Monday, December 21, 2009

Can't remember who was asking...

... but the artist who did the cow painting that shows up in the photo in People is by Teresa Elliott. She is wonderful, and I love my cow so very much....


Blogger GlorV1 said...

Hi Julie. I just wanted you to know that for New Year's Eve, I am making Beouf Bourginon. (if that is the way it is spelled, haha) Also I am watching the movie again for the 3rd time. When I see a movie that has meaning, it stays with me for a time and now I'm wearing fake pearls. lol. I wore them to Curves for exercise this morning. What a crack up. Oh well, Merry Christmas. Take care.

11:33 AM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

Julie, I love your book sooooo much! I laughed out loud through the whole thing. Do you ever have events in Seattle?

1:31 PM  
Blogger fredamans said...

Happy holidays Julie!

2:49 PM  
Blogger Everyday Goddess said...

What an incredible artist! Thanks for sharing the information.

3:33 PM  
Blogger cranberrybogs said...

Hi Julie, I just finished writing my thesis and thus treated myself to your new book, Cleaving. I am married, enjoy meat, and have a few obsessions...I cannot put the book down. It led me to want to blog for the first time!! Merry Christmas to you and yours.

4:27 PM  
Blogger Vanesa Sanz said...

Hi,Julie.I am Vanesa Sanz can you send to me one very easy recipe for my blog

If you want, my email is
Sorry,but I don´t know speak english very well.I hope that you understand me.
Thanks for all!!!! One Kiss for you from Oviedo,Spain.

5:32 PM  
Blogger Jill said...

Hi Julie - My name is Bennett. I am 11. I just watched your movie with my Mom. We think you're pretty cool. My brother lives in Brooklyn. I love NYC and I like to cook - not every day like you, but I like to help out every now and then. I liked learning about Julia Child. Thanks.

5:55 PM  
Blogger Vinicius Carpov said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

5:58 PM  
Blogger Vinicius Carpov said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

6:03 PM  
Blogger Chrissy said...

I love cows myself a huge fan...which is funny because I grew up in the big city.

8:27 PM  
Blogger Renda said...

I had a you moment..ok.. I had a me moment and was thinking about what you would do.

I messed up my first snazy dish and kept trying to fix it.. and by that I mean add things until you couldnt figure out what I did wrong..

8:30 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Julie, just wanted to drop you a note to say how inspriring you are to both my husband and I. We just finished watching the movie and I decided to google you and found your blog. We absolutely loved the movie, but were curious to know if she really did not like the idea of your blog. It made me sad. :-( Hope you have an amazing holiday and happy new year.


10:44 PM  
Blogger Carlos Lopez said...

Hi Julie,

My name is Carlos Lopez, I am the Principal Director of a leading cooking school in Zacatecas, MEXICO named Universidad de la Vera-Cruz (UNIVER). I am a Industrial Engenner and have a masters in Education, but recently discover the joy of cooking. I represent also an international chef organization in Mexico named AREGALA
I am planing a premier of the movie of your book "Julie and Julia" here in this beautiful city, and I would love to have you here in this premier and also present your book, it would be an honor Julie, since you have inspire and touch many people including me, and I am sure our students (almost 2000)will learn from you the example of pasion of doing a proyect. I already invited and accepted to serve after the film, chefs from Le Cordon Bleu based in Mexico City, leaded by Mr Patrick Martin Vicepresident International of Le Cordon Bleu. Very soon I´ll know the exact date and let you Know Julie, and hope you can come.

All my respect to you from a fan in this beautiful place in Mexico called, ZACATECAS.



12:45 AM  
Blogger Carlos Lopez said...

My email is

Julie, I hope to meet you in Zacatecas, MEXICO.


12:48 AM  
Blogger jan said...

Chow enlightened by your passion. I consider cooking theraPY after a hard days work. Hey had an idea...why don't you do an interactive 6 mos of cooking with your fans. Pick a book, let us know and we can all work our way through it together...maybe Italian...would be PHENOMENAL!! Don't forget what got you started...please don't stop with French the way...I have all of Julias' cookbooks...have had for many years..making homemade crossoints for breakfast. LOL Janice ICU RN in Kissimmee Florida

6:08 AM  
Blogger lee said...

It is so interesting to see the responses to "Cleaving". I am reading the book right now, and while I don't necessarily agree with your actions, I think you were very courageous to write the book and can see how you used the process of writing to work through your problems and to come out the other side. I think people are so afraid of the things you wrote about, and that is why you've had such strong responses. I also wanted to say that I have been married to a man I started dating at 18. We've now been together for 20 years, married for 14, and are in the process of divorcing - my decision. I wish I had the strength that you and Eric have shown by staying together even in the midst of such pain and chaos. As you know, it is so complicated when you grow up together like that - when your entire adult life is spent intertwined with another person. So maybe that is why I understand and can relate to your book better than others. Anyway... keep writing. I am sorry to see this book end. I will miss it. And Merry Christmas!

8:12 AM  
Blogger IE-MANAGER said...

Hi Julie
I'm from Iran.I see Julie & Julia Right now and then searching thee Internet for finding your Blog to say Happy new year and Merry Christmas , I know its early and my english is not good . But i think your movie can make me a new one person.
Merry Christmas
Amir From Tehran-Iran

9:24 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Julie! My name´s Diana Fernández, I´m 25 and I live in a small apartment in Madrid, Spain with my husband and our two cats. I just wanted to tell you that we´ve watched the movie Julie & Julia and your story has inspired me a lot! I´ve felt deeply identified with you (you´ve got no idea! even my husband said: "you´re like her!"). Besides making me laugh, the movie has given me hopes and dreams! Thank you for sharing your stories! God bless you and Merry Christmas!

11:26 AM  
Blogger dixdak said...

Hi Julie, My wife wanted to let you know that your book is the first one she absolutely could not finish due to boredom and just plain irritation. Nice going. She couldn't comment on the video as it put her to sleep immediately.

11:58 AM  
Blogger Paul Singh said...

Hey Julie, I just watched you movie the other night and Just wanted to let you know that I loved it♥. I sooo wish I could have you cook me dinner sometime. Your husband is so lucky! I need to get a wife like you, anyway that you can help me out with that?

12:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, and another thing I wanted to tell you: Julia didn´t save your life; you saved your life yourself. ;-)

Take care and all the best!

1:43 PM  
Blogger Beatriz said...

Hi Julie. I've just watched the movie "Julia and Julie" with my husband here in Brazil, and I loved your storie!
So, if someday you come to our country, you should try "Feijoada e Caipirinha". It's a little strong, but it's our typical food. I'm a biologist and I've just began my own blog today, because of you. Congratulations and have a happy new year. Beatriz

4:46 PM  
Blogger Jessie said...

Happy Holidays Julie! My daughter and I watched your movie for the first time yesterday and we both ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! You are such an inspiration...

4:56 PM  
Blogger Mikhael said...

Hi Julie, just watched your movie... inspiring story... what about your friend's sex in the air thing, I bet it didn't got a movie or even a book out of it, am I right?

Now, tell me, do you and your husband own a plane too? lol

Beside all jokes, you've inspired me, blogging can really get you far. I'm a writer myself, but I just blog my poetry out, not anything else, so from now on, I'll create a blog, maybe one day I'll say you've inspired me and you'll say I'm not respectable... Who knows?

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julie --

I enjoyed the film based on your earlier blog and work life. However, I found the insults to Republicans to be bigoted. There is a scene where you did not show up for work and the boss is, rightly, concerned, but, does not fire you because, he is not a "schmuck, a Republican." Interesting. Mayor Bloomberg who was his boss at the time was a Republican -- and won a big election to succeed Rudy Guiliani, who was, ahem, a Republican. Then there were the idiotic attacks on "McCarthyism." FYI, Alger Hiss, et al, were indeed exposed as communist spies working for the State Department. Even President Truman -- a Democrat, and, presumably, in your ontology, not a schmuck -- had the government investigate its personnel for communist ties during this era. The communists killed hundreds of millions of men, women and children in Russia, the Ukraine and China. But they are not schmucks, apparently, for you and Nora Ephron.

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julie --

I enjoyed the film based on your earlier blog and work life. However, I found the insults to Republicans to be bigoted. There is a scene where you did not show up for work and the boss is, rightly, concerned, but, does not fire you because, he is not a "schmuck, a Republican." Interesting. Mayor Bloomberg who was his boss at the time was a Republican -- and won a big election to succeed Rudy Guiliani, who was, ahem, a Republican. Then there were the idiotic attacks on "McCarthyism." FYI, Alger Hiss, et al, were indeed exposed as communist spies working for the State Department. Even President Truman -- a Democrat, and, presumably, in your ontology, not a schmuck -- had the government investigate its personnel for communist ties during this era. The communists killed hundreds of millions of men, women and children in Russia, the Ukraine and China. But they are not schmucks, apparently, for you and Nora Ephron.

5:20 PM  
Blogger Mikhael said...

Just in a response to Father Gene, I believe the movie was about blogging and cooking, any political opinions was, actually, more jokes than opinions, about McCarthysm, the critic is from Julia Child, not Julie, watch it again... And one great critic of the same scene was for political fanatism, watch out for this may be your case... sorry for the bad english, I'm brazillian

5:26 PM  
Blogger Marjorie said...

Hello Julie, I loved every page of "Julie and Julia" which I read right after reading "My Life in France". I just bought "Cleaving" even though I have read a ton of bad reviews. I don't really understand what all these folks are so shocked and uptight about. It was clear to me from your first book that you have a dirty mouth and that you talk way too much. I think that is what people probably like about you. Have a Merry Christmas. Hope all is going well with Eric. The cow is great.

6:07 PM  
Blogger Jody said...

Reading Cleaving now.

Not liking it any bit of it.

I wish I could get a refund.

6:51 PM  
Blogger Sarah Tseng said...

Here in Asia Taiwan Taipei , I am Sarah Tseng. I would like to ask that you have use Julia Child same cooking household utensils ? like a Copper pot ? By the way, English is not my mother tongue,excuse me for all. Thanks.

7:23 PM  
Blogger Frankie LCB Alumni 2009 said...

Hello Julie,

I wanted to thank you for the inspiration that you have provided me. I just saw your movie for the first time, your movie has been an inspiration to all LCB Students.I was wondering if you were ever going to be in the Pasadena, CA area If you would be interested in putting on a demonstration at our school. Julia child visited our school, Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, in 2003, in our demo kitchen, the same kitchen julia cooked in when she visited our school. Please email me if you would be interested, my email is Thanks for the inspiration. Bon Appetit

9:49 PM  
Blogger hajdeja said...

we just watched the movie julie & julia with my family and kids. we absolutely LOVED it. My son want's to be your Facebook fan so see how well your movie has even affected even the younger generation. A big thank you for for your great writing sensibilities and passion for food. who doesn't love the butter!! It's good stuff. Happy Holidays : )

9:52 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

hi julie, I loved your movie and the way you adore julia had me start adoring Julia...So happy for you...Good luck...

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Julia

I just finished watching your movie and was very intrigued by your story. My name is Paul Belletiere. I own a full service travel agency called Cruise planners. Have you ever consider doing a cruise/travel group with your readers and fans. I would love to discuss the possibility of putting together a great fun vacation with you and your fans. Thank you for your time and look forward to speaking with you.


Paul A. Belletiere
410 761 3554

9:42 AM  
Blogger Angie said...

To say that the movie inspired me to attempt French cooking, is an understatement! What great fun it must have been to challenge yourself to such an endeavor of self-satisfaction!!
Amen Julie!

12:42 PM  
Blogger caro said...

Hi Julie !

I'm writing to you from France where I've just seen your movie. Wonderful ! It made me salivate ! My grandmother teached me loving and cooking butter years ago...
Emotions. Thanks.

Merry Christmas

3:04 PM  
Blogger Victoria_L_A said...

Hi Julie, I never thought I would be doing this, but here I am .. I watch the movie and I just love it. I'm only fifteen, and I'm kind of interested in cooking, what I'm about to tell you is so ridiculous but here it goes, I took a quiz a few months ago, I can't really remember when, but this quiz was about what your future job, or something like that, would be, and guess what? I got CHEF. At the moment I was confused because almost everybody I know, mostly grown up people, had told me that I'm going to be a lawyer, even one of my teachers and that was when I was in 3rd grade! But I wasn't really convinced that being a lawyer was what I wanted to be, although I'm too young to be thinking in such a thing, well I started cooking for myself, just simple food and then I discovered I little piece of interest in cooking wich turn to grow and grow and right now after watching this movie, I can say (or write) that I am convinced that cooking is what I love the most, and I want to start doing it in the right way. Today I help my mother to prepare our christmas dinner and it always taste good, but when I'm preparing something I'm always afraid of adding salt and pepper because I don't want it to be too salty or spicy, what can I do to beat this fear? It will sound nonsense but that's why I'm writing this to you, and because I want to start cooking from the heart and not just because I want to prove myself something. I want to learn and love it.
And Merry Christmas !

4:06 PM  
Blogger Victoria_L_A said...

Hi Julie, I never thought I would be doing this, but here I am .. I watch the movie and I just love it. I'm only fifteen, and I'm kind of interested in cooking, what I'm about to tell you is so ridiculous but here it goes, I took a quiz a few months ago, I can't really remember when, but this quiz was about what your future job, or something like that, would be, and guess what? I got CHEF. At the moment I was confused because almost everybody I know, mostly grown up people, had told me that I'm going to be a lawyer, even one of my teachers and that was when I was in 3rd grade! But I wasn't really convinced that being a lawyer was what I wanted to be, although I'm too young to be thinking in such a thing, well I started cooking for myself, just simple food and then I discovered I little piece of interest in cooking wich turn to grow and grow and right now after watching this movie, I can say (or write) that I am convinced that cooking is what I love the most, and I want to start doing it in the right way. Today I help my mother to prepare our christmas dinner and it always taste good, but when I'm preparing something I'm always afraid of adding salt and pepper because I don't want it to be too salty or spicy, what can I do to beat this fear? It will sound nonsense but that's why I'm writing this to you, and because I want to start cooking from the heart and not just because I want to prove myself somethin. I want to learn and love it.
And after the almos bible I wrote, Merry Christmas!

4:10 PM  
Blogger Kristin said...

I've been lurking here for too long, and must finally comment. I loved your first book, went back and read the entire original blog, and bought the (audio version, thankfully unabridged!) of Cleaving as soon as I could. I love your frankness, your voice in prose (but your speaking voice completely brings your prose entirely to blessedly-sarcastic life), and found Cleaving to be an amazing journey, literally and figuratively. I've read a ton of reviews of Cleaving, mostly after the fact (no review was going to keep me away - I identified with your point of view in the blog too much to give a shit about reviews, forget about so-called TMI) and find most of them to be myopic and far too (easily? Or safely?) judgmental. You don't need my validation - which is another thing I dig about you. Keep writing - there's a ton of us out here that will read anything you write.

Oh, and changing the header of your blog to the "libidinous shrew" line from that review? Fucking genius.

Keep on keepin' on girl. We're out here, hungry for more. No pressure, though - I can re-read (or re-listen) to everything of yours already in print and be entirely entertained, and challenged, at the same time.


6:29 PM  
Blogger Jody said...

I guess I'll have to say it again.

Cleaving is an awful book. And Julie Powell is an awful person.

She admits in the first few pages she owes a great deal of success to Eric, her husband.

So what does she do? She cheats on him with the same guy she cheated on him with in college.

And then writes a good for everyone to know all about it.

Nice way to repay him. Real nice.

6:41 PM  
Blogger silvana said...

Hello Julie: I hope you get to read this on time...I am cooking stuffed chicken tomorrow night, I need tips on how to make it juicy, not dry. (I am going to stuff the chicken with spinach, eggs, ham, cheese and bacon) -
PD sorry about my english, not my first language.

Thanks, and Happy Holidays!

10:07 PM  
Blogger Larry said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

10:22 PM  
Blogger Terrence said...

I was told by people that I am engaged in an endeavor similar to "The guy from 'Super size Me," and "Just like Jared, the Subway guy (I loathed that one), and "like 'Julie & Julia." I heard of the movie, but had no idea it was based on a true blog until 3 weeks ago. I just finished watching the movie, and was thoroughly entertained, and tortured - I was craving every meal in the film.

I have taken leave of my desires and embarked on a six month vegan quest. Me, a passionate carnivore, going vegan deserved to be written about.

I hope you find it entertaining.

11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to echo what Kristin said: keep writing. They are plenty of loud, foul-mouthed Texas ex pats in New York who are happy to read everything you write. :)

2:04 AM  
Blogger Frazzled Mommy said...

Dear Julie,

I didn't want to read Cleaving at first, because I loved the happy Buffy-watching, French-food eating, wine-guzzling couple I first met in Julie & Julia. Then I grew up a little. Life ain't a romance novel. It takes real courage to be that open and honest with yourself and your readers. For those that think it was TMI, I can't imagine the butchery making sense without the emotional context. It wasn't a comfortable read, but it was worth the discomfort, if that makes sense.

Keep writing. I'll keep reading. (I'm sure you're vastly relieved.)

Oh, and have a very merry Christmas!

6:45 AM  
Blogger Prashanth said...

Movie and the blog would have made u famous, but it is great to know that u r still the same :) am prashanth writing from India (we have a list of nice recipes too, lol). I wish u all the best,u stand as an inspiration to millions of bloggers out there, thanks for that!

Note: Pardon me if my english isn't great!

Prashanth R

1:59 PM  
Blogger Alessio84 said...

You are amazing !!!!!!!! Just seen movie with my mom,dad,two brought us to tears :) Excellent idea making blog ,and at the same time still being the same person !! Merry Christmas and a happy new year!! Best wishes from Alexander Belgrade-Serbia

2:55 PM  
Blogger Andrea :) said...

Dear Julie Powell,
I'm a young girl that saw your movie and I enjoyed it. When I watched it in theaters for the first time, I loved loved loved it. You inspired me to get my own blog.
Happy Holidays!
Andrea Li

5:21 PM  
Blogger Andrea :) said...

Dear Julie,
I wish I could read your book, but I am an 11 year old girl. I cook like you since fourth grade I guess. I want to cook and be one. I don't cook every single day but I totally enjoy it.
Yet again,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Andrea Li

5:25 PM  
Blogger Asmara said...

Hi,Julie. My name is Asmara. I'm from Panama, but live in Puerto Rico since I was a Kid. Yesterday I saw your movie, and I love it!!
I think you are a brave and creative person. I love to cook, but I need to have what we call in P.R "la musa", if I was inspired the food taste great. My speciality is arroz con gandules made with an "hoja de platano" to have a criollo flavor. Well, have a Marry Christmas!!

10:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Julie!

Watched the movie that told your story last night! Awesome! :).. I think its great! I have a question.. I hope you'll have time for one.. the character of you in the movie made a delious looking dish with bread and tomatos... Kinda looked like french bread.. and she was cutting up tomatos.. actual recipe? .. IT LOOKED SO GOOD! :)...

Thanks! :)... Would love to hear back.. if you get a sec - leave it on my blog. :)


8:15 AM  
Blogger Admin said...

Hi Julie. Happy holidays!
I'm from Slovenia.I see Julie & Julia Right now and then searching thee Internet for finding your Blog to say Happy new year and Merry Christmas!

2:17 PM  
Blogger The Stevens said...

Love your movie, watched it last night!!! I also found your original blog online Julie/Julia project so cool to read it right after seeing the movie!!!

2:45 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

Hey Julie!!
I just recently watched your movie and it was incredible, I am now 29 and it brought me right back to when I was 4 and cooking with my now deceased grandmother, Ive been told by my family that I used to demand as soon as I went to her house that I wanted to watch Julia, so watching your movie was both moving and inspirational. Giving me the needed push to get back into cooking which is something that I love!!! My one question is which book at least in the movie were you reading about Julia???? Ive found her autobiography very interesting, considering her mothers parents lived once 5 feet up the st. from me in Dalton Ma, and were the founders of The Weston Mill which is currently across the street from my house!! Thanks for being such an inspiration and giving me back something I had given up on!! Hope you and yours had a fabulous holiday!!! Take Care!!!

4:35 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Julie - I watched the film and now I am basing my company's whole new blog experience around your great concept of 365 days of cooking. I am not a good cook - but I could be persuaded I guess to get into the whole thing again if you email me! Try me at Thanks for the concept and a great film - it was wonderful! Claire Sandbrook

5:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You came to Argentina and didn't call me... shame on you

6:15 PM  
Blogger Nina Fabian said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7:05 PM  
Blogger Nina Fabian said...

Hello Julie!!! I am home sick on Christmas day. My husband put your the movie for me. I just loved it!!! I have been wanting to see it since it came out!! I am going to buy the book tomorrow. I had just a few questions...did you ever get to meet Julia? Did you have any contact with her? I sure hope that all your dreams came true. I'd love to hear from you. I am sure you are very busy. Thank you for your time in advance. Happy Holidays!!!

7:21 PM  
Blogger Phares said...

I just finished the movie based on the true events of your life and loved it! How proud I am of you and yes... I like those cow pictures too!

7:30 PM  
Blogger ROCIOMEDINA said...

hi julie, my name is alicia and i am from dominican republic, i love your movie, and i want to make all recipes, You've inspired kitchens, because i don't kitchens. thanks

7:32 PM  
Blogger KRAFTmacNcheese said...

Hello Julie, my name is Cole Tristan Kraft...yes like the Kraft Mac And Cheese ha. i just want to tell you that your movie has really gave me that extra inspuracion that i needed. I am twentyone years of age, i just signed up for the culinary arts program at McHenry County College...which i am very proud and excited for. My friends have allways told i need to be a cook, im allways making the after hour meals lol (aka drunk munchies). i hope to own my own restraunt one day if i can stick to somthing for once loll( i have bad a.d.d. its a curse at times),acually i have an idea i would like t run past you. I dont want to say everything on here because you never know who might snatch your ideas from you but here it goes, A restraunt chain focusing on soups a very homie feeling place,somewhere you can come warm up, eat, read, check there computers kind of like the starbucks for soup...theres alot more about this idea that i would like to tell you. If this intreages you,along with any other advise you would be so kind to share please, please let me know my facebook is cole tristan. your fan, Cole .Tristan. Kraft

10:36 PM  
Blogger KRAFTmacNcheese said...

Hi Julie,its Cole agin...just wanted to say sorry about the poor not the greatiest at that stuff...

10:56 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Good morning from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. A lot of things can be said about you, your book , the movie, the inspiration you gave ang still give to people, to let you know my wife and I are food lovers from the day we were born, etc, etc. But I think you are a person who would (also) like a complete new cooking challenge;

My wife and me originate from to complete different cooking culture: i have belgian (french speaking part) roots and my wife has Vietnamese roots although she (and her family) live in The Netherlands since her 2th birth year or so. But there is a clear french connection regarding the food-part between us; since Vietnam was a former French colony as you might now. The also call the Vietnamese cuisine the French kitchen from Asia since its varieaty is enormous, vert tasty, healthy and fresh. You really should dig in that cookking culture its great. Anyway, we travel a lot around Europe and Asia and our main goal is always to taste and to find as many different things about food as we can. Our last trip was Basque Country (e.a. St. Sebastien) and that Juli is great you gotta go there!

Our next stop is New York and besides visiting the city we also would like to tase NY. Maybe you have time to just spend some minutes and a good dish with us and maybe we could introduce and talk about some ideas we have which can connect with yours.

You can mail me at

3:56 AM  
Blogger aly said...


I love to cook. My other half is a wonderful chef and we loved the movie. Your book is next on the list. You are truly an inspiration... do check out my blog I hope one day you'll make a trip to Malaysia... Merry christmas, aly.

5:02 AM  
Blogger Max said...

hi Julie,
i just watched your movie and you totally inspired to have my own blog. i just did my first post today. i LOVED the movie.. and i got my sister the juliachild cookbook for my sister for xmas.
happy holidays and i will be reading your book soon. take care now.

8:32 AM  
Blogger Robert Crane said...

well merry christmas except the one present i did not receive was "cleaving".

keaton, my better half, explained that the fedex status on the package was that it was destroyed. i suspect your pals jody and dixwhatever work for fedex.

anyway, i scratched some change together from a hot cider stand i set up at exit 24 in new jersey and plan to buy it licketty split. will weigh in later. oh baby!

9:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

9:34 AM  
Blogger junglemama said...

Just finished watching the movie of Julia Child. I loved it! I had to come home and look for your blog. I am a blogger too-- though not quite as popular! Merry Christmas!

3:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I LOVED "Juliet and July". Greatest movie since "The Hangover". Even greater than "Saw VI". Hope that make a movie out of "Cleaver". Maybe James Cameron can make a 3D production? Can't you see the cleaver hurdling toward your forehead? Wowee!

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say I was reading your salon blog pretty early on (not quite the beginning, but around there) and had totally forgotten about it until I saw the movie my wife bought.

It's inspired me to go check out the book you wrote, and perhaps go re-read the blog :)

I was surprised at the vitriol some people have - anyone expecting you to be a serious cook was obviously not reading it.

6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julie! (: do you read all your comments? I'm just wondering because I'd really like to have your email address; I have a lot I (maybe) want to say. that is, as long as I can get past my shyness.
I haven't read your entire blog, but that's only because I just now watched the movie. I definitely want to at some time though!
so, if you have the time, please do email me. :D thanks!

7:58 PM  
Blogger The Schaefers Go To Hawaii said...

Julie! Huge fan from Hawaii. I've been cooking for years with great enthusiasm, but getting drawn into the movie made about your blog has inspired me to develop my skills and educate myself even more about the art of cooking. My husband bought me The Art of French Cooking for Christmas with the promise to pay for all the ingredients for any recipe I choose. I've been reading it like a novel in hopes of picking the perfect one (any suggestions?). And...I think of you (and Julia) every time I open it.

Happy New Year!

I hope you head to Maui one day for some kind of book reading or another. I'll be there if you do!

8:27 PM  
Blogger AiringMyLaundry said...

I just saw the movie Julie & Julia and thanks a lot, I'm now starving. The thing is, I can't cook. I've managed to burn pancakes before and I was standing there watching them. Maybe one day I'll attempt a Julia Child recipe although I think my husband will be confused. I imagine he'll be all, "What's this? Where's the frozen pizza we usually have?"

9:48 PM  
Blogger Gohogsgirl said...

Hey Julie, I'm reading the new book now - I admit - it's tough read (thus far, but NOT due to bad writing I assure you) and you have put yourself out there in such gut-wrenching fashion. I had a thought though, perhaps you should create a "Butcher girl Barbie". Your adventures at Fleischer's are to be envied, and yes... I will try pork cheeks!

9:49 PM  
Blogger DEBBY HALIFA said...

Hi J, i'm from France, and i've just finished to read your book! It's amazing! I've LOLed so much! You're awesome!
Love xoxo

5:17 AM  
Blogger Lilás - Mania de Tecido da Naná said...

Hi Julie, my name is Anahi. I live in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Yesterday I and my friends saw your movie. We love the story. Merry Streep is wonderful. I was thrilled with his knack for cooking. You kindled in me the love to go back to cooking. Will work.
A big hug
God is

5:57 AM  
Blogger krejzOlka said...

Hi, Julie! I'm writting from Poland. Your book is great! When I've readen it, I was smiling almost all the time. You're a good writer, wife (congratulations about husband ;)), and naturally cooking woman, with a super sense of humour which interests people in different ages and countries. Sorry about my mistakes in English, I don't speak (and write) it very well. You're fantastic woman, fantastic, fantastic!
Best wishes at New Year!
Delighted in book - Olga

8:28 AM  
Blogger mindella said...

Just finished watching the movie, you are what I want to be...someday :)

9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got sucked into your movie last night as I was reading in bed while my wife watched it. After some rooting around the intertubes today, I can't help but see your story as Julia did: a stunt. A stunt that will, sadly, have the effect of reducing yet another legend, and their body of work, to little more than bite sized trivialities suitable for consumption by media addicted office drones who make American Idol a #1 show.

Congratulations on successfully launching yourself to your fifteen minutes off of the back of an American legend.

10:06 AM  
Blogger Julie Powell said...

Hey, Kenny. I normally don't respond to posts like yours, because, you know, you absolutely have the right to your opinion and I'm totally cool with you expressing it here. But I'm feeling oddly drugged out or loopy or something today, and feel the urge to respond.

I always think it's hilarious that anyone would think that I sat up in bed one day in 2002 and said, "Hey, I'm going to start a blog about cooking my way through MtAoFC because then I'll be FAMOUS!!!!" I didn't have any idea what a blog even WAS, really. (I was way more clueless than the Amy Adams version of me in the movie.) I wasn't thinking "book deal." I had no notion that anyone other than, say, my mother and half a dozen friends would even read the damned thing. I did it because I was desperately unhappy and frustrated, and I needed to have something in my life that could ease that, and because Julia Child so inspired me, just as she has so many thousands of others. Everything that came after came because of Julia's inspiration - that and a good deal of luck.

One of the great things that Julia taught me over the course of that year was that the person one has to answer to is oneself. I know that the project came out of my gratitude and love for Julia, and I know how much she means to me. That's what allowed me to get over her feelings about what I'd done, and it certainly helps me not give much of a shit what the kind of people who come searching me out in order to express their contempt think.

I also think that it's odd that the very people who are benefitting from the enormous increase in sales of Mastering, or of, say the Judith Jones memoir pegged to the release of the movie, accuse me of being exploitative. I am so, so proud of any part I may have had in reintroducing Julia Child to younger people, to people in other countries, to anyone who for whatever reason hadn't realized before what an extraordinary woman she was. I'm pleased her book sales are the highest they've beenin 25 years. But I don't think there's much of anything I could do to diminish her legacy - that'd be like trying to knock down Mt. Everest with a toothbrush. I'm a little flattered you think I have that much power, honestly....

10:24 AM  
Blogger mindella said...

Love the movie, what is next ?

1:29 PM  
Blogger Jody said...

Ms Powell;

THAT'S what you respond to?

While Kenny is entitled to his opinion, I'd have to point out that you're making money off of (among other things) you're cruel public humiliation of your husband.

2:51 PM  
Blogger lisahgolden said...

I may be the only person here who has neither read Julie & Julia nor seen the movie. You met my friend Carol in San Francisco at your book reading. She was so impressed by you that she gobbled up the book you'd signed with a very funny and touching message. As soon as she finished reading Cleaving, Carol sent it to me noting that I, of all the people she knows, would understand or at least relate to Cleaving.

Carol was right.

As I read the book, I was struck by some incredible similarities right down to your A.W. ringtone. There were times when I had to put the book down because it was too much, too eerily similar. There were parts of the book that made me not like you, just as I've had moments where I am not too fond of myself (for the same reasons).

Ultimately, the big question of "why" that I suppose you get hit with constantly is quite unanswerable, even when one has been in situations like yours or mine or that person sitting over there hoping that no one guesses their secrets. I admit, I found myself reading along, wondering if you would answer the "why" and yet knowing full well that you would have no answer for it. I know I don't.

I am a fan of your writing style and will now go backward and read Julie and Julia.

I wish you both success and peace, as you define it.

3:08 PM  
Blogger Christina said...

There is something about cows either photographed or painted that provides a sense of comfort and warmth. I wanted to thank you for the incredible book, movie and overall inspiration and dilligence

8:32 PM  
Blogger Christina said...

Hi Julie. I just watched the movie and found it to be very moving. I 44 years of age practically grew up with Julia. But the most vivid memory for me was not her weekly show, but the neighbor across the street, who without fail would watch,follow and prepare the dish scheduled eachday with Julia while she was on TV. The best one though was when her daughter came over for a sleepover and we served hot dogs and she asked " what are those" we laughed and laughed as kids.... Continued success!

8:45 PM  
Blogger Emma said...

hey Julie, my name is Florencia, I'm 18 years old and I'm from Argentina. today I saw the movie, your movie, and I don't know if it's just the same as things happened to you, but I wanted to tell you that I loved your story. I loved the whole thing, it left me with something like nostalgy ... I would like to have met any of you. i think it's awsome the way you managed to get away from your sadness or whatever it was, it was awsome the way you recovered from your routine. I found it amazing, in many reasons, one of them is because you challenged yourself, and you could do it ! i would like to challenge myself like that and surprise me too ! i found it amazing because I see my parents sometimes, and they also have bad days, or the stuck in their routines, and it's not so easy to get out from there, i mean it's not so simple to find your time in the day, doesn't mater how long it lasts, to do anything you want, that makes you feel good. I hope someday, when I'll be elder, I hope I can find my thing to do, just like you did with kitchen.
by the way, I'm awful doing housework. see, I felt so touched by your story that tomorrow I'm going to cook pasta ! isn't it awsome? i think so. my mother is thanking you a lot, Lol! your story brought me lots of energies for my holidays. I've just lost my grandpa, and as if it wasn't enough! I finished school, and that's a bit depressing for me. that's another story, I'll tell you some day if you want to get in touch with me, if you have nothing else to do. I actually feel good, I wanted yo to know it.
and to see that your blog was real, that your story was real, not a fantasy like most of the movies, that was really lovely. I don't know if you're still checking out the comments, I'm sure that many people wanted to tell you their stories, like me. I don't care, I just wanted you to know that I felt a conection, and I had a feeling, I felt like writing to you. It would be nice if you could see it. maybe someday we'll chat togheter, nobody knows, but thank you for making me feel good, and giving me a grateful time while watching your story on tv.
Sorry if my English is bad !
thank you for the last time, have a happy New Year, and greetings from Argentina !

PD.: I left you the same comment in another post, oh my God It's so embarassing that i didn't post it on the right post for God Sake ! I'm laughing nonstop.

9:25 PM  
Blogger Steve Hall said...

I apologize if this has been answered before, but I searched around and couldn't find the answer.

I just watched the movie Julie & Julia, and I couldn't help but notice that the very first post of your Julie/Julia Project blog mentions 536 recipes, while in the book and movie it is 524. I'm just really curious -- why the discrepancy?

9:30 PM  
Blogger Alf said...

Hi Julie. I saw your book-turned-movie today, and I was greatly inspired to do the thing...I'm still trying to figure that out, but I know it's out there somewhere. Lost, but still finding joy in the process of knowing. Just throwing it out there, but I would so love to design a blog for you; I think I enjoy design as much as, I don't know, you love writing. If you are interested, hop on over to my blog at and let me know. :) Thank you so much for the encouragement and support. You're awesome.

11:27 AM  
Blogger NOBODY said...

Last week my husband and I watched Julie & Julia and while we enjoyed it very much, we were highly disappointed at the disingenuous, cheap shots at Republicans. When Julie's chef says that if he was a Republican he'd fire her--we just looked at each other, incredulous. What kind of idiotic comemnt was that? And, of course, there was Senator McCarthy, the favorite target of the Left, getting ripped off for persecuting poor lil' Mr. Child... What the movie "forgets" to explain is that McCarthy's committee followed a much earlier one. You'll get a painted cow if you figure who created it--a committee that investigated Hollywood types too, by the way! Bobby Kennedy--yup, one of the biggest icons of the American Left! The problem with McCarthy, we now know, is that he actually underestimated the number of commies who infested the FDR administration. And he NEVER investigated actors, as it is always implied, no matter what you read. Writers also fail to mention the Venona Project, that has yet to be completely decoded, but already gives a chilling account of the amount of communists in Washington; and that McCarthy didn't belong to the HUAC, because he was a SE-NA-TOR! Well, the stupid little attacks on Republicans made transparent that the movie director--and maybe Julie too?--had an agenda. I thought Julie & Julia was made to entertain viewers, not as another brainwashing left wing propaganda movie from Hollywood. Pity I was wrong.

1:29 PM  
Blogger Teresa Elliott said...

Hi Julia...How happy am I that you bought High Plains Calf? It's the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me!! I worship at your alter. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!! People Eater Magazine. Wow.

Teresa Elliott

2:27 PM  
Blogger AtlantAnne said...

Hi Julie. My name is Anne-Caroline Brown and I wanted to let you know that your story inspired me so much that I have also decided to cook my way thru Mastering the Art of French Cooking. I recently lost my job (which was a good thing) and thought that I might also find the inspiration for my next big thing through embarking on this project. I love cooking and find that it is a time to think and laugh and enjoy. When I read your book a few months ago, I absolutely loved it and found it to be one of the sweetest, most inspiring books Ihave ever read. At the urging of my friends, I have also set up a blog.... .... stop by and check it out if you get a chance. I hope you don't mind that I am being a copycat.... My fiance gave me Julia's cookbook for Christmas, along with a beautiful Staub dutch oven and outfitted our kitchen with a Bose Wave system so I think it will be fun. Wish me luck!!

2:27 PM  
Blogger Julie Powell said...

Wow, such a wealth of interesting comments today! To "Nobody" - I had nothing to do with the writing of the screenplay, and I don't discuss McCarthy in the book, but yup, there's no question there's Republican-bashing in there. To me it's less about propaganda and more about character-making. Julie Powell in 2002 was a very frustrated woman, and one of the many things that most frustrated and frightened her was the GWB administration. She was vocal and knee-jerk in her criticism of said establishment - that's just an aspect of who she was at that time. (She, of course, being me seven years ago....) As for the McCarthy stuff, well, that's just what Julia Child wrote about in her book My Life in France. Nora Ephron wasn't making that up. Anyway, really fascinating to see a pro-McCarthy-ite up in this mug....

TERESA!!!!!! I love, love, LOVE my cow! I just fell in love with it and bought though I hadn't the money for it, and I've never regretted it for a moment. You are AMAZING, and I worship at YOUR altar.

Anne-Caroline: Great good luck to you! A project like this can really turn things around when you're in a rut, I'm here to tell you.... Have a great time.

2:41 PM  
Blogger Tedi T.B. said...

Wow, it's really "you"! I just bought the dvd & loved the movie! I've been a Julia fan since I was a kid, and cooking happened to me much like you. My catalyst: the Food Network! Ok, so I started my own blog yesterday too & started a family cook book 2 yrs ago. I'm a typical career-bored frustrated writer/wife mom of a 22 yr old. I got a dose of Julie courage & just did it. Some cool things about the movie; in the "Cobb Salad" scene (hilarious), your character wears a copper poodle pin. I have the same one-my dad gave it to me in the mid-60's. Then. It gets better. The Paris apt. scene after the Val Day dinner "Julia" is cooking and places a blue casserole dish in the tiny oven-my mom just gave me the twin dish she received from the former owners of our old house. When I saw the scene I ran from the kitchen, holding the dish saying "Look! OMG! It's meant to be! I have her casserole." Mine is at least 65-80 years old, and I'm posting a pic of it on Facebook shortly. Julie, you are a wonderful inspiration & the book is fantastic! Bon appetite!

3:33 PM  
Blogger Jody said...

The part I find interesting is the more or less complete separation of comments here.

From the people reacting to Julie/Julia (either the book or the movie), Julie Powell is a wonderful person.

From those reacting to Cleaving, the opinion is far less glowing (and I am trying to be as fair as I can here).

It's like there are two different women having written two different books.


7:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Julie,

I got your movie as a christsmas gift and it was wonderful I know I'll be watching it over and over...As for the "Cow Painting" I think I know what the draw is, It's the use of sun light, how it shines just so, and Yes the paintings are wonderful and the artist is very talented. I think you might like an artist by the name of Winifred Godfrey. Her work is just wonderful the website is and look at the flower paintings I think you will see what I mean.

Take care and may you be blessed...

Dawn Bohler

8:46 PM  
Blogger palbelle said...

I feel sort of lame talking to you this way- but yet really inspired by the movie I just happened to watch- Julie & Julia. (I think you may have heard of it..) Anyhow, in the midst of being a recent grad with no job in my future; I also have obtained a degree in creative writing- I feel really compelled to tell you how much your story warmed my heart. It gave me a bit of hope that maybe my dream of writing isn't completely worthless, and that maybe something really great is at the end of my road.

It's a real bitter world out there, job-wise, especially when you're knee-deep in debt! I just wanted to express my deep gratitude for your story. I feel like everyday, each of us, is searching for something to fill us up. Some, like me, are starving because they spend too much time deciding what to eat, where to eat, and how to do it all. Hope this 'analogy' makes sense. Needless to say, I am a confused 22 year-old who feels a wee bit better now. Next cover letter, here I come!!

Hope you had a lovely Christmas!

11:23 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

I just read your book and I must say, you are the embodiment of the self-absorbed, narcissistic "woe-as me" mentality. When writing this book, you had a roof over your head, a job, food on the table, parents who supported you (literally), friends, and a loving husband who put up with your abject selfishness. Tell me, what in your life was so horrific that you decided that the only cure was to take the writings of a respected, talented chef and turn them into a showcase of self-congratulation? Don't get me wrong, I tried very hard to keep my feelings neutral as I have never met you in person, yet with every turn of the page your writing smacked more and more of a spoiled, petulant child who needed attention. I should have known when the vacuous, unimaginative atrocity that is "Cosmopolitan" magizine gave it a glowing review, that it would fall woefully short of being anything but the usual "chick-lit". Thanks for reinforcing what I already suspected.

1:11 AM  
Blogger JuliaM said...

Hi Julie. Enjoyed watching J&J again on cable. I had the pleasure of meeting Julia Child in 2000 for a function at the hospital I work for. Her father John was on the Board of Directors in the 1950s. She was charming, gracious, with a wonderful sense of humor. Her favorite breakfast food she said, was 'bacon.' Of course, the virtues of butter were extolled too. She advocated not allowing food that has been prepared to cool off, lest the chef's feelings be hurt, when serving guests. She autographed my 11th Edition of Mastering the Art Vol I. I still use it frequently. Recently had guests from France to dinner, and they loved Julia C's cassoulet! Will try the Floating Island recipe soon. Looking forward to purchasing your book! Take care! Looking forward to more fun cooking in 2010.

6:32 AM  
Blogger presly said...

hmm...I'll post the 100 comment...
Hi, Julie! The cows are great!
I'm from Bulgaria. I watched the movie on your book (greetings!)and I think how easy seems (for us) when somebody has a talent to get success, to be noticed in USA.
I wish you all the best throughout the New 2010 Year!:)

8:53 AM  
Blogger Ana said...

Hi Julie. I am from Slovenia this is small country in Europe. I am 13 years old. I'm watching movie 2 times. I found your blog and already you write. I'm not good in English but I hope you understand. Blog is amazing and the movie to. Thank you and Julia Child.

10:27 AM  
Blogger Don said...

Hi Julie, I just watched your movie. Next time you cook if there are any leftovers! Don

10:36 AM  
Blogger Gohogsgirl said...

Dear Big Steve, I am not a representative of Julie or anything, but I took offense to your comments. You seem to be the king of mediocrity. There is nothing, absolutely NOTHING wrong with wanting to have some fun in life. The fact that people thought her project was interesting enough to turn into a book & movie was... a freak accident, and very cool for Julie, but just I'm amazed that you took the time to look up her current blog to write and insult someone who has way more of a life force than you is well... sad. Go find something to do.

2:02 PM  
Blogger Mary Becvar said...

Hi Julie. Hey my first blog comment. I love the movie and you. You are my new heroine and I can't wait to read Cleaved. I have 2 NY resolutions and they are to dress better for work and try food adventures. The first in 2010 in Boef Bourginon (soc) YAY. Do you actually read these? Just curious. You write how I think. WOW
Mary Becvar

2:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Julie,

I just saw the movie for the first and loved it!! I will put your blog link on mine as one of the places I visit often :)
Looking forward to reading your news and updates.

Warm Regards,

3:58 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

Hi Julie....
Well in the middle of Beef Bourginon right now... Your movie got me so excited about cooking weird stuff, ahh well gormet stuff.. Any how living in a itty bitty town in SW Missouri, our "Walmart" didn't have everything sooo instead of little pearl onions, I'm gonna cut the ends off of green onions and try that... The stew is in the oven and smells HEAVENLY.. hope the green onions don't mess it up! Any how if it works, I'll leave a Yeppers you can make this even if you live in the toolies! Thanks for the book, blog and movie!!!

4:28 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

OOPS forgot to tell ya, I am wearing my pearls as I cook... LOL You and your Julia really inspired me!

4:35 PM  
Blogger Christopher Altomare said...

you should go to cooking school and ask people to donate money for you

6:03 PM  
Blogger Christopher Altomare said...

also do you have any ideas on what i should cook for new years

6:05 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Julie, I'm impressed you keep on know, you ARE famous now!
I'm a wanna'be writer too, although I'm starting at 67 years old. Writing a screenplay...based on my my sailboat dream of running away and sailing off into the sunset.

Husband lost job at 64, we sold everything, house, car, furniture, and went to the Caribbean and bought a sailboat. We had to take one week lessons to learn to sail our 44 foot sailboat, the Blue Feather. Inspired by Richard Bach's book, Illusions. We lived on it for a year, and going broke quickly. Sold it and it sank in the ocean being delivered to South America. Are we lucky??
Anyway, it's late here in Kansas City, and my mind needed a break, and I wanted to see if you were still blogging. Saw the movie and as I'm cooking an Apple Tart, from Julia's cookbook, I think of you. I'm doing good to cook Julia four times a year. I'm impressed. You did it!

By the way, your writing style is original and creative. You sound like a person that would be fun to hang out with.

Hope to meet you someday.

6:24 PM  
Blogger Kristen Massey said...

I'll start off by saying that I really enjoyed Julie & Julia. I thought it was engaging and entertaining. I'm reading Cleaving now. While I find it well written, I'm very disappointed in you as a person. For a man that you say "completes" you, I find it unfathomable that you could cheat on him and then be so flippant about it. I'm sure he's not perfect, but surely you remember how much crap he put up with during your French cooking project. Has fame so bloated your ego and sense of self that you forgot where you came from?

I really hope that you get your act together and realize that a marriage requires work. Don't throw your years together to the wayside because of this fame. Remember that it's fleeting.

9:45 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

Life is a interesting journey, glad I found your blog. Matt in Seattle

10:26 PM  
Blogger RAGREEN007 said...

Julie at this moment i finished washed

Julie & Julia

and realy i enjoyed during whach it

Mojtaba from KSA

12:22 AM  
Blogger RAGREEN007 said...

Julie at this moment i finished washed

Julie & Julia

and realy i enjoyed during whach it

Mojtaba from KSA

12:23 AM  
Blogger Mei said...

Dear Julie:
I'm Mei from Japan.
I watched your movie last week, got inspired from your use of blog...
I've been experiencing lots of miracles that I would like to share as many people as possible.
Today, I have just opened my own blog ( to post four of them, hoping that I can find people who are searching for miracles.
I know you are busy, but if you have the slightest interest in what I mean by "miracles," please visit my site.
Happy holidays!!

3:42 AM  
Blogger Monique said...

Hello, Julie!
I am a young Brazilian. I watched the movie last night. I found brilliant and charming. Congratulations on the success and dedication. It was really inspiring to me and I have recommended to all.
Happy New Year!
Monique Anny.

Ps.: Sorry for English ... =/

5:43 AM  
Blogger The Campbell Clan said...

So, ever since your Movie came out I have wanted to see it. But for many resons I just haven't been to the movies in FOREVER. Anyway, my Husband got me the DVD for Christmas! I was very excited and I LOVED the movie. I think what you did is just awsome! :) I am planning on buying your book TODAY!! And I plan on making Beef Bourguignon for dinner tomorrow night! I thought it might be a good meal for New Years Eve. lol Well, thank you again for sharing your story. Hope you have a very blessed and Happy New Year!!

Bon Appetit!

Houston, TX

6:46 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

I finished the book a few weeks ago and last night watched the movie. Oh wow, what can I say. Loved it. It quickly climbed to the top of my favs list. I always loved Julia Child, emulating her as a young child, even in mundane tasks of making toast. Loved her. Love you. I felt like we knew each other and when you said that you never finish things and that it's because you have ADD. I laughed out loud and my husband looked at me and said, "oh brother" because that's me. I have never finished a thing except for a small children's book I've written but only received rejections. You've inspired me to choose something, to find and choose my gift and go with it. I need to complete something and I may just blog about it as well. If only I could figure out what that gift is. Thank you for being you.

7:31 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Julie: Thank you for the inspiration, my wife and I enjoyed the movie and plan to make some recipes in 2010. We were very disappointed in the anti-Republican commentary that we felt inappropriate for the theme of the movie. Our money is green, too, and being offended for our beliefs does not make us want to run out and buy the book or recommend the movie. Happy New Year to you, and please leave the butter in and politics out.

7:37 AM  
Blogger Deeders said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8:11 AM  
Blogger Deeders said...

Love the cow. Love the way the sun shines on him. Actually, isn't that a bull? LOL anyway, did you buy the painting?

8:14 AM  
Blogger Taylor said...

I just watched your movie for the first time and I LOVED IT. I'm only 16, but that was the coolest thing to do ever. I love cooking, baking especially. I found your original blog, and loved it. Im looking forward to purchasing your book today! Happy Cooking!

9:41 AM  
Blogger Cindy Stephen said...

Hello Julie - just watched the movie and it was so inspiring to me. I'm a freelance writer, stuck in a rut and I totally identified with your story. Finding a role model, finding a purpose and sticking with it. I would have given up if my husband was mad at me but you carried through. I was so sorry that Julia Child found your project to be a "stunt". She was just of a different generation. Thank you for having the courage to take a great idea and see if through from beginning to end. Love from Calgary AB

10:13 AM  
Blogger Jody said...


I am guessing "Cleaving" isn't on sale yet in Canada.

Find yourself a copy (or just google "Julie Powell Cleaving Review"), read the first few chapters. I'd hazard a guess that you might want be so quick to name Julie Powell as a role model.

Sorry to burst your bubble on this but that's the way it is.

10:25 AM  
Blogger foodnut10 said...

Loved the movie and wanted to know more about you and Julia. I wish you all the best in the New Year.

11:20 AM  
Blogger Berry Patch People said...

Hi Julie,
I just watched your movie and loved it! You inspires me in so many ways, thank you for telling your stories and finishing your project! I am at a stage where I am hitting a lot of road blocks with my new business, every step seems like a mountain to climb. But my spirit and determination is lifted after I saw your movie seeing how you and Julia both believe in yourselves/passion and achieve your dream! I am going to continue to blog and dream....

12:46 PM  
Blogger Susan Vaughn said...

I completely agree. Teresa is wonderful. Her paintings are mesmerizing. She took a subject that many find ugly and made it beautiful.

4:50 PM  
Blogger own said...
these are my blog please help me in earning money because i have to study furthur so please open my blogs and click some ads on my blog .please

1:53 AM  
Blogger Artlady said...

I can relate to your struggles as I just did 27 drawings for "My First Christian ABC Book" and helped to get the book published. Luck to you in the future and now you have to deal with the fame thing. Also if you like cows try me. I can't imagine the ugly cow comment. Anyone out there really think God's creatures are ugly? I loved your story and admire Julia. At 90 maybe she did not understand your admiration for her. I think she would be proud.

2:02 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

thanks dude.
If you have a time please visit for free ebooks

12:12 PM  
Blogger silu said...

i love the color pink and you have good links that i like to you asking

3:04 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I wanted to say thank you. I made the Beef Bourguignon this week. OMG was it heaven. Thank you for making the magic happen.

Over and over again. Keep up the good work! I am jotting down recipes to extend the Bourguigon sauce like on a filet, over a beef ravioli and a ladled skinless hot dog in a puff pastry. ;)

Check out a video of the dish I was so proud of on youtube /watch?v=4YBIiDinLjk . I made a homemade salad dressing with Pinot Noir to contrast along with a bread butter with the thyme and other focal ingredients.

Thank you.


8:13 PM  
Blogger Di said...

Hi Julie! I just saw Julie & Julia and I was in shock when I heard Eric Powell and Archaeology! I worked with Eric at Arky for 2 years and I met you a couple of times. OMG, your book is soo good and the movie is awesome! I was kind of slow putting two and two together. Congratulations on your success and say HI to Eric!

4:39 PM  
Blogger Tilly Z said...

Hi Julie,
I have heard wonderful comments about your book and i want to read it so much! Unfortunately I can't find it in stores yet! But trust me i haven't stopped looking! i watched your movie yesterday and it was fabulous you inspired me to start getting into the kitchen more! YOU ARE FABULOUS JULIE!

5:41 AM  
Blogger Tilly Z said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

5:43 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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6:56 AM  
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7:01 AM  
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5:56 AM  
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12:49 AM  

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