Hey Julia, my name is Mery Anne and I´m from Santiago de Chile. I don´t Know Inglish, so a try my best. I been seeing all morning the movie" Julie And Julia" and Now I´m in tears, the movie, your story moved me so deep that neither you imagine. I am a cook by vocation, study for it but I have never worked. I have 33 years, married 13, a daugther of 8 and a wonderful husband who supports me in everything, I tried to do many thing and still get nothing, since early this year I have been thinking to do and I hope to have more clarity to finally achieve something concrete. Your project has inspired me so wish me luck
Maybe I'm a little (not so little) late. But I've finished yesterday the reading of you book and...what I can say? Maybe I'm not the right person to comment your book but in your pages there's a lot of...blood!
I've got to say that I'm vegetarian (an Italian vegetarian) and I'd like to make your, or better Julia's, recipes in a veg way. Could be an exciting challenge!
In the meantime I'd like to say that I loved your "style in the book" and since now I'll return very often to visit your page.
Julie, great interview and so educational too, for instance the crushed box idea. i mean i have to do something when even the garbage men snicker in my general direction. i was curious if have you thought of tieing them up between old omaha steak catalogs. i think that might work. i'll give it a whirl and let you know if the snickering stops.
I have just read Julie and Julia for the first time. I am SO sorry to hear about Robert in your earlier Blog. When my sister's beloved dog Gus died I cried more than I did when my grandmother went (I know - that probably makes me a bad person - but she was nearly 90 and smoked and drank her way through life with aplomb and glee). I am currently reading your book out loud, accompanied by serious french wine and food to my family - My husband has laughed at every insight into the female mind - "NOW I get it !!!" and my kids just keep saying "are you SURE you aren't related to her, Mum?". My sister now has another lovely dog - Mac. He doesn't replace Gus because he is his own person, but he is also an addition to the family. I am sending you and Eric HUGS from England. I imagine you will think this is creepy (I would :)), but it is SO nice to hear about someone else whose house isn't pristine, whose temper isn't saintly and who is courageous enough to admit to it! You give ME courage and I thank you. All the best Ally
When does the wine become an addiction? Many people drink it daily, Many like it for its taste and have wines with their meals. I guess it is also used to give the system some relaxation. Does it help the creative processes?
Hi Julie! I'm Paula, I am from Argentina. I watched the movie Julie&Julia a couple days ago and I wanted to say I loved it! Not only for Meryl Streep's portraying which was fabulous, but I loved the story itself too. I have never heard of Julia Child before this movie, she wasn't known here where I live. Thanks to the succes of your book and the movie we could all know her story.. and your too! I was checking your blog and I want to say I love your way of writing :)
hey julie, what is better than cooking is what is being a glimmer of hope for someone in a country you hardly know i think..you became my sun shine this morning! I'm from Turkey,and i watched 'julie&julia' last night.. I'm soo impressed, i almost cried in the scene that u dropped the chicken, and messed up the kitchen:) What is julia to you, is what is you are to me.. I never could finish what i have started, and i'm already 24. My relationship with my kitchen is soo like yours, I'm living in this small apartment with a kithen even smaller than yours..and i have this boring full time job, and i am home at 20:00 if i am lucky..and the only thing makes me relax at that time of the day is cooking, even if i dont feel like eating.. I would be glad to share turkish cuisine recipes with you.. i just adore you, and this movie. i'm pretty sure being a fan of you will just change my life. PS: excuse my english:) my recipes are much better than it :) with all my love, Gülben
Hi Julie! I saw your movie last week and really enjoyed it. Now I am reading your blog that inspired it and then am going to read thru this one. Whew! I enjoy cooking and you have inspired me to get Julia Childs cook book and try out the ones that sound like things my family would like. I do not inspire to be as ambitious as you and cook all the recipes tho! :) Also, the next time I head out to the book store I intend to buy your book Cleaving. I'm looking forward to reading that too.
i have a ?- read your book, saw the movie and enjoyed both. am reading through mastering the art of f.c. did you eat everything you cooked from the book? the sweetbreads, veal, etc. sorta has me grossed out-just curious- lydia1986@comcast.net
Hello Julie I am French and live in England I have seen (3 times ) the Julia Julie film I loved it and THANK so much for introcuducing Julia Child's world to me I have just read My life in France and found out things about my own country Facinating In this book she talks about documentries she and crew filmed in various Bakeries , butchers etc... in France I wondered if you knew how to get hold of these ? I would love to watch one And Well done to you for starting and finishing your Julia cooking project Nathalie x
Julie: Greatings from Madrid, Spain. I enjoyed with Julie & Julia (film). You´re an inspiration for many bloggers arond the world. All the people has ideas and feelings to show another persons. If you want be pictures to my country visit my blog. Good luck with your books!! Demetrio.
I am a little worried. I responded to the women and drinking blog to say I am Jukie-I mean Julie. I read J&J over my vacation in Costa Rica and then noticed that you are a Taurus. So am I. I am feeling squirmy over the similar combination of sweet and salty. Please tell me you got another dog.
Julie, I wrote a long comment on your blog, but it some how got erased. So I'm only going to say the most important part of my other comment. You are the Julia of today. your an inspiration to all who find Joy in cooking and in lets not forget good food!!
Hi Julie! I've just finished reading your book ... One fan more? Sorry, i bought it in a used bookstore ^^ buy salt butter or new books, i chose! Sorry cause i'm not sure you will have any copyright moneyback on it for a new pyjama or vodka bottle... Anyway, it was a great & fun afternoons i spend reading you! so thanks! Now, time is to scan your blog! A bientôt _ cécile from France! www.cuisineniouse.canalblog.com
Hi Julie, I live in Olympia, Washington and I love your blog so much. I am a huge fan. when my day is going bad and my son is screaming I know, that I can turn to your blog and see that my life isn't the only one that is hard...you went through alot to accomplish what you have and I respect you soooo much... I also am a fan of Julia Child and I wish I had time to spend a year with Julia and cook with Julia but instead I see Julia through your eyes. please email sometime I would love to hear from you. shortsweet9@hotmail.com
Julie, My wife and I just finished watching your movie, of course we LOVED IT!! It was fun and inspiring. Did you ever get to meet Julia and did you become friends, my wife wants to know. I would like to know if Julia ever understood how your work has pumped new life into her work that is now reaching around the world, to places and to a generation that never knew her. You have brought her back from the "Cooking Kitchens of Heaven" and she is re-entering and talking and cooking in the kitchen's of people all around the world. We both would like to know what you are going to do next?
Now I need to go to the kitchen and get a glass of wine to have with my sumptuous soup. Movie has been over for about 1/2 hour and my mouth is still supper salivating, and I am not a food horse, but I like good food. Best Wishes to you and Eric. Curt and Francine Fremont Calif
Hello Julia I want you to read this one. It's 3:43 am and i just finished watching Julie&Julia, the movie. I am already a big fan of yours. It was so cool the way you engaged all the readers. I am from Pakistan and for a guy like me writing to you is kind of awkward thing, I haven't written to any author before, never left a comment on blogs. I have never even boiled a glass of water, my mum does it all but I didn't know cooking could be so much fun :D From now onward I am going to follow every single blog of yours. I'd appreciate if you write me back and guide how to write. I really want to write. Thank you!
hello julie my name is kelly brown and I live in Rhode Island. I do not cook, but I am an artist. I may not know anything about cooking but i do know about having a dream. I just want to say thank you for sharing your story with the world because I appreciate you and what you wanted to do and have accomplished. Thank you for giving me hope, thank you for making me feel that much less insignificant. And even if we both do different things I feel close to you in a way. Thank you
OMG, I just watched the movie. Loved it and how clever to combine your story with Julia Childs' biography. Absolutely love the concept and loved the movie. I couldn't help but google you and now it looks like I have a pile of reading in front of me. Love your humour and love your potty mouth.... can I say, looks to me like you are normal!
OMG, just watched the movie and loved it. Love the whole idea of telling your story whilst at the same time telling Julia Childs biography - how clever! I couldn't help myself, had to google you and found your blog so looks like I have a lot of reading in front of me. Love your work!
Watched Julie and Julia for the second time last night (saw it in the theater first!) and loved/enjoyed it even more the second time around. My husband was laughing at me because I can't seem to get over the fact that in the end you never got to meet Julia, and weren't sure her actual thoughts were about your project. HOWEVER, through that bittersweet moment I realize the purpose of your journey was beyond trying to gain validation from the lady herself :).
Kudos to you - as an aspiring writer myself (my Aunt says we all have at least one good book in us) you have inspired me in a big way!
Love your honesty and authenticity!
Cheers and Bon Appetit,
Jen C. p.s. current fav (and inexpensive) wine is Cupcake Malbec (Argentiniant).
Your honesty is without a doubt, inspiring. Sometimes it takes just 1 person to give another person an "idea" and that, you have done. Thank you, for having the balls to do what you want to do and make no apology for it. It takes courage and guts to put yourself out there the way you have and so again, thank you. And yes, saw the movie and it was great too. ;-)
Your blog is now on my favorites list. You are inspiring to me. Love Julie and Julia... made me `Bing`you in search for your blog. This is where I ended up... planning on trying to write a blog of my own... no idea on what... but I just want to write now. Thank you
Interesting blog - it's first one I've ever actually looked at (everyone talks about "blogging"). Just saw the J&J movie on Directv - only caught the last 45 minutes so will have to set it to come on again - liked what I saw. will read your book(s). Karen in central Florida charli at strato dot net
Hi Julie, my name is Elena. I just saw your movie for the first time. It was great, really. Actually I saw it three times,yes it's that good. You are so inspiring, I wish I could cook thru Julia's cook book but I can't afford it right now. Anyway, thanks for sharing yourself with me.
After reading the interview, I feel like I have to drink more wine or a really high alcohol content of beer. I wonder what your favorite glass of wine is. I like Pinot or Reisling.
Hello Mrs Powell, my name is Roxanne Brown and I also have a blog. I've been a long time reader of yours, and in fact you're the reason for my blog to be created. I took you main principal, write about what you love and i did. I don't have many followers but I write every week. I would appreciate your opinion from one writer to another.(www.roxietellsall.blogspot.com)
I love the way you write. I just saw Julie and Julia and was inspired to e-stalk you and find your blog, which then inspired me to actually follow through on my promise to use my blog as a restaurant review type thing. keep writing. the world needs your voice. -vicki
Hello there Julia. I'm sixteen years old and the Friday I come home from school I turn on my t.v. and I see the movie Julie And Julia is on and now I have been watching it 3 days in row. I am absolutely inspired by this movie. Inspired to try and cook those meals from Julia Child's book!And also going to buy your book! Thank you so much and I hope you are doing perfectly fine!
I have just seen Julie and Julia and you have inspired me to write something that I never would have written had it not been for you. I would love to share it with you sometime because I need ideas about what to do with it. Maybe use it to start my own blog?
Hi Julie, I just saw the movie for the first time and had to google you right after. I loved the story even more when I realized it was pretty close to what actually happened. I am 21, and about to graduate College in May. I am planning on going to Law School next year but have a real passion for cooking. I would love to go to cooking school but it seems like my family probably wouldn't support that decision. Your story has made me realize that I can totally exploit my passion for cooking and still have what society calls "a real life" during the day. I got the Julia Child collection of cooking books for Christmas and made a few recipes. So far the poulet roti is my favorite. Anyways just wanted to leave a comment on here because I appreciate what you are doing.
I'm a little late to the party, perhaps, but I just finished your book, Julie, and I can aboslutely relate to how your bleaders got so attached to you - I feel like I know you and, I'm ashamed to say, I only just found the blog this minute because I had to tell you - HE'S ON HOUSE! He-whose-name-I-can't-recall.. from Delores Clayborne and the Pecan Cake and the cookies and the play. He's on House. Right now. I saw him and immediately thought "I've got to tell Julie! What if she misses it!". Julie. Like I can call you by your first name, 'cause we're tight like that. Yeah. I get it now. ;)
hi your so amazing i love your blog i also have a blog and i inspired it from you! would you look at it and post a comment and share it with your friends its called cooking and a caring
I may sound like a broken record here but just watched Julie and Julia the other night and loved it so what did I do? I went out to the shops and bought volume 1 and 2 of the mastering the art of french cooking and then proceeded that night to cook my first french meal of fish poached in white wine, sauteed potatoes and buttered beans and carrots -
AWESOME and thank you very much for inspiring me to do this
Julie. I am positive you get a ton of posts and emails like this one, but I felt the urge to tell you this myself.
In January I watched Julie and Julia. I loved it. I was inspired. I was not inspired to cook, but to commit myself to do something for me.. and to keep myself accountable, I have been blogging about it. I am training for a marathon. Yeah, not as fun as cooking, but I have some baby weight to take off. Anyway, long story short since starting my blog great things are happening. I was invited to blog about it on the Seattle P.I.com (formerly seattle's newspaper, now it's just an online version) and a magazine just offered me an article. I mean, I don't think I'm going to get any book deals, and that wasn't the goal..but people like reading my journey. I love what I am doing (the running and blogging) and I have you to thank for the inspiration. You are amazing. Love your blog. :)
Hello, i just saw the movie and i loved it!! i am a chef from Rhode Island and i love how u feel about food. I just wanted to know towards the end of the movie your character says that mrs. childs doesn't like what u did can u tell me why cause i can't seem to understand why she wouldn't approve of what u were doing.. isnt this what she wanted? a house wife like yourself becoming happy to get up in the morning to cook? please write back.. thank you.. David Squillante Squillanti@aol.com
Hi Julie, I just bought a string of pearls :D My colleague Sinziana keeps asking for a reading copy of your book from W. Ag., but I suppose they sold the Romanian rights by now ... Cheers,
Hello !!... Julia last night I saw for the first time the film Julie and Julia .... it was really fabulous !!... and look a bit, now I find myself writing on your blog! Really weird! : D However you were really great! .. Continues! ... Hello and good luck! Elisa from Gela (Sicily)
Hello !!... Julia last night I saw for the first time the film Julie and Julia .... it was really fabulous !!... and look a bit, now I find myself writing on your blog! Really weird! : D However you were really great! .. Continues! ... Hello and good luck! Elisa from Gela (Sicily)
I just read your book, no t.v, dreaming in the space between my ears and insistently reading the same books for 10 years has left me a little sheltered, but I was delighted to discover it. Julia was a spitfire. I have lived in Santa Barbara all my life and coinsidentaly and named Julia also. I first met her at the ripe age of 16 while working at a restaurant in town. My first day they asked me to come in at 7 in the morning for the breakfast shift, undelighted I showed up, sleep in eyes and was almost had a heart attack when I saw my first table. There she was, the woman, the myth, the legend in all her glory. I was quick to take every breakfast shift from here on out, every Saturday she would come, 7 in the morning and have eggs benedict, hash browns, and fruit. I even turned her onto eggs benedict with regular bacon and avocado. I stayed working there for way too many years mainly because I enjoyed her sarcasm, sense of humor, and wit all rolled up in this magnificent 80 something year old woman. She stopped coming, and I stopped working there, but a few years later while at breakfast I heard a familiar cackle and turned my attention and was greeted by that warm and familiar face. To this day, one of my most proud moments has to be introducing my mother to Julia at breakfast and having her smile up at us and take my hand, plant a kiss on my cheek and wish me well. I felt like someone for that moment when she said my name the same as hers. She was such a gift, as are you. Thank you.
Oh Julie, after seeing Julie & Julia you inspired me to purchase Julia Child's cookbook one of these days and try some of her recipes. I was never a big fan of Julia Child because her voice was so annoying, however I did find her personality quite endearing. I procrastinated in seeing the movie because I was not a fan of Julia Child and now I wish I would have seen it sooner. Many people I have spoken to felt the same way until they saw the movie. Now my feelings toward Julia Child are of complete regret and wish I would have paid more attention to her while she was showing viewers her scrumptious dishes. Congratulations on your success and for the inspiration you have bestowed on to me. Maybe I will turn into a great cook instead of the typical farm girl home cooked meals that I currently make. May I ask you some questions? 1. Did you ever get a chance to meet Julia Child before she passed away? 2. Did you like duck before you started cooking from Julia’s book? I have never tried duck and I’m wondering if I would like it. If it is too gamy tasting I have a feeling I won’t like it. Do you think I could switch from duck to chicken or would it ruin the dish? Thank you for your inspiring ambition! Your friend, Alina (Ali) P.S. Pet’s are family members that are wearing a fur coat. So, sorry for your loss.
Wow you really are an amazing woman :) It's been forever since you published the book J&J and it seems like ages for me since I saw the movie and you are still continuing to inspire people! I don't think it will ever end for you. I wonder if you had any idea the impact you would have on people all around the world when you started?
crap i just posted a comment that took me forever to write on the wrong flipping blog post :P so i copied and pasted and here it is:
Hi :) Even though you probably won't take the time to read this especially since i am the 58th commentor and are 8 days late after your post, i would like to thank you for writing your book. It was so much fun to read- and trust me, i dont read books easily, I even got to read it for one of my many book reports this year. Your book was wonderful and was realative to Christians as well as Athiests sooo thanks!
So, thank you thank you thank you for writing and continuing to blog. And remember - all us Christians aren't so bad
Sawasdee (Thai hello) from Bangkok. My name is Aom and I'm a big Julie & Julia movie fan. Both Julia and your story are simply inspiring and fun. I will read your books in the near future but will read your blog from time to time. Cheers
Julie, just watched the movie and read a little of your original blog. Fascinating! I am from south Louisiana and wanted to tell you of the most fabulous place to eat...if you're ever in town :) Rockefeller's in Ponchatoula, Louisiana. Ponchatoula is about 35 minutes east of Baton Rouge (my hometown). At this quaint restaurant you will find the best of south Louisiana cuisine. The entire menu is delicious. But may I suggest the Shrimp Pasta Delacroix....ahh...impeccable! For dessert....Strawberry Angelique...which is ... angel food cake French toast, topped with fresh sliced Ponchatoula strawberries, strawberry cream cheese, strawberry syrup, whipped cream, and powdered sugar...my God....I've made French toast all my life ... but never with Angel food cake!!!! Should you go ... give me a buzz ... love that place!
Hi Julia my name is Mari and I am a frustrated mother and wife dealing with many obsticles in my life and just like your book and movie cooking is my escape from sadness it brings me hope that my life could change for the better thank you for reminding us how great Julia Child really was and how happy she made us feel Bon Apetit!
Hi Julia my name is Mari and I am a frustrated mother and wife dealing with many obsticles in my life and just like your book and movie cooking is my escape from sadness it brings me hope that my life could change for the better thank you for reminding us how great Julia Child really was and how happy she made us feel Bon Apetit!
Hi Julia ... I am Brazilian and I dont speak or write in English ... Watch the movie and I was very excited, because I feel like you in beggining... Still do not know what I love in life, I'm kinda lost. His story is a lesson of life for all people ... I loved meeting her, even through a movie ...
If it's really you, I'd love to read your original blog about the year of cooking dangerously. Where is it? My searches are so far turning up nothing. Thanks.
hey julie!I'm Shahedeh from Iran,yesterday i saw Julie & julia film!that's really impress me!I want to see that film with my husband agin!your behavaior attract me and have influence my mind!according the film you should have 38 now!i appriciate your morale and your stamina!i learn your to choose short terms goals to get out of rutine and boring life! I had B.S in applide physics(solied state).but i want to be a counceller and want to be attend in entrance exams for M.S on that field.and that's my new aim,i want to start it from now! by the way!I have a weblog in farsi(persian)and yesterday i wrote there about you the address is http://shahedeh62.persianblog.ir and i Had and have another blog in english the adress is http://shahedeh.blogspot.com i'm really happy to contact with you a great woman! be happy and successful every time! pray me to become a good counceller! I hope to see you one day!
I am a mom of two teens who has turned her 13 year old IDEA into a business. Check out alphabetchef.net or alphabetchef.org and let me know what you think. Especially moms and teachers. Trying to teach young minds about healthy eating choices in a fun and entertaining way. Email comments to thechef@alphabetchef.net or blog on the site. Thanks, hope you like it.
I just finished reading J&J. Dear god woman, that was a rollercoaster ride of a book. I am exhausted just reading it! Thank you for doing all that so that we don't have to. (I may steer clear of lobsters for a wee while yet)
Thanks again! It was an awesome read. Thanks to you I also now want artichokes.
Hmmmmmmm...yes, M-D 20/20 was my drink of choice in high school in North Tejas (Dallas), when I drank. I did swear off boxed wine a few years ago, though, after going to a wedding in the Upper Midwest. Serious overload on the sulfites...
I love your book, J&J--People clamor all over the eat pray love author and stuff, but I think that you by far is the better writer. I am 29 going on the ugly 30, I live in a dead end world, and also have PCOS. I feel that you were able to take something in your life and were able to control it and focus on such an awesome task--I have never tried to do french cooking--but I absolutely love this and its inspiring. Thank you for this book and the humor and honesty that you really cant find in other places. I am striving towards my purpose and I hope I can find it. Thank you!!! <3 Erin
Hello. Just wanted you to know our whole family ,teenage son even loved your move, and you have moved me to start Kims bookstore blog. WHen you rmovie first came out me and the two other local used bookstore got people in everyday who wanted to buy your book on the cheap. It was just like everyone woke up one moring and said,"You mean that room with the stove and refrigerator, I can cook in it? Thats what its for?" Enjoy . Kim
thank you thank you again and again so much for the wonderful reading of you book. i am just a midwesterner now living in tucson arizona that wished she had been givin the education to use such great language skills and write a book. i couldnt put down your book after watching the movie and demanding my husband take me immediately to the library to rent your book. i so enjoyed your expansive vocabulary and entire tone of your book. i only wish i had picked up on your blog in the beginning. you see, i had the wonderful opportunity to visit Bath last year at this time (4/30-5/3/2009)and would had looked upn your friend and her husband just to purchase your book. anyway, thank you again for such a literary high i got reading your book. keep up the great work.
Hello. I just subscribed (via RSS) to your blog. I saw the movie last night. I hope you are satisfied with the movie, because I certainly was. I'm already a big fan of yours.
I'm 49 years old, and my parents told me how much Julia Child changed their world, and I feel it has changed mine as a result. We are all francophiles. I also like how her journey and your story is about conquering fears.
Hey Julie, I was so excited to read Cleaving, I was longing for the laugh out loud funny (and I love your potty mouth!) that I found in Julie & Julia, and I'm so sad to say that I was totally disappointed in it. You seem so different now and I did not see this coming at all...I was so shocked to see what your realtionship with your husband has turned into, it seemed you were so happy in Julie and Julia. I thought that Eric deserved his own "thank you" at the end of the book and i couldnt believe you had the nerve to lump a thank you to him and D together, doesn't he deserve more then that after all you have put him through? I wish you all the best and like I said before, I am a HUGE fan Julie & Julia ~ Alison
You must be absolutely tired of reading this but I just watched the movie (I'll buy and read the book soon) and I must say that I admire you. Congratulations on finding something you like to do and changing your life.
Hi Julie ! My name is Jade, i'm french. I've just seen the movie Julie & Julia and i really enjoyed it.
Your story made me want to learn cooking, whereas i've never had any attraction for it ! Now i'm going to read the whole blog "The Julie/Julia Project" (and this one too) and i would like to try some recipes.. The problem is that "Mastering the art of french cooking" is not translated in french, so it will be difficult for me ^^
So thank you for your blog and congratulations for your challenge ! Je vous envoie plein de bisous de France =)
While its good morning to you, its good night from me here in little old New Zealand. Its midnight and tonite I cooked chicken breast in cream sauce and it was delicious and side dished with risotto which I also made by myself. Last night I made the cheesy potatoe, Julie do you think if I did half potatoe and half sweet potatoe (or kumera) which we call them down here in NZ that might add a nice touch?
Julie, I am 60 pages from the end of Cleaving and was saying to a friend "I hope she doesn't give up drinking at the end of the book..." and I am glad to see you have not.
You and I need to split a couple bottles of wine and find out how you were in my head. There are paragraphs in Cleaving that come directly out of my brain--and no, I have never been a butcher :)
Anyway, thanks for the good book (though I was expecting a *lot* more bdsm...) If you ever find yourself in Minneapolis and in need of a drink, I will totally hook you up!
So I have had the movie for some time and just decided to watch it. It was very good. It obviously has changed your life. You have a page on Wikipedia. I trust you two are still together. You should probably write a cook book because I am not doing what you did or buying the book. I watch FoodTV all the time so you should do a show on FoodTV. Julia Child was on TV so what are you waiting for?
btw - i have been told that NZ eqivalent of a lobster (crayfish) have no central nerve system, so like with a every day fish they are spiked between the eyes to kill them, that doesnt work with crayfish. The most humane way to for a better word "Kill" them and the most humane is to put them in your freezer where the cold sends them into hibination and they simply go off into a deep sleep - doesnt take long and they dont feel the hot water!
I just got my April issue of Vogue (I called CondeNast: "I subscribed to Domino Magazine and when it folded you started sending me Glamour which I'm embarassed to have in my bathroom let alone on my coffee table. Something else, please?" "Well, we could send you Vogue..." "...mmmmmOk!")
So better late than never, just got the April issue, loving your article. As a fellow exercisephobe, I'm inspired. Thanks!
Hi Julie, I just finished reading Julie & Julia for the second time and look forward to the movie. I don't think you curse, drink, or smoke too much. You're hilarious and brave and I wish I had the guts to cook even 1/4 of the recipes in MtAoFC. I'm looking forward to reading Cleaving! Jocelyn
The movie is good. The book is fantastic. The AUDIO BOOK is the f-ing bomb! You get to hear Julie read her own book. I listened to it in my car on the way to work in the morning and actually...wait for it... laughed out loud!
Now, I'm channeling her in my head. Like I drove by (of all things) a sheep farm. Hundreds of sheep and two alpacas. The sheep all stood together and the alpacas (just two of them) were standing by themselves. I actually heard Julie's voice saying:
"What the f? The Alpacas are too good for the sheep? Talk about racism. Mind you the black sheep were hanging in the same hood with the white sheep..."
Wow! I just finished Cleaving. This very moment, over a few afternoon glasses of red. I have to admit, I loved you and I hated you at times, but I also feel this way about myself. Yet, I beg to differ when it comes to your theory of "love vs. respect". After reading your new book, I love you less, but respect you more! Overall, I think you rock for your honesty and cajones! This is a fucked up crazy world, and relationships are SO not cut and dry. Thanks for being YOU! 'K, maybe I'm just DDD (drunk during the day) and should avoid corny comments. Keep on writing, sistah!
Hi Julie. Just stopped by to say hi and I read the interview and very much enjoyed it. I will be buying "Cleaving" as soon as it is out or if it's out now, I'll check Amazon. Today was one of those day I needed inspiration and so I popped the dvd in and watched and listened to the movie again. I think this is the 10th time I have watched it and each time I catch something I missed the last time. Hey, enjoy the wine and a hello to your Eric. Sometimes things tend to go awry but hang in there, the best is yet to be.
I enjoyed the interview very much! I am now going to be following your blog. My relatives had me see the movie last week as I am a blogger and the movie kept reminding them of me. You are an incredible woman and my husband is begging me to change my blog to a cooking blog so that I can learn to cook ha! I am glad that I found your blog though and will continue to follow. Hope you will stop by sometime!
Julie I am a fellow blogger in need of help right now I am getting up to date with your current blog but as you have with many your project inspired me to lose weight and post about it. so I ask the tool showed in the movie inspired by your original project Days left/ recipies left does it exisit somewhere if so help fellow blogger Justin blogjustinsblog.blogspot.com
i started writing my adventures as a sunday brunch cook--determined to continue til i've completed a year of it. i've never cooked beyond friends or family, sometimes there are 20 people and sometimes 60 people show up for brunch. Taking it on seemed like it would be fine--no problem!--sometimes my lack of hubris is frightening. i've been doing this since last October. today i had my first real breakdown over it. it's not my only job. it's way harder than i ever imagined it would be. today i just want to quit. i don't know how you did it, julie. my cook's hat's off to you! louisa
I'm Jessica from Portugal, it's 5.47 AM and I just finished to see "Julie&Julia"'s movie. How can I express myself? I'm a cuisine lover.
I'm studying Biology and I'll finish this year my degree. During this three years of my course I felt so incomplete, with a big hole inside because I didn't have a meaning on my life. Why, I wondered... Because I dindn't do anything that complete my life in terms of innerself, objectives and dreams at 100%. I was really depressed and as I live out of my hometown I don't have mum to cook... So I started to cook because I REALLY love to do it. I started to cook and I noticed that I'm a good cooky! And I'm sorry for the modesty, but nowadays I'm pride! And I started without reading recipes.
I found the "love" of my life and I started to be really full filled! Now I "eat up" books of the gods of the kitchen for me: Jamie Oliver and Nigella Lawson.
Now I have a new dream that I know that will be the masterpiece of my life. Apply to the Chef apprenticeship of Jamie's Oliver. But I have a big problem. I don't have money to study on a good school Chef but I'm not (greatfully I'm not) a disavantadge girl as he asks to.
I'm on a big concern... Could I ever complete my dream? Learn with my kitchen idols? If I won't, what could I do?
I hope you answer me. You're the better person to ask for help. Really admire you. You're the example of the greatest women on the world.
On a whim (must do something new in 2010) I decided to start a blog this year (http://blotschersrant.blogspot.com/). Being an IT-moron, reliant on my elder son, I didn't get going until 31 January, but have been doing it pretty much every day since then.
One of the exciting things about writing a blog is to discover how big, rich and varied the "blogsphere" is. And then last night I watched the video of Julie and Julia. I loved it.
I have now tagged your blog on mine, and look forward to reading you in due course.
Hi Julia. I´m from Portugal. You know, we have a big tradition of portuguese wine. It´s one of our treasures. In fact, portuguese wine (the good one) is one of the best wines in the world. I know it´s not easy to find portuguese wine in US, only porto wine, but we have a lot more. Marta Mourão, Portugal
Today it's raining and i am sad. I rent the film "Julie/Julia" and i feel better! Now the sun shine, and i'am cooking a cake! Because me too, i love to cook. Thank you to have share your project.
Véronique, from Marseille in France. http://lejournaldepetitzouzou.spaces.live.com/
Hi Julie, Don't know if you answer questions, but I have one. Can you tell me how to bruise a pea? I can't find it listed under terminology. Julia says to mix with sugar, salt and of course, butter. Suggests that "by handfuls, I bruise them roughly with the sugar, butter & salt mixture." How the hell do I do that? I can bruise a banana, a peach and a tomato but peas?? They have no ego, so lashing out at them won't do. Put them in a bag and throw them against the wall? Stirring them roughly? That's my best guess, but found myself asking "What would Julie do?" Your thoughts on the subject would be most helpful. Thank you. P,S. Hubby & I also lost a pet in January. My most heartfelt condolences! -Stephanie
Hi Julie - I first came to your work with the Julie and Julia audiobook, which I thoroughly enjoyed due to my similar life circumstances at the time (boring, government job). I loved the movie, of course.
I just finished listening to the audiobook of Cleaving. It was a painful, yet compelling story. How brave Eric must be on so many fronts. I enjoyed it, though at the outset I was prepared to hate you by the end. But, I didn't. What you wrote was something human, messy and "real"--at least as real as a memoir can truly be. I wish you a lot of luck in slaughtering your demons (and some lambs, pigs and cows as well). Thank you again for your honesty and grace as a writer. I look forward to your forthcoming novel.
my name is Marta. I'm 25 and I live near Lisbon (Portugal).
Yesterday I saw the movie "Julie and Julia" for the first time. I gave it to my mother on Mother's Day, because we both really enjoy cooking. It's like a therapy...
Wow, how exciting. Ive just finished seeing the movie and now tucked into the book and then, when doing some blogging myself, found your blog! I'm not a stalker just really excited by being able to continue the journey, so to speak.
Thank you, after cooking for 3 under 5, I've forgotten why I enjoy cooking, but now I am inspired. Maybe not French, but will certainly expand my horizons.
Hey Julie! I'm sure you've heard this all the time...But I'm a great fan of "The Julie/Julia Project". I've just found your blog which I already follow and I'm looking forward to reading your posts pretty often. Have a great day! Greetings from México! :)
Hi Julia, We just saw Julie and Julia, and came here enjoy your blog. I'm from Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. Talking about drinks, I guess you've heard about Caipirinha. It's a local drink, the tradicional one is made by lemon, sugar and cachaça(a nacional alcoolic drink). But you can make it with Vodka and any fruit that you want.
3 cuted strawberry ( you must cut it small as it can pass trough a straw) sugar (your taste) You mash the sugar with the cuted strawberry Add sliced ice and Vodka. That is it. You have a Strawberry caipiroska.
Hello Julie, I am Kathy from Cove, Arkansas. Just finished watching your movie "Julie @ Julia" and I enjoyed it so much. My 19 year old son enjoys cooking. He and I cook meals for the family together quite often. I think following your example would be a wonderful way to inspire my son to grow his interest. Congratulation on all your success and thank you for sharing your passion with the world!
Hey Julie xb I've just finished reading your book, and I just loved *-* Oh my god, it's fantastic *-* I just can't stop read, it's addicted xD GOOD JOD ^^
Hi Julie, my name is Sara, and I'm a PhD student that was in desperate need of a hobby outside of my schoolwork to keep me sane. After watching my best friend run the Boston Marathon and seeing the movie Julie and Julia in the same weekend, I knew what I was going to do: teach myself to cook and to run. I started a blog to chronicle my runs as well as my cooking (although I'm trying to learn how to cook healthy meals that aren't terribly complex) and I hope you will read it once in a while :-) Thanks for being an inspiration! Sara, runningwithteaspoons.blogspot.com
My sister and I just finished watching your movie, Julie and Julis and we loved it. You have to settle a disagreement that we are having. Did you really cook all of Julia's 524 recipes or did you make that up for good story telling. We have to know.
Hello Julia, my name is Silvana and I loved your initiative on your recipes on Julie Child - congratulations... so I thought I would run this past you as I am sure you will be interested - have you heard about EATALY - a http://www.eataly.it/welcome_eng.lasso which is known as the world's largest Italian high-quality food market? Ther are various stores in Italy but the flagship store is based in Turin, North of Italy and is an amazing experience - I was there yesterday and wanted to write about it. Combined with high-quality products from specialised producers from Italy -EATALY which offers you a unique user experience letting you buy as well as savour these products at the same time !! (being in Turin where they are famous for their meats, I couldn't resist the tagliata with roast potatoes - delicious!) in one of their six restaurants within the space of EATALY. Combined with this is the opportunity to rummage through super fresh fruit & vegetables in their simulated market stall - very authentic, skim through tailored, cookery books for all ages, receive special discounts for pensioners, carry out cookery courses ON THE PREMISES in their specialised training rooms with add-on kitchens with renowned chefs and savour delicious ice-cream and drink after meal coffee.... all of high quality and with very reasonable prices. EATALY is opening on the 1st August 2010 in New York off 5th Avenue - with this type of slow food filosophy - how do you think Americans will take to having an EATALY on their doorstep?
Love to hear your views. have a wonderful eat well drink well day :-) silvana
@Disagreeing Sisters: I really did it. That's why it's called a memoir and not a novel! Maybe not the sanest decision I ever made, but it all worked out for the best....
@Robert - just a hint, sweetie. Calling a stranger a cunt is kind of the definition of cuntiness. Which kinda destroys any intention to hurt. Just sayin'....
As a 2cents kind of comment - screw the meanies and haters - I've been following your work for several years now and still think you'd be an awesome person to drink/smoke/cook with.
(to the aforementioned meanies) Pick a metaphor (people in glass houses... until you've walked a mile in her navy faile pumps...) and internalize it.
Hello! i am from Brazil. I´m at home now and watched the movie about Julie and Julia...well, the history was fantastic...i loved it...Great work! kisses Kênia
Hello! i am from Brazil. I´m at home now and watched the movie about Julie and Julia...well, the history was fantastic...i loved it...Great work! kisses Kênia
Hey Julia, I´m from Brazil and I just wanna say that your book and the film are amazing! The real project was and still is a surreal idea, because you showed empirically for everyone that if want something and go for it, you can get it!
Julie, I am many years your senior and I find it refreshing that someone of your generation not only knew who Julia Child was, but was also in awe of her accomplishments. I grew up watching Julie on PBS. I can remember imitating her as a child. She was inspiring to many people. Your novel and then the movie that followed have brought 2 things to the public: a new awareness of Julia and a new movement of young cooks reentering the kitchen! Bravo young lady!
I drank a lot of cheap Portuguese wine, too, while I was writing my dissertation... Academics are a lot of high functioning (and not so high functioning) alcoholics. Now I consider myself a "recovering academic."
Hi Julie, I'm Juliana from Brazil,and I'm writing not to comment your last post, but just to say that I saw your movie last night and just LOVE IT, I'm in a kind of trick time in my life and needing some inspiration and it was fantastic... so Thank you for your iniciative and all the best for you. Sorry about my english... I tried my best!! See ya! juliana.berbert@gmail.com
Hey Julia! What I´m going to write it´s not about this post...I´m from Brazil, my name is Amanda. It´s just that I watched your movie with my sister...I mean...your book´s movie, and I just love it! It´s great to see that everything in there really happened someway...congrats! I just wanted to know if Julie really hated your blog...cause, I really like it! Kisses from Brazil! Have a nive cooking or writing day :)
Hello, Julie! Like many of my fellow commenters, I am here because I watched Julie & Julia and I was very moved by your story. I watched the movie while my husband was out (chick flick, woot!) and this morning I tried to explain to him that it was a good movie but the ending was not what I expected. I was sad that Julia died not knowing the impact she had on your life. That she dismissed the idea behind your blog as someone riding on her coattails or whatever her remarks were at the time someone mentioned your blog to her. I wanted so badly to see you have her over for dinner and when that didn't happen I was disappointed, but it just made your experience all the more real. As a fellow blogger, I just want to tip my hat to you for being a fellow rat racer and managing to take a chance on something and climb out of that ever gaping grey area victorious!
Sorry to leave such a long comment, but I also wanted to add that I have been wanting to write a book for a very long time and I have been scared to try for fear of failure, being that the book is about my life...what would that say about me if I failed? Yikes! After seeing how you followed your heart and stuck to your goals, it has inspired me to just go for it.
Congrats on all your successes! I wish you and your husband all the happiness in the world!
hi julie, today i watched your movie julie and julia again for the second time and have decided to get the movie for me and i am going to get one for my mom for christmas this year. i loved the way you just working at all the recipes and when they didnt always work, you kept trying
I am a 37 year old stay at home mom of two very little children.I got halfway through Julie and Julia last week. I laughed and I cried and it made me feel for the first time in ages that anything is possible if you hold on to your dreams. I love France and I love cooking and between yourself and Julia Childs story I am starting to dream again. Thanks so much for giving me hope
I saw your movie last weekend and just read the interview: enjoyed both a lot! congratulations on all your projects! Your success gave me hopes to mine projects in life! Thank you for all the inspiration!!
Loved the ideia of can talk to you! THE julie! hehehe
Coincidence. Today I've heard from you for the first time. In a family afternoon, we decided to see a moovie and choosed "Julia and Julie". When it anded I came to see if your blog really existed and the first sentence I read was about portuguese white winw. Guess what. We are portuguese and I'm wrinting you from Torres Novas, Portugal. Great story. Lots of courage. Thanks for the inspiratin. I'm trying to be a writer and that's nor easy. Nothing to do with cooking. Thanks again. João Paulo Videira(http:mailsparaaminhairma.blogspot.com)
Coincidence. Today I've heard from you for the first time. In a family afternoon, we decided to see a moovie and choosed "Julia and Julie". When it anded I came to see if your blog really existed and the first sentence I read was about portuguese white winw. Guess what. We are portuguese and I'm wrinting you from Torres Novas, Portugal. Great story. Lots of courage. Thanks for the inspiratin. I'm trying to be a writer and that's nor easy. Nothing to do with cooking. Thanks again. João Paulo Videira(http:mailsparaaminhairma.blogspot.com)
Coincidence. Today I've heard from you for the first time. In a family afternoon, we decided to see a moovie and choosed "Julie and Julia". When it anded I came to see if your blog really existed and the first sentence I read was about portuguese white wine. Guess what? We are portuguese and I'm wrinting you from Torres Novas, Portugal. Great story. Lots of courage. Thanks for the inspiration. I'm trying to be a writer and that's not easy. Nothing to do with cooking. Thanks again. João Paulo Videira(http:mailsparaaminhairma.blogspot.com)
Hi Julia, my name is Mariah and I am currently reading your book (Julie & Julia) and I have come to like you more and more with each page I read. You may not ever reply or even read this..but kudos to you, for everything. I'm an awful cook and I must say you give me hope! Just a little something positive I had to say..
thank you for enjoying the wine from my country...=) and i have just finished reading your book...it took me one day to read it all...i have enjoyed it very much...
Hi there Jaclyn Barr, I'm from Portugal. I'm writing from Portugal. And yes, we have explendin beaches... long white beaches and lots of sun and, of course, the best food in the world!!! If Julie knew our gastronomy, she wuold write ten books!!! lol... have a nice day (here it's 23:00h). João Paulo Videira
Hi there mtrax. My blogue is about literature. Well not about. I publish there my own textes. But it's in portuguese!!! Can you follow it??? I hope so... It lives at http://mailsparaaminhairma.blogspot.com
Hy Julie I saw your movie and it was very nice for me . I undertood that everybody can feel nice if do what like to do . thank you ! anselmo policarpo - Brazil
I do not know if you're really Julie's real life and film. And I apologize if you either really, but you can understand me, nowadays there are so many people wanting to gain advantage on the backs of people who naturally have international recognition as you. Well, I'll write naturally, as if to yourself, I hope it is. laughter. I watched the movie today. I was impressed by his willpower and dedication. His life is real, and became a movie. I thrilled at times you find yourself in trouble in the kitchen and in the important moments in the life of Julia. I also got very emotional at the end of the movie, when I really hoped that you would know her personally. And it happened before she died? I was curious. I'm from Brazil. I live in São Paulo, ever heard? I am 18 years only, and always knew what he wanted to be when you grow up: a journalist. But lately, I have lived a dilemma, because my hobby was cooking that has taken my mind and I am in doubt I will pursue the course in college now. Gastronomy, or journalism?!! I wonder ... I have two cats, and I was watching the situation in which you If you encounter. It was funny to. I am engaged to a very nice man, who also recalls its Eric. He is very supportive in my decisions, help me, is super companion. I am happy with him, and I would tell him the same sentence that Julia told Paul and you said to Eric, "You're the butter on my bread, the breath of my life!" I say this to Marcelo, my boyfriend and best friend. Tonight I will make a special dinner at home for him and me. I'll make a pasta special, dessert wine and ice cream. Dinner will be served 19:00 pm. Is serviced? (Laughs) Julie, I also have a blog. I write poems, texts about me and my life. I would like you to read one day. (Www.priscillaleme.blogspot.com). If you find some site that translates into English, you managed to read it. Hope you enjoy and I hope that you be yourself, the real Julie. A big hug. Ps:. I leave my e-mail (priscillaleme@rocketmail.com / priscilla.leme@hotmail.com) for any contact. Texts that you can send me, updates his blog. I am happy to receive your stuff. Bon Appétit Julie!
Hi. I just saw your film, just read Julie/Julia Project's last post. I feel like I'm drawing and would love to find someone to rescue me. But somehow I feel hopefull because you had it, so that way I became to know a bit of you. Thank you.
Just wanted to say, I watched your Juile/Julia film last night here in the UK and it made me smile because it was about 2 people who truely love everything about food, and in my head it was all about me. It made me forget the crap week I'd just had. THANK YOU.
Hi Julia! Im Eugenia from Argentina. I saw your movie this weekend and I was so happy for what happened to you! I have a blog too and I like how passionate you are with what you like. I think I will start again with some things on my life. Thanks! and all the best wishes for you!
Hi Julie, I'm writing on behalf of my daughter Helena, she is ten years old, and we just watch the movie (Julie and Julia). She is crying inconsolably for misunderstanding between you and Julia Child. She liked the work that to her was a beautiful tribute to Julia. I think its important you know that your story touched the heart of a Brazilian girl who also loves to cook. If you could write to her (my email is anapaola.zeminian@gmail.com) it would mean a lot to her, although she does not speak English I will translate your words. That would be very important to her. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Ana.
Your answer about your dad taking a cup with him when going out... total awesomeness... my whole family did the same thing - in fact - they had Monogrammed cups... we referred to them as "roadies". x
Oh my, I've just finished watching the movie. All by myself (husband at work and son sleeping)I sat and was amazed by all the work you've done. I felt happy the entire movie! Not to mention constant hungerfeelings...although I just ate. butter and butter! Thank you for making me feel so good and happy. I have to try that beef"stew"...perhaps I should surprise my husband with it this weekend!
My name is Kari. Ok! Julie I loved the movie. However, I am very interested in the dish that Amy had made. The one with the bread, where she browned it on both sides and then put some sort of veggies on it and something else. It looked so delish. I want to say you go girl. I love to cook as well as you. I do have some recipies for you if you would like to have them. Contact me via email...kkizman@student.mccfl.edu. Keep up the good work
Julie, I just finished your book "Julie and Julia" and I have to say, I can't wait to get my hands on "cleaving". I saw the movie when it came out on video, or I guess it would be DVD, and I was almost inspired enough to try my hand at a year of cooking/blogging, if not for my (at the time)newborn baby. And even now, I guess I can blame my lack of ambition on my now 8 month old baby, as much as my general laziness. I love cooking, and although I concider myself to have quite the palette, I had never concidered eating 90% of the recipes from MtAoFC. I've made it a goal of mine to read your actual blog, as far back as I can find, and draw some inspiration for my comparably pathetic blog. You are a brave and determined woman, whom I am am glad I can now say I have had the pleasure of "meeting" you through the internet. I'm wondering if you will read this, and I just wanted to let you know, I also enjoy the word fuck. So write on Julie Powell, you have a new fan!!
Hello? i know you! i like movie 'Julie & Julia' my favorite movie. my name is Boyeon Kim. i live in South Korea. i'm 19 years old but america age is maybe 17 or 18 years old. nice to meet you:)
Hi Julie, I am Portuguese and it was very funny to search your blog and read your post/interview mentioning Portuguese wine. Have you ever eaten Portuguese food? Have you ever tried to cook it? :) As everyone here, I've seen recently the movie and I loved it.
Hi Julia, Ive just read your first book (bit late i know) but I wanted to say how much I loved it. Your writing style is so refreshing and honest it was a real pleasure to read and landed on my desk at just the right time -i just need to find my project now. Thank you.
I recently went on 50 dates in 50 days and I have been compared to you about a million times. (obviously, that's an honor!) Everyone keeps saying, "You are the dating version of Julia!"
Well I have to say that sometimes I wish I had just done a cooking thing because men can be far more trying than cooking ingredients. But both have many similarities in that they don't always listen and they don't always work out in the end. But do ingredients talk back? (Men sure do!!)
hi julie- um i have an idea, that in principle is quite similar but by no means the same as your project, being the conscientious writer and craft woman extraordinaire that I am, and for fear that you would hate me/sue me- i am writing to ask your permission before I endeavor to succeed a small feat that your freaking awesome work has inspired-
i know are really busy and cool and famous- but you are also human and real so in the name of suspense and secrecy i was wondering if you would e-mail me at my specifically created e-mail for this purpose at
you can make up a phony one too so that i can never contact you again if you wish- i just want your blessing, like you would have liked julia's...
ps. it doesn't involve cooking in the slightest, i can't and would never pretend to do so.
Hi Julie. I loved the movie and I was recently reading an older copy of people magazine that had an article about your new book. Behind you was a beautiful picture of a cow. We live on a family farm and I have been looking for a pictuer of a cow but I'm having problems finding a good one. I was hoping you could tell me the artist or studio where I could buy a similar one. Any help you could give me would be great. Thank you very much. Michelle
Dear Julie, I watched "the movie" last night... and I have been totally inspired by your adventures as portrayed in the film. I am looking forward to reading your blog regularly.
I am a photographer/writer/songwriter/activist.. now at the austere age of 60, but that doesn't really register in my brain, unless I pull an all-nighter and find myself struggling through the next day.
Julie, I must tell you. A friend brought me back a string of silvery pearls from the Philippines and I wear them as a reminder. We come from the seas and we will return again someday, dust on the wind... all of us. Very grounding and comforting, calming. We are all the same, none of us strangers in this journey.
In 1973 I opened a small "all natural" homecooking restaurant in Provincetown, with a dear friend of mine who is now in Santa Fe living the life of a brilliant but very undiscovered artist. Our restaurant was called "Vital Vittles." We made up many of our recipes and I am so sorry that we didn't write them down. The fishermen and oystermen used to bring us bushels of their catch, bartering for their meals to be served to them by the two young and lovely blonds who flitted about in their Ginger Rogers dresses, atop Minnie Mouse shoes, balancing pies and hot spiced rum ciders and soups and souffles. The food was, if I may say so myself, excellent!
Yes, we fed the town... it was an off season food fest. Musicians, artists, fishermen and lots of out of work folks... Often we got paid in food stamps and in turn, traded them back to our sympathetic food suppliers as payment. It was a beautiful thing. Now it could never happen, but back then we all felt everything was possible, so we made great things happen, as you did, with your Julia project.
So, Julie, I want to thank you for your Glorious Adventure. I will be an avid reader of your fantastic blog and do hope that the wonderful wild women who are inspired by you know that they too can create and achieve amazingly profound and brilliant lives.
I too married to a "saint"... We live outside of a city, in close proximity to our neighbors, the coyotees and deer and fishers and chipmunks, along with our two little dogs and a very popular strawberry patch. And I still love to cook!
Oh! Last but most certainly NOT least. Thank you to your husband for his encouraging you! We have all been made the richer for it.
Hi Julia, my name is Giannis and i'm from Corfu, a small island in Greece! I'm a barista (a person who makes coffee professionally)! Coffee is my love but cooking is my passion! I really enjoy cooking! i would love to learn more about cooking but my pocket is empty, so i try to learn in the internet! I've heard about your blog in the movie! Could please help me enter your "world" of people who love cooking?
Hi, i watched the Julie Julia Project movie.And i write an astrological analyze about julia,you and your project.May be you would like to read it so i want inform you about. Link is here http://dreamer319.blogspot.com/2010/06/dersimi-aldm.html Sorry about language.But may be you could translate by google translate.
I watched Julie and Julia and you and your story have inspired me so much. I can relate to to having a tiny apartment kitchen. You made the best of it and I think you did a great job.
Hi Julie! Your story inspires me so much! I'm a writer who lived in Astoria for a while, and I felt a lot of kinship with you in "Julie & Julia." Can you share some advice for young writers starting out?
My new blog for my creative nonfiction work is at http://oncebittenthriceshy.blogspot.com
Hey!!! Please don't bag on Utah until you talk to a recovering Mormon. I will give you some perspective as I am sure you can give me the same also. Email is jdslatter@gmail.com. Would love to debate but I am pretty liberal already. Just will give you a different point of view.
My family and I just watched your movie. It's very inspiring, and one of the better movies now a days because it has an interesting plot. Hope you are doing well!
I do believe you are a soiled and narcissistic whore. You may deserve the money but you don't deserve your poor husband. I hope he did not get an STD from you
Hi Julie, my name is Ingrid & I lived in Indonesia. So far away from u :) I just watch your movie last nite, Julie & Julia. @ 1st, I don't know what kind of movie is this, but what interesting is this is about cooking. OK, I'm not, even, an amateur cook, all I know just boil water & egg or make a cup of instant noodle, but like Julia Child & I assumed your husband, I really, really love to eat. I never know about Julia Child before, nor even you. But your movie gave me enough push to learn how to cook. Not to be a professional or famous like Julia & you, but at least, for my self, for my lovely husband & for my future children. Thank you so much :)
Oh, btw, I really like the part when u learn how to boil an egg & I really surprise when I visit your Julie/Julia's blog, it really look alike as the movie, lol.
Bonjour Julie !! J'espère que vous comprendrez mon message. Je m'appelle Muriel, je suis française. J'ai 37 ans et je ne sais pas cuisiner. Je viens de voir le film tiré de votre histoire, et j'ai trouvé votre défi extraordinaire !!! Je vais donc essayer de vous copier et de me lancer ce même défi. J'ai donc commandé le livre de Julia Child. Le défi sera double pour moi vu qu'il est écrit en anglais. N'est-ce pas drôle, une française qui apprend à cuisiner avec le livre d'une américaine qui explique la cuisine française ??!! Julia Child a été votre inspiratrice, vous êtes la mienne ! Amitiés.
Im a student from Hong Kong studying in Massachusetts for college! I've just watched the movie and I just lovved it..I am kind of a blogger myself, and I know that it's not easy to keep writing every day..especially you r not sure, really, if anyone is reading your stuff...!
anyway, congratulations on your success :) keep writing!!
Julie, I am local cooking foodie and wife of a cattle farmer. We sell natural Angus beef and I "hear" your request to eat meat from sources you know. I too eat vegitarian when I am out to restaurants. I am an omnivore for sure though. And I too suffered from a bad marriage and had an affair. And I am a wine-o. I feel we are kindred spirits....Cheers!
Hi! (and I would like to say hello to your husband hehe) I'm cecilia. I'm from Korea. I've seen your movie before bedtime. I love it!! So I tried to search your real blog.And finally I got it! It's am02:48 in korea.But I'm writing the comment for you in the dead of night. I'm happy to get your real blog. well..Please remember me !!!! Have a nice day Julia :)
Have a nice day Julia :)
Really enjoyed reading the interview :) Have a great day!
Hey Julia, my name is Mery Anne and I´m from Santiago de Chile. I don´t Know Inglish, so a try my best.
I been seeing all morning the movie" Julie And Julia" and Now I´m in tears, the movie, your story moved me so deep that neither you imagine.
I am a cook by vocation, study for it but I have never worked. I have 33 years, married 13, a daugther of 8 and a wonderful husband who supports me in everything, I tried to do many thing and still get nothing, since early this year I have been thinking to do and I hope to have more clarity to finally achieve something concrete.
Your project has inspired me so wish me luck
Much love and luck to you too
Mery Anne
"anesthetic and balm" just what I call some good red wine, I'm nursing now, so it will be a bit till next time!!
Maybe I'm a little (not so little) late. But I've finished yesterday the reading of you book and...what I can say? Maybe I'm not the right person to comment your book but in your pages there's a lot of...blood!
I've got to say that I'm vegetarian (an Italian vegetarian) and I'd like to make your, or better Julia's, recipes in a veg way. Could be an exciting challenge!
In the meantime I'd like to say that I loved your "style in the book" and since now I'll return very often to visit your page.
A presto!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Julie, great interview and so educational too, for instance the crushed box idea. i mean i have to do something when even the garbage men snicker in my general direction. i was curious if have you thought of tieing them up between old omaha steak catalogs. i think that might work. i'll give it a whirl and let you know if the snickering stops.
I have just read Julie and Julia for the first time. I am SO sorry to hear about Robert in your earlier Blog. When my sister's beloved dog Gus died I cried more than I did when my grandmother went (I know - that probably makes me a bad person - but she was nearly 90 and smoked and drank her way through life with aplomb and glee). I am currently reading your book out loud, accompanied by serious french wine and food to my family - My husband has laughed at every insight into the female mind - "NOW I get it !!!" and my kids just keep saying "are you SURE you aren't related to her, Mum?". My sister now has another lovely dog - Mac. He doesn't replace Gus because he is his own person, but he is also an addition to the family. I am sending you and Eric HUGS from England. I imagine you will think this is creepy (I would :)), but it is SO nice to hear about someone else whose house isn't pristine, whose temper isn't saintly and who is courageous enough to admit to it! You give ME courage and I thank you.
All the best
When does the wine become an addiction? Many people drink it daily, Many like it for its taste and have wines with their meals. I guess it is also used to give the system some relaxation. Does it help the creative processes?
I am Mexican, take some time to read your book but the reality is that it's incredible, congratulations and good interview ..
great interview
Benny & Lily
Hi Julie! I'm Paula, I am from Argentina. I watched the movie Julie&Julia a couple days ago and I wanted to say I loved it! Not only for Meryl Streep's portraying which was fabulous, but I loved the story itself too. I have never heard of Julia Child before this movie, she wasn't known here where I live. Thanks to the succes of your book and the movie we could all know her story.. and your too! I was checking your blog and I want to say I love your way of writing :)
I apologize for my English mistakes :))
Lots of hugs ♥
hey julie,
what is better than cooking is what is being a glimmer of hope for someone in a country you hardly know i think..you became my sun shine this morning! I'm from Turkey,and i watched 'julie&julia' last night.. I'm soo impressed, i almost cried in the scene that u dropped the chicken, and messed up the kitchen:) What is julia to you, is what is you are to me.. I never could finish what i have started, and i'm already 24. My relationship with my kitchen is soo like yours, I'm living in this small apartment with a kithen even smaller than yours..and i have this boring full time job, and i am home at 20:00 if i am lucky..and the only thing makes me relax at that time of the day is cooking, even if i dont feel like eating.. I would be glad to share turkish cuisine recipes with you..
i just adore you, and this movie. i'm pretty sure being a fan of you will just change my life.
PS: excuse my english:) my recipes are much better than it :)
with all my love,
Hey Julie! Can you send a kiss to Brazil??
We love you!
Here we say "Nós te amamos!!"
I have just watched the film and loved it! Just wanted to say hi!
Sarah :)
Hi Julie! I saw your movie last week and really enjoyed it. Now I am reading your blog that inspired it and then am going to read thru this one. Whew!
I enjoy cooking and you have inspired me to get Julia Childs cook book and try out the ones that sound like things my family would like. I do not inspire to be as ambitious as you and cook all the recipes tho! :)
Also, the next time I head out to the book store I intend to buy your book Cleaving. I'm looking forward to reading that too.
Your Fan,
from Florida
i have a ?- read your book, saw the movie and enjoyed both. am reading through mastering the art of f.c. did you eat everything you cooked from the book? the sweetbreads, veal, etc. sorta has me grossed out-just curious-
Hello Julie
I am French and live in England
I have seen (3 times ) the Julia Julie film I loved it and THANK so much for introcuducing Julia Child's world to me
I have just read My life in France and found out things about my own country Facinating
In this book she talks about documentries she and crew filmed in various Bakeries , butchers etc... in France I wondered if you knew how to get hold of these ? I would love to watch one
And Well done to you for starting and finishing your Julia cooking project
Nathalie x
Julie: Greatings from Madrid, Spain. I enjoyed with Julie & Julia (film). You´re an inspiration for many bloggers arond the world. All the people has ideas and feelings to show another persons. If you want be pictures to my country visit my blog. Good luck with your books!!
I am a little worried. I responded to the women and drinking blog to say I am Jukie-I mean Julie. I read J&J over my vacation in Costa Rica and then noticed that you are a Taurus. So am I. I am feeling squirmy over the similar combination of sweet and salty. Please tell me you got another dog.
Julie, I wrote a long comment on your blog, but it some how got erased. So I'm only going to say the most important part of my other comment. You are the Julia of today. your an inspiration to all who find Joy in cooking and in lets not forget good food!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hi Julie! I've just finished reading your book ... One fan more? Sorry, i bought it in a used bookstore ^^ buy salt butter or new books, i chose! Sorry cause i'm not sure you will have any copyright moneyback on it for a new pyjama or vodka bottle... Anyway, it was a great & fun afternoons i spend reading you! so thanks! Now, time is to scan your blog!
A bientôt _ cécile from France!
Hi Julie, I live in Olympia, Washington and I love your blog so much. I am a huge fan. when my day is going bad and my son is screaming I know, that I can turn to your blog and see that my life isn't the only one that is hard...you went through alot to accomplish what you have and I respect you soooo much... I also am a fan of Julia Child and I wish I had time to spend a year with Julia and cook with Julia but instead I see Julia through your eyes. please email sometime I would love to hear from you. shortsweet9@hotmail.com
hey im jealous of anthony, cuz i forgot to give my mail, gulbenatalay@gmail.com, i would die to hear from u:)
My wife and I just finished watching your movie, of course we LOVED IT!! It was fun and inspiring.
Did you ever get to meet Julia and did you become friends, my wife wants to know. I would like to know if Julia ever understood how your work has pumped new life into her work that is now reaching around the world, to places and to a generation that never knew her. You have brought her back from the "Cooking Kitchens of Heaven" and she is re-entering and talking and cooking in the kitchen's of people all around the world.
We both would like to know what you are going to do next?
Now I need to go to the kitchen and get a glass of wine to have with my sumptuous soup. Movie has been over for about 1/2 hour and my mouth is still supper salivating, and I am not a food horse, but I like good food.
Best Wishes to you and Eric.
Curt and Francine Fremont Calif
Hello Julia
I want you to read this one. It's 3:43 am and i just finished watching Julie&Julia, the movie. I am already a big fan of yours. It was so cool the way you engaged all the readers. I am from Pakistan and for a guy like me writing to you is kind of awkward thing, I haven't written to any author before, never left a comment on blogs. I have never even boiled a glass of water, my mum does it all but I didn't know cooking could be so much fun :D
From now onward I am going to follow every single blog of yours.
I'd appreciate if you write me back and guide how to write. I really want to write.
Thank you!
Waqas Hussain
Hi Julia i just saw the movie about you and julia child on 4/10/10
hello julie
my name is kelly brown and I live in Rhode Island. I do not cook, but I am an artist. I may not know anything about cooking but i do know about having a dream. I just want to say thank you for sharing your story with the world because I appreciate you and what you wanted to do and have accomplished. Thank you for giving me hope, thank you for making me feel that much less insignificant. And even if we both do different things I feel close to you in a way. Thank you
OMG, I just watched the movie. Loved it and how clever to combine your story with Julia Childs' biography. Absolutely love the concept and loved the movie.
I couldn't help but google you and now it looks like I have a pile of reading in front of me. Love your humour and love your potty mouth.... can I say, looks to me like you are normal!
OMG, just watched the movie and loved it. Love the whole idea of telling your story whilst at the same time telling Julia Childs biography - how clever!
I couldn't help myself, had to google you and found your blog so looks like I have a lot of reading in front of me. Love your work!
Watched Julie and Julia for the second time last night (saw it in the theater first!) and loved/enjoyed it even more the second time around. My husband was laughing at me because I can't seem to get over the fact that in the end you never got to meet Julia, and weren't sure her actual thoughts were about your project. HOWEVER, through that bittersweet moment I realize the purpose of your journey was beyond trying to gain validation from the lady herself :).
Kudos to you - as an aspiring writer myself (my Aunt says we all have at least one good book in us) you have inspired me in a big way!
Love your honesty and authenticity!
Cheers and Bon Appetit,
Jen C.
p.s. current fav (and inexpensive) wine is Cupcake Malbec (Argentiniant).
Your honesty is without a doubt, inspiring. Sometimes it takes just 1 person to give another person an "idea" and that, you have done. Thank you, for having the balls to do what you want to do and make no apology for it. It takes courage and guts to put yourself out there the way you have and so again, thank you. And yes, saw the movie and it was great too. ;-)
Your blog is now on my favorites list. You are inspiring to me. Love Julie and Julia... made me `Bing`you in search for your blog. This is where I ended up... planning on trying to write a blog of my own... no idea on what... but I just want to write now. Thank you
Interesting blog - it's first one I've ever actually looked at (everyone talks about "blogging"). Just saw the J&J movie on Directv - only caught the last 45 minutes so will have to set it to come on again - liked what I saw. will read your book(s).
Karen in central Florida
charli at strato dot net
Hi Julie, my name is Elena. I just saw your movie for the first time. It was great, really. Actually I saw it three times,yes it's that good. You are so inspiring, I wish I could cook thru Julia's cook book but I can't afford it right now. Anyway, thanks for sharing yourself with me.
After reading the interview,
I feel like I have to drink more wine or a really high alcohol content of beer. I wonder what your favorite glass of wine is. I like Pinot or Reisling.
Hello Mrs Powell, my name is Roxanne Brown and I also have a blog. I've been a long time reader of yours, and in fact you're the reason for my blog to be created. I took you main principal, write about what you love and i did. I don't have many followers but I write every week. I would appreciate your opinion from one writer to another.(www.roxietellsall.blogspot.com)
Your faithful follower,
I love the way you write. I just saw Julie and Julia and was inspired to e-stalk you and find your blog, which then inspired me to actually follow through on my promise to use my blog as a restaurant review type thing. keep writing. the world needs your voice.
WONDERFUL interview! Enjoy that you can be so forthright. Not enough people in the world will come straight out and tell it like it really is!
Hello there Julia. I'm sixteen years old and the Friday I come home from school I turn on my t.v. and I see the movie Julie And Julia is on and now I have been watching it 3 days in row. I am absolutely inspired by this movie. Inspired to try and cook those meals from Julia Child's book!And also going to buy your book! Thank you so much and I hope you are doing perfectly fine!
You are truly amazing. Thank you for making me smile, I really needed it.
Dear Julie,
I have just seen Julie and Julia and you have inspired me to write something that I never would have written had it not been for you. I would love to share it with you sometime because I need ideas about what to do with it. Maybe use it to start my own blog?
Hi Julie,
I just saw the movie for the first time and had to google you right after. I loved the story even more when I realized it was pretty close to what actually happened. I am 21, and about to graduate College in May. I am planning on going to Law School next year but have a real passion for cooking. I would love to go to cooking school but it seems like my family probably wouldn't support that decision. Your story has made me realize that I can totally exploit my passion for cooking and still have what society calls "a real life" during the day. I got the Julia Child collection of cooking books for Christmas and made a few recipes. So far the poulet roti is my favorite.
Anyways just wanted to leave a comment on here because I appreciate what you are doing.
I'm a little late to the party, perhaps, but I just finished your book, Julie, and I can aboslutely relate to how your bleaders got so attached to you - I feel like I know you and, I'm ashamed to say, I only just found the blog this minute because I had to tell you - HE'S ON HOUSE! He-whose-name-I-can't-recall.. from Delores Clayborne and the Pecan Cake and the cookies and the play. He's on House. Right now. I saw him and immediately thought "I've got to tell Julie! What if she misses it!". Julie. Like I can call you by your first name, 'cause we're tight like that. Yeah. I get it now. ;)
hi your so amazing i love your blog i also have a blog and i inspired it from you! would you look at it and post a comment and share it with your friends its called cooking and a caring
Wish to be happy in LIFE,
Mohamad :)
I may sound like a broken record here but just watched Julie and Julia the other night and loved it so what did I do?
I went out to the shops and bought volume 1 and 2 of the mastering the art of french cooking and then proceeded that night to cook my first french meal of fish poached in white wine, sauteed potatoes and buttered beans and carrots -
AWESOME and thank you very much for inspiring me to do this
Julie. I am positive you get a ton of posts and emails like this one, but I felt the urge to tell you this myself.
In January I watched Julie and Julia. I loved it. I was inspired. I was not inspired to cook, but to commit myself to do something for me.. and to keep myself accountable, I have been blogging about it. I am training for a marathon. Yeah, not as fun as cooking, but I have some baby weight to take off.
Anyway, long story short since starting my blog great things are happening. I was invited to blog about it on the Seattle P.I.com (formerly seattle's newspaper, now it's just an online version) and a magazine just offered me an article. I mean, I don't think I'm going to get any book deals, and that wasn't the goal..but people like reading my journey. I love what I am doing (the running and blogging) and I have you to thank for the inspiration. You are amazing. Love your blog. :)
Hello, i just saw the movie and i loved it!! i am a chef from Rhode Island and i love how u feel about food. I just wanted to know towards the end of the movie your character says that mrs. childs doesn't like what u did can u tell me why cause i can't seem to understand why she wouldn't approve of what u were doing.. isnt this what she wanted? a house wife like yourself becoming happy to get up in the morning to cook? please write back.. thank you.. David Squillante
Hi Julie,
I just bought a string of pearls :D
My colleague Sinziana keeps asking for a reading copy of your book from W. Ag., but I suppose they sold the Romanian rights by now ...
Hello !!... Julia last night I saw for the first time the film Julie and Julia .... it was really fabulous !!... and look a bit, now I find myself writing on your blog! Really weird! : D
However you were really great! .. Continues! ... Hello and good luck!
Elisa from Gela (Sicily)
Hello !!... Julia last night I saw for the first time the film Julie and Julia .... it was really fabulous !!... and look a bit, now I find myself writing on your blog! Really weird! : D
However you were really great! .. Continues! ... Hello and good luck!
Elisa from Gela (Sicily)
I just read your book, no t.v, dreaming in the space between my ears and insistently reading the same books for 10 years has left me a little sheltered, but I was delighted to discover it. Julia was a spitfire. I have lived in Santa Barbara all my life and coinsidentaly and named Julia also. I first met her at the ripe age of 16 while working at a restaurant in town. My first day they asked me to come in at 7 in the morning for the breakfast shift, undelighted I showed up, sleep in eyes and was almost had a heart attack when I saw my first table. There she was, the woman, the myth, the legend in all her glory. I was quick to take every breakfast shift from here on out, every Saturday she would come, 7 in the morning and have eggs benedict, hash browns, and fruit. I even turned her onto eggs benedict with regular bacon and avocado. I stayed working there for way too many years mainly because I enjoyed her sarcasm, sense of humor, and wit all rolled up in this magnificent 80 something year old woman. She stopped coming, and I stopped working there, but a few years later while at breakfast I heard a familiar cackle and turned my attention and was greeted by that warm and familiar face. To this day, one of my most proud moments has to be introducing my mother to Julia at breakfast and having her smile up at us and take my hand, plant a kiss on my cheek and wish me well. I felt like someone for that moment when she said my name the same as hers. She was such a gift, as are you. Thank you.
Oh Julie, after seeing Julie & Julia you inspired me to purchase Julia Child's cookbook one of these days and try some of her recipes. I was never a big fan of Julia Child because her voice was so annoying, however I did find her personality quite endearing. I procrastinated in seeing the movie because I was not a fan of Julia Child and now I wish I would have seen it sooner. Many people I have spoken to felt the same way until they saw the movie. Now my feelings toward Julia Child are of complete regret and wish I would have paid more attention to her while she was showing viewers her scrumptious dishes. Congratulations on your success and for the inspiration you have bestowed on to me. Maybe I will turn into a great cook instead of the typical farm girl home cooked meals that I currently make. May I ask you some questions? 1. Did you ever get a chance to meet Julia Child before she passed away? 2. Did you like duck before you started cooking from Julia’s book? I have never tried duck and I’m wondering if I would like it. If it is too gamy tasting I have a feeling I won’t like it. Do you think I could switch from duck to chicken or would it ruin the dish?
Thank you for your inspiring ambition!
Your friend, Alina (Ali)
P.S. Pet’s are family members that are wearing a fur coat. So, sorry for your loss.
Wow you really are an amazing woman :) It's been forever since you published the book J&J and it seems like ages for me since I saw the movie and you are still continuing to inspire people! I don't think it will ever end for you. I wonder if you had any idea the impact you would have on people all around the world when you started?
hi sounds nice-
crap i just posted a comment that took me forever to write on the wrong flipping blog post :P so i copied and pasted and here it is:
Hi :) Even though you probably won't take the time to read this especially since i am the 58th commentor and are 8 days late after your post, i would like to thank you for writing your book. It was so much fun to read- and trust me, i dont read books easily, I even got to read it for one of my many book reports this year. Your book was wonderful and was realative to Christians as well as Athiests sooo thanks!
So, thank you thank you thank you for writing and continuing to blog. And remember - all us Christians aren't so bad
-a 7th grader in Florida
Sawasdee (Thai hello) from Bangkok.
My name is Aom and I'm a big Julie & Julia movie fan.
Both Julia and your story are simply inspiring and fun.
I will read your books in the near future but will read your blog from time to time.
Julie, just watched the movie and read a little of your original blog. Fascinating! I am from south Louisiana and wanted to tell you of the most fabulous place to eat...if you're ever in town :) Rockefeller's in Ponchatoula, Louisiana. Ponchatoula is about 35 minutes east of Baton Rouge (my hometown). At this quaint restaurant you will find the best of south Louisiana cuisine. The entire menu is delicious. But may I suggest the Shrimp Pasta Delacroix....ahh...impeccable! For dessert....Strawberry Angelique...which is ... angel food cake French toast, topped with fresh sliced Ponchatoula strawberries, strawberry cream cheese, strawberry syrup, whipped cream, and powdered sugar...my God....I've made French toast all my life ... but never with Angel food cake!!!! Should you go ... give me a buzz ... love that place!
hi Julia!
I'm from Brazil and just watched the movie and read a few of your blog.
I'm not a cook person. But I love all about kitchen! I enjoy beeing with my friends for dinners!
I'm not sure if you have ever been in Brazil before, but if you haven't you should come. For sure you're gonna love here!
I'm adding your blog to my favorites so I can visit you everytime you post something new!
Um beijo!
Hi Julia my name is Mari and I am a frustrated mother and wife dealing with many obsticles in my life and just like your book and movie cooking is my escape from sadness it brings me hope that my life could change for the better thank you for reminding us how great Julia Child really was and how happy she made us feel
Bon Apetit!
Hi Julia my name is Mari and I am a frustrated mother and wife dealing with many obsticles in my life and just like your book and movie cooking is my escape from sadness it brings me hope that my life could change for the better thank you for reminding us how great Julia Child really was and how happy she made us feel
Bon Apetit!
Hi Julia ...
I am Brazilian and I dont speak or write in English ...
Watch the movie and I was very excited, because I feel like you in beggining... Still do not know what I love in life, I'm kinda lost. His story is a lesson of life for all people ...
I loved meeting her, even through a movie ...
Hi, Julie--
If it's really you, I'd love to read your original blog about the year of cooking dangerously. Where is it? My searches are so far turning up nothing. Thanks.
hey julie!I'm Shahedeh from Iran,yesterday i saw Julie & julia film!that's really impress me!I want to see that film with my husband agin!your behavaior attract me and have influence my mind!according the film you should have 38 now!i appriciate your morale and your stamina!i learn your to choose short terms goals to get out of rutine and boring life!
I had B.S in applide physics(solied state).but i want to be a counceller and want to be attend in entrance exams for M.S on that field.and that's my new aim,i want to start it from now!
by the way!I have a weblog in farsi(persian)and yesterday i wrote there about you the address is http://shahedeh62.persianblog.ir
and i Had and have another blog in english the adress is http://shahedeh.blogspot.com
i'm really happy to contact with you a great woman!
be happy and successful every time!
pray me to become a good counceller!
I hope to see you one day!
I am a mom of two teens who has turned her 13 year old IDEA into a business. Check out alphabetchef.net or alphabetchef.org and let me know what you think. Especially moms and teachers. Trying to teach young minds about healthy eating choices in a fun and entertaining way. Email comments to thechef@alphabetchef.net or blog on the site. Thanks, hope you like it.
I have become a fan since the GREAT MOVIE... Do you plan on doing another cooking blog? Maybe with another chef from Julia's time?
Hope the Q&A went well.
I just finished reading J&J. Dear god woman, that was a rollercoaster ride of a book. I am exhausted just reading it! Thank you for doing all that so that we don't have to. (I may steer clear of lobsters for a wee while yet)
Thanks again! It was an awesome read. Thanks to you I also now want artichokes.
Hmmmmmmm...yes, M-D 20/20 was my drink of choice in high school in North Tejas (Dallas), when I drank. I did swear off boxed wine a few years ago, though, after going to a wedding in the Upper Midwest. Serious overload on the sulfites...
Dear Julie:
I love your book, J&J--People clamor all over the eat pray love author and stuff, but I think that you by far is the better writer. I am 29 going on the ugly 30, I live in a dead end world, and also have PCOS. I feel that you were able to take something in your life and were able to control it and focus on such an awesome task--I have never tried to do french cooking--but I absolutely love this and its inspiring. Thank you for this book and the humor and honesty that you really cant find in other places. I am striving towards my purpose and I hope I can find it. Thank you!!!
Hello. Just wanted you to know our whole family ,teenage son even loved your move, and you have moved me to start Kims bookstore blog. WHen you rmovie first came out me and the two other local used bookstore got people in everyday who wanted to buy your book on the cheap. It was just like everyone woke up one moring and said,"You mean that room with the stove and refrigerator, I can cook in it? Thats what its for?" Enjoy . Kim
thank you thank you again and again so much for the wonderful reading of you book. i am just a midwesterner now living in tucson arizona that wished she had been givin the education to use such great language skills and write a book. i couldnt put down your book after watching the movie and demanding my husband take me immediately to the library to rent your book. i so enjoyed your expansive vocabulary and entire tone of your book. i only wish i had picked up on your blog in the beginning. you see, i had the wonderful opportunity to visit Bath last year at this time (4/30-5/3/2009)and would had looked upn your friend and her husband just to purchase your book. anyway, thank you again for such a literary high i got reading your book. keep up the great work.
Julie ...you are wonderful. Thank you for your book, your movie and introducing me again to Julia. Keep on cooking!!!!
Hello. I just subscribed (via RSS) to your blog. I saw the movie last night. I hope you are satisfied with the movie, because I certainly was. I'm already a big fan of yours.
I'm 49 years old, and my parents told me how much Julia Child changed their world, and I feel it has changed mine as a result. We are all francophiles. I also like how her journey and your story is about conquering fears.
I grew up in Manhattan.
Tom Reingold
Maplewood, NJ, USA
Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your story!
Your blog is not bad. Detailed and interesting, I enjoyed reading it.
As my Texas friend once said. Stay sweet.
Hey Julie, I was so excited to read Cleaving, I was longing for the laugh out loud funny (and I love your potty mouth!) that I found in Julie & Julia, and I'm so sad to say that I was totally disappointed in it. You seem so different now and I did not see this coming at all...I was so shocked to see what your realtionship with your husband has turned into, it seemed you were so happy in Julie and Julia. I thought that Eric deserved his own "thank you" at the end of the book and i couldnt believe you had the nerve to lump a thank you to him and D together, doesn't he deserve more then that after all you have put him through? I wish you all the best and like I said before, I am a HUGE fan Julie & Julia ~ Alison
You must be absolutely tired of reading this but I just watched the movie (I'll buy and read the book soon) and I must say that I admire you. Congratulations on finding something you like to do and changing your life.
Hi Julie ! My name is Jade, i'm french.
I've just seen the movie Julie & Julia and i really enjoyed it.
Your story made me want to learn cooking, whereas i've never had any attraction for it !
Now i'm going to read the whole blog "The Julie/Julia Project" (and this one too) and i would like to try some recipes..
The problem is that "Mastering the art of french cooking" is not translated in french, so it will be difficult for me ^^
So thank you for your blog and congratulations for your challenge !
Je vous envoie plein de bisous de France =)
While its good morning to you, its good night from me here in little old New Zealand. Its midnight and tonite I cooked chicken breast in cream sauce and it was delicious and side dished with risotto which I also made by myself. Last night I made the cheesy potatoe, Julie do you think if I did half potatoe and half sweet potatoe (or kumera) which we call them down here in NZ that might add a nice touch?
nice talking
Julie, I am 60 pages from the end of Cleaving and was saying to a friend "I hope she doesn't give up drinking at the end of the book..." and I am glad to see you have not.
You and I need to split a couple bottles of wine and find out how you were in my head. There are paragraphs in Cleaving that come directly out of my brain--and no, I have never been a butcher :)
Anyway, thanks for the good book (though I was expecting a *lot* more bdsm...) If you ever find yourself in Minneapolis and in need of a drink, I will totally hook you up!
So I have had the movie for some time and just decided to watch it. It was very good. It obviously has changed your life. You have a page on Wikipedia. I trust you two are still together. You should probably write a cook book because I am not doing what you did or buying the book. I watch FoodTV all the time so you should do a show on FoodTV. Julia Child was on TV so what are you waiting for?
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Hi Julie! I Just watched julie and julia and your so freakin' awsome! MORE POWER TO YOU!
btw - i have been told that NZ eqivalent of a lobster (crayfish) have no central nerve system, so like with a every day fish they are spiked between the eyes to kill them, that doesnt work with crayfish. The most humane way to for a better word "Kill" them and the most humane is to put them in your freezer where the cold sends them into hibination and they simply go off into a deep sleep - doesnt take long and they dont feel the hot water!
I just got my April issue of Vogue (I called CondeNast: "I subscribed to Domino Magazine and when it folded you started sending me Glamour which I'm embarassed to have in my bathroom let alone on my coffee table. Something else, please?" "Well, we could send you Vogue..." "...mmmmmOk!")
So better late than never, just got the April issue, loving your article. As a fellow exercisephobe, I'm inspired. Thanks!
Hi Julie,
I just finished reading Julie & Julia for the second time and look forward to the movie. I don't think you curse, drink, or smoke too much. You're hilarious and brave and I wish I had the guts to cook even 1/4 of the recipes in MtAoFC. I'm looking forward to reading Cleaving!
Hi Julia, because of you and your lovely film I finally got into the blog's world: l'air du temps".
Your project has inspirded me to be somebody who will write things about life and its movements.
Let's see...
Thank's a lot!!
Hi Julia, because of you and your lovely film I finally got into the blog's world: l'air du temps".
Your project has inspirde me to be somebody who will write things about life and its movement.
Let's see...
Thank's a lot!!
(*) somebody from anywhere.
The movie is good. The book is fantastic. The AUDIO BOOK is the f-ing bomb! You get to hear Julie read her own book. I listened to it in my car on the way to work in the morning and actually...wait for it... laughed out loud!
Now, I'm channeling her in my head. Like I drove by (of all things) a sheep farm. Hundreds of sheep and two alpacas. The sheep all stood together and the alpacas (just two of them) were standing by themselves. I actually heard Julie's voice saying:
"What the f? The Alpacas are too good for the sheep? Talk about racism. Mind you the black sheep were hanging in the same hood with the white sheep..."
Wow! I just finished Cleaving. This very moment, over a few afternoon glasses of red. I have to admit, I loved you and I hated you at times, but I also feel this way about myself. Yet, I beg to differ when it comes to your theory of "love vs. respect". After reading your new book, I love you less, but respect you more! Overall, I think you rock for your honesty and cajones! This is a fucked up crazy world, and relationships are SO not cut and dry. Thanks for being YOU! 'K, maybe I'm just DDD (drunk during the day) and should avoid corny comments. Keep on writing, sistah!
Hi Julie. Just stopped by to say hi and I read the interview and very much enjoyed it. I will be buying "Cleaving" as soon as it is out or if it's out now, I'll check Amazon. Today was one of those day I needed inspiration and so I popped the dvd in and watched and listened to the movie again. I think this is the 10th time I have watched it and each time I catch something I missed the last time. Hey, enjoy the wine and a hello to your Eric. Sometimes things tend to go awry but hang in there, the best is yet to be.
I enjoyed the interview very much! I am now going to be following your blog. My relatives had me see the movie last week as I am a blogger and the movie kept reminding them of me. You are an incredible woman and my husband is begging me to change my blog to a cooking blog so that I can learn to cook ha! I am glad that I found your blog though and will continue to follow. Hope you will stop by sometime!
Julie I am a fellow blogger in need of help
right now I am getting up to date with your current blog but as you have with many your project inspired me to lose weight and post about it. so I ask the tool showed in the movie inspired by your original project Days left/ recipies left does it exisit somewhere if so help
fellow blogger
i started writing my adventures as a sunday brunch cook--determined to continue til i've completed a year of it. i've never cooked beyond friends or family, sometimes there are 20 people and sometimes 60 people show up for brunch. Taking it on seemed like it would be fine--no problem!--sometimes my lack of hubris is frightening.
i've been doing this since last October. today i had my first real breakdown over it. it's not my only job. it's way harder than i ever imagined it would be. today i just want to quit. i don't know how you did it, julie. my cook's hat's off to you!
Hello Julia,
I'm Jessica from Portugal, it's 5.47 AM and I just finished to see "Julie&Julia"'s movie.
How can I express myself?
I'm a cuisine lover.
I'm studying Biology and I'll finish this year my degree. During this three years of my course I felt so incomplete, with a big hole inside because I didn't have a meaning on my life. Why, I wondered... Because I dindn't do anything that complete my life in terms of innerself, objectives and dreams at 100%. I was really depressed and as I live out of my hometown I don't have mum to cook... So I started to cook because I REALLY love to do it. I started to cook and I noticed that I'm a good cooky! And I'm sorry for the modesty, but nowadays I'm pride! And I started without reading recipes.
I found the "love" of my life and I started to be really full filled! Now I "eat up" books of the gods of the kitchen for me: Jamie Oliver and Nigella Lawson.
Now I have a new dream that I know that will be the masterpiece of my life.
Apply to the Chef apprenticeship of Jamie's Oliver.
But I have a big problem.
I don't have money to study on a good school Chef but I'm not (greatfully I'm not) a disavantadge girl as he asks to.
I'm on a big concern... Could I ever complete my dream? Learn with my kitchen idols? If I won't, what could I do?
I hope you answer me. You're the better person to ask for help. Really admire you.
You're the example of the greatest women on the world.
Wish you the best luck in your life.
Yours faithfully,
Jessica Martins
Hi Julie,
On a whim (must do something new in 2010) I decided to start a blog this year (http://blotschersrant.blogspot.com/). Being an IT-moron, reliant on my elder son, I didn't get going until 31 January, but have been doing it pretty much every day since then.
One of the exciting things about writing a blog is to discover how big, rich and varied the "blogsphere" is. And then last night I watched the video of Julie and Julia. I loved it.
I have now tagged your blog on mine, and look forward to reading you in due course.
Kind regards,
Walter Blotscher
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Hi Julia. I´m from Portugal. You know, we have a big tradition of portuguese wine. It´s one of our treasures. In fact, portuguese wine (the good one) is one of the best wines in the world.
I know it´s not easy to find portuguese wine in US, only porto wine, but we have a lot more.
Marta Mourão, Portugal
Hello Julie,
Today it's raining and i am sad. I rent the film "Julie/Julia" and i feel better!
Now the sun shine, and i'am cooking a cake! Because me too, i love to cook. Thank you to have share your project.
Véronique, from Marseille in France.
Hi Julie,
Don't know if you answer questions, but I have one. Can you tell me how to bruise a pea? I can't find it listed under terminology. Julia says to mix with sugar, salt and of course, butter. Suggests that "by handfuls, I bruise them roughly with the sugar, butter & salt mixture." How the hell do I do that? I can bruise a banana, a peach and a tomato but peas?? They have no ego, so lashing out at them won't do. Put them in a bag and throw them against the wall? Stirring them roughly? That's my best guess, but found myself asking "What would Julie do?" Your thoughts on the subject would be most helpful. Thank you.
P,S. Hubby & I also lost a pet in January. My most heartfelt condolences!
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Hi Julie - I first came to your work with the Julie and Julia audiobook, which I thoroughly enjoyed due to my similar life circumstances at the time (boring, government job). I loved the movie, of course.
I just finished listening to the audiobook of Cleaving. It was a painful, yet compelling story. How brave Eric must be on so many fronts. I enjoyed it, though at the outset I was prepared to hate you by the end. But, I didn't. What you wrote was something human, messy and "real"--at least as real as a memoir can truly be. I wish you a lot of luck in slaughtering your demons (and some lambs, pigs and cows as well). Thank you again for your honesty and grace as a writer. I look forward to your forthcoming novel.
Hello Julia,
my name is Marta. I'm 25 and I live near Lisbon (Portugal).
Yesterday I saw the movie "Julie and Julia" for the first time. I gave it to my mother on Mother's Day, because we both really enjoy cooking. It's like a therapy...
Anyway, next step: buy your book!
Thank you for being such an inspiration to us.
I wish you all the best and keep cooking! :)
Wow, how exciting. Ive just finished seeing the movie and now tucked into the book and then, when doing some blogging myself, found your blog! I'm not a stalker just really excited by being able to continue the journey, so to speak.
Thank you, after cooking for 3 under 5, I've forgotten why I enjoy cooking, but now I am inspired. Maybe not French, but will certainly expand my horizons.
Thanks Julie
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Hey Julie!
I'm sure you've heard this all the time...But I'm a great fan of "The Julie/Julia Project". I've just found your blog which I already follow and I'm looking forward to reading your posts pretty often.
Have a great day! Greetings from México! :)
Hi Julia,
We just saw Julie and Julia, and came here enjoy your blog. I'm from Salvador, Bahia, Brasil.
Talking about drinks, I guess you've heard about Caipirinha. It's a local drink, the tradicional one is made by lemon, sugar and cachaça(a nacional alcoolic drink). But you can make it with Vodka and any fruit that you want.
3 cuted strawberry ( you must cut it small as it can pass trough a straw)
sugar (your taste)
You mash the sugar with the cuted strawberry
Add sliced ice and Vodka.
That is it. You have a Strawberry caipiroska.
Taris and Italva
Hello Julie, I am Kathy from Cove, Arkansas. Just finished watching your movie "Julie @ Julia" and I enjoyed it so much. My 19 year old son enjoys cooking. He and I cook meals for the family together quite often. I think following your example would be a wonderful way to inspire my son to grow his interest. Congratulation on all your success and thank you for sharing your passion with the world!
Hey Julie xb
I've just finished reading your book, and I just loved *-*
Oh my god, it's fantastic *-*
I just can't stop read, it's addicted xD
P.s: I'm a portuguese girl.
Hi Julie, my name is Sara, and I'm a PhD student that was in desperate need of a hobby outside of my schoolwork to keep me sane. After watching my best friend run the Boston Marathon and seeing the movie Julie and Julia in the same weekend, I knew what I was going to do: teach myself to cook and to run. I started a blog to chronicle my runs as well as my cooking (although I'm trying to learn how to cook healthy meals that aren't terribly complex) and I hope you will read it once in a while :-) Thanks for being an inspiration! Sara, runningwithteaspoons.blogspot.com
My sister and I just finished watching your movie, Julie and Julis and we loved it. You have to settle a disagreement that we are having. Did you really cook all of Julia's 524 recipes or did you make that up for good story telling. We have to know.
Disagreeing Sisters
I just watched the julie/Julia movie and you come across as a real cunt. I can see why Childs wasn't impressed with you .
Hello Julia,
my name is Silvana and I loved your initiative on your recipes on Julie Child - congratulations...
so I thought I would run this past you as I am sure you will be interested - have you heard about EATALY - a http://www.eataly.it/welcome_eng.lasso
which is known as the world's largest Italian high-quality food market?
Ther are various stores in Italy but the flagship store is based in Turin, North of Italy and is an amazing experience - I was there yesterday and wanted to write about it.
Combined with high-quality products from specialised producers from Italy -EATALY which offers you a unique user experience letting you buy as well as savour these products at the same time !! (being in Turin where they are famous for their meats, I couldn't resist the tagliata with roast potatoes - delicious!) in one of their six restaurants within the space of EATALY.
Combined with this is the opportunity to rummage through super fresh fruit & vegetables in their simulated market stall - very authentic, skim through tailored, cookery books for all ages, receive special discounts for pensioners, carry out cookery courses ON THE PREMISES in their specialised training rooms with add-on kitchens with renowned chefs and savour delicious ice-cream and drink after meal coffee.... all of high quality and with very reasonable prices.
EATALY is opening on the 1st August 2010 in New York off 5th Avenue - with this type of slow food filosophy - how do you think Americans will take to having an EATALY on their doorstep?
Love to hear your views.
have a wonderful eat well drink well day :-)
@Disagreeing Sisters: I really did it. That's why it's called a memoir and not a novel! Maybe not the sanest decision I ever made, but it all worked out for the best....
@Robert - just a hint, sweetie. Calling a stranger a cunt is kind of the definition of cuntiness. Which kinda destroys any intention to hurt. Just sayin'....
Also, a cunt is warm, welcoming and wonderful. Nothing wrong with a good cunt. Face it, it's where everyone starts off!
As a 2cents kind of comment - screw the meanies and haters - I've been following your work for several years now and still think you'd be an awesome person to drink/smoke/cook with.
(to the aforementioned meanies) Pick a metaphor (people in glass houses... until you've walked a mile in her navy faile pumps...) and internalize it.
Julie, I look forward to your next project.
~Erin in PA
Hello! i am from Brazil. I´m at home now and watched the movie about Julie and Julia...well, the history was fantastic...i loved it...Great work!
Hello! i am from Brazil. I´m at home now and watched the movie about Julie and Julia...well, the history was fantastic...i loved it...Great work!
Cookwitch - I'm entirely in agreement. I've actually been wanting to rehabilitate "cunt" for years....
That still doesn't tell me how to bruise a pea!
Leaves me unbruised & pealess I suppose!
Rock on Julie! ;)
@ Julie - I now have an image of a vagina with a sign saying FREE MEEEEE!
Ok, so it's a weird place in my head.
But quite right, it's OUR damned word!
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Hey Julia, I´m from Brazil and I just wanna say that your book and the film are amazing!
The real project was and still is a surreal idea, because you showed empirically for everyone that if want something and go for it, you can get it!
Congratulations, and "nice to meet you"!
PS: I love to cook! ;)
Julie, I am many years your senior and I find it refreshing that someone of your generation not only knew who Julia Child was, but was also in awe of her accomplishments. I grew up watching Julie on PBS. I can remember imitating her as a child. She was inspiring to many people. Your novel and then the movie that followed have brought 2 things to the public: a new awareness of Julia and a new movement of young cooks reentering the kitchen! Bravo young lady!
I drank a lot of cheap Portuguese wine, too, while I was writing my dissertation... Academics are a lot of high functioning (and not so high functioning) alcoholics. Now I consider myself a "recovering academic."
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Hi Julie, I'm Juliana from Brazil,and I'm writing not to comment your last post, but just to say that I saw your movie last night and just LOVE IT, I'm in a kind of trick time in my life and needing some inspiration and it was fantastic... so Thank you for your iniciative and all the best for you. Sorry about my english... I tried my best!! See ya! juliana.berbert@gmail.com
I love it! Mad Dog was my first drink too ... too funny. By the way, I just saw the movie .. Wonderful, what a challenge you made for yourself.
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Hey Julia! What I´m going to write it´s not about this post...I´m from Brazil, my name is Amanda. It´s just that I watched your movie with my sister...I mean...your book´s movie, and I just love it! It´s great to see that everything in there really happened someway...congrats! I just wanted to know if Julie really hated your blog...cause, I really like it! Kisses from Brazil! Have a nive cooking or writing day :)
Hello, Julie! Like many of my fellow commenters, I am here because I watched Julie & Julia and I was very moved by your story. I watched the movie while my husband was out (chick flick, woot!) and this morning I tried to explain to him that it was a good movie but the ending was not what I expected. I was sad that Julia died not knowing the impact she had on your life. That she dismissed the idea behind your blog as someone riding on her coattails or whatever her remarks were at the time someone mentioned your blog to her. I wanted so badly to see you have her over for dinner and when that didn't happen I was disappointed, but it just made your experience all the more real. As a fellow blogger, I just want to tip my hat to you for being a fellow rat racer and managing to take a chance on something and climb out of that ever gaping grey area victorious!
Sorry to leave such a long comment, but I also wanted to add that I have been wanting to write a book for a very long time and I have been scared to try for fear of failure, being that the book is about my life...what would that say about me if I failed? Yikes! After seeing how you followed your heart and stuck to your goals, it has inspired me to just go for it.
Congrats on all your successes! I wish you and your husband all the happiness in the world!
hi julie, today i watched your movie julie and julia again for the second time and have decided to get the movie for me and i am going to get one for my mom for christmas this year. i loved the way you just working at all the recipes and when they didnt always work, you kept trying
Dear Julie,
I am a 37 year old stay at home mom of two very little children.I got halfway through Julie and Julia last week. I laughed and I cried and it made me feel for the first time in ages that anything is possible if you hold on to your dreams. I love France and I love cooking and between yourself and Julia Childs story I am starting to dream again. Thanks so much for giving me hope
Lauren , South Africa
I've been trying to cut down on my booze consumption but you just made it sound so comfy and cozy that I had to ask myself...
It's OK to start drinking as long as it's after 10am right?
I loved the interview.
Cyrus Jeffries
Scotty Cameron Putter
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Hi Julie!
I saw your movie last weekend and just read the interview: enjoyed both a lot! congratulations on all your projects! Your success gave me hopes to mine projects in life! Thank you for all the inspiration!!
Loved the ideia of can talk to you! THE julie! hehehe
Now i'm gonna search for the books!
Kisses and hugs from brazil,
Coincidence. Today I've heard from you for the first time. In a family afternoon, we decided to see a moovie and choosed "Julia and Julie". When it anded I came to see if your blog really existed and the first sentence I read was about portuguese white winw. Guess what. We are portuguese and I'm wrinting you from Torres Novas, Portugal. Great story. Lots of courage. Thanks for the inspiratin. I'm trying to be a writer and that's nor easy. Nothing to do with cooking. Thanks again. João Paulo Videira(http:mailsparaaminhairma.blogspot.com)
Coincidence. Today I've heard from you for the first time. In a family afternoon, we decided to see a moovie and choosed "Julia and Julie". When it anded I came to see if your blog really existed and the first sentence I read was about portuguese white winw. Guess what. We are portuguese and I'm wrinting you from Torres Novas, Portugal. Great story. Lots of courage. Thanks for the inspiratin. I'm trying to be a writer and that's nor easy. Nothing to do with cooking. Thanks again. João Paulo Videira(http:mailsparaaminhairma.blogspot.com)
Coincidence. Today I've heard from you for the first time. In a family afternoon, we decided to see a moovie and choosed "Julie and Julia". When it anded I came to see if your blog really existed and the first sentence I read was about portuguese white wine. Guess what? We are portuguese and I'm wrinting you from Torres Novas, Portugal. Great story. Lots of courage. Thanks for the inspiration. I'm trying to be a writer and that's not easy. Nothing to do with cooking. Thanks again. João Paulo Videira(http:mailsparaaminhairma.blogspot.com)
Hi Julia, my name is Mariah and I am currently reading your book (Julie & Julia) and I have come to like you more and more with each page I read. You may not ever reply or even read this..but kudos to you, for everything. I'm an awful cook and I must say you give me hope!
Just a little something positive I had to say..
1. where the hell are you? i hope you are on a beach somewhere (other than coney island) 2. i'm hungry. how about a recipe? something for breakfast.
Have you had South African wine? ;-) Looking forward to following your blog...
thank you for enjoying the wine from my country...=)
and i have just finished reading your book...it took me one day to read it all...i have enjoyed it very much...
Hi there Jaclyn Barr, I'm from Portugal. I'm writing from Portugal. And yes, we have explendin beaches... long white beaches and lots of sun and, of course, the best food in the world!!! If Julie knew our gastronomy, she wuold write ten books!!! lol... have a nice day (here it's 23:00h). João Paulo Videira
Hi there mtrax. My blogue is about literature. Well not about. I publish there my own textes. But it's in portuguese!!! Can you follow it??? I hope so... It lives at http://mailsparaaminhairma.blogspot.com
Hy Julie
I saw your movie and it was very nice for me .
I undertood that everybody can feel nice if do what like to do .
thank you !
anselmo policarpo - Brazil
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Hello Julie,
I do not know if you're really Julie's real life and film. And I apologize if you either really, but you can understand me, nowadays there are so many people wanting to gain advantage on the backs of people who naturally have international recognition as you.
Well, I'll write naturally, as if to yourself, I hope it is. laughter.
I watched the movie today. I was impressed by his willpower and dedication. His life is real, and became a movie. I thrilled at times you find yourself in trouble in the kitchen and in the important moments in the life of Julia. I also got very emotional at the end of the movie, when I really hoped that you would know her personally. And it happened before she died? I was curious. I'm from Brazil. I live in São Paulo, ever heard? I am 18 years only, and always knew what he wanted to be when you grow up: a journalist. But lately, I have lived a dilemma, because my hobby was cooking that has taken my mind and I am in doubt I will pursue the course in college now. Gastronomy, or journalism?!! I wonder ...
I have two cats, and I was watching the situation in which you If you encounter. It was funny to.
I am engaged to a very nice man, who also recalls its Eric. He is very supportive in my decisions, help me, is super companion. I am happy with him, and I would tell him the same sentence that Julia told Paul and you said to Eric, "You're the butter on my bread, the breath of my life!" I say this to Marcelo, my boyfriend and best friend.
Tonight I will make a special dinner at home for him and me. I'll make a pasta special, dessert wine and ice cream. Dinner will be served 19:00 pm. Is serviced? (Laughs)
Julie, I also have a blog. I write poems, texts about me and my life. I would like you to read one day. (Www.priscillaleme.blogspot.com). If you find some site that translates into English, you managed to read it. Hope you enjoy and I hope that you be yourself, the real Julie.
A big hug.
Ps:. I leave my e-mail (priscillaleme@rocketmail.com / priscilla.leme@hotmail.com) for any contact. Texts that you can send me, updates his blog. I am happy to receive your stuff.
Bon Appétit Julie!
Priscilla Leme, São Paulo SP - Brazil
I just watched your movie, and I would like to say, that I hope taht all of it was true, because it was great.. and because of you I started a Blog!
Hi. I just saw your film, just read Julie/Julia Project's last post. I feel like I'm drawing and would love to find someone to rescue me. But somehow I feel hopefull because you had it, so that way I became to know a bit of you. Thank you.
Just wanted to say, I watched your Juile/Julia film last night here in the UK and it made me smile because it was about 2 people who truely love everything about food, and in my head it was all about me. It made me forget the crap week I'd just had.
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Hi Julia! Im Eugenia from Argentina. I saw your movie this weekend and I was so happy for what happened to you! I have a blog too and I like how passionate you are with what you like. I think I will start again with some things on my life. Thanks! and all the best wishes for you!
Hi Julie,
I'm writing on behalf of my daughter Helena, she is ten years old, and we just watch the movie (Julie and Julia). She is crying inconsolably for misunderstanding between you and Julia Child. She liked the work that to her was a beautiful tribute to Julia. I think its important you know that your story touched the heart of a Brazilian girl who also loves to cook. If you could write to her (my email is anapaola.zeminian@gmail.com) it would mean a lot to her, although she does not speak English I will translate your words. That would be very important to her. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Ana.
Your answer about your dad taking a cup with him when going out... total awesomeness... my whole family did the same thing - in fact - they had Monogrammed cups... we referred to them as "roadies". x
enjoying reading your stuff out here in the desert. It keeps me laughing! Have a great day - amy in baghdad
Oh my, I've just finished watching the movie. All by myself (husband at work and son sleeping)I sat and was amazed by all the work you've done. I felt happy the entire movie! Not to mention constant hungerfeelings...although I just ate. butter and butter! Thank you for making me feel so good and happy. I have to try that beef"stew"...perhaps I should surprise my husband with it this weekend!
Malin (Sweden)
My name is Kari. Ok! Julie I loved the movie. However, I am very interested in the dish that Amy had made. The one with the bread, where she browned it on both sides and then put some sort of veggies on it and something else. It looked so delish. I want to say you go girl. I love to cook as well as you. I do have some recipies for you if you would like to have them. Contact me via email...kkizman@student.mccfl.edu. Keep up the good work
Julie, I just finished your book "Julie and Julia" and I have to say, I can't wait to get my hands on "cleaving". I saw the movie when it came out on video, or I guess it would be DVD, and I was almost inspired enough to try my hand at a year of cooking/blogging, if not for my (at the time)newborn baby. And even now, I guess I can blame my lack of ambition on my now 8 month old baby, as much as my general laziness. I love cooking, and although I concider myself to have quite the palette, I had never concidered eating 90% of the recipes from MtAoFC. I've made it a goal of mine to read your actual blog, as far back as I can find, and draw some inspiration for my comparably pathetic blog. You are a brave and determined woman, whom I am am glad I can now say I have had the pleasure of "meeting" you through the internet. I'm wondering if you will read this, and I just wanted to let you know, I also enjoy the word fuck. So write on Julie Powell, you have a new fan!!
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i know you! i like movie 'Julie & Julia'
my favorite movie.
my name is Boyeon Kim.
i live in South Korea.
i'm 19 years old but america age is maybe
17 or 18 years old.
nice to meet you:)
Hi Julie,
I am Portuguese and it was very funny to search your blog and read your post/interview mentioning Portuguese wine. Have you ever eaten Portuguese food? Have you ever tried to cook it? :)
As everyone here, I've seen recently the movie and I loved it.
All the best,
great interview :)
Hi Julia, Ive just read your first book (bit late i know) but I wanted to say how much I loved it. Your writing style is so refreshing and honest it was a real pleasure to read and landed on my desk at just the right time -i just need to find my project now. Thank you.
First off, I love your story. It's fantastic.
I recently went on 50 dates in 50 days and I have been compared to you about a million times. (obviously, that's an honor!) Everyone keeps saying, "You are the dating version of Julia!"
Well I have to say that sometimes I wish I had just done a cooking thing because men can be far more trying than cooking ingredients. But both have many similarities in that they don't always listen and they don't always work out in the end. But do ingredients talk back? (Men sure do!!)
- Sky, www.50datesin50days.com
I love your book Julie and Julia, love the movie and think people who don't like your language can fuck themselves
hi julie- um i have an idea, that in principle is quite similar but by no means the same as your project, being the conscientious writer and craft woman extraordinaire that I am, and for fear that you would hate me/sue me- i am writing to ask your permission before I endeavor to succeed a small feat that your freaking awesome work has inspired-
i know are really busy and cool and famous- but you are also human and real so in the name of suspense and secrecy i was wondering if you would e-mail me at my specifically created e-mail for this purpose at
you can make up a phony one too so that i can never contact you again if you wish- i just want your blessing, like you would have liked julia's...
ps. it doesn't involve cooking in the slightest, i can't and would never pretend to do so.
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Gulbun, If you started writing a Turkish cooking blog, I would follow! :) Turkish food is amazing! "The sky's the limit!"
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I am a new reader... I have no idea why you would get so many NASTY replies to your posts. Maybe I am just naive, but why be nasty.
I read the interview by the way, you are INDEED very INTERESTING> (insert chuckle here)
Look forward to reading on...
Hi Julie. I loved the movie and I was recently reading an older copy of people magazine that had an article about your new book. Behind you was a beautiful picture of a cow. We live on a family farm and I have been looking for a pictuer of a cow but I'm having problems finding a good one. I was hoping you could tell me the artist or studio where I could buy a similar one. Any help you could give me would be great. Thank you very much. Michelle
Portuguese wine is the best!
Dear Julie,
I watched "the movie" last night... and I have been totally inspired by your adventures as portrayed in the film. I am looking forward to reading your blog regularly.
I am a photographer/writer/songwriter/activist.. now at the austere age of 60, but that doesn't really register in my brain, unless I pull an all-nighter and find myself struggling through the next day.
Julie, I must tell you. A friend brought me back a string of silvery pearls from the Philippines and I wear them as a reminder. We come from the seas and we will return again someday, dust on the wind... all of us. Very grounding and comforting, calming. We are all the same, none of us strangers in this journey.
In 1973 I opened a small "all natural" homecooking restaurant in Provincetown, with a dear friend of mine who is now in Santa Fe living the life of a brilliant but very undiscovered artist. Our restaurant was called "Vital Vittles." We made up many of our recipes and I am so sorry that we didn't write them down. The fishermen and oystermen used to bring us bushels of their catch, bartering for their meals to be served to them by the two young and lovely blonds who flitted about in their Ginger Rogers dresses, atop Minnie Mouse shoes, balancing pies and hot spiced rum ciders and soups and souffles. The food was, if I may say so myself, excellent!
Yes, we fed the town... it was an off season food fest. Musicians, artists, fishermen and lots of out of work folks... Often we got paid in food stamps and in turn, traded them back to our sympathetic food suppliers as payment. It was a beautiful thing. Now it could never happen, but back then we all felt everything was possible, so we made great things happen, as you did, with your Julia project.
So, Julie, I want to thank you for your Glorious Adventure. I will be an avid reader of your fantastic blog and do hope that the wonderful wild women who are inspired by you know that they too can create and achieve amazingly profound and brilliant lives.
I too married to a "saint"... We live outside of a city, in close proximity to our neighbors, the coyotees and deer and fishers and chipmunks, along with our two little dogs and a very popular strawberry patch. And I still love to cook!
Oh! Last but most certainly NOT least. Thank you to your husband for his encouraging you! We have all been made the richer for it.
Peace AND much gratitude,
Pamela AKA "Ruby Rose"
Hi Julia,
my name is Giannis and i'm from Corfu, a small island in Greece! I'm a barista (a person who makes coffee professionally)! Coffee is my love but cooking is my passion! I really enjoy cooking! i would love to learn more about cooking but my pocket is empty, so i try to learn in the internet! I've heard about your blog in the movie! Could please help me enter your "world" of people who love cooking?
thank you on behalf,
Giannis Metallinos
i watched the Julie Julia Project movie.And i write an astrological analyze about julia,you and your project.May be you would like to read it so i want inform you about.
Link is here http://dreamer319.blogspot.com/2010/06/dersimi-aldm.html
Sorry about language.But may be you could translate by google translate.
Best regards,
hi i"m Julia and i"m 9 years old. I enjoyed your movie!
I watched Julie and Julia and you and your story have inspired me so much. I can relate to to having a tiny apartment kitchen. You made the best of it and I think you did a great job.
The movie was heartwrenching, but the next book blew me away!!
Hi Julie! Your story inspires me so much! I'm a writer who lived in Astoria for a while, and I felt a lot of kinship with you in "Julie & Julia." Can you share some advice for young writers starting out?
My new blog for my creative nonfiction work is at http://oncebittenthriceshy.blogspot.com
Hey!!! Please don't bag on Utah until you talk to a recovering Mormon. I will give you some perspective as I am sure you can give me the same also. Email is jdslatter@gmail.com. Would love to debate but I am pretty liberal already. Just will give you a different point of view.
My family and I just watched your movie. It's very inspiring, and one of the better movies now a days because it has an interesting plot. Hope you are doing well!
Hope you are having a fine Sunday. I enjoy your work. Barbara Audet.
I do believe you are a soiled and narcissistic whore. You may deserve the money but you don't deserve your poor husband. I hope he did not get an STD from you
Hi Julie, my name is Ingrid & I lived in Indonesia. So far away from u :)
I just watch your movie last nite, Julie & Julia.
@ 1st, I don't know what kind of movie is this, but what interesting is this is about cooking.
OK, I'm not, even, an amateur cook, all I know just boil water & egg or make a cup of instant noodle, but like Julia Child & I assumed your husband, I really, really love to eat.
I never know about Julia Child before, nor even you.
But your movie gave me enough push to learn how to cook.
Not to be a professional or famous like Julia & you, but at least, for my self, for my lovely husband & for my future children.
Thank you so much :)
Oh, btw, I really like the part when u learn how to boil an egg & I really surprise when I visit your Julie/Julia's blog, it really look alike as the movie, lol.
Bonjour Julie !!
J'espère que vous comprendrez mon message.
Je m'appelle Muriel, je suis française. J'ai 37 ans et je ne sais pas cuisiner.
Je viens de voir le film tiré de votre histoire, et j'ai trouvé votre défi extraordinaire !!!
Je vais donc essayer de vous copier et de me lancer ce même défi. J'ai donc commandé le livre de Julia Child. Le défi sera double pour moi vu qu'il est écrit en anglais.
N'est-ce pas drôle, une française qui apprend à cuisiner avec le livre d'une américaine qui explique la cuisine française ??!!
Julia Child a été votre inspiratrice, vous êtes la mienne !
I hope you'll enjoy my last post...
Hi from Madrid, Spain
Hi Julia,
Im a student from Hong Kong studying in Massachusetts for college! I've just watched the movie and I just lovved it..I am kind of a blogger myself, and I know that it's not easy to keep writing every day..especially you r not sure, really, if anyone is reading your stuff...!
anyway, congratulations on your success :) keep writing!!
Julie. I would like to discuss pcos with you. Please email me at rkann1@hotmail.com
I was recently diagnosed.
Julie, I am local cooking foodie and wife of a cattle farmer. We sell natural Angus beef and I "hear" your request to eat meat from sources you know. I too eat vegitarian when I am out to restaurants. I am an omnivore for sure though. And I too suffered from a bad marriage and had an affair. And I am a wine-o. I feel we are kindred spirits....Cheers!
(and I would like to say hello to your husband hehe)
I'm cecilia. I'm from Korea.
I've seen your movie before bedtime. I love it!!
So I tried to search your real blog.And finally I got it!
It's am02:48 in korea.But I'm writing the comment for you in the dead of night.
I'm happy to get your real blog.
well..Please remember me !!!!
Have a nice day Julia :)
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