fantastic! I love to bake & cook, but am always afraid to try new things, but this has inspired me!

7:52 PM  
Blogger oren said...

frankly i am confused. Your movie, as i am sure you call it was lying around the house do to a substitute librarian mother and though i don't have the worlds greatest appreciation for her taste in movies i have been rather bored and sleepless over break. The point i am trying to get to is i watched it, decided i should probably find your blog because how movies ruin books; instead a i come across this which sounds like one of my friends in high school who some how made it famous for god knows what, definitely not there ability to write and went to town.
Higher a publicist if you need publicity. At first from the movie i was saddened by Julia's lack of expectancy of you but now through further reading i discover it is not a generational gap or a problem that you use words like fuck and crap in your blog, it is simply that the character of your writing comes off haphazard and completely unrefined. You have been as successful as you are simply because most americans are a factor of the lowest common denominator and appreciate any Marly and Me crap you throw at them.
This is meant as nothing more than a review and the form of commentary in internet 2.0

2:51 AM  
Blogger Geovanny said...

OMG, did you have a heart attack when the book came out. People were reading in while you where there must have been a stressful.
I hope you took the pressure and feedbacks from them. (Good I hope)

10:56 AM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Hello, I saw the movie, bought the book and have started cooking. It is a challenge and a mess in my kitchen right now but my husband loves the results. Thank you.

5:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

good blog.
please visit http://www.ebooktub.com/

12:14 PM  
Blogger bye said...

I am hoping to get your book. To say the least I'm inspired. I do realize this is an older post of yours but i have nowhere else to put this. I saw your movie or the movie about your journey through Julia Child's cookbook. It was inspiring and it touched me. I am a senior in high school fixing to enter into college. I'm hoping to major in English and from there do something with food.Witht he way the economy is and has been it just gives me hope that some how when i get out of college i'll figure some way to work things out eventually. Keep on cooking :)

3:10 PM  
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1:07 AM  
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8:03 AM  
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12:06 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

12:06 AM  
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6:21 PM  
Blogger Loterias said...

My congratulations, your articles are wonderful!!!

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8:35 PM  
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I'm loving visiting your blog, all your articles are great.


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8:13 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Teuing eung, tunduh wae panon teh, kadang sok kalabasan keur nga backlinkan, nyampah dina blog ieu teh..
urang ngilu nendeun link nya, saeutik mah

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12:55 AM  
Blogger Caetano Lins said...

Very good.


10:36 AM  
Blogger paulo peres said...

Your website is fantastic, thank you for sharing these content.

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4:12 AM  
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1:33 PM  
Blogger Sonia said...

O jogo do Bicho foi inventado no Brasil em 1892 pelo Barão João Batista Viana Drummond, que foi o fundador do Zoológico do Rio de Janeiro. Sua intenção por trás de fazer este jogo era nobre, sua intenção não era outra senão atrair mais pessoas para o zoológico, e assim tentar compensar os cortes do governo e manter o zoológico. O Barão tinha o desenho de 25 animais impressos em cada uma das entradas.

Todos os dias, à mesma hora, às 5 da tarde, desenhavam um animal ao acaso. Quem tivesse o bilhete com o animal vencedor podia ganhar 20 vezes o valor do bilhete. Foi em 1894, quando qualquer um podia comprar os bilhetes que quisesse. A partir desse ano, o jogo do animal deixou de ser um simples empate e passou a ser um jogo de azar.

A fim de combater as apostas, que se tornaram muito populares em toda a cidade, a Câmara Municipal teve de parar o sorteio no ano seguinte. No entanto, em vez de erradicar a prática do jogo a dinheiro, esta proibição reforçou ainda mais o seu jogo. Se antes o lugar para comprar os bilhetes era o zoológico, desde então é colocado para vendê-los em toda a cidade.

3:31 AM  
Blogger Sabrina Mello said...

Muito bom seu artigo, estou acompanhando eu blog há alguns dias e posso dizer é estou adorando. Sempre tem conteúdo de qualidade com bastante dicas e informações interessantes!


Meu Blog: Acertar em Loterias

9:58 AM  
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1:34 AM  
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6:34 AM  
Blogger Minha Dieta Funciona said...

Congratulations for article, very good

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8:22 AM  
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1:31 AM  
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11:01 PM  
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4:22 AM  
Blogger Syed MD Anas said...

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5:52 AM  
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I will be looking forward to your next post. Thank you
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1:53 AM  
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2:04 AM  
Blogger Technokisan said...

O jogo do Bicho foi inventado no Brasil em 1892 pelo Barão João Batista Viana Drummond, que foi o fundador do Zoológico do Rio de Janeiro. Sua intenção por trás de fazer este jogo era nobre, sua intenção não era outra senão atrair mais pessoas para o zoológico, e assim tentar compensar os cortes do governo e manter o zoológico. O Barão tinha o desenho de 25 animais impressos em cada uma das entradas.

4:11 AM  
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11:36 PM  
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8:52 AM  

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