That is just delightfully badass! I'm jealous. VERY jealous.
While I'm here, I just wanted to take the opportunity to plug my new blog (0 comments, so sad). I hope that's an acceptable thing to do. If so:
And if not: Then everyone ignore that. Just ignore the crap out of it. In fact, ignore it like your sanity depends on it, because it does. You see, this post doesn't actually exist. You're all just hallucinating from some horrible mass psychotic event. Muhahahaha!
Any chance you accept speaking engagements from blog commenters? If so, I am the founder of the Women's Empowerment (WE)Series sponsored by the YWCA in Ridgewood, NJ (15 miles NE of NYC). We are a fabulous community of woman who would love to hear you talk and to buy your books! I would be thrilled to hear from you at Thanks in advance for your time!
I read the book, loved it, and have enjoyed following this part of your life. I really can not imagine the shift, the transition, the back to reality journey you've experienced. What I really like about the whole experience is that you didn't start out to be a hero. You were doing something because it was you. That is what makes this work. Can't wait to see the movie -- I'm in Tulsa so it'll be another week until it opens. Shine on, sister. And do I need to tell you that Eric is a keeper? What a trooper. Awesome.
Just thought of something. Did you know they're doing Buffy season eight in comic book form? I couldn't recall you ever mentioning comics so I figured someone ought to tell you.
I just finished your book and wanted to tell you how much I loved it. Thank you so much for the laughs. And, having read it, I can actually imagine you with a huge whisk like this in your kitchen. If you had room. I can't wait to read more. Thanks again.
Julie, I've had your book, oh god, probably at least 2 years now (it's getting dog earred, lol) I really can't wait to see your movie. It's really inspirational what you can do when you put your mind to it. From a blog to a book to a movie! I wish you all the best in life! -Angella
I'm currently reading your book now and I'm loving it. My mother gave it to me when she was finished with it - she thought I might enjoy it and I do! I just want to tell you what I find to be the funniest part of your book - when you talk about not eating/liking eggs and how no one could believe it. Well, let me tell you that I can. I HATE eggs:) Can't stand them in any way shape or form. I don't even think I could be as brave as you and eat them after I'd cooked them from the cookbook. The best thing about it is that I blame my mother for this. She fed me eggs - every day as a small child until I was three and finally said enough! I haven't had one since! So I don't think your egg adversion is a strange one. You must be very proud of your recent successes! You are a terrific writer - please keep writing 'cause I'll keep reading.
Hey Julie...Mike, Melissa, and I saw a special screening of the movie last night..It was awesome. I liked some of the touches of the original apt. (like the walls by the staircase) I can't believe you made all those wonderful meals in our little kitchen..Kudos to you..Only good things All the best, Harriete
first time blogger - short time reader (of your book anyway) - it's the first time i have to read in a separate room than my husband b/c it MAKES ME LAUGH SO HARD it disturbes him - the irony being he bought it for me. hahahha sucker!
I just realized your picture is a reproduction of one with JC, I think her whisk was even a little bigger :) Great tribute to her, and I still love the picture!
I came to your story late (via your wonderful book, a few years ago), and I loved it. And I don't usually read non-fiction. I'm completely looking forward to seeing the movie. I hope you love it, and that you've made good money off of it.
I was so excited to read you book before the movie came out and am reading it now. It is very well written except for the constant use of the f-word. It is ruining my enjoyment in reading it. Maybe next time you might consider that there are a lot of people who choose not to use obscenities, that word in particular being most offensive.
All I can think is HOW BIG must the bowl be that you are going to put that whisk in, HOW MANY EGGS must be in there, HOW COLD the room must be to keep them chilly and CAN I BORROW that whisk to keep the teenagers who terrorize me at work in line??? :-)
Thanks for post. It’s really imformative stuff. I really like to read.Hope to learn a lot and have a nice experience here! my best regards guys! _____________ manishfusion
I wish you didn't hate don't even know me!! I'm just a sweet liitle old lady English teacher stuck in Louisiana. But I'm not a "Katrina survivor" but I taught some of them when they came up this far north in '05...way back in '05! I just read your interview where you said you hate all of us Republicans who buy your book, go to your movie and read your blog. I didn't do anything to make you hate me except to embrace individual liberty, freedom from tyranny, and the right to create and profit from the creation like you're doing. It's sad you hate everyone in a certain group just because of your preconceived notions about them. Don't we call that prejudice here in the free expression country?
Bet you don't publish this one because liberal democrats don't like dissent.
I just finished your book and sent it to my daughter. I thought it was fantastic and although the trailer to the movie is what alerted me to the book, I am now afraid to see it, because I just don't think it could possibly be as good. But then they probably said that about Gone with the Wind. Loved your book. You gotta love a girl with balls!
Aw, Carol... I don't hate you as an individual. Most of my extended family are Republicans and I love them all dearly. I just hate everything you stand for is all!
I'm kidding, being glib - apologies. I am deeply, deeply afraid of what many in the Republican party stand for, but obviously difference of opinion is vital and important.
One thing that Republicans who read my book come away with sometimes is that I'm hateful towards Republicans as a species. What I was really trying to get across was that "Julie Powell" is a character who rants about Republicans. It's not necessarily her most attractive trait, but I was trying to create a warts-and-all picture. This girl throws hysterical fits and despises George Bush and probably says some untoward and unconsidered things. That's who she is. She's not a polemicist or a talking head on TV - if you want considered political commentary go... God. I don't even know. But not to J&J.
I was just reading the comments out of curiousity as to whether anyone might be complaining about your use of the "F" word, and to my joy and surprise they are. I love this--not because this word in any way offends me, but because I saw telling the "f" word haters to "f" off as a major theme in your book, and I just love that they're still hanging about....or perhaps the person who wrote that thought it ironic. Either way, I'm glad it's there. Really, how dare you say fuck?
Julie, I just finished reading your book while on vacation (reading = devouring in less than 2 days) I enjoyed it immensely! You're writing style is fantastic and I found the whole thing infinitely relatable. I just wanted to thank you for the great read. I can't wait to see the movie (if it comes here to small town PA!) and read your next book!
I bought your book before you were "famous". It is pretty cool to see how it has evolved into all this with the movie and such. So I read it again and will see the movie.
Julie- I don't think you need to defend yourself in any way, if someone doesn't like your language in the book or your political beliefs, then they DON"T HAVE TO READ IT OR SEE THE MOVIE...that is the great thing about our country, freedom of speech! The fact that you say Fuck a lot and are a liberal Democrat are all just icing on the cake for me! Can't wait for Friday and the movie, I'll be seeing it as soon as I get off work, the theater is on the way home :) I bet they don't let Amy Adams say the F word in the movie, I think they only allow it once in PG13, right?
Oh how amazing you are! I was offered free tickets to the Preview Screening... So I decided to put together a little dinner party with my close girlfriends and their mom's before the movie. It was awesome ;)
The movie itself was a major inspiration for me. I'm an independent designer... There are many ups and downs. I have meltdowns and sometimes just want to give up. It was nice to see the breakdowns... i especially love the scene when Amy Adams is physically laying on the floor sobbing. I've felt like that... i've done that!
We all walked away from that movie touched. The audience literally laughed out load, it was an awesome experience.
Happy that you introduced the movie last night at the Paley Center screening. It was nice to see the person behind such a unique project. My husband & I loved the movie!
Hi. Saw your movie. Loved it. Took my mother and she loved it, too. We both came out of the movie wanting to buy the cookbook and a dumptruck of butter! Kudos! And BTW, I understand your initial roller-coaster emotions about starting a blog. I just started one and it has been more trying than giving birth!
Julie, love your book, love the movie, and love your attitude towards Julie's unenthusiastic to meet or understand what you were doing. Not many would have such a thoughtful response as you, many would just get angry and bash! You are a special lady, thank you for your passion, your blog, you book and movie. Its the best book I've read in a very long time!
Hi Julie-I absolutely LOVED your book (I read it first before I saw the movie) and have recommended it to everybody I know especially my fellow cooks! The movie was great but didn't capture your salty personality and hilarious expletives (and the movie kitchen was too clean!).Sorry to read that the "real" Julia wasn't very approving. It's usually a big fall when we put celebrities up on a pedestal. Looking forward to reading your next book. Laura Goldstein Kelowna, B.C. Canada
Great book my dear. Great movie. Great idea, the blog. Julia Child was a huge part of my life and I admire your being able to make it through her book.
Reading the hightlights of your new book at the end of the paperback -- ok, ok -- but then I find YOU cheated on long-suffering ERIC???? Of course, I don't know your personal life, other than what you have shared,,,BUT.......!!!!!
Hi Julie! A good friend of mine read your book more than a year ago after hearing an interview you did on NPR. It’s was her favorite book, she recommended it to me and it became mine too. As I read it I found myself thinking “Wow, other people think that too!” I saw the movie a few weeks ago, it brought a lot of the story to life. I’m a big fan and I wait with anticipation for future publications from Julie Powell! I’m trying to change my life, have been for a long while. You are an inspiration and I’m trying to archive my achievements and follies in a blog …wish me luck!
Thank you Julie. I have always enjoyed cooking, but never considered it as something that could actually occupy my time or give me purpose in my home. What a gift you and Julia have given to me. I have made four recipes so far and all were delightful. Tonight I shall try making the hamburgers of which I am sure will be delicious. Thank you again my darling lady.
I am new to your your book when it first came out and the movie is delightful. Being a 67 yr old grandmother, I am of the nosy type....I assume you and Eric are still together but can you tell me who Linus is? You have inspired me to cook from my very old copy of J.C.'s book, Italian food being my forte. Today my 13 yr old twin grandaughters are making boeuf bourgonion or however the deuce it's spelled! Love you.
Who knew this would all get to where it is? Julie you are awesome...You have rekindled so many to want to cook again. I love Julia as a 62 year old Grandmother, I was around for those glorious shows with my Mom, it didn't leave an impact then as it has now. With your vision and accomplishments its urged me to get off my duff and get out and start cooking! So many recipes so little time! Thank you Julie and continued success!
Investigation sportsbook this past year by the FBI, Internal Revenue Service, the Narcotics Bureau, the Post Office Department, bet nfl and all other federal investigative units has disclosed without any shadow of a doubt that corruption and racketeering, financed largely by gambling, are weakening the vitality and strength of this nation
it is unfortuante that most writers these days have a very limited and tiresome vocabulary. Try using adjections and adverbs that don't start with "F" and rhyme with duck once in a while. J. Teal
Just been to see the Julia & Julia movie the other day with an old friend of mine - loved it. Found it really inspiring and funny. Recommended it to loads of people - Love the picture! Not sure what you were aiming at but that's life! Angela from Ireland
Let's face it - sometimes we men thing ALL women are crazy! The fact is - everyone is crazy sometimes. Yes - even you (maybe ESPECIALLY you - you be the judge). That is, everyone does things that others perceive as crazy. Many women seem to be particularly prone to acts of craziness. Beautiful women are even more so. costa rica vacation rentals What makes beautiful women more likely to be crazy? The simple answer is, that they are given more opportunity to be crazy, and crazy behavior seems to be more readily accepted from them. That is, they learn crazy behavior and that they can get away with it. Further, we men often help them along by allowing (even encouraging) craziness in our relationships with them.
Unfortunately, the movie eclipses both your personality and your amateurish blog. I'm sorry but I believe you are a one-hit-wonder. Enjoy the sunshine. But it is this humble writer's view that Ms. Child was right to disdain your blog. The swearing was offensive (to read it I had to "find and replace" over 1,300 instances of the f word. A good writer does not resort to vulgarity for punch. And even worse, your hatred of conservatives (and by extension the very traditional Mrs. Child) is sort of childish. So many liberals are waving their tolerance flag, but the truth is that their tolerance extends to variations of their own views seulement. Et puis, Madame, votre epouse is une douchebag.
You are entitled to YOUR opinion, but if you look at the fan base on THIS blog, you are definitely in the minority. JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE A HIGH IQ doesn't mean you excel in all areas. Personally I think you are just MEAN! Most people I have met at MENSA have great minds, but are not socially adaptable. Many are just plan weird! My high IQ didn't feel comfortable with those brilliant but, narrow-minded thinkers, as some of them were. NOT ALL, just some in that particular group. Perhaps YOU need to expand your social circles. If you don't love JULIE and JULIA, as most of us do, go somewhere else!
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Thanks to DR DOHGO your product is incredible it was hard to believe how quickly my mom was able to remove and cured this ALS that has been lingering over 2 years, I've tried several time searching for something that will work for my mom because she was passing through allots , though I didn't believe and follow the medical report "that there was no ALS cure" I stick to my faith that all problem has a solution, as I speak my mother have fully recovered and she is at the age of 52 and still have the ability and energy to walk around the house more than before. I am very glad I found your mail before everything could went bad, so my mother fight were victorious. You can reach Dr DOHGO email: ( The ALS herbal treatment was easy to order and effective, I was supprised this product work so well, The Price was great and the service was excellent.
Now THAT is a whisk! Julia would be jealous. You just need a huge copper vat and you can make all the meringue you could ever need.
Ooooooh!!!!! That's the whisk of the gods!!! You are the Whisk Warrior.
imagine the size of the omelet you could make with that thing...
ReplyDeleteOstrich egg omelets...
ReplyDeleteYou didn't get to keep it did you?
Awesome. The look in your eye says it all. Eye on the ball, homerun hit!
ReplyDeleteWhat will be your next project?
I'm looking forward to the movie coming out in Friday!!!!!! I'm finishing up your book this week.
ReplyDeleteThat is just delightfully badass! I'm jealous. VERY jealous.
ReplyDeleteWhile I'm here, I just wanted to take the opportunity to plug my new blog (0 comments, so sad). I hope that's an acceptable thing to do. If so:
And if not:
Then everyone ignore that. Just ignore the crap out of it. In fact, ignore it like your sanity depends on it, because it does. You see, this post doesn't actually exist. You're all just hallucinating from some horrible mass psychotic event. Muhahahaha!
Love the picture- now that's a whisk!
ReplyDeleteNo mayo stands a chance against a whisk of such stature.
ReplyDeleteAny chance you accept speaking engagements from blog commenters? If so, I am the founder of the Women's Empowerment (WE)Series sponsored by the YWCA in Ridgewood, NJ (15 miles NE of NYC). We are a fabulous community of woman who would love to hear you talk and to buy your books! I would be thrilled to hear from you at
ReplyDeleteThanks in advance for your time!
i think i see a little bit of golf in your future...great backswing...congrats and looking forward to the movie...
ReplyDeleteerin in austin ;-)
Can hardly wait for the movie next week! You (and Elizabeth Gilbert) are such an inspiration of self discovery. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI am officially a fan.
love the whisk!
ReplyDeletebut you know what? we have those at work and they hardly ever get used... but it makes for a great shot!
Just finished your book and ADORED it!!! Would love a sequal about your life since the book's been published.
ReplyDeletehaha cool!
ReplyDeleteBrilliant. You are a badass mofo with your Epic Whisk.
ReplyDeleteI read the book, loved it, and have enjoyed following this part of your life. I really can not imagine the shift, the transition, the back to reality journey you've experienced. What I really like about the whole experience is that you didn't start out to be a hero. You were doing something because it was you. That is what makes this work. Can't wait to see the movie -- I'm in Tulsa so it'll be another week until it opens. Shine on, sister. And do I need to tell you that Eric is a keeper? What a trooper. Awesome.
ReplyDeleteJulie, thank you so much! :)
ReplyDeleteJust thought of something. Did you know they're doing Buffy season eight in comic book form? I couldn't recall you ever mentioning comics so I figured someone ought to tell you.
I just finished your book and wanted to tell you how much I loved it. Thank you so much for the laughs. And, having read it, I can actually imagine you with a huge whisk like this in your kitchen. If you had room. I can't wait to read more. Thanks again.
ReplyDeletei somehow just found this site.
ReplyDeleteif by chance i had found it before i had since forgotten but now have been rereminded.
and you can quote me on that.
ok - time to catch up on your world. better than FB.
So excited to see the movie!
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to get a group of Chicago-land Food Bloggers to go see the movie with.
Congrats on such a huge accomplishment!!
Jenn @
ReplyDeleteI've had your book, oh god, probably at least 2 years now (it's getting dog earred, lol) I really can't wait to see your movie. It's really inspirational what you can do when you put your mind to it. From a blog to a book to a movie!
I wish you all the best in life!
Fabulous picture! Halfway through the book now, having a hard time getting much else done!
ReplyDeleteDid you get to keep it? That could come in really handy! :)
ReplyDeleteyou looked crazed.
sorta like the culinary version of jack nicholson in "the shining".
half expect you to bellow, "here's julie", as you break down the half bath door with that whisk of yours.
is everthing okay?
I like my crazed look. So much healthier than the weepy neurotic look.
ReplyDeleteI'm currently reading your book now and I'm loving it. My mother gave it to me when she was finished with it - she thought I might enjoy it and I do! I just want to tell you what I find to be the funniest part of your book - when you talk about not eating/liking eggs and how no one could believe it. Well, let me tell you that I can. I HATE eggs:) Can't stand them in any way shape or form. I don't even think I could be as brave as you and eat them after I'd cooked them from the cookbook. The best thing about it is that I blame my mother for this. She fed me eggs - every day as a small child until I was three and finally said enough! I haven't had one since! So I don't think your egg adversion is a strange one.
ReplyDeleteYou must be very proud of your recent successes! You are a terrific writer - please keep writing 'cause I'll keep reading.
Megan Gwilliam - another fellow egg hater!
Hey Julie...Mike, Melissa, and I saw a special screening of the movie last night..It was awesome. I liked some of the touches of the original apt. (like the walls by the staircase) I can't believe you made all those wonderful meals in our little kitchen..Kudos to you..Only good things
ReplyDeleteAll the best,
first time blogger - short time reader (of your book anyway) - it's the first time i have to read in a separate room than my husband b/c it MAKES ME LAUGH SO HARD it disturbes him - the irony being he bought it for me. hahahha sucker!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the picture!
ReplyDeleteBesides, you don't look really crazed - just intensely focused.
And would a completely calm sane person do what you did? And even come CLOSE to finishing it?
I think not.
So enjoy and embrace it all - as you clearly are doing!
I often joke about wanting one of those industrial sized torches for creme brulee but that wisk would also be nice.
ReplyDeleteI just realized your picture is a reproduction of one with JC, I think her whisk was even a little bigger :) Great tribute to her, and I still love the picture!
ReplyDeleteVery very cute and wonderful photo.
ReplyDeleteI came to your story late (via your wonderful book, a few years ago), and I loved it. And I don't usually read non-fiction. I'm completely looking forward to seeing the movie. I hope you love it, and that you've made good money off of it.
Congratulations on all of it.
I was so excited to read you book before the movie came out and am reading it now. It is very well written except for the constant use of the f-word. It is ruining my enjoyment in reading it. Maybe next time you might consider that there are a lot of people who choose not to use obscenities, that word in particular being most offensive.
ReplyDeleteAll I can think is HOW BIG must the bowl be that you are going to put that whisk in, HOW MANY EGGS must be in there, HOW COLD the room must be to keep them chilly and CAN I BORROW that whisk to keep the teenagers who terrorize me at work in line??? :-)
ReplyDelete3 days until your movie --- yeah!!!!!
Thanks for post. It’s really imformative stuff.
ReplyDeleteI really like to read.Hope to learn a lot and have a nice experience here! my best regards guys!
seo jaipur--seo jaipur
Made some delicius and big and ... i really don't know.
ReplyDeleteCookie Monster
Love the pic...super whisk!
ReplyDeleteJust a quickie question. I didnt see RSS Feed to your blog. Will you be setting that up?
I wish you didn't hate don't even know me!! I'm just a sweet liitle old lady English teacher stuck in Louisiana. But I'm not a "Katrina survivor" but I taught some of them when they came up this far north in '05...way back in '05! I just read your interview where you said you hate all of us Republicans who buy your book, go to your movie and read your blog. I didn't do anything to make you hate me except to embrace individual liberty, freedom from tyranny, and the right to create and profit from the creation like you're doing. It's sad you hate everyone in a certain group just because of your preconceived notions about them. Don't we call that prejudice here in the free expression country?
ReplyDeleteBet you don't publish this one because liberal democrats don't like dissent.
Just finished the book and looking forward to the movie. I wish I had know about your blog back in the day. You are just my cup of tea!
ReplyDeleteWow. Best picture, ever!
I just finished your book and sent it to my daughter. I thought it was fantastic and although the trailer to the movie is what alerted me to the book, I am now afraid to see it, because I just don't think it could possibly be as good. But then they probably said that about Gone with the Wind. Loved your book. You gotta love a girl with balls!
ReplyDeleteAw, Carol... I don't hate you as an individual. Most of my extended family are Republicans and I love them all dearly. I just hate everything you stand for is all!
ReplyDeleteI'm kidding, being glib - apologies. I am deeply, deeply afraid of what many in the Republican party stand for, but obviously difference of opinion is vital and important.
One thing that Republicans who read my book come away with sometimes is that I'm hateful towards Republicans as a species. What I was really trying to get across was that "Julie Powell" is a character who rants about Republicans. It's not necessarily her most attractive trait, but I was trying to create a warts-and-all picture. This girl throws hysterical fits and despises George Bush and probably says some untoward and unconsidered things. That's who she is. She's not a polemicist or a talking head on TV - if you want considered political commentary go... God. I don't even know. But not to J&J.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI was just reading the comments out of curiousity as to whether anyone might be complaining about your use of the "F" word, and to my joy and surprise they are. I love this--not because this word in any way offends me, but because I saw telling the "f" word haters to "f" off as a major theme in your book, and I just love that they're still hanging about....or perhaps the person who wrote that thought it ironic. Either way, I'm glad it's there. Really, how dare you say fuck?
ReplyDeleteKim - it is kind of great how it remains a theme, isn't it? LOVE IT.
ReplyDeleteI just finished reading your book while on vacation (reading = devouring in less than 2 days) I enjoyed it immensely! You're writing style is fantastic and I found the whole thing infinitely relatable. I just wanted to thank you for the great read. I can't wait to see the movie (if it comes here to small town PA!) and read your next book!
That is one big whisk! You could definitly get some serious work done!
Just saw the movie tonight. Very cool. I just wanted you to meet Julia Child SO BAD.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your life and thanks for being a DEMOCRAT in this world of ... well, you know what.
Wish you much success. Good luck!
I bought your book before you were "famous". It is pretty cool to see how it has evolved into all this with the movie and such. So I read it again and will see the movie.
Julie- I don't think you need to defend yourself in any way, if someone doesn't like your language in the book or your political beliefs, then they DON"T HAVE TO READ IT OR SEE THE MOVIE...that is the great thing about our country, freedom of speech! The fact that you say Fuck a lot and are a liberal Democrat are all just icing on the cake for me! Can't wait for Friday and the movie, I'll be seeing it as soon as I get off work, the theater is on the way home :) I bet they don't let Amy Adams say the F word in the movie, I think they only allow it once in PG13, right?
ReplyDeleteOh how amazing you are!
ReplyDeleteI was offered free tickets to the Preview Screening...
So I decided to put together a little dinner party with my close girlfriends and their mom's before the movie. It was awesome ;)
The movie itself was a major inspiration for me.
I'm an independent designer...
There are many ups and downs. I have meltdowns and sometimes just want to give up. It was nice to see the breakdowns... i especially love the scene when Amy Adams is physically laying on the floor sobbing. I've felt like that... i've done that!
We all walked away from that movie touched.
The audience literally laughed out load, it was an awesome experience.
you inspire me.
Happy that you introduced the movie last night at the Paley Center screening. It was nice to see the person behind such a unique project. My husband & I loved the movie!
ReplyDeletePlease visit and look for Arroe Collins to see what I wrote about you.
ReplyDeleteSweet! You look like a samurai warrior with intentions toward meringue.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteHey, I saw that photo of you in the paper. Loved it.
ReplyDelete"batter up" ! Is that the 11th time someone used THAT comment?
ReplyDeleteHi there. I'm a newcomer to your blog since the movie (I'm sure you haven't heard that before.
ReplyDeleteI must say that picture is worth at least 1,000 words.
Hi. Saw your movie. Loved it. Took my mother and she loved it, too. We both came out of the movie wanting to buy the cookbook and a dumptruck of butter!
ReplyDeleteKudos! And BTW, I understand your initial roller-coaster emotions about starting a blog. I just started one and it has been more trying than giving birth!
Julie, love your book, love the movie, and love your attitude towards Julie's unenthusiastic to meet or understand what you were doing. Not many would have such a thoughtful response as you, many would just get angry and bash! You are a special lady, thank you for your passion, your blog, you book and movie. Its the best book I've read in a very long time!
Hi Julie-I absolutely LOVED your book (I read it first before I saw the movie) and have recommended it to everybody I know especially my fellow cooks! The movie was great but didn't capture your salty personality and hilarious expletives (and the movie kitchen was too clean!).Sorry to read that the "real" Julia wasn't very approving. It's usually a big fall when we put celebrities up on a pedestal. Looking forward to reading your next book.
ReplyDeleteLaura Goldstein
Kelowna, B.C.
I loved the movie, when home and watched Julia on YouTube for 2 hours. Is it true you are getting divorced, how sad.
ReplyDeleteOh dear! Look at that monstrosity :)
ReplyDeleteIt's absolutely stunning for a master such as yourself, I reckon!
The way your blogging adventure was made into a fabulous movie made the year 2009 fabulous :)
Congrats on the success!
Great book my dear. Great movie. Great idea, the blog. Julia Child was a huge part of my life and I admire your being able to make it through her book.
ReplyDeletethe movie was great!! i'm in LOVE! have to buy it. going to get your book too, and of course the julia childs cookbook!
ReplyDeletemany thanks!
that is cool as hell. My first time here. I like you lady. xo
ReplyDeleteReading the hightlights of your new book at the end of the paperback -- ok, ok -- but then I find YOU cheated on long-suffering ERIC???? Of course, I don't know your personal life, other than what you have shared,,,BUT.......!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Julie!
ReplyDeleteA good friend of mine read your book more than a year ago after hearing an interview you did on NPR. It’s was her favorite book, she recommended it to me and it became mine too. As I read it I found myself thinking “Wow, other people think that too!” I saw the movie a few weeks ago, it brought a lot of the story to life. I’m a big fan and I wait with anticipation for future publications from Julie Powell!
I’m trying to change my life, have been for a long while. You are an inspiration and I’m trying to archive my achievements and follies in a blog …wish me luck!
Thank you Julie. I have always enjoyed cooking, but never considered it as something that could actually occupy my time or give me purpose in my home. What a gift you and Julia have given to me. I have made four recipes so far and all were delightful. Tonight I shall try making the hamburgers of which I am sure will be delicious. Thank you again my darling lady.
ReplyDeleteYou are an inspiration. You are kiving your American dream. PLEASE share it with us!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
I am new to your your book when it first came out and the movie is delightful. Being a 67 yr old grandmother, I am of the nosy type....I assume you and Eric are still together but can you tell me who Linus is? You have inspired me to cook from my very old copy of J.C.'s book, Italian food being my forte. Today my 13 yr old twin grandaughters are making boeuf bourgonion or however the deuce it's spelled! Love you.
ReplyDeleteWho knew this would all get to where it is? Julie you are awesome...You have rekindled so many to want to cook again. I love Julia as a 62 year old Grandmother, I was around for those glorious shows with my Mom, it didn't leave an impact then as it has now. With your vision and accomplishments its urged me to get off my duff and get out and start cooking! So many recipes so little time! Thank you Julie and continued success!
ReplyDeleteInvestigation sportsbook this past year by the FBI, Internal Revenue Service, the Narcotics Bureau, the Post Office Department, bet nfl and all other federal investigative units has disclosed without any shadow of a doubt that corruption and racketeering, financed largely by gambling, are weakening the vitality and strength of this nation
ReplyDeleteit is unfortuante that most writers these days have a very limited and tiresome vocabulary. Try using adjections and adverbs that don't start with "F" and rhyme with duck once in a while. J. Teal
ReplyDeleteHi Julia,
ReplyDeleteJust been to see the Julia & Julia movie the other day with an old friend of mine - loved it. Found it really inspiring and funny. Recommended it to loads of people - Love the picture! Not sure what you were aiming at but that's life! Angela from Ireland
Let's face it - sometimes we men thing ALL women are crazy! The fact is - everyone is crazy sometimes. Yes - even you (maybe ESPECIALLY you - you be the judge). That is, everyone does things that others perceive as crazy. Many women seem to be particularly prone to acts of craziness. Beautiful women are even more so. costa rica vacation rentals What makes beautiful women more likely to be crazy? The simple answer is, that they are given more opportunity to be crazy, and crazy behavior seems to be more readily accepted from them. That is, they learn crazy behavior and that they can get away with it. Further, we men often help them along by allowing (even encouraging) craziness in our relationships with them.
Unfortunately, the movie eclipses both your personality and your amateurish blog. I'm sorry but I believe you are a one-hit-wonder. Enjoy the sunshine. But it is this humble writer's view that Ms. Child was right to disdain your blog. The swearing was offensive (to read it I had to "find and replace" over 1,300 instances of the f word. A good writer does not resort to vulgarity for punch. And even worse, your hatred of conservatives (and by extension the very traditional Mrs. Child) is sort of childish. So many liberals are waving their tolerance flag, but the truth is that their tolerance extends to variations of their own views seulement. Et puis, Madame, votre epouse is une douchebag.
ReplyDeleteYou are entitled to YOUR opinion, but if you look at the fan base on THIS blog, you are definitely in the minority. JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE A HIGH IQ doesn't mean you excel in all areas. Personally I think you are just MEAN! Most people I have met at MENSA have great minds, but are not socially adaptable. Many are just plan weird! My high IQ didn't feel comfortable with those brilliant but, narrow-minded thinkers, as some of them were. NOT ALL, just some in that particular group. Perhaps YOU need to expand your social circles. If you don't love JULIE and JULIA, as most of us do, go somewhere else!
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