Well, it's done. The premiere has come and gone, and my stint in LaLaLand is nearly done. It's been a fun ride, and I'm going to miss those priority tags on my luggage and the hotel rooms with grand pianos in them, but it's probably best for me to go back to Queens and be normal again for awhile. Well, not normal, but you know what I mean.
Here I am at the red carpet. Could be a whole lot worse - I have to thank the loads of people who spent multiple hours making me look presentable.

The red carpet is, as it turns out, a rather violent and scary place. The premiere itself was a little excruciating - I've seen the movie six times now, and the cringing still hasn't stopped. The after party was, however, suitably glamorous. I talked with Amy A., who looked gorgeous, was very composed, and sipped champagne out of a little funnel thingy to keep from spilling on her amazing dress. I talked with Chris M., who was effusive and suspiciously loopy and hanging out with Sam Rockwell. I talked with Stanley T. and Meryl S., who were extraordinarily gracious considering the THOUSANDS of people who wanted a piece of their time. I talked to Nora E., who was extraordinarily kind and looked fantastic. But I also hung out with Mark Ricker, J&J production designer, who's amazing, and Amy Robinson and Eric Steel, who are producers on the film and dear friends. I didn't hang out nearly enough with my dear family and friends who came with me, but I believe they had a good time anyway. Oh, AND!!!! I now have the phone number of Danny Strong, AKA Jonathan from Buffy. That was a highlight. And I talked to Alex Prud'homme, who, shockingly, doesn't seem to hate me. I did NOT talk to Zadie Smith, though my husband did, and didn't introduce me.
My posse and I ended the night by closing down a nearby bar. And this morning I'm in my sweats eating bacon and jalapeno pizza from Domino's, a very happy camper indeed.
You should be happy and proud. I am half way through your book and doing my own wee challenge on my blog http://ottawafood.wordpress.com/ check out Good Reating....
Congratulations Julie, well done!
Julie, I just finished your book and I am looking forward to the next one. I am still reading Julia's My Life in France and enjoying the connections...you have done something we all hope to do - you have stretched yourself even when it was scary and you deserve to sit in your sweats and write. "Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” - Rumi
Enjoy your day...
Okay, Have you met Jason Bateman yet? Or did I miss that one? "It's your Move" was a fantastic show :-)
Congratulations!! You're awesome.
Congrats! Man, you're really pretty... and SO lucky!
x Nichole
oh I am so happy for you Julie! you look truly fabulous. Can't wait to see the flick.
ann, who recommended Jaleo way back when you came to DC to leave the stick of butter in Julia's kitchen at the smithsonian
Hi. I was at the Premiere and after party last night. You looked fabulous and I wanted to say congrats! You are an inspiration to foodies and aspiring writers. What a ride. I am dying to know your impression of the movie, in terms of how they portrayed your story. Just curious because I read that you were not really that involved in it. Nonetheless, I absolutely loved it. You deserve a day off. Bravo!
I would like to recommend boycotting your movie by all New Yorkers as well as those who are involved with developmentally challenged children/adults. Had I read Julie's comment at the beginning of the book I would have thrown it in the trash-but no-she slips it onto pages 293 and 294 at the end of the book and reveals about how she really feels about New Yorkers and the develolmentally handicapped. She writes ("...like,well,apopletic New Yorkers...it was like all of Washington D.C. was either developmentally disabled....")page 293 lines 13 & 15. The other NY comment was on page 294 2nd paragraph ("The manager wasn't a New Yorker, you could tell because he wasn't an asshole...")
Does she even know what a developmentally disabled person goes through??? Does she know it is an igonrant comment reflecting those that have autism, mental challenged people, Down's Syndrome to name a few??? And now New Yorkers-she is from Texas-not a native New Yorker-did she think that that those comments are OK???
If she thinks we are so apoplectic and such a-holes why should we spend our hard earned dollars on her movie when we can RENT THE DVD?! DON'T GIVE HER THE BOX-OFFICE BUCKS!!!! So-all of you out there that have someone you love or care about that has a developmental disability and/or are from NY stand up for yourselves and hit her where it hurts-THE BOX-OFFICE and yeah-by the way- DON'T BUY HER BOOKS-GO TO YOUR LIBRARY FOR FREEEEEE-her book was a very good read up until the comments-slipped sneakily into the last few pages about how she really feels, go to your library and take it out-LESS PROFITS FOR HER!!!! I really enjoyed it until the antagonisitic comments showed up-next time-Julie should tell us how she really views NYers and the developmentally disabled early on in her books and by the way-had she been some nobody in a small town somewhere-she would not even have been recognized but because she did it in NY-WOW-instant fame-NEXT TIME BE HONEST!!!! j.g.
holy smokes! j.g. take a freakin breath. julie can speak for herself, but i find your diatribe a stretch at best and just a little self absorbed.
look at you! referring to the stars by last name initials already. i'm so jealous!
As a fellow blogger, I congratulate you on your recent recognition! And as someone who works in the film business, I'm glad they've treated you well (and made Amy Adams your alter-movie-ego.) I'm looking forward to seeing the film here in L.A.
Oh man, you just lived my dream. Movie premiere, famous fancy folks, and cheesy spicy pizza with bacon. I'm so effing excited to see this movie; I have a friend who gave me the book years ago, flying out next week, and we're going to see it opening day. We haven't gone to see a movie together in years, so it's going to be very special, thanks to your book.
You look lovely. Congrats. In regard to j.g.'s comments, to each his own. Your book wouldn't be so g.d. funny if you didn't write on the edge. Keep doing what you're doing and each reader or movie watcher can decide if he/she wants to participate or opt out.
Hey Julie,
so glad you are having such a blast, it's fun for us to live vicariously through you, thanks for taking us on your wild ride! I am enjoying the book, and I can not wait for the movie! Congrats & Best Wishes! P.S Just delete that j.g. persons post!! :) No downers!
Many congrats! Sounds like an amazing evening and you look lovely. Comfy sweats and pizza---now, that's the way to celebrate. Cheers!
I am SO LOOKING forward to the movie opening next week --- am taking a day off to see it as I usually work in the evening!!!!
Just re-read the book for the 10 (millionth?) time and am about to watch "Doubt" to get in the mood for a SECOND Amy A. and Meryl S. film!
Julie, congrats! I found another photo of you on the runway and it is even more gorgeous than the one you posted: http://www.harpersbazaar.com/fashion/party-snaps/julie-julia-red-carpet-0709 (picture #9 of 13).
OMG I burn out streetlights too! I feel so validated. :)
Do you even still read these now that you are rich and famous? I just finished reading your book and I loved it. Can't stop crying for some reason... I guess something was going on with me and your book really triggered a good crying fest. Thank you!
Just read the book and told all my friends to read it before the movie comes out. Love, love, love Julia- I cook and I am a travel writer and a Francophile-but you, my dear are GD funny!
Hope they do you justice.
I finished Julie/Julia a few hours ago & bawled at the end. I look forward to reading your next book on being a Butcheress. (Butch Mistress?) Congratulations - you rock!
By "little funnel thing", do you mean a champagne flute? Or was she literally drinking through some idiotic contraption to avoid spilling?
This comment has been removed by the author.
(trying this again)
Wow, I keep reading and reading your blog entries. The whole experience must feel a bit surreal? One thing I do know, you have inspired me to get off my lazy ass and back to hitting my blog. I miss that feeling I get, you know what I mean?
Enjoy the rest of the ride baby!
You look truely "Hollywood" and beautiful in your photo. Cannot wait for the movie to open here and have enjoyed your whirlwind promotional tour posts! Thanks for taking us along!
You look fabulous. So glad things went swimmingly. Of course Alex P. doesn't hate you! Making little pilgrimage down to JC's kitchen before hitting the movie next week with friends. And why, pray tell, didn't your husband introduce you to Zadie?
Congratulations. You're gorgeous.
I mean congratulations on the blog/book/movie, AND you're gorgeous. Not congratulations BECAUSE you're gorgeous.
Whatever. You know what I mean.
I already have a date planned out of it! I'm going opening night to see the movie!
Did you see Barbara Walters going to see it??? (See Below)
Congratulations Julie! Loved your book and can't wait to see the movie. I grew up in a restaurant, cooking with my mom and grandmother and then married a chef. He cooked for Julia and her family once back in the 90's. Julia's brother was moving into an assisted living facility in Lenox, MA. My husband was opening the food service at the complex and the family asked to have dinner together. He's got a great picture in the dining room and is still awed by the experience. Your book reminded us of some great memories. Thank you so much!!
Congrats! That is a great dress by the way.
Next time you come to LA get some eating done, we have some amazing food out here without much snobbery. The best stuff is generally off a food truck or in a mini mall. Carne asade to die for :)
And jeeeeze how insane is Jg? I AM a native NYkr and she/he can f off with that trash. I think there are some basic reading comprehension skills lacking there...
Anyhow - you looked fab.
Just found this current blog. Great! Cuz' I've been savoring the last bits of the book because I don't want to stop reading your writing.
Your writing in the Julie/Julia book is an outlet for me. I live in Austin (near MoPac and Wm. Cannon), am 38, wondering what I'm doing/where I'm going, hate my bathtub and love my mother's :-), and absolutely love the inspiration you give to me. I can figure all of this out for myself too. I just need a good challenge.
Mmmm...maybe in your honor, I will get some Pok-e-Jo's tonight.
Became aware of your book much too late (past two weeks!), but am very glad I read it. It provided much amusement--love your snarky quips throughout & unapologetic love of Buffy. I'm now reading Julia's book. Are you still in the same place in Queens w/ spouse, cats (3), & dog?
Congratulations - this is spectacular. I can hardly wait to see the movie! And it's so cool that it's brought brought back not only your book in multiple copies on the shelves, but Julia's as well!
I'd never heard of Julie/Julia until the movie blurbs started coming out. I Googled the movie name and realized I'd been missing a huge event in the making... so I read as much of your blog(s) as I could get in snips and starts.
Now I've finished your book and it is wonderful! I always regret the movie versions because in no way can 2 hours replace all those glorious pages. But I know I'll go see it, probably several times.
While I have no idea how you'll keep up your weblogs and working in a butcher shop 13+ hours a day, I certainly do hope you'll find time.
martha, a new fan and fellow foodie from Texas!
Julie- I think this is so exciting and I hope that it helps others to step out of their comfort zones and pursue new passions.
Little did you know when you wrote that first sentence it would eventually evolve into this!!
HI, Julie--my 1st post--couldn't read the wiggly code letters to set up an account. I am half way through J & J and have been chuckling and commiserating and cheering you on. I realized something as I was thinking about Julia whose shows I used to watch, yes, I'm that old. A few yrs. ago my Eric (Bud the wonderful) and I decided to sell our biggish house with the best kitchen I will ever have in my life to move into a one-floor MUCH SMALLER condo. We had STUFF as only bookfiends, a teacher & a pastor with five kids can accrue in a huge basement. Two of the things I passed along into the great unknown of donation sites? Yes, my dear, a very old copy of MtAoFC as well as a book of Julia's shows. Are you screaming yet? I am!
or, actually, by page 50 of your book, i've been calling you jules cause we're basically bff's (although you didn't know that till just now)
anyway, i finished your book tonight and i just wanted to thank you and congratulate you and all that jazz. your book is amazing and as a 20something new yorker, there are lines you wrote that i relate to more than i even know (that makes no sense, you know what i mean though)
anyway, should you ever embark on mastering the art of LACTOSE INTOLERANT FRIENDLY french cooking, you can count me in on the taste testing and wine drinking committee.
i think you're awesome.
congrats on all your success!
(although you can call me marg since we're bff's)
and i'm bloggin about your book now!
so go read it go read it! :)
I chuckled when i read how it's time to go back to Queens.
I moved from Forest Hills in 1991 to Los Angeles to work at KTLA TV and have since become the news director at FOX5 in San Diego.
You can leave New York but New York never leaves you.
Congrats on the movie and your passion to go after what makes you happy.
all the best from a Queens native
Rich Goldner
Julie, my mom told me about your book a while ago, but I was in the English language book abyss that is Barranquilla, Colombia so I've only had it a few days. I'm on the aspics now and I got a headache just thinking about how horribly the cooking process would smell.
I love the book, and I'm excited to read the blog as well. A big congratulations to you on all your success!
I saw a french movie which took place in an airport and in the book store there was a zillion copies of your book. So you are actually in two movies!
Just read your book from cover to cover yesterday and was absolutely blown away. Going to have all my friends buy and read it and THEN go to the movie. What's better than THAT? Oh yeah... I'm going to send them to your blog, too!
So I'm a bit late to the game? Well, better late than never!
Congratulations. You're the best new (to me!) voice I've read in YEARS. Woo hoo!
Oh yeah... Gonna pick up a copy of JC's MtAoFC, too, and try 13 recipes in it. My way modest to salute to the two J's!
Neilan Tyree
NYC (and Florida)
I read this, Julie, and I get tears in my eyes! What a ride, huh? The midwest premier is in Traverse City, MI, four hours north of where I live, TODAY, and I'd have loved to have seen it, but (dang) I've got to work. I'll go next week,
Thing is, tho, I'm a fan of the book. I'm TRULY a fan of your story, and your telling of your story. I'll reserve my judgement as to whether the film does your story justice until July 7th.
This is the first time I've commented on your blog. I'm shy. I've been reading for a while now and have enjoyed it very much.
My future daughter-in-law and I can not wait to see the movie!
I've just discovered this blog, though have been reading the Julie/Julia Project and really enjoy it. I read "My Life in France" a couple years ago, so this whole situation with you, your blog, the movie, everything, is just great. Congratulations! And you look great o the red carpet - and getting Jonathan from Buffy's number is awesome! (Not to mention he was on Gilmore Girls, too!)
I'm reading the book and loving it! Can hardly wait to see the film!
Sounds like you had an amazing time! I can't wait to see the movie. Greatness is possible for anyone. Congratulations!
I'm reading your book and loving it. I don't eat beef or pork and I'll not go near aspics though your tantilizing description of each meal is so good that for a minute there, I thought I might like to try it -- but I won't. I will however continue to read and love your books. As well, I'll now appreciate lobster more than ever. Oh and the chicken sounds divine. Thanks for the cooking lessons. www.crumbsandquibbles.blogspot.com.
Your book is wonderful! You must feel so accomplished. I thought it was very entertaining. I learned a lot.
I haven't seen the movie yet, but I'm looking forward to it. Amy Adams is darling, and I don't think I've seen a Meryl Streep movie that I didn't like.
Congratulations! You're a great writer!
I haven't been back in awhile, just wanted to say congratulations again and so glad to have watched this thing come full circle blog book, movie :)
Not sure when the movie actually opens in NZ, hopefully not too far into the future
A friend just pointed me towards your blog (though I have heard of the movie, saw a preview when I saw "The Ugly Truth" & thought Julie & Julia looked good) but when I read about your glee at getting Danny Strong's #, I had to start following you because that's just awesome :>
Sweats and jalapeno pizza is my kind of life!
Glad it went well though and you can get back to "normal!"
Hi Julie,
Just finished reading the book - Julie and Julia. I totally loved the book...funnily enough, I spend only as much time in the kitchen as absolutely necessary... but still I was able to relate to the book in so many ways, not in the least the anxiety attacks related to house cleaning, that I get when my Mom is going to visit :)
Am on the last pages of your book and I loved it! and don't worry about the baby thing, I had mine when I was thirty five and it turned out great...he starts Yale in the fall. I can't wait to see the movie, but as the one goat said to the other while they were chewing on a can of film behind a theatre, "Aw, the book is always better!"
Julia, I am so looking forward to reading your book. I was inspired after reading the New York Time Sunday Magazine article Out of the Kitchen, Onto the Couth. I have an amazing husband and two crazy dogs, but my life is grey right now. I am stuck in a rut and your book seems like a shinning light that will take away the doldrums.
Julie - So glad to read about your adventures in LA! I'm the fellow foodie from the JFK airport who had a glass of wine with you while we waited for our delayed flights - yours to LA and mine to Paris. I hope you enjoyed your Business Class flight and hope it got you in the right frame of mind for the Red Carpet. My stay in Normandy was ooo-la-la! I thought of you and Julia Childs while in Rouen -trying in vain to remember where Ms. Childs had eaten her 1st and fabulous lunch on French soil. Couldn't find it but managed to have a fantastic lunch anyway! Congrats on such a great film but mostly the terrific idea to spend a year of your life cooking Julia Childs' recipes! All the best!
I can't wait for the film, though I find it hard to imagine it being as good as your book! Now that you are back in New York, I was wondering if you might be interested in checking out an underground supper club I am starting. It should be a pretty fun group. Let me know! - Felicia
okay, so i just finished the book but i wanted to finish it somewhere special. so i went to the newest starbucks i know. and i'm just about done when some lady stands over me and says. "you can't do that."
and i said, "excuse me?"
and she says, "you can't read that in here. julie would hate that. it's almost disrespectful."
so i wondered what would julie say.
and it hit me.
i said, "f you", except i used the whole word, which i have never done in the past.
and that's what i learned from J&J.
thank you so much!
it's so liberating.
can't wait to see the movie now that i'm all fiery with confidence and what not.
thanks again.
I can't wait to see the movie. I just finished the book and loved it although I think it would have been even better with some scratch and sniff. Does the movie come in smellevision?
Julie, I'm very impressed with your book!! I cannot wait to Julie and Julia. I saw MtAoFC No. 1 on the Julie and Julia shelf at Borders yesterday. And I was thinking of you cooking through that book in a year. And I thought of myself doing it...which will never hapen!!! LOL. Keep Up the good work Julie!!!!
Congrats- love the book, can't wait for the movie! SO jealous of meeting ANYONE from Buffy! LOL
Congrats! I met Julia Child once when I was a cub reporter covering a food event at a fancy French restaurant.
Hi Julie,
I feel like I know you well... or at least after J&J I want to know you better. (OMG sounds like I am a stalker.)Anyway loved YOUR movie because J&J is completely a result of your endeavor. They are saying the J&J is Nora Ephron's best movie EVER. So I will be following your blog and future books. I will be zipping down to the Smithsonian to see Julia's kitchen and an added plus - I will be working on making my marriage as tender as J&J's. Fondly, Katie from Maryland
Congrats to you - how fun!
I love Stanley Tucci! You must have been thrilled to meet him!
Though your book and your blog will always win out, the movie was wonderful!! Sweet. The only cringing part might be your 'mother's' Texas accent... Looking forward to your next endeavor!
(Gosh, I hope they didn't use your actual mother for the phone voice...if that's the case, and I really doubt it, I apologize).
Just saw the movie. What did Julia really think?
Just saw the movie. Julia would have loved it.
So happy for you!!!
i'm so jealous you got to meet meryl!! well and amy adams haha! the movie was amazing, and you are simply brilliant! you've inspired me to start my own blog, as soon as i figure out a title... :) i love reading you, so thank you for all you do!
The fact that you're husband was able to meet Zadie Smith has me profoundly jealous. Kudos to him...
Had to sign up in order to post. All I wanted was to leave a comment. Anyway, I saw the movie and thoroughly enjoyed it. I even got teary on some scenes. Meryl Streep and Amy Adams both were so captivating on the screen caught myself with my mouth open a few times. I can understand Julia Child not being pleased with your project since it seems like you rode her coat tails to fame. Nonetheless it was a brave endeavour and I wish you all the best.
You mention eating pizza from Domino's, and I know you kinda hate Republicans, so I thought I would let you know (nicely) that Domino's Pizza is owned by MAJOR Right-wingers, especially on the anti-choice issue. So...next time, you might want to find another Purveyor of Pizza and BOYCOTT DOMINO's! Thanks! :)
Julie, Just saw the movie with my two daughter - one of whom loves to cook (she's 8). It was the best... inspiring, charming and hysterical! Right after that, with girls in tow, we went to B&N to but Julia's cookbook. Can't wait to start cooking! I've honestly always been horrified by her recipes but I'm ready!
Julie, first: I may never have attempted, for the 2nd time in my life (the first being in junior high school—yes, back when they called it that, but I like to think of myself as having been an anomaly, even at that age), cheese soufflé if The New Yorker article on the movie hadn’t drawn my attention. So you, dear girl, are the impetus for me reserving at my local library branch MtAoFC. My goal, in addition to perhaps finally learn how to make good sauces, was to use the book as a springboard to buy new kitchen aparati as needed. I now own a soufflé dish.
I was awake several nights in the last week reading your lovely book until around 2:00 a.m. I was riveted, just like when I read Ethan Hawke’s The Hottest State. That book was surprisingly good and, better yet, the image of E.H. composing it about a woman that I could imagine myself being—in a parallel universe—well it was inspiring.
Now the hard part dear Julie. Toward the end of your book when you got to the part about how J.C. doesn’t like you, in fact she probably died not liking you, I felt a pang. Why?? Because, Julie, though you accomplished a wonderful and unexpected delight and have amused us with your crazy year of cooking, your lack of true interest in actually MASTERING cooking techniques is depressing.
Case in point: that section toward the end about doing V, W, X, Y and Z, and yet it all went awry. Then analyzing the recipe and exhorting the paying readers of your book to feel sorry for you because you are a retard??? What about “set aside” don’t you understand? You don’t, on the very next step in the recipe, pull toward you the bowl you just “set aside” in order to beat eggs into it.
It’s great that you have done what you have. It’s big and fabulous and something I’m sure about which your mother is extreeeeeemely and rightfully proud, but face it, you are a slacker.
Don’t ever, ever, ever kid yourself that the way you cooked at least 50 % of those recipes was anywhere NEAR close to the true J.C. spirit.
You added a new spirit, which is it’s own lovely and bedraggled creature. But other than ticking off pages and having some amusing moments, you came nowhere even close to J.C.’s vision.
Julie, first: I may never have attempted, for the 2nd time in my life cheese soufflé if The New Yorker article about the movie hadn’t drawn my attention. So you, dear girl, are the impetus for me reserving at my local library branch MtAoFC. My goal, in addition to finally learn how to make good sauces, was to use the book as a springboard to buy new kitchen aparati as needed. I now own a soufflé dish.
In fact, I was awake several nights in the last week reading your lovely book until around 2:00 a.m. I was riveted, just like when I read Ethan Hawke’s The Hottest State. That book was surprisingly good and, better yet, the image of E.H. composing it about a woman that I could imagine myself being—in a parallel universe—well it was inspiring.
Now the hard part dear Julie. Toward the end of your book when you got to the part about how J.C. doesn’t like you, in fact she probably died not liking you, I felt a pang. Why?? Because, Julie, though you accomplished a wonderful and unexpected delight and have amused us with your crazy year of cooking, your lack of true interest in actually MASTERING cooking techniques is depressing.
Case in point: that section toward the end about doing V, W, X, Y and Z, and yet it all went awry. Then analyzing the recipe and exhorting the paying readers of your book to feel sorry for you because you are a retard??? What about “set aside” don’t you understand? You don’t, on the very next step in the recipe, pull toward you the bowl you just “set aside” in order to beat eggs into it.
It’s great that you have done what you have. It’s big and fabulous and something I’m sure about which your mother is extreeeeeemely and rightfully proud, but face it, you are a slacker.
Don’t ever, ever, ever kid yourself that the way you cooked at least 50 % of those recipes was anywhere NEAR close to the true J.C. spirit.
You added a new spirit, which is it’s own lovely and bedraggled creature. But other than ticking off pages and having some amusing moments, you came nowhere even close to J.C.’s vision, at least from how I see it.
p.s. I don't think you're anti-disabled or whatever. We all say retard sometimes. Seriously though I was offended by your lack of deep compassion for the poor lobsters and what they must endure. You know they can live for 30 or more years? To support some asshole who is profiting from trading these barely alive creatures is more than I can take. I had to skim through that part of the book. It's for this reason alone that I can't imagine myself doing what you did. Plus now it's already been done, so...?
I loved the movie and I was a little surprised Child did not like the blog and did not think you took cooking seriously. I know you love Julia but it sounds like she is a little uptight. I mean she never even tasted your cooking to say that. But unfortunately, you never got to know one another.
I am surprised Betty felt that way; I don't even like red meat, which means half of the recipes I did not even like and I found you showed a lot of passion for cooking and put a lot of effort in the recipes. I think that it would be hard to cook another cook's recipes.
I didn't understand why Julia's husband left her for a while; I know she was not a saint, but I don't think she was self centered or mean either. She wanted to persuit a goal and I know he was a good guy and all but he was not perfect. She was working very hard at that project and still continuing her job to help contribute to the rent and she hated that job. He did not even offer that she quit that job she hated. When I am married I am not going to work. I am not knocking him, he was very patient with this cooking project I could see and patient in tasting everything even when he needed ant acids.
Just saw the movie last night! Fantastic!
Thanks to the book, "My Life in France" and the movie, "Julie and Julia," I have put on ten pounds.
I expect your book to arrive in the mail today, which is probably good for another hefty ten.
But it's been a blast.
I saw The Movie last night and I loved it...although people laughed in the strangest places...but maybe that's me, I just moved from New England out here to the Midwest. :D
Congratulations on your sucess!!!
loved your book, loved the movie, loved your piece on the early show this morning. especially loved the queen of sheba chocolate cake that i made with my daughter's help. i could not have been happier that you managed this unique project and shared it with the world. congrats
I laughed and cried when I read your book. Today, on what would have been Julia's 9? birthday, I saw the movie, YOUR movie, and laughed and cried some more. You have a wonderful voice and spirit. Best to you Jules.
Saw the movie. Very sweet. I am, however, disgusted with the intrusion of politics into everything. It was unnecessary and gratuitous.
Hey, politics and taking shots at a particular party has nothing to do with a Julia site and cooking.....why do you feel it necessary to bash over 50% of Americans? You just felt it necessary to throw in an insult...no reason why just insult!
Hey, politics and taking shots at a particular party has nothing to do with a Julia site and cooking.....why do you feel it necessary to bash over 50% of Americans? You just felt it necessary to throw in an insult...no reason why just insult!
Hey, politics and taking shots at a particular party has nothing to do with a Julia site and cooking.....why do you feel it necessary to bash over 50% of Americans? You just felt it necessary to throw in an insult...no reason why just insult!
Hey, politics and taking shots at a particular party has nothing to do with a Julia site and cooking.....why do you feel it necessary to bash over 50% of Americans? You just felt it necessary to throw in an insult...no reason why just insult!
I have to say..wonderful movie! I have always been a fan of Julia, and now you have me so interested in reading your book. We just came out of the theater with big smiles on our faces.
Thanks :)
Hey, politics and taking shots at a particular party has nothing to do with a Julia site and cooking.....why do you feel it necessary to bash over 50% of Americans? You just felt it necessary to throw in an insult...no reason why just insult!
Just so you know: your hair looks awesome in this picture. Oh, yeah, and I just finished your book and loved it :) the haters don't get it. Balls to them!
I catered for Julia Child when I was a Los Angeles caterer & well, what can I say? I survived and it is a memory I will treasure forever. She was everything that anyone would want of her: classy, warm, charismatic, sincere, etc. etc.
CONGRATS TO YOU on your success. The movie is brilliant; I loved every second of it. You deserve everything good that comes from your endeavor.
Congratulations, Julie! I just saw your movie with my daughter and laughed and smiled and it was a feel-good movie. Being a French teacher, it was especially fun to watch! The only sad part is I cannot enjoy the wonderful foods your movie mentioned as I am gluten-intolerant. Avoiding the French bread when I visit France is especially hard! Anyway, you did a great thing with the book and your goal to cook all of the wonderful reciped!
Just saw the movie yesterday and adored it. Kudos to you!
Still haven't seen it but can't wait to see it! One of my must-see ones this summer.
Hope you enjoyed the pizza. :)
My daughter and I saw your movie the day it came out. We thought it was cute. I bought your book a few days later and i am a bit insulted about the way you speak about Republicans. Your a Democrat, we get it, but maybe you should think about all the money you would not be making if the "Evil Republicans" kept their money in their wallets instead of paying for your book and movie tickets. I understand your opinion, but perhaps you should be a little more thoughtful of other peoples opinions too. I'm a Republican, a Texan and a good person. Yes, you can be all three.
Fear not. Some of us like the F***ing language!! Very much enjoying your escapades throughout your book.
Hi Julie
I saw the film today and i found it very relatable to my current situation
I am 46 have been unemployed have started to change my life by losing 70 lbs. I have been unemployed for close to a year but do not know what to do . would like to do a blog with some of my photos but just do not know how to get started could you help
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Julie -
I saw Julie and Julia last week and, like Julia Child inspired you, you inspired me.
I am a lawyer, climbing the corporate ladder, but my dream is to open a restaurant. I have a business plan in action but my biggest challenge has been creating the menu and actually writing down my recipes.
You inspired me to blog about it. I decided, like you, that my blog will serve as my motivation. So I started Celeste Jane, a blogspot where I post what I am cooking and I hope, eventually I will get feedback, which I will use for my menu.
I just started the blog and, of course, I am the only follower and I have no comments but I am going to keep it up and see what happens. If nothing else I will have my recipe ideas recorded.
I invite whoever sees this to check it out!
Thank you for the inspiration, Julie!
All the very best,
"Celeste Jane"
Haven't seen the movie yet. I have a thing about reading the book a movie is based on before seeing said movie. In this case, I felt I also needed to first read "My Life in France" before starting yours... and I'm glad I did. It added "dimension" to the whole experience. It also took some restraint since the movie hit theaters before I was even finished with MLIF! But it helped that I also let shortly for Spain, where I still am and have JUST finished yours....laughed, alot! & loved it... can't wait to get back to the states to see the film. But whether I love or not, am also looking forward to getting my own copy of MTAFC!... Thank you for enduring, and for sharing, and best of luck to you, Eric and the menagerie..
- Stephanie from St. Pete (via Barcelona)
Hello Julie,
I loved your book and I loved the movie but I was saddened by the comment about Julia's response to you. My Mom, at 90 years old, lived with Julia at Casa Dorinda and I saw her often. She gave me big hugs and signed all the books I brought with great joy and love.
While you were writing your book Julia's health was failing. She was aging gracefully but she was old and she would soon die. As a mother of a daughter and a therapist with a specialty in mother-daughter relationships I watched Julia with a different eye. If she had a daughter she might have understood your passion and your adventure.
Jennifer Evans Gardner wrote Julia "encouraged us to forget about perfection." She was far from perfect and at her end-of-life she gave all of us as much as she could. I know she would have loved what you were doing if I could have explained it to her and if she had the energy to understand.
Keep following your passion and being guided by all the greats out there even if you never meet them!
Wendy Mitchell, M.A.
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Sorry Julie - I made a mistake. I have read your book (excellent) and I finally went to see the movie yesterday. Loved both the book and the movie! I needed a good laugh, yesterday and the movie provided much laughter and much food for the soul.
Good luck with all future endeavours - I'll be looking forward to reading more of your books...
i loved the movie. I couldn't stop
i loved the movie. I couldn't stop
loved the movie.
loved the movie.
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Wow, my 14-year-old daughter bought the Julie/Julia book @ Target with her gift card from her 8th-grade promotion. I had seen the commercials for the film, so I thought it'd be okay....hmmm....I don't mind the f-bomb at all, but there are a few sexual references she may not be mature enough for. As a parent of four GREAT kids, I'll have to decide if she should hold off on reading it for a few years.
That said, I love the book. I am getting to the end and I am inspired. I cook a lot & have tons of cook books. In fact, I have JC's "The Way to Cook" and it has that Beef recipe that was her first. I am going to make it soon--not sure when, exactly, but soon, thanks to you.
I'm glad that you included your failures. I've had plenty in the kitchen (and everywhere else!) It really humanizes the story and makes me feel "normal."
Congratulations on the success of your book and the movie. I enjoyed both of them very much.
I am puzzled about an article I read in Vogue magazine (I think it was Vogue) in which Amy Adams says she has never met you. Your blog says that you talked to her at the premiere.
I had to move from Austin recently, and it has just about killed me. Can you get kolaches in NYC? I miss the black bean dish at Magnolia Cafe (and the eccentric wait staff), Shady Grove, and the kolache rolls at Hills Cafe.
Our phone number was just one digit off from Nutty Brown's, and the first time someone called and said "Is this Nutty Brown?", I didn't know what to think!!!!
Hey i just watched the film and it was not bad. A shame you never meet Julia. All in all good effort
Julie, i have just seen a sneek preview of the julie and julia film here in Australia, a chef myself and now a culinary lecturer in Adelaide, i found myself in a trance watching the unfolding adventures of Julia in the Paris Cordon bleau, The college i work for is also a branch of the Cordon bleau. I found the food taking on a charater of its own and i can't wait to read your account of your blog and have just got hold of a copy of Julia child's cookbook and will be running some of her dishes as secials in our training restaurant with our students. Congratulations to you your writings are fabulous. best wishes Paul Epay. paul.epay@tafesa.edu.au
Thank for your story. It inspires me.
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