Headed out in a few hours for Los Angeles, there to see some old friends, get a little business done, and - oh, yeah - go to the LA premiereOops"Special Screening" of Julie & Julia. I last night had a vivid anxiety dream that went into great detail about the technical vagaries of setting up a video interview with me and Chris Messina, all while I couldn't find a way to get my dress pressed. It's possible I'm a tad nervous.
ReplyDeleteThanks for writing your book. Reading it was the beginning of my new life. You inspired me to read more about Julia, begin blogging, and after a couple of years of hard work; I have a new career as a freelance writer. I still have my government day job (steady pay, health insurance) but I am moving toward the life that I always wanted. Many books have inspired me but yours actually changed everything. You were my "ah-ha" moment. I wanted to let you know before the movie comes out and you are flooded with even more emails. I'm so happy for your success and wish you all the best. ~Jennifer Blue
Can't wait to see the movie on the 7th. Loved the book!
ReplyDeleteSay hi to Jethro and Ellie May when you see them.
ReplyDeleteHave fun at the LA 'special screening'!!!
ReplyDeleteI am loving your book and reading My Life in France at the same time. Julia's book jumped out at me as I walked through the library last week. I am thinking of taking my Grandmother to see the movie b/c she always loved French cooking. As a writer just finishing my first book, your story is speaking to me. Congrats on your success, it is well deserved. I love the hunt for marrow bone and the cutting scene. I remember eating marrow from steak bones back home on the farm - tasty, but I never really wanted to think about what it was. Happy cooking!
You are such an inspiration to so many of us non-descript blog writers. Enjoy your special time and I look forward to whatever the next chapter of your story is.
ReplyDeleteI am loving the book and I can not wait to see the movie!!!
About 20 or so bloggers from all over the US and Canada just finished spending 4 of the most glorious days together in Mathews, Va at what we called The Virginia Blogfest. It was amazing and we have all had a hard time conveying words to express it. Think about coming next year!
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ReplyDeletePages 314/315 - that was such a great part of the book. That stuff drives me crazy (the bowl/a bowl), but what would life be without goof-ups - really and truly? That summed it all up for me.
ReplyDeleteDon't take this the wrong way and all (and I don't think you will because I doubt you read the comments, especially #7 - lucky seven?) but in your new book, just be you, not so much the big writer thing, just the you with the insights like a bowl/the bowl and how teeny, tiny the NYT reviewer was (awesome long sentence on that - beauty!). TTFN. CS.
Hi Julie!! I am very much enjoying your book at the moment...super funny and, well, I love it!!! I just found your blog and now I am looking forward to reading IT!! Congratulations on the success!!!
BTW, I think it would be the bomb if you had a cameo appearance in "SATS" (Sex and the Sequel).
ReplyDeleteHilarious. Absofuckinglutely hilarious. I can say that, can't I? I think fuck is an under-rated word. You used it so brilliantly!
ReplyDeleteI read your book in a few days while on vacation in Maine (it poured and there was not much else to do) and I laughed with you and at you and cringed a good bit too.
I adored your book. Am telling all my friends to read it. Will suggest it for my book club. Blogged about it on one of my blogs even!
Cannot wait to see the movie. Cannot wait!!!!
Reading your book now. Loving you, loving your husband. Can't wait to finish. It has been a wonderful vacation read.
ReplyDeletenew follower....so cool
ReplyDeleteHave to get up for work in a few hours but could not put your book down. Read it in one sitting. Can't wait for the movie. Enjoy this time in your life....it'll go by fast.
ReplyDeleteAdmire your determination to complete your goal of cooking all those recipes in one year. I could not have done that. I would definately have given up on the aspic recipes.
Also, wanted to encourage you on having a child. My husband and I had one naturally and then infertility reared it's head. Now we have a wonderful son from Vietnam and a wonderful daughter who's homegrown. It was meant to be. Find your meant to be....
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI just got done reading your book, and I do have to say it is one of the best books I have read in a long time! You would also be happy to know that your book has made it to the shelves in the post-exchange over here at Camp Victory, Iraq! (the px only carries a select few books!) You know you've made it big when it gets on their shelves! I look forward to reading more of your books!
Just finished Julie/Julia and I wanted to say how wonderful it is. I got a few strange looks from laughing out loud in public but it was worth it. I'm really happy at your success. Looking forward to reading your next book.
ReplyDeleteJust got back from the premier/special screening. You looked lovely!
ReplyDeleteI just want to say that you are inspiring!!!
ReplyDeleteI was originally thinking of following through with a cooking blog, but actually gave up out of laziness. (lol)
I've been into the culinary arts, and think that anyone can jump into it and have fun with it. Your story, is definitely something to show that!!!
It's great to know that there are people out there that when feeling in a rut in their lives, they can just open up something new to bring a livelyness to every day.
Way to go, and I hope so many more doors are opened for you!
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ReplyDeleteتنظيف بيوت بالباحة تقدم لكم مجموعة من الخدمات الهامة والمتطورة في عالم التنظيف فان البيت الراقي من افضل شركات الخدمات المنزلية بالباحة كما اننا نعلم ان عملية التنظيف ليس بالسهولة القيام بها لانها ليس تكون دائما بالنتيجة المرضية لاصحابها لان من يقوم بها ليس متخصصين في مجال التنظيف فلذلك وحرصا منا علي راحتكم فأن شركة البيت الراقي تنظيف فلل بالباحة لديها المتخصصين في مجال التنظيف وعلي اعلي مستوي من النظافة كما اننا نتعهد بأعطاء النتائج المميزة والمرضية لعملائنا الكرام .
سوف نعطي لكم نبذة عن جميع اعمال شركة تنظيف منازل بالباحة
لدي شركة تنظيف فلل بالباحة العديد من مراحل التنظيف المقسمة تبعا لمجال كل متخصص لدينا والذي يقوم به بشكل محترف ومميز للغاية :
1-يقوم طاقم العمل المختص بتنظيف الغرف باكملها من حيث المفروشات والسراير والاثاث والارضيات والانتيكس الموجود بكل غرفة لاظهار اللمجة الجمالية بالغرفة .
2- يقومون بعد ذلك بتنظيف المطابخ والحمامات وما يشملهم من حوائط وارضيات وتنظيفهم جيدا بأقوي المواد المذيبة للدهون التي تعمل علي ازالتها بشكل سريع وتنظيف الاحواض بشكل رائع لنجعلها لامعه للغاية وكما اننا نستخدم اقوي المطهرات المعرفة عالميا التي تقضي علي الجراثيم الموجودة بالحمامات ومن ثم تعطريها بأفضل المعطرات لرائحة جذابة داخل المرحاض
3- تهتم ايضا تنظيف شقق بالباحةبتنظيف السجاجيد والموكيت بأستخدام احدث التقنيات التي تحافظ علي انسجة السجاجيد والوانها وازالة جميع الاتربة المتراكمة عليها بعناية شديدة
4- تقوم تنظيف بالباحة علي تنظيف الواجهات الزجاجية والحجرية للفلل وما بها من نوافذ وتلميعها لاعطائها لمحة جمالية .
5- كما ان شركة تنظيف فلل بالباحة تقوم بالاعتماد علي احدث الاجهزة لازالة الغبار وشفط الاتربة من علي الاثاث والمرايات والانتيكس والنجف وتلميعهم بكل براق يخطف الانظار عند زيارة ضيوفكم الي الفلل كما اننا نقوم بتنظيف الارضيات وجلي البلاط بأستخدام الماكينات المخصصة في جلي البلاط بشكل فعال لتعود ناعمة ولامعة لاقصي درجة .
اليكم ارخص تنظيف مجالس بالباحة شركة البيت الراقي
دائما نقدم جميع خدماتنا في ابهي صورها وبأقل الاسعار الممكنة لراحة عملائنا فخدماتنا لا تقتصر فقط علي تنظيف الفلل بل لدينا العديد من الخدمات الخاصة بشركة البيت الراقي كتنظيف منازل بالباحة تنظيف خزانات بالباحة _ تنظيف بيوت بالباحة _تنظيف مجالس بالباحة _ تنظيف سجاد وموكيت بالباحة _تنظيف خزانات بالباحة والعديد من الخدمات التي يحتاجها الناس جميعا ولا غني عنها كل ما عليك هو التواصل معنا للاستمتاع بجميع خدماتنا .
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