Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Where you can find me

For the next month or so I'm going to be hanging around here. Come check it out if you like. Everyone is asking me questions about food, and I need some plants to distract them from my idiocy with questions about gimlets and Buffy and David Strathairn....


Blogger Ima Cook said...

I am just now reading your book and LOVING it! I also cook, and cannot keep from trying out new recipes and cooking procedures. My husband will not touch some of what I cook, but I sometimes share with my neighbor, who I know does not cook much. Thanks so much for a great book and inspiration to cooking! :)


5:45 PM  
Blogger eddereno said...

I read your book in one sitting and liken it to eating a large Combo Meal in the car: I ate it fast, it was messy & fairly tasteless at times and I am still digesting it, days later. But I LOVED it.

You're a star. (No pressure).


6:35 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

I have got to read your book. I've heard so much about it (mainly from the Strathairnators!), and as a longtime fan, it's really about time I got on it. Looking forward to reading your novel, "Julie & Julia". :)

David Strathairn Online

1:44 PM  
Blogger sam said...

I am sure you have heard it all before by now, but I LOVED your book. I read it all in one sitting (okay, with one tiny break to mix a Stoli gimlet...delicious). Cant wait to read what you write next. keep at it!

4:35 PM  
Blogger hello jamie: said...

you're on Iron Chef tonight... and all week, if you never got that episode.

6:39 PM  
Blogger Tudor Queen said...

Dear Julie,

I devoured your book over the last week - I allow myself one book for fun by the bedtable and you were it - and I loved so many things about it: you brought the Project to life, but also the recipes themselves, and your many friends and co-workers, and your apartment and your tangled, confusing, loving relationship with Eric...

I know what it's like to be at the place you found yourself as you began the Project; I've been there and my answer, encouraged by a loving and lovable partner, was to return to school. Did that solve my problems? No, but it did help me find - or perhaps reestablish - that I could be more than I had let myself become, and that there are always answers, even if those answers only lead to more questions.

I was thrilled to find your blog and will check it periodically. Are you writing another book? I think you have a wonderful, engaging style and I would read just about anything you wrote at this point.

2:23 PM  
Blogger Julie said...


I'm glad you're back.

I won't tell you how much I loved your book. Whoops, guess I already did.


9:42 PM  
Blogger the Ordinary Organic said...

How can it be that you have not written a novel? Your writing is sarcastic, smart, funny, and touching all at once - a pure pleasure to read! I am a little more than halfway through the book, and I'm already dreading the end, as I always do when I become immersed in a great narrative. I am an avid fan of Julia as well, and I still remember seeing her on stage at Boston University with Jacques Pepin during their tour promoting the companion cookbook to their PBS show "Julia and Jacques Cooking at Home". Even from the very last row, she was larger than life, and she remains one of my greatest sources of inspiration, both in and out of the kitchen. I was relieved to see you are still blogging in your post-Project life, and I look forward to future postings from the "other" (but no less inspirational) Julia.

9:32 AM  
Blogger mlanie2bz said...

I feel so encouraged reading your book. I was just starting to feel like I was running out of time at the ripe old age of 30, of having any sort of career in cooking. Then to hear that Julia Child learned to cook at 37! Wow! Of course she was able to attend a world renowned cooking school and I only have Iron chef, Good Eats and my Cuisine at home magazine.
Oh, and I no longer feel like a failure because of my recent poached egg incident.

10:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


I found you at the insistence of my mom (who's very web-incapable sometimes), but then I figured, what the hey, since I was here I might as well drop a line. (I don't see a means by which I could write a private email, and you don't have that information available at the Amherst alumni website...).

Anyway, I'll not write a long personal email here. Eric Bone told me about your book and so, impressed by the good reviews of it online (and seeing that it had a prominent display at the local bookstore during the holidays), I gave it to my mom for Christmas... who absolutely LOVED it and wanted to tell you so (but that seems to be fairly common, from what I can tell).

Anyway, if you want a more personal email exchange (from me, from my mom), look up my email address on the Amherst alumni board (and/or post yours there, ya goofball!) In the meantime, congratulations: on the book, on the successful marriage, everything! (Though honestly I can't say I'm terribly surprised you turned out to be a star in some field or another -- some people just have that feel to them, ya know?)

Catch you later.
--Robert Machemer
(a voice from a musically theatrical past)

9:35 AM  
Blogger Marika said...

Hi Julie.

It seems that I'm way down the list of people offering their congratulations on your book, but I'm really pleased to join the ranks and say how much I loved it. It inspired me to get back into the kitchen and get my hands dirty (and floury and greasy) again...and for that my boyfriend also sends his thanks!

Look forward to a volume 2, if there's one coming...

Cheers ... Marika

10:55 PM  
Blogger Nan said...

I learned of your MASTERING THE ART OF FRENCH COOKING endeavor several years ago, probably in the NYTimes. While I had no desire to replicate your pursuit of that particular cookbook -- yes, I do own it, but it mostly gathers dust and grease on my cookbook shelf -- the idea of cooking a cookbook intrigued me.

I was about to retire and thought this would be a good retirement project/celebration. So, I looked through my cookbook collection, and selected one -- Patricia Wells' AT HOME IN PROVENCE. I'd tried a few recipes from it and found her use of fresh produce particularly inviting. Unlike you, I didn't set myself a deadline, nor did I just go through the cookbook sequentially. However, by the end of a year and a half or so, I'd cooked most all of the cookbook. The exceptions were the really exotic stuff like foie gras, which is really expensive and really hard to obtain in northern Michigan.

I, and my dining husband, very much enjoyed the experience. I was pushed to try some techniques and ingredients I'd have passed over previously, but now find within my repertoire. And there are a few items I'll probably not add to my menu. (My husband had a hard time with "bunnies" on the plate.)

Interestingly, this endeavor resulted in an article in the local newspaper and my teaching a class through the local extended education program: a cookbook sampler.

So, thank you for inspiring me to pursue an interest into my (not retiring) retirement.

And, yes, I'm now, finally, reading and enjoying JULIE AND JULIA.

5:39 PM  
Blogger shaz said...

Well, I just finished your book yesterday and I feel like I've lost a friend. I was at a loss today when I realized I didn't have any further to go in your story - and I missed you on my ride to work this morning. What a wonderful read. I feel like I know you and all of your friends and family, and that I took the journey - or at least the Readers Digest condensed version - with you. I laughed at your mild insanity, shed a few tears when things didn't go too well, and just thoroughly enjoyed it.

You - and an old friend of mine who has her own blog - have inspired me to start one of my own. I don't have a project or anything particular in mind, but decided to see where it could take me. So far I have just gotten the satisfaction of being able to vent....and share.

Good luck Julie, and may all of your future ventures take you to wonderful places.

11:26 AM  
Blogger Annika-Panika said...

Hi, nothing new but I just finished reading your book (which and me crying an laughing alternatively) and I am so happy to see that you still have a blog. So I've got lot's more reading to do. Great. Salutations amicales.

5:21 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

Hi Julie. I just finished your book and loved it! I picked it up at the bookstore not knowing that you had a blog, it just struck me. Your book made me laugh out loud. Thank you. I look forward to your next journey. Keep up the good work!

6:15 PM  
Blogger The Lockes said...

I am so thankful for you for 2 reasons:
1. I just started cooking recently (although I'm not crazy enough to work my way through a Julia Child book--no offense). Although I still have trouble with the difference between a tablespoon and a teaspoon (which is completely stupid, since "teaspoon" doesn't have a "b" in it), I'm learning--slowly. Your perserverance is amazing and inspiring.
2. You've completely validated my need to swear, scream, and throw things while cooking. My husband always questions my need to do these things in the kitchen. Now I can prove to him that at least one other person does it too!

10:32 AM  
Blogger sneakypablo said...


I had just finished reading "My Life In France" by J.C. a few weeks ago, so thought this would be a perfect follow-up, and it was. Knowing how much J.C. slaved over creating the perfect instructions to follow her recipes made it that much funnier to read how you attempted them. heh

I really LOVE your writing style, and you seem like a great person - not to mention SO HUMBLE>ah, i love that about you.

Good luck with everything. Can't wait for your next book.

8:59 AM  
Blogger Dawn Fornear said...

i had to stop reading your book. i feel that i am becoming more stupid. Your writing is sapping my love of cooking and eating. Pathetic, lazy, disgusting. and no one cares how many times you talk about marrying your high school sweetheart and that you have absolutely no experience with real lovers, real cooking, real life.
please give refund my money and my time spent reading this drivel.

3:23 PM  
Blogger Dawn Fornear said...

i had to stop reading your book. i feel that i am becoming more stupid. Your writing is sapping my love of cooking and eating. Pathetic, lazy, disgusting. and no one cares how many times you talk about marrying your high school sweetheart and that you have absolutely no experience with real lovers, real cooking, real life.
please give refund my money and my time spent reading this drivel.

3:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am reading your book and it is just great. I just blogged about it and added your link to my site!

10:33 PM  
Blogger Jack Albrecht said...

Hey, Julie:

Howdy from the West Coast (San Diego). I just finished your book -- thanks for the laughs and the insight.

I am 54 and was introduced to the world of Julia Child via my Aunt Jerry, who was a devotée of Public Television way back in the Sixties and was always whipping up something from THE BOOK. Although I remained vaguely conscious of Julia in subsequent years, my renewed awareness of who Julia is/was happened recently. Shortly before Julia died, I had picked up a copy of "Appetite for Life: The Biography of Julia Child" by Noel Riley Fitch at my local library (easy enough to do since I AM the librarian there). Yes, that just whetted my bon appetite to know more about her. I recently read "My Life in France"
by Julia Child, with Alex Prud'homme (Julia's and Paul's nephew).

I have BOTH yellowed volumes of THE BOOK in my kitchen cupboard. I love to page through them, admire the drawings, think about Julia's transformation from post-war housefrau to one of Les Trois Gourmandes. Mind you, I don't think about cooking those recipes, but it's fun leafing through that chunk of history.

The American Library Association is having its Annual conference in D.C. this coming summer. Guess that I'll have to make a point of dropping into the Smithsonian to see Julia's kitchen (sans the butter offering for me!)

Loved your book -- thanks again!


9:01 PM  
Blogger Jack Albrecht said...

Hey, Julie:

Howdy from the West Coast (San Diego). I just finished your book -- thanks for the laughs and the insight.

I am 54 and was introduced to the world of Julia Child via my Aunt Jerry, who was a devotée of Public Television way back in the Sixties and was always whipping up something from THE BOOK. Although I remained vaguely conscious of Julia in subsequent years, my renewed awareness of who Julia is/was happened recently. Shortly before Julia died, I had picked up a copy of "Appetite for Life: The Biography of Julia Child" by Noel Riley Fitch at my local library (easy enough to do since I AM the librarian there). Yes, that just whetted my bon appetit to know more about her. I recently read "My Life in France"
by Julia Child, with Alex Prud'homme (Julia's and Paul's nephew).

I have BOTH yellowed volumes of THE BOOK in my kitchen cupboard. I love to page through them, admire the drawings, think about Julia's transformation from post-war housefrau to one of Les Trois Gourmandes. Mind you, I don't think about cooking those recipes, but it's fun leafing through that chunk of history.

The American Library Association is having its Annual conference in D.C. this coming summer. Guess that I'll have to make a point of dropping into the Smithsonian to see Julia's kitchen (sans the butter offering for me!)

Loved your book -- thanks again!


9:04 PM  
Blogger Oksana said...

I learned of your MASTERING THE ART OF FRENCH CULINARY endeavor several years ago, probably in the NYTimes.
I love this book, very useful for those who wants to know everything about French cuisine.

1:13 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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10:13 PM  
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6:29 AM  
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interesting article.

10:57 PM  
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6:52 AM  
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