Someone somewhere has gotten a mistaken idea about me.

I did drink the wine though.
Also - yesterday morning, early, I got my hair and face done because I was going on to a local TV morning show in Detroit. I was all made up before I realized I hadn't had my vital morning Diet Pepsi. I sort of sighed aloud that I keep forgetting to bring straws so I can drink my soda without screwing up the stylist's lovingly applied lipstick.
When I arrived at Borders for my Q&A that evening in Chicago, there were eight straws of differing types on the table in the green room. Apparently the poor employees had been getting calls all day telling them that Julie Powell MUST have straws, and worrying that they didn't have the right kind, like maybe I'd throw a fit if I didn't have bendy straws.
This, my friends, is how diva-dom is born. Never fear though, I will resist the siren call of personalized water and readily available straws. Will have to, since after August 7 it's back to plain old Julie Land. Which is good enough for me.
Hilarious that you got bendy straws. Oh, I should have such problems!
Well, m'dear,let's hope you can handle "divadom" better than I did a mere 35 years ago when I was your doppelganger. I devoured your delicious book slowly over the last two days, savoring every morsel, though I confess to envying your accomplishment. Woulda-coulda-shoulda, goddammit! Was an English teacher and a secretary before throwing it all to the winds and going into the restaurant biz in NYC at the age of 39, only woman in the hot-hot kitchens. Needed an Eric, and badly. If you throw HIM away, darlin', you will LOSE THE GAME. Do not trifle with devotion!!!"Get it? Got it? Good!" (Danny Kaye in The Court Jester) I'll follow your career with great interest, and take heart from your courage and stupid mistakes. Beware the perils of narcissism...And all best wishes! Carolyn
That's insane! All that fuss over straws...I never knew people were really like that! Keep blogging, I'm loving all these stories about the way you are being treated since the J&J: Movie has begun. What was the picture of-the stuff iny our hotel oom-what was that?
I am on my second reading of your book and loving it. Even printed out some of the recipes you have mentioned.
You were mentioning about how strange people act when you say how long you've been married and to your high school sweetheart. I know the feeling. My husband and I have been married twelve years this year and have been together for almost 17, and I'm only (almost)31! I would honestly not change a thing.
I used to bake for fun (cakes - wedding, birthday, anniversary) but it turned into a job, everywhere we went people expected me to bring cake. I would get calls from friends needing extravagant cakes for the next day. I got burned out from baking. Your book has inspired me to start again. My husbands waistline is not so grateful for you but I am. I can not wait for your new book to come out.
Best of luck at the movie premiere, I can not wait to see it :)
At first, I thought that was one of those tubes they send through the shoot-your-eye-out vacuum tubes at the bank. I was a gestalt moment.
If diva-dom is careening your way, I say take it up on its offer once in a while. Just to see what happens.
I love that about the straws!
Well Julie if it starts to go to your head just remember "WWBD?" (what would Buffy Do?!) I've been
Re reading your book before the movie hits Baltimore, I had forgotten not only did you inspire me to cook, I became and obsessive Buffy rerun fan! I did not watch it back in the late 90's, but after watching one rerun I was hooked!
Angel and Spike are so hot!
With your new diva-dom, I wonder if meeting Sarah Michelle Geller is on you to do list? Or have I missed it since I just discovered your Blog yesterday?
I am counting down the days, my only problem is after I see the movie, the post movie depression will set in. Sniff. I will have nothing left to look forward to. Maybe I could cook my way through a Gordon Ramsey cook book?
Please keep us posted of your visit to SF. I'd like to make it if at all possible.
Well thank God, at least you have not been consumed by the diva syndrome, even when seems easier to give into it. Don't do it!
That's when writers cross the borders and begin to think of themselves as more than life.
You are awesome just like you are.
I just got back from a trip to NY and, of course, I took julie & julia.
I could barely put it down. If it wasn't for the cranky flight attendant, I would've finished it right there on the plane.
They must have confused you with J.Lo... :) It's funny how those things happen, but good to know you're not letting it get to your head!
What, no love for DC? We'll give you straws, any kind. We're used to divas (which I absolutely do not believe of you anyway, but hey, give it a try like someone said). Maybe I missed you.
BTW, I finally read zee book (I did read a lot of the blog but didn't comment), wonderful. And rereading My Life in France for fun.
I was distressed to see more 'Julia would have hated this...' by someone, somewhere, recently. It gained no traction, of course. It's jealousy. I really think so.
A very close friend (much, much, much older than moi!), professor here in DC, retired now back to Cambridge...most excellent friends with J&P., went on road trips with them, etc. (And some of our crazy writer friends...) So I heard (& saw) plenty of their social life (from afar, too shy, too young.)
They visited him (he lived across street from me & I worked for him, too) sometime in late 1970s or early 80s? I'd have to check with him. But I still treasure a now-broken off ceramic knife sharpener. It was her latest 'doodad' (imagine her saying it, digging in big ol' purse, "well, I think you should have this doodad, it will help you, my dear." I'd confessed to having but one decent knife. "All you need...make do until you can get more, don't go broke on it, don't worry. Have fun!" I'd lived & gone to part of university France (though not in Paris) & we had a little fun talking about Alsace-Lorraine, Strasbourg. All in that voice.
Julie, you probably have heard this by now, but she was not upset & did not hate you. I realize this is probably all over with, etc. But she didn't. OK, that's enough from me...but I wish you all the best, will be keeping an eye out...& you do know that Michelle Obama had gal pals over to the WH recently to screen the film, right? Can't get better than that (well, I think so anyway).
a big hug from DC!
(I don't allow anonymous comments on blogs either, good for you!)
I too would like to know what was in that little bottle.
I'm truly sorry we couldn't make it to see you in-the-flesh at your author appearance... but we had a GREAT excuse. "What could that possibly be?" you wonder. We were at an advance screening, watching you played by Amy Adams. Wonderful film! Great blog. And I can't imagine why anyone would get a mistaken idea about you from the Internet's morass of communication breakdowns!?! Looking forward to reading more from you. Meanwhile, hope you enjoy your explorations into the realm of diva-lisciousness.
~ Patti & Herb in Chicago
Oh, how I miss my icy cold morning Diet Pepsi. Since I got pregnant a little over a year ago, I haven't had a drop of it because of the aspartame, which is a real bummer. I'm sure I'm healthier for it, but I sure do miss it. It's great to know that I'm not alone!
I picked up your book on a trip with my sister. She bought My life in France. We both started reading in the hotel room and I stayed up until all hours of the night reading your book. Great book. Great Blog. I look forward to more.
Julie, you are the Anti-Diva. Rock On! So proud of you for not letting those bendy straws go to your head. Loved your book. Can't wait to see the movie.
You have inspired me to follow my dreams and take a chance on the unknown. I have felt lost for almost a year now in my career and life. And like you, I have never finished anything I have started. But hearing your story gave me a whole different perspective. Thank you! Seeing your story (I have yet to read the book- I am buying it tomorrow) has given me renewed hope and faith that anything is possible. Thank You from the bottom of my heart!
I think the bottle Voss water with a Julie and Julia label on it. Right? It took me a minute, also. Soak up the treatment, why the hell not? Just remember that easy come easy go and it may not be there forever...then no diva, just a woman full of gratitude which may be a breath of fresh air for the straw fetcher, the water label gluer and the wine shopper. Hope to find you signing some books in L.A. soon.
Love these updates! Keep them coming. Living vicariously through you!
Neon pink bendies are my fave, btw!
Just wondering if you read these comments. My wife and I are movie reviewers. We screened "Julie & Julia" last night, July 23. Love the movie!
I'm also a talk show host on a radio station just outside of Rochester, New York. I'm wondering if you would like to do an interview with me about the movie and your book?
Let me know!
Dr. Rus
But it would be funny if you demanded crazy, bendy, twisty straws that must have at least two loops! Funny in an evil way of course. ;)
So there I was sitting around in my PJ's watching home reno shows when I see a commercial for the new Julie & Julia movie and I hear for the first time that the Julie character has the same last name as I do...and the same first name!
Always good to see another Julie Powell floating around!
I wish the Julie character I've seen in the movie trailers bore some resemblance to the person who wrote the book, who is dirtier, smellier (plus disorganized & foul-mouthed)and MUCH funnier, smarter and more interesting than that pretty little simp in the flick. But I shall try - TRY - to withhold final judgment until I see the whole film.
That's funny about the straws, but extensive, crazy, fussy riders are the norm among celebrity guests.
I have a couple friends who work in nice hotels, and they have all kinds of comical stories about the lame crap that spoiled celebritiesmust have waiting in their rooms, by contract.
One famous '80s star actually called down and asked the concierge to go get some coke and bring it up to his room (not the Coke that you drink)! Obviously, it wasn't in his rider, but still...
Congrats for keeping your feet on the ground! :)
Hey Julie,
Great stuff! I loved reading about your visit to DC in your
original blog, since I lived there for so many years. And I'm
so glad you're keeping the meatball rolling. But why in the
world would you think your time in the spotlight is going to
come to an end on August 7? EVERYONE will want to meet
you from the 8th on.
(We'd love to see you in Charlotte.) I hope you get some sleep!
Thank you so much for your humor and honesty. Cheers, Vic
Hello from Kansas!!
My wife and I are very excited about the movie coming out.
I'm getting ready to read your book AND the original blog (I'm the foodie in the family).
I noticed a comment on this post from crystal-c about length of marriage and high school sweethearts. My wife and I have been married for 22 years (last April). We met in the 3rd grade and by the 5th grade I knew I would marry her - I even have an audio tape of me saying it.
If you wouldn't mind, would you contact me at correus @ yahoo . com? I have a very strange question for you in regard to "The Julie/Julia Project" and am not sure where to send the question.
anyone who read the book would know you are not a diva.
Hi Julie, I was fortunate to meet Paul & Julia when I worked at the PBS station in Richmond, VA. They came to do a promo for the French Chef show. We had a living room type set with a sofa for the 2 of them to sit on. We had NO IDEA that Julia was SO tall! We had to set the sofa up on cinder blocks so she could sit comfortably. While this was being done one of our cameramen asked Julia is she would autograph book plates for him to give his girlfriend for her cookbooks. Then he realized he had forgotten to bring the book plates & only had a greasy Jack in the Box bag from the nearby burger joint. "Bring it here!" Julia said laughing. "It's perfect, I'll autograph the bag & you can glue it in the front of her book." So, she did autograph it, grease spots & all & we did the interview with Paul's feet swinging over the edge of the sofa. Both of them were delightful & I find it hard to believe that someone with her good humor could have hated you. Maybe she just didn't understand what a blog was.
I've always wondered if coffee straw makers secretly want people to drink their coffee through those little red straws, knowing full well how silly people look when they do.
I am afraid to try it because the extreme amount of straining and sucking that would be required would certainly cause crow's feet around my mouth.
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