Breaking: Unfancy food actually kinda fancy.

So I went yesterday to the 2nd Annual Unfancy Food Show in Williamsburg, an answer to the hoity-toity oh-so-slightly-pretentious event happening across the river. I attended it gladly, uncowed by thigh-sticky-making humidity, tightly-packed crowds armed with dangerous pork-on-a-stick, the occasional thunderous rainstorm and the odd self-esteem-deflating skinny hipster. I attended it to say hello to my friends Tom and Emily, and to meet new friends Cathy and Scott. But mostly I attended to eat lots of local chocolate and local ice cream and local honey and local pickles and local ricotta and local pork on a stick. And drink cheap beer and cheap wine and rather expensive bottled water from the Catskills. And all in all, unfancy is not the word I would use, except maybe for the tarps which shielded all the fancy food from the torrential rain. But yummy is a word that comes to mind.
Afterwards we ate meat and cheese and oysters and olives at Marlow & Sons down the street, after a walk through the rain and an incident with a rather bitchy bartender at Diner who couldn't quite get around to asking us if we wanted a drink, presumably because we weren't hip enough, but objected (bitchily, with much raising of eyebrows) to, of all things, an innocent pair of wet shoes placed on her bar. The nerve! But the meat and cheese and oysters and olives were great. Honestly, it was a sort of absurd alterna-foodie day, and now I'm feeling all food-bloggy with my shout-outs and my links, which always kind of makes me want to take a shower, but what the hell. There are far worse things. Than showers. Or alterna-foodie days.