read the Q&A. boy this is going to be bumpy. sounds though as if you just might see your way through. i hope so anyway. you seem to be above all else someone who is just trying to figure out this thing we call living. it's crazy wild stuff sometimes.
i mean as long as you don't have some sort of double life as tigress powell or something.
soy española de Huelva y me encanta la cocina. A través de la película de Julia & Julie he podido conocerte y he visto el esfuerzo que tuviste que hacer, pero que al final conseguiste tu meta. Mi problema es que no sé inglés, pero de todas formas en estas fiestas que se avecinan te deseo feliz navidad y espero seguir tus recetas a través de tu blog buscando un traductor.
Hi Julie, I'm Júlia Lacerda from Brasil,and I watched the movie Julie and Julia, i'ts so good... You have a very nice story, make me happy see how people can find their happyness in a simple way! ;)
Well, I'm a 64 year old guy who just finished watching Julie and Julia. I know, I am wayyyy behind the Julie Powell curve at this late date but....... I LOVED THIS STORY SO MUCH! My wife and I are foodies and she had seen the film with a friend a few weeks back. She is traveling this week but had the film Netflixed (that can't be a word) to me during her absence. What a great story and testament to the impact that Julia had on all our lives and to your dedication to complete 'the project'. Bon Appetit!
I've just finished watching your movie with my husband. He loves to cook and was very enthusiastic about the movie ever since he saw the previews. I have to tell you, it is very inspiring. He studies biology, but I really believe that cooking is his passion. He does all the cooking around here and I'm a little ashamed to accept that he cooks better than me! Keep on writing, girl...Bon appetit!
Wow, I saw your movie yesterday, heard there were cute aprons, serendipitously I am trying to start a blog and need a focus fire, so with the moon shining through my window at 4 AM the answer came! THANK YOU for make yourself heard and visible!
Dear Julie- Like so many, I just saw the movie. Unlike the rest, I don't expect you to actually read my blog. ;) I just wanted to tell you that I too understand how a blog can save you from yourself, from the mundane and dreary lives we all seem bound and determined to get ourselves into. I know that something simple like an online diary (where I am free to expose the violent torrents of my own neurosis and deepset fear of broccoli) is more healing than prozac. I only wish my blog had been initially presented as my love of butter, instead of dieting. Then I wouldn't be stuck with the fake "no calorie" crap I have to swallow in order to shed my poundage. Anyway, just thought that you deserved one more stroke to the ego today. Thanks for paving the way for the rest of us bloggers and turning it into a legitimate form of writing. I cannot thank you enough.
I adored the movie Julie/Julia. I think you had a wonderful inspiring story to share. I have watched Julia Child on TV off and on threw the years and never realized what a truly funny human being she was. I have been doing some research about her after seeing the movie. I am a real baking junky and enjoy cooking immensly. I am going to see if I can get a copy of her book and try some of her recipes for myself. So Thank you for reminding us how wonderful she truly was.
I just saw the movie and began researching you. I can't wait to read "Cleaving". I've been on a cooking kick lately as a newly wed but it seems your latest work will hit home more for me. Your courage is encouraging. Congratulations on your success thus far.
Hi, Julie .... All good with you? My name is Aline and I am from Rio de Janeiro in Brazil ... a little far right? But I had the privilege to finish watching the movie Julie and Julia and I would like to congratulate her for her determination and will power to write your book and move on to your goal. Nowadays few people see that they have guts to move forward in their ideals even when it happens just to discourage us. And the example of his life serves as a means of encouraging people to believe they are capable of what we aim for and not give up your dreams no matter how difficult they may seem. His story is worth and how much incentive for many people and it is very important for people who every day walk unbeliever in itself and unable to see into their souls to be unique you are. Kisses and success always! Congratulations on your work, continue!
Julie, I did in fact go over and read your Q&A about your new book and I have to tell you I think I am sold on reading it and choosing it for my book club selection in Spring of next year... it sounds like it is going to be an interesting read.
I just watched the movie last night with my hubby and I actually caught myself wondering what happened after the movie with you and your husband Eric.
Question: will there be a readers guide available?
Wow Julie... I am so overwhelmed by this film, It was a great story and motivated me to become a better person and to follow through with my sayings. If that makes sense... I am 25 years old with a passion for cooking!
I hope that you read these blogs and keep up with the fan base I know it is difficult but all woth it. You are an inspiration and I would love to find out more about you. Did you ever meet Julia? Any suggestions for my blog? He he he Your friend Erica
Hi Julie. I'm onde more person in Brazil that loves you. The film treats about two things that I love: cooking and career. I work with career orientation and at the weekends like a Chef. Congratulations to change you career and achieve your objective: to be happy. That's the important. Kisses Claudia
Julie - you have stirred my creative spirits. I am a relatively new mommy of twins and I actually got to meet Julia in 2000 in Santa Barbara, so I am going to start cooking for my family thanks to your story. It was adorable and I am sure Hollywood takes creative license but I live in the middle of Hollywood - and not moved easily and I THANK YOU. You just never know who or how you will make a difference. Happiest of Holidays! Katie
Julie - I am a realtively new mom of twins - and cooking - although it has ALWAYS been a love of mine, is a challenge, but I am so against my kids eating crap - I have been consistent with thtat - but now it's time to break in a new kitchen and honor it with dinners and such - and your story has inspired me. I am going to follow your blog, and I just love your writings. Thanks so much. You have done a wonderful thing! Katie in L.A.
Hi Julia I just saw Julie and Julia I learned about Julia Child from watching on PBS with my grandmother who was a fantastic cook and baker and we always loved watchin cooking shows together! There is an interview on our tv station's website here in Canada when Julia was visiting from US in Vancouver its wonderful to hear talk about bad cooking and how really does not care for Mcdonald french fries!!! I listen to it for inspiration all the time. I think my next purchase will be Mastering the art of French Cooking!!!
Me (Erich) and my wife (Ingrid) saw the movie and she´s in shock with you and your things about Julia Child. She just started a new project (not like you but some like this), and she love you work. On December 15 we going to celebrate our 4 anniversary, and we going to do in the big way, with a recipe of you... Best regards and keep going, people like you change our world.
For a while now, I have noticed my inability to finish anything that I start. I am 22 years old going on 80 years old, so it seems, as I felt that my inability to place anything together was keeping me down to the ground.
When I first started cooking, it was in my grandmothers kitchen. I had a burning and secret desire for cooking as I was growing up. My mother wouldn't let me go near a pan. Everything we ate was box mix after my grandmother passed away.
When I enrolled in school, my family was furious as first.
Cutting my story short, as I'm sure it could get really long winded, I started questioning all my passions in life. I had been an English major (who also wrote part of a novel) turned pastry chef.
My boyfriend had decided on making our nightly movie your story. And Julia Child's story. I feel that my head is cleared and I remember why it is that I cook. It's because I love it.
Like you, I want to also cook through Julia Child's cookbook, and hopefully find myself a little bit more. However, I don't think I'll be blogging it- I'm not so brave.
I absolutely ADORED "Julie and Julia" Both you and Julia Childs have inspired me to not only blog more often (I mean, at all) but take up some new recipes, and of course--starting off with Julia's Boeuf Bourguignon =) Thank you so much! Please continue inspiring the likeminded.
I have read both your books, and I have loved both of them in very different ways. Julie & Julia was funny and very refreshing. I found Cleaving left me uncomfortable. However, I loved it, and loved that it got under my skin. I couldn't help but admire how brave you are. People were critical of you in your first book, you must have known how much more people would have been about this one, and you still went forward with it. I love your writing, and I hope to see more of it.
I just saw the movie and absolutely loved it. I feel that it was a beautiful testimate to Julia Childs. I think she would have loved it, too. It was so inspiring. I'm going out right now to buy your book. Hopefully, I can find it. I figure they are flying off the shelves. I really liked the seen where your character is laying on the kitchen floor, I can so relate. Best of luck too you and thanks for hanging in there and bringing this to us.
My name is Bernardo and I am from Brazil. I could see your story in the cinema and I love it. I don´t like to cook as well but after watched what you did, I would like so much to cook something similar.
Working in a deadend job as an IT systems administrator (you have NO idea how stressful something like this is) for a healthcare provider here in Chicago, I have been pondering over the past TEN years about making changes in my life. up until recently, my efforts have been for naught.
By a fluke of nature, I saw your book passing through a book store back in 2005, got a copy, and couldn't put it down. So...I thought, couldn't I do something like that?
And I did.
December 4th, 2009 marked the anniversary of my 3rd book outlining issues and strategies about our Nation's critical infrastructures (not exactly a book about 'bon appetite', but saving our Nation's infrastructures - to me - is something near 'n dear to me). People like you have encouraged people like me to do something...different.
Thank you.
P.S. I am seriously thinking about purchasing your 2nd book, and have already purchased the DVD to the movie based on your book, "Julie & Julia". Both my wife and I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. As a child whose grandmother worshipped the ground that Ms. Childs walked on, I am a bit familiar with some of the historical facts surrounding that woman's amazing life.
P.P.S. You did something 'good' - keep it up... ;)
Hi Julie, My wife and I just finished your movie. It was great. We can appreciate the trials and tribulations to starting something you feal so passionate about, and wanting to see it through.
She started a company called Steward Bags. (while teaching gr6 full time) She had many obsticles to overcome in order to get it off the ground. I saw simmilar patterns in her journey. As like you, it has been all worth it!! Thank you for a great story and validation.
I just watched the movie, It was a wonderful story. I was so touched by your story... it makes me to do something more in life. Thanks for being my inspiration.
Loved the movie. Will read both books. Both sound interesting and as one comment said(maybe on a different site) there are many sides to all of us...too bad for those that are disappointed that you went through a bad time. Related to the story....Ina Garten has been my inspiration to cook.
I just loved the Julia/Julie book and movie. When I got done with both It just made me get up and cook. And that is a sign of a great novel/movie. Thank you for inspiring to do something.
Dear god, just watched that horrible movie and it's offensive that you stand on the shoulders of someone who actually created something and think that this nonsensical combination of narcissistic dross is actually even vaguely coming close to some form of parallel.
Inge Vanweevelt Hi Julie , I am reading your book in dutch. I am from Belgium. Didn'it see the film yet. But you inspired me to start my own blog on foodstories: (translated it means: inge boils over and kooks. Like to know what you think about it. Best of luck. Greetings from Belgium. Inge.
WOW! What a GREAT movie! I congratulate you for sharing your story. I wish you the best and hope you continue to do what satisfies you most. My wife and I really enjoyed watching Julie and Julia. I cried so much...beautiful. Simply beautiful.
Hi Julie, Yesterday I saw the movie and... I couldn´t stop crying. I saw a lot of coincidences between the story and my own life... For a long time I used to say "I hate to cook", but I was so wrong. Actually, I adore to cook, and I'm doing it more and more every day. And also I'm in a point in my life in which I feel that I have to finish something !!! but I don't know what.. Believe it or not, your story is encouraging me to start walking in some direction, and I have lots of ideas and dreams !!! Thanks for sharing your own dreams with us. Regards, Marianela.
It is -45 degrees Celsius (-49 degrees F) and my vehicle will not start. Julie and Julia was my escape last night as ice crystals formed on our spruce trees outside. Today I am going to make Christmas cookies. I am 22 and cannot wait until I have a home that has a kitchen big enough to walk straight in. Thank you for your inspiration, dedication and curiousity. Good luck with all you do Julie.
Ohh I've just watched your movie for the 3rd time since I bought it yesterday. I loved it. You have inspired to me to start my own blog & go to Williams Sonoma demos. I still can't cook but I just wanted to say thank you for the inspiration. I have a job where people yell at me all day long because they didn't get their supplements so I can totally relate. hehe.
Good luck with the book signing!! Stay warm! and Thank you. =)
watching your movie right now, book is in the mail. I have watched Julia Child "The French Chef" as a kid. Little did I know I would grow up to be a foodie and have worked in restaurants all my life. Presently a GMgr and cookaholic in restaurant and at home. I was inspired by your story that even after all these years, You and Julia still infect us with the drive to make it perfect. I am in Kentucky, by way of NJ. Let me know if you come to town. Best of luck on Cleaving. Sitting with my copy of the french chef cookbook right now. Cook on sister! Jersey
Hi Julie! I´m from Brasil, your movie have just came to our movies and I saw it today. Very interesting, your challenge was a real life mission, and you did it! Can I ask you something? If so... why did Julia dislike your challenge? Have you discover after you knew or have some opinion about that? Congratulations on your story and thanks, Syomara.
Hi Julia, My name is Tatiana, I´m from Brazil, looking forwad to having my best year in 2010 studying gastronomy, the movie about your life is inspiring and very funny. I LOVE cooking and just like you I´m in my thrities..LOL, trying to find out more about life.. and I guess I just got it in food!!! Thanks for the movie, it helps me to believe my dream will come true. My best wishes for you!!!!!
Hi!! My name is Vanesa Sanz, I´m from Spain and I don´t know speak english very well,but I like very much your film,and You make a change in my bored live. I go to learn cooking now thanks for you. I make a blog inspired in you "JULIE AND JULIA MADE IN SPAIN" Hier we have MARIA LUISA GARCIA,"THE ART OF COOKING", SHE IS LIKE ME,FROM Asturias(Oviedo) and her book is about spanish cooking. If you know a little beat of spanish language,and you wan´t you can read my blog: Thank you very much for all. And I wan´t say you:"how wonderfull life is now that you´re in the world"
Oh hey....just watched the movie last night. If I had known, I would have been reading the blog all along. This kind of stuff is very interesting to me. You are, I'm sure hysterical. Have a great life, I loved your movie and I am going to read the blogs. Merry Christmas and if you ever get to Texas, well, I have a super large kitchen and I love to cook myself.
Hi Julie about the Q&A... I'm a fellow blogger and I live in Italy. While watching your movie "Julie & Julia" I experienced a great connection with your story because I find it similar to mine... I would like to host you on my blog for a "chat" to share your experiences with my readers : )
Hi Julie, I can't believe that you are really alive! I mean I thought you're just a story, until I reached this place, and now I'm sooo happy to be able to write to you... You can be sure, that I will comment your wonderful blog in great quantities, and I will describe you every little thing I loved in it, and my imaginary Julia, who is actually a Julie..:-) bye till then.., Judit
Unlike many others, I have not read your book, nor have I seen the movie. I have, however, read your blogs, assiduously, over the course of two days. For those, I thank you.
I've always presented myself, in company, as "fearless woman:" bring home the bacon, fry it in a pan, type, but the truth is, I hate going to to mailbox, for no rational reason whatsoever, and will leave it for weeks if given the opportunity by my long-suffering husband. He does not understand the quixoticness of this irrational aversion, and I cannot explain it.
I live in an entirely uninteresting part of the country, the outer-boroughs of Atlanta, which are much more lacking in decent BBQ and the cache of Manhattan than the outer-boroughs of NYC, and I have kids, which makes the serving of dinner at ungadly hours slightly more impracticable - and the very idea of *cooking* at all more fantastical (given the state of our kitchens) - than the infintely younger and hipper, if atmospherically colder life described in LIC.
In any case, I have to thank you for reminding me to be fearless - that this is the best trait I can pass on - this intrepidness of the spirit, strange mail-neuroses notwithstanding.
I'm sure you're inundated with self-confessional fan-mail daily, and I've never been one to gush (and I have no blog to beg you to visit), but I find your history fascinating, and you a person I'd like to know more of (not entirely because I feel the whole Buffy-thing, especially with ASH, and wish the final season were more worthy), and so, I'll go seeking your books, and will post this lamest of fanmail on your blog, and thank you for sharing.
It's been loverly.
And, I do have to agree that David S. is most definitely stalk-worthy.
Hi My name is Carmen and I am from Romania. I just saw the movie made after your book and as I also love to cook I must say your story is amazing and very inspiring. I wish good luck and all the best!
Dear Julie...i'm Romina from Italy, i just watching your blog and you beleve me i'm very excite for that because i'm just reading your symply beautiful!!!I saw a lot of coincidences between the story and my life... is incredible i have 30 years old, i have a secretary (and i so hate this job) i'm to move in other country for my love and i have always, i love so much to coocking and i have just starting my foodblog!very compliments for everything...good luck!!!
Bonjour Julie, Désolé mon amour des mots n'est pas encore transmissible autrement qu'en français,comme j'espère que tu pourras me lire... J'ai vu le film, moi aussi..,la semaine dernière avec mes filles. Toi et Julia, votre histoire, vous avez été, tu sais Le Enfin! celui après une longue discussion ou l'on tente par mille et un chemin expliquer notre déroute et qu'enfin on se sent comprise. J'ai pleurer discrètement, sans que mes filles me voient, presque par en dedans tellement cela me soulageait et me boulversait en même temps... que j'aimerais tout comme toi trouver ce quelque chose qui me permettra enfin d'être totalement moi... Je suis comme tu l'as été, celle qui avait tout pour réussir, dottée d'une incroyable liste de talents et d'une encore plus longue d'idées qui frétillent dans ma tête...comme Julia je cherche a pouvoir prendre ma place sans me contenter d'uniquement épauler la vie de ceux que j'aime, et que j'aime tellement... je veux ma place. Mes embuches sont différents, pleine de talent je n'ai pu terminer tout ce que j'ai entrepris, 38 ans, 5 merveilleux enfants et un mari plein d'amour et de patience... ce n'est pas la ténacité qui me manque car c'est elle qui ma garder en vie et qui sauvent ma famille. J'adore cuisiner aussi, cela me calme et me réjouit: devant une tarte aux pommes réussite... la fièrté et le plaisirs de la partager...mmmm!
Alors au plaisirs de te lire, j'entreprends aujourd'hui la lecture de ton site, à défault de bien m'exprimer, je comprends très bien l'anglais. Puis, ma liste de noel sera en quête de ton ou tes livres (j'espère au pluriels) et ceux de Julia.... je t'écrirai au fil de ma rencontre avec toi et celle de Julia.... à bientôt!
Hello Julie!Congratulations!Just finished watching the movie and your story moved me to tears!I'm originally from Poland,love to cook and if you ever find a spare time you are humbly invited to a polish dinner at my home upstate(50 miles from Manhattan),and...maybe you would like to master the art of polish cooking next?lol all the best-Beata
Julie, I just loved your movie, it was so inspiring. I love to cook, but have never tried anything outside of the box, you have given me the courage to try something new. Thanks for giving me new insight! Michelle Ewers, Roanoke, VA
Julie, After many recommendations, I finally saw the movie J&J. I loved it and have a rather unique request. I am one of many bloggers that post here and would like to do an upcoming post featuring you on "A Recipe for the Servantless Bachelors" where I include a recipe that those men who cook would be able to use for their significant other. An article I wrote on cooking is posted on my blog:
Love to hear from you and I promise it will be absolutely painless and no Jerry Springer Interview questions (Yikes). Please contact me when you have the chance:
Would have contacted you privately through e-mail but you have cleverly hid this (probably for obvious reasons).
I received two novels for Christmas: My Sister's Keeper and Julie and Julia. I was so excited to receive these. I had already seen the movie made from the latter title, but I really wanted to read that first book before I saw the movie. So in just a few days I read it. Lovely book.
Now I am not a paid published writer, but I was really disappointed about unnecessary language and a couple sex scenes in My Sister's Keeper. I understand that there needs to be different character development and maybe some readers even relish the "f" word and spicy scences. But truly, does everybody you know use the "f" word? I doubt it. So if Jesse, the 18-year-old deliquent son periodically used that type of language, that was in character and believable. But when the lawyers did and the fire-fighters, it made me wonder if Jodi Picoult lives in a different world than I do, or if I am in a comfortable soundproof bubble, or if possibly Ms. Picoult could come up with something else to express what she wants her characters to convey. I'm hoping the last of the list is the most true. I think she is a really gifted writer, and I think that the book was amazing. For those who haven't read it, I've heard that the movie is much different, but I have yet to see it. The ending is truly a heart-wrenching surprise, but it made the story so much more poignant. I admire the skill with which Jodi Picoult delivered the central plot from beginning to end.
Now I have already begun reading Julie and Julia, and my finding so far is the same: unnecessary language and sexual references. But it seems that Julie Powell felt the need to dish the language out quickly in the first few pages. I hope that this is not what authors believe we all want to be fed. I really loved the movie and I am hoping that the book measures up to the expectation that I had for it, but I'm not sure if I'll make it past the sexual references and language. There was just too much of it in the first chapter. So I find myself ambiguous about the appetizer, reluctant to head into the main course, wary about the presentation of the meal, and wondering if the dessert will be enough to redeem the blemishes of the entirety. I know if the next few pages don't convince me, that I will leave the book unread and move on to something else. That will make me sad, because I still believe that most books outshine the movies that come from them. We will see.
Maybe I'm being unfair to the second book because I had my fill of the being dished language and sexuality for which I was not seeking in a few short days. Be that as it may, I hope that there will be more novels of quality produced, and that the authors will be confident enough in their cleverness to leave out those things that they know would be offensive to their mothers or grandmothers, their own daughters or nieces. After all, many mothers, grandmothers, daughters, and nieces are reading their books.
The movie made me want to be a better cook and a better wife. It made me want to devour life and love and live with greater passion and zest. It was so tastefully done.
I read another chapter and set the book aside. There is too much good reading available.
hola buen dia soy brenda y e visto tu movie y me a encantado yo no soy nada buena en cosina pero tu movie me a motivado a prender un pokoo mire toda la pasion por la cosina y me ase sentir orgillo soy una chava de 23 años casadaaa jaja sin hijos y dos chihuahuas espero y puedas traducir mi escrito y por lo menos informarme q lo has leeido gracias y suerte bye
hi julie, i am divya from india. i saw the movie its so lively and enchanting. i completely loved it...keep on doing the good work.. being a big foodie, i love your blog plus your way to making things simple and plain in a way like you r also present with me at that very place and enjoying every bit of what i m feeling while cooking..
Hi Julie, I am Selma from Turkey.I have watched Julie and Julia and I have been really attracted.It is really really wonderful film.Up to now,I think that cooking is really boring and difficult.But now,it will be very nice if I make it by loving...
hhiee I m from India..Yesterday i was watching your movie and it inspired me sooo much. Even i love cooking and the fact that you should always do something that you love is sooo true.
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على اعلى مستوى فى مكافحة الحشرات المنزلة التى تقدمها شركتنا فى مجال المكافحة اتصل بنا الان على افضل شركة مكافحة حشرات بالقطيف اتصل بنا عميلى العزيز على افضل واحسن واقوى واسرع شركة مكافحة حشرات بالقطيف ونحن فى المثالي نقدم لكم شركة مكافحة حشرات بالقطيف
نقوم برش المبيدات بالمنزل دون مغادرة اهل المنزل تقوم شركة المناره بالقضاء علي الحشرات نهائيا نضمن لك عدم رجوع الحشرات الي منزلك مره اخري شركة رش مبيدات بالخبر
نحن نعمل على مجال الرش فى القطيف منذ اكثر من سنوات عميلى العزيز اذا كنت تريد شركة رش مبيدات وشركة مكافحة حشرات بالقطيف اتصل بنا الان لاننا الاحسن والاقوى فى القطيف فلى جميع الخدمات المنزلية فى القطيف ونحن فى شركة المثالي نقدم لكم افضل شركة رش مبيدات بالقطيف
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تصل بنا على افضل شركة تنظيف خزانات بالقطيف. 3-تنظيف الخزانات : تنظف الخزانات بطريقه مثاليه وتزيل الصدأ ان وجد بها وباستخدام الطرق اليدوية اعتمادا علي امهر العمالة المميزة في تنظيفه شركة تنظيف خزانات بالقطيف
عزيزي العميل نعلم ان وقتك ثمين فنقدم لك افضل شركة تنظيف خدمات التنظيف من الخدمات المهمة التي يجب القيام بها من حين لاخر نقوم بتنظيف الشقق والفلل والمنازل بافضل الادوات والاجهزة الحديثة نقوم بتنظيف المجالس والموكيت والستائر وجميع المفروشات شركة تنظيف بالخبر
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ففي بعض الظروف والأوقات نجد بيوتنا، ومنازلنا تحتاج إلى تنظيف دائم وبشكل مستمر ولكن يصعب على البعض تحريك قطع الأثاث الثقيلة، والأغراض المتراكمة التي تجد عليها الغبار الكثير شركة تنظيف تنظيف منازل غسيل سجاد تنظیف شقق
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read the Q&A. boy this is going to be bumpy. sounds though as if you just might see your way through.
i hope so anyway. you seem to be above all else someone who is just trying to figure out this thing we call living. it's crazy wild stuff sometimes.
i mean as long as you don't have some sort of double life as tigress powell or something.
anyway, hang in there!
soy española de Huelva y me encanta la cocina. A través de la película de Julia & Julie he podido conocerte y he visto el esfuerzo que tuviste que hacer, pero que al final conseguiste tu meta. Mi problema es que no sé inglés, pero de todas formas en estas fiestas que se avecinan te deseo feliz navidad y espero seguir tus recetas a través de tu blog buscando un traductor.
Feliz Navidad! Un cariñoso saludo
Reading your interview - oh Julie - I want to be you, in some ways.
Hi Julie, I'm Júlia Lacerda from Brasil,and I watched the movie Julie and Julia, i'ts so good... You have a very nice story, make me happy see how people can find their happyness in a simple way! ;)
I am from Brazil and I watched the movie the Julie and Julia, I actually loved your history...congratulations
I saw the movie based on your blog and like you i was drifting about.And
so i was inspired to start my own blog it's at
tell me what you think
Well, I'm a 64 year old guy who just finished watching Julie and Julia. I know, I am wayyyy behind the Julie Powell curve at this late date but....... I LOVED THIS STORY SO MUCH! My wife and I are foodies and she had seen the film with a friend a few weeks back. She is traveling this week but had the film Netflixed (that can't be a word) to me during her absence. What a great story and testament to the impact that Julia had on all our lives and to your dedication to complete 'the project'. Bon Appetit!
I've just finished watching your movie with my husband. He loves to cook and was very enthusiastic about the movie ever since he saw the previews. I have to tell you, it is very inspiring. He studies biology, but I really believe that cooking is his passion. He does all the cooking around here and I'm a little ashamed to accept that he cooks better than me! Keep on writing, girl...Bon appetit!
Wow, I saw your movie yesterday, heard there were cute aprons, serendipitously I am trying to start a blog and need a focus fire, so with the moon shining through my window at 4 AM the answer came! THANK YOU for make yourself heard and visible!
I think that Brazilian people love you!
Ps: I'm brazilian!!
Dear Julie-
Like so many, I just saw the movie. Unlike the rest, I don't expect you to actually read my blog. ;) I just wanted to tell you that I too understand how a blog can save you from yourself, from the mundane and dreary lives we all seem bound and determined to get ourselves into. I know that something simple like an online diary (where I am free to expose the violent torrents of my own neurosis and deepset fear of broccoli) is more healing than prozac. I only wish my blog had been initially presented as my love of butter, instead of dieting. Then I wouldn't be stuck with the fake "no calorie" crap I have to swallow in order to shed my poundage.
Anyway, just thought that you deserved one more stroke to the ego today. Thanks for paving the way for the rest of us bloggers and turning it into a legitimate form of writing. I cannot thank you enough.
I adored the movie Julie/Julia. I think you had a wonderful inspiring story to share. I have watched Julia Child on TV off and on threw the years and never realized what a truly funny human being she was. I have been doing some research about her after seeing the movie. I am a real baking junky and enjoy cooking immensly. I am going to see if I can get a copy of her book and try some of her recipes for myself. So Thank you for reminding us how wonderful she truly was.
We're going to the signing in Denver tomorrow! Can't wait! :D
i saw the movie based from your book and i am from iran and i never eat french food
but i just want to say that you are amazing and now i love to eat some french food
thanx you for your do
I just saw the movie and began researching you. I can't wait to read "Cleaving". I've been on a cooking kick lately as a newly wed but it seems your latest work will hit home more for me. Your courage is encouraging. Congratulations on your success thus far.
good post
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Hi! I'm Martina from Brazil! I saw the movie "Julie and Julia" in the cinema today and was really great!!congratulations!
Hi, Julie .... All good with you? My name is Aline and I am from Rio de Janeiro in Brazil ... a little far right? But I had the privilege to finish watching the movie Julie and Julia and I would like to congratulate her for her determination and will power to write your book and move on to your goal. Nowadays few people see that they have guts to move forward in their ideals even when it happens just to discourage us. And the example of his life serves as a means of encouraging people to believe they are capable of what we aim for and not give up your dreams no matter how difficult they may seem. His story is worth and how much incentive for many people and it is very important for people who every day walk unbeliever in itself and unable to see into their souls to be unique you are. Kisses and success always! Congratulations on your work, continue!
I did in fact go over and read your Q&A about your new book and I have to tell you I think I am sold on reading it and choosing it for my book club selection in Spring of next year... it sounds like it is going to be an interesting read.
I just watched the movie last night with my hubby and I actually caught myself wondering what happened after the movie with you and your husband Eric.
Question: will there be a readers guide available?
Wow Julie... I am so overwhelmed by this film, It was a great story and motivated me to become a better person and to follow through with my sayings. If that makes sense... I am 25 years old with a passion for cooking!
I hope that you read these blogs and keep up with the fan base I know it is difficult but all woth it. You are an inspiration and I would love to find out more about you. Did you ever meet Julia?
Any suggestions for my blog? He he he
Your friend Erica
Hi Julie. I'm onde more person in Brazil that loves you. The film treats about two things that I love: cooking and career. I work with career orientation and at the weekends like a Chef. Congratulations to change you career and achieve your objective: to be happy. That's the important.
We just finished watching your movie and was instantly inspired to cook. We love you.
Sue-En & Sarah of Malaysia
Julie - you have stirred my creative spirits. I am a relatively new mommy of twins and I actually got to meet Julia in 2000 in Santa Barbara, so I am going to start cooking for my family thanks to your story. It was adorable and I am sure Hollywood takes creative license but I live in the middle of Hollywood - and not moved easily and I THANK YOU. You just never know who or how you will make a difference. Happiest of Holidays!
Julie - I am a realtively new mom of twins - and cooking - although it has ALWAYS been a love of mine, is a challenge, but I am so against my kids eating crap - I have been consistent with thtat - but now it's time to break in a new kitchen and honor it with dinners and such - and your story has inspired me. I am going to follow your blog, and I just love your writings. Thanks so much. You have done a wonderful thing!
Katie in L.A.
WOW...thanks for all of the hard work and grit sticking to your has meant so much to sooooo many...+Father Tom
Check out my blog please!
Check out my blog
I was a big fan until I heard about your affair. Your story is sad and disappointing.
Hi Julia I just saw Julie and Julia I learned about Julia Child from watching on PBS with my grandmother who was a fantastic cook and baker and we always loved watchin cooking shows together! There is an interview on our tv station's website here in Canada when Julia was visiting from US in Vancouver its wonderful to hear talk about bad cooking and how really does not care for Mcdonald french fries!!! I listen to it for inspiration all the time. I think my next purchase will be Mastering the art of French Cooking!!!
Me (Erich) and my wife (Ingrid) saw the movie and she´s in shock with you and your things about Julia Child. She just started a new project (not like you but some like this), and she love you work. On December 15 we going to celebrate our 4 anniversary, and we going to do in the big way, with a recipe of you...
Best regards and keep going, people like you change our world.
I was just fired from my culinary job last week.
For a while now, I have noticed my inability to finish anything that I start. I am 22 years old going on 80 years old, so it seems, as I felt that my inability to place anything together was keeping me down to the ground.
When I first started cooking, it was in my grandmothers kitchen. I had a burning and secret desire for cooking as I was growing up. My mother wouldn't let me go near a pan. Everything we ate was box mix after my grandmother passed away.
When I enrolled in school, my family was furious as first.
Cutting my story short, as I'm sure it could get really long winded, I started questioning all my passions in life. I had been an English major (who also wrote part of a novel) turned pastry chef.
My boyfriend had decided on making our nightly movie your story. And Julia Child's story. I feel that my head is cleared and I remember why it is that I cook. It's because I love it.
Like you, I want to also cook through Julia Child's cookbook, and hopefully find myself a little bit more. However, I don't think I'll be blogging it- I'm not so brave.
Thank you for giving me a reason.
Bon Apetite~
Hi. I am a blog designer and would love to talk to you about a possible redesign if you're interested! I would absolutely love to work with you!
I absolutely ADORED "Julie and Julia" Both you and Julia Childs have inspired me to not only blog more often (I mean, at all) but take up some new recipes, and of course--starting off with Julia's Boeuf Bourguignon =) Thank you so much! Please continue inspiring the likeminded.
Hi Dear Julie,
Please see:
Help Us spread His Living Word...
And Thanks SO Much... <'(((><
I have read both your books, and I have loved both of them in very different ways.
Julie & Julia was funny and very refreshing.
I found Cleaving left me uncomfortable. However, I loved it, and loved that it got under my skin. I couldn't help but admire how brave you are. People were critical of you in your first book, you must have known how much more people would have been about this one, and you still went forward with it.
I love your writing, and I hope to see more of it.
I just saw the movie and absolutely loved it. I feel that it was a beautiful testimate to Julia Childs. I think she would have loved it, too. It was so inspiring. I'm going out right now to buy your book. Hopefully, I can find it. I figure they are flying off the shelves. I really liked the seen where your character is laying on the kitchen floor, I can so relate. Best of luck too you and thanks for hanging in there and bringing this to us.
Hi Julie,
My name is Bernardo and I am from Brazil. I could see your story in the cinema and I love it. I don´t like to cook as well but after watched what you did, I would like so much to cook something similar.
Working in a deadend job as an IT systems administrator (you have NO idea how stressful something like this is) for a healthcare provider here in Chicago, I have been pondering over the past TEN years about making changes in my life. up until recently, my efforts have been for naught.
By a fluke of nature, I saw your book passing through a book store back in 2005, got a copy, and couldn't put it down. So...I thought, couldn't I do something like that?
And I did.
December 4th, 2009 marked the anniversary of my 3rd book outlining issues and strategies about our Nation's critical infrastructures (not exactly a book about 'bon appetite', but saving our Nation's infrastructures - to me - is something near 'n dear to me). People like you have encouraged people like me to do something...different.
Thank you.
P.S. I am seriously thinking about purchasing your 2nd book, and have already purchased the DVD to the movie based on your book, "Julie & Julia". Both my wife and I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. As a child whose grandmother worshipped the ground that Ms. Childs walked on, I am a bit familiar with some of the historical facts surrounding that woman's amazing life.
P.P.S. You did something 'good' - keep it up... ;)
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Hi Julie,
My wife and I just finished your movie. It was great. We can appreciate the trials and tribulations to starting something you feal so passionate about, and wanting to see it through.
She started a company called Steward Bags. (while teaching gr6 full time) She had many obsticles to overcome in order to get it off the ground. I saw simmilar patterns in her journey. As like you, it has been all worth it!! Thank you for a great story and validation.
Is there any contact information to write to her/you? would love to chat and share thoughts and ideas.
I just watched the movie, It was a wonderful story. I was so touched by your story... it makes me to do something more in life. Thanks for being my inspiration.
Loved the movie. Will read both books. Both sound interesting and as one comment said(maybe on a different site) there are many sides to all of us...too bad for those that are disappointed that you went through a bad time. Related to the story....Ina Garten has been my inspiration to cook.
I just loved the Julia/Julie book and movie. When I got done with both It just made me get up and cook. And that is a sign of a great novel/movie. Thank you for inspiring to do something.
Dear god, just watched that horrible movie and it's offensive that you stand on the shoulders of someone who actually created something and think that this nonsensical combination of narcissistic dross is actually even vaguely coming close to some form of parallel.
You are a blogger.
You create nothing.
You are not a special snowflake.
Inge Vanweevelt
Hi Julie , I am reading your book in dutch. I am from Belgium. Didn'it see the film yet. But you inspired me to start my own blog on foodstories: (translated it means: inge boils over and kooks. Like to know what you think about it. Best of luck. Greetings from Belgium. Inge.
Interesting that a Twinkletoes, shithead like ZEN didn't have to balls to leave an address for a response. Hey ZEN get a life.
We just watched your movie and now we want to buy your cook book.... your food looks delicious! Love Cd and jD
Julie please visit my blog, as it will be my jorney as I read your book....
Tim Sturkie
What a GREAT movie! I congratulate you for sharing your story. I wish you the best and hope you continue to do what satisfies you most.
My wife and I really enjoyed watching Julie and Julia. I cried so much...beautiful. Simply beautiful.
Julie, the link that you call
My Big-Deal Author's Big-Deal Official Site
is broken.
I thought you'd like to know.
Hi Julie, Yesterday I saw the movie and... I couldn´t stop crying. I saw a lot of coincidences between the story and my own life... For a long time I used to say "I hate to cook", but I was so wrong. Actually, I adore to cook, and I'm doing it more and more every day. And also I'm in a point in my life in which I feel that I have to finish something !!! but I don't know what.. Believe it or not, your story is encouraging me to start walking in some direction, and I have lots of ideas and dreams !!! Thanks for sharing your own dreams with us. Regards, Marianela.
It is -45 degrees Celsius (-49 degrees F) and my vehicle will not start. Julie and Julia was my escape last night as ice crystals formed on our spruce trees outside. Today I am going to make Christmas cookies. I am 22 and cannot wait until I have a home that has a kitchen big enough to walk straight in. Thank you for your inspiration, dedication and curiousity. Good luck with all you do Julie.
Ohh I've just watched your movie for the 3rd time since I bought it yesterday. I loved it. You have inspired to me to start my own blog & go to Williams Sonoma demos. I still can't cook but I just wanted to say thank you for the inspiration. I have a job where people yell at me all day long because they didn't get their supplements so I can totally relate. hehe.
Good luck with the book signing!! Stay warm! and Thank you. =)
watching your movie right now, book is in the mail. I have watched Julia Child "The French Chef" as a kid. Little did I know I would grow up to be a foodie and have worked in restaurants all my life. Presently a GMgr and cookaholic in restaurant and at home. I was inspired by your story that even after all these years, You and Julia still infect us with the drive to make it perfect. I am in Kentucky, by way of NJ. Let me know if you come to town. Best of luck on Cleaving. Sitting with my copy of the french chef cookbook right now. Cook on sister! Jersey
Hi Julie!
I´m from Brasil, your movie have just came to our movies and I saw it today. Very interesting, your challenge was a real life mission, and you did it! Can I ask you something? If so... why did Julia dislike your challenge? Have you discover after you knew or have some opinion about that?
Congratulations on your story and thanks,
Hi Julia, My name is Tatiana, I´m from Brazil, looking forwad to having my best year in 2010 studying gastronomy, the movie about your life is inspiring and very funny. I LOVE cooking and just like you I´m in my thrities..LOL, trying to find out more about life.. and I guess I just got it in food!!! Thanks for the movie, it helps me to believe my dream will come true. My best wishes for you!!!!!
Hi!! My name is Vanesa Sanz, I´m from Spain and I don´t know speak english very well,but I like very much your film,and You make a change in my bored live. I go to learn cooking now thanks for you. I make a blog inspired in you "JULIE AND JULIA MADE IN SPAIN" Hier we have MARIA LUISA GARCIA,"THE ART OF COOKING", SHE IS LIKE ME,FROM Asturias(Oviedo) and her book is about spanish cooking.
If you know a little beat of spanish language,and you wan´t you can read my blog: Thank you very much for all. And I wan´t say you:"how wonderfull life is now that you´re in the world"
You seem to have gotten to know yourself and your husband during your first blog year. I hope all is well with you now.
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Oh hey....just watched the movie last night. If I had known, I would have been reading the blog all along. This kind of stuff is very interesting to me. You are, I'm sure hysterical. Have a great life, I loved your movie and I am going to read the blogs. Merry Christmas and if you ever get to Texas, well, I have a super large kitchen and I love to cook myself.
Hi Julie about the Q&A... I'm a fellow blogger and I live in Italy. While watching your movie "Julie & Julia" I experienced a great connection with your story because I find it similar to mine...
I would like to host you on my blog for a "chat" to share your experiences with my readers : )
I look forward to your positive response
“. . . most bereaved souls crave nourishment more tangible than prayers: they want a steak.”
M. F. K. Fisher
Julie, you have one fun blog.
- David
10 Reasons to Drink Aloe Vera
Hi Julie, I can't believe that you are really alive! I mean I thought you're just a story, until I reached this place, and now I'm sooo happy to be able to write to you...
You can be sure, that I will comment your wonderful blog in great quantities, and I will describe you every little thing I loved in it, and my imaginary Julia, who is actually a Julie..:-) bye till then.., Judit
Hi Julie,
Unlike many others, I have not read your book, nor have I seen the movie. I have, however, read your blogs, assiduously, over the course of two days. For those, I thank you.
I've always presented myself, in company, as "fearless woman:" bring home the bacon, fry it in a pan, type, but the truth is, I hate going to to mailbox, for no rational reason whatsoever, and will leave it for weeks if given the opportunity by my long-suffering husband. He does not understand the quixoticness of this irrational aversion, and I cannot explain it.
I live in an entirely uninteresting part of the country, the outer-boroughs of Atlanta, which are much more lacking in decent BBQ and the cache of Manhattan than the outer-boroughs of NYC, and I have kids, which makes the serving of dinner at ungadly hours slightly more impracticable - and the very idea of *cooking* at all more fantastical (given the state of our kitchens) - than the infintely younger and hipper, if atmospherically colder life described in LIC.
In any case, I have to thank you for reminding me to be fearless - that this is the best trait I can pass on - this intrepidness of the spirit, strange mail-neuroses notwithstanding.
I'm sure you're inundated with self-confessional fan-mail daily, and I've never been one to gush (and I have no blog to beg you to visit), but I find your history fascinating, and you a person I'd like to know more of (not entirely because I feel the whole Buffy-thing, especially with ASH, and wish the final season were more worthy), and so, I'll go seeking your books, and will post this lamest of fanmail on your blog, and thank you for sharing.
It's been loverly.
And, I do have to agree that David S. is most definitely stalk-worthy.
My name is Carmen and I am from Romania. I just saw the movie made after your book and as I also love to cook I must say your story is amazing and very inspiring.
I wish good luck and all the best!
Dear Julie...i'm Romina from Italy, i just watching your blog and you beleve me i'm very excite for that because i'm just reading your symply beautiful!!!I saw a lot of coincidences between the story and my life... is incredible i have 30 years old, i have a secretary (and i so hate this job) i'm to move in other country for my love and i have always, i love so much to coocking and i have just starting my foodblog!very compliments for everything...good luck!!!
Bonjour Julie,
Désolé mon amour des mots n'est pas encore transmissible autrement qu'en français,comme j'espère que tu pourras me lire... J'ai vu le film, moi aussi..,la semaine dernière avec mes filles. Toi et Julia, votre histoire, vous avez été, tu sais Le Enfin! celui après une longue discussion ou l'on tente par mille et un chemin expliquer notre déroute et qu'enfin on se sent comprise. J'ai pleurer discrètement, sans que mes filles me voient, presque par en dedans tellement cela me soulageait et me boulversait en même temps... que j'aimerais tout comme toi trouver ce quelque chose qui me permettra enfin d'être totalement moi... Je suis comme tu l'as été, celle qui avait tout pour réussir, dottée d'une incroyable liste de talents et d'une encore plus longue d'idées qui frétillent dans ma tête...comme Julia je cherche a pouvoir prendre ma place sans me contenter d'uniquement épauler la vie de ceux que j'aime, et que j'aime tellement... je veux ma place. Mes embuches sont différents, pleine de talent je n'ai pu terminer tout ce que j'ai entrepris, 38 ans, 5 merveilleux enfants et un mari plein d'amour et de patience... ce n'est pas la ténacité qui me manque car c'est elle qui ma garder en vie et qui sauvent ma famille. J'adore cuisiner aussi, cela me calme et me réjouit: devant une tarte aux pommes réussite... la fièrté et le plaisirs de la partager...mmmm!
Alors au plaisirs de te lire, j'entreprends aujourd'hui la lecture de ton site, à défault de bien m'exprimer, je comprends très bien l'anglais. Puis, ma liste de noel sera en quête de ton ou tes livres (j'espère au pluriels) et ceux de Julia.... je t'écrirai au fil de ma rencontre avec toi et celle de Julia.... à bientôt!
Hello Julie!Congratulations!Just finished watching the movie and your story moved me to tears!I'm originally from Poland,love to cook and if you ever find a spare time you are humbly invited to a polish dinner at my home upstate(50 miles from Manhattan),and...maybe you would like to master the art of polish cooking next?lol all the best-Beata
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two words...
good freaking luck.
oops that three.
Julie, I just loved your movie, it was so inspiring. I love to cook, but have never tried anything outside of the box, you have given me the courage to try something new. Thanks for giving me new insight! Michelle Ewers, Roanoke, VA
Julie, After many recommendations, I finally saw the movie J&J. I loved it and have a rather unique request. I am one of many bloggers that post here and would like to do an upcoming post featuring you on "A Recipe for the Servantless Bachelors" where I include a recipe that those men who cook would be able to use for their significant other. An article I wrote on cooking is posted on my blog:
Love to hear from you and I promise it will be absolutely painless and no Jerry Springer Interview questions (Yikes). Please contact me when you have the chance:
Would have contacted you privately through e-mail but you have cleverly hid this (probably for obvious reasons).
it's a great site
please visit
Friday, January 1, 2010
Author Responsibly
I received two novels for Christmas: My Sister's Keeper and Julie and Julia. I was so excited to receive these. I had already seen the movie made from the latter title, but I really wanted to read that first book before I saw the movie. So in just a few days I read it. Lovely book.
Now I am not a paid published writer, but I was really disappointed about unnecessary language and a couple sex scenes in My Sister's Keeper. I understand that there needs to be different character development and maybe some readers even relish the "f" word and spicy scences. But truly, does everybody you know use the "f" word? I doubt it. So if Jesse, the 18-year-old deliquent son periodically used that type of language, that was in character and believable. But when the lawyers did and the fire-fighters, it made me wonder if Jodi Picoult lives in a different world than I do, or if I am in a comfortable soundproof bubble, or if possibly Ms. Picoult could come up with something else to express what she wants her characters to convey. I'm hoping the last of the list is the most true. I think she is a really gifted writer, and I think that the book was amazing. For those who haven't read it, I've heard that the movie is much different, but I have yet to see it. The ending is truly a heart-wrenching surprise, but it made the story so much more poignant. I admire the skill with which Jodi Picoult delivered the central plot from beginning to end.
Now I have already begun reading Julie and Julia, and my finding so far is the same: unnecessary language and sexual references. But it seems that Julie Powell felt the need to dish the language out quickly in the first few pages. I hope that this is not what authors believe we all want to be fed. I really loved the movie and I am hoping that the book measures up to the expectation that I had for it, but I'm not sure if I'll make it past the sexual references and language. There was just too much of it in the first chapter. So I find myself ambiguous about the appetizer, reluctant to head into the main course, wary about the presentation of the meal, and wondering if the dessert will be enough to redeem the blemishes of the entirety. I know if the next few pages don't convince me, that I will leave the book unread and move on to something else. That will make me sad, because I still believe that most books outshine the movies that come from them. We will see.
Maybe I'm being unfair to the second book because I had my fill of the being dished language and sexuality for which I was not seeking in a few short days. Be that as it may, I hope that there will be more novels of quality produced, and that the authors will be confident enough in their cleverness to leave out those things that they know would be offensive to their mothers or grandmothers, their own daughters or nieces. After all, many mothers, grandmothers, daughters, and nieces are reading their books.
The movie made me want to be a better cook and a better wife. It made me want to devour life and love and live with greater passion and zest. It was so tastefully done.
I read another chapter and set the book aside. There is too much good reading available.
hola buen dia soy brenda y e visto tu movie y me a encantado yo no soy nada buena en cosina pero tu movie me a motivado a prender un pokoo mire toda la pasion por la cosina y me ase sentir orgillo soy una chava de 23 años casadaaa jaja sin hijos y dos chihuahuas espero y puedas traducir mi escrito y por lo menos informarme q lo has leeido gracias y suerte bye
hi julie, i am divya from india. i saw the movie its so lively and enchanting. i completely loved it...keep on doing the good work.. being a big foodie, i love your blog plus your way to making things simple and plain in a way like you r also present with me at that very place and enjoying every bit of what i m feeling while cooking..
waiting more from you...keep on posting...
Hi Julie, I am Selma from Turkey.I have watched Julie and Julia and I have been really attracted.It is really really wonderful film.Up to now,I think that cooking is really boring and difficult.But now,it will be very nice if I make it by loving...
I m from India..Yesterday i was watching your movie and it inspired me sooo much. Even i love cooking and the fact that you should always do something that you love is sooo true.
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Ooddles has been developing dog food since 2016; it all started when a family member of a breeder became aware of the low-quality ingredients used in many dog foods commonly available. After extensive research, they developed two formulas with leading UK manufacturers. They launched two dry food products, the original two lines called Game On and The Catch which became very popular, very quickly, and still very popular today, these formulas were aimed at crossbreeds, although suitable for all breeds. Always selling out of the two lines, it became apparent the food was well received.
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