And while we wait...
... I thought now would be as good a time as any for one of my periodic clarifications regarding my feelings toward Republicans.
I do not hate everyone who votes Republican. I do not even hate all Republican politicians. However, I do pretty much despise everything the Republican party stands for. There are exceptions. There are a few platform points I find merely wrong-headed or mystifying, rather than repulsive. There's even a detail or two that, sure, I could see maybe getting behind, maybe, sometime. But mostly, yeah, I think it's all pretty heinous.
And it's pretty useless to make the argument that we're all the same under the skin and politics is meaningless. This is not a matter of taste - you're not arguing chocolate vs. vanilla. Neither is it a matter of heredity - it's not like I'm criticizing you because I happen to dislike, say, blue eyes. Who you vote for SHOULD reflect something real about what you believe in. And I reserve the right to make certain judgments about who you are based on what you believe in. What better basis for judgment could there possibly be?
So that's my answer. To my Republican fans. I have nothing against you. I'm sure you're all really fantastic people, especially to have the strength to wade through my passionate (read: possibly hide-bound) opinions, opinions you presumably don't share. Hats off. But that doesn't mean I don't think you're voting for bad, unsound, evil things, and that I do think that says something about who you are.
Sorry. What I think.
I do not hate everyone who votes Republican. I do not even hate all Republican politicians. However, I do pretty much despise everything the Republican party stands for. There are exceptions. There are a few platform points I find merely wrong-headed or mystifying, rather than repulsive. There's even a detail or two that, sure, I could see maybe getting behind, maybe, sometime. But mostly, yeah, I think it's all pretty heinous.
And it's pretty useless to make the argument that we're all the same under the skin and politics is meaningless. This is not a matter of taste - you're not arguing chocolate vs. vanilla. Neither is it a matter of heredity - it's not like I'm criticizing you because I happen to dislike, say, blue eyes. Who you vote for SHOULD reflect something real about what you believe in. And I reserve the right to make certain judgments about who you are based on what you believe in. What better basis for judgment could there possibly be?
So that's my answer. To my Republican fans. I have nothing against you. I'm sure you're all really fantastic people, especially to have the strength to wade through my passionate (read: possibly hide-bound) opinions, opinions you presumably don't share. Hats off. But that doesn't mean I don't think you're voting for bad, unsound, evil things, and that I do think that says something about who you are.
Sorry. What I think.