I'm not much one for resolutions
But this year I'm holding on to mine like a life line. I won't go into the specifics other than to say that they include the usual StopDrinkingStopSmokingGetInShape sorts of of things, as well as one or two others more particular to my situation, all of which could be contained under the rubric of "Quit trying to the same things and expecting different results."
What about you guys? How's you thinkin' about this new decade?
What about you guys? How's you thinkin' about this new decade?
I am pretty much with you on the resolutions, same, same maybe do better this year. I ordered your new book today so maybe you can buy one more pack of smokes before the first, although I am not promoting bad deeds. I loved Julie and Julia and look forward the new one. Keep up the good work and Happy New Year. PS, I dont believe in TMI in your case. Thanks for sharing
I long gave up on NYR. It only made me more depressed to see how many resolutions from last Jan 1 were not even attempted by Dec 31! So, that said, I am going to approach this new year/new decade with the attitude that if I cannot improve myself any, at least try not to backslide. :-)
Have a happy new year/decade and thanks for your writing!
BTW, you heading over to Seattle anytime soon on your tour?
Benny & Lily
I'm sitting on the couch watching Julie & Julia and I'm thinking of attempting the beef bourgone (which I have probably butchered the spelling of -- ha! butchered didn't even mean to bring up butchering . .that's your new book!) so anyway . . I got the recipe off of the abc site and it calls for one onion sliced up at the top and then 18-24 white onions, small. So if you could possibly answer this questions . . I would greatly appreciate it -- that seems like a HELL of a lot of onions . . .are the white onions pearl onions? I just don't want to ruin it . . .we already have stories of ruined meals with my husband and I and the rice krispie meals that were eaten instead! If you would to private message me. . my address is mrsschwartz5@gmail.com! Thanks if you are able to help!
I'm sitting on the couch watching Julie & Julia and I'm thinking of attempting the beef bourgone (which I have probably butchered the spelling of -- ha! butchered didn't even mean to bring up butchering . .that's your new book!) so anyway . . I got the recipe off of the abc site and it calls for one onion sliced up at the top and then 18-24 white onions, small. So if you could possibly answer this questions . . I would greatly appreciate it -- that seems like a HELL of a lot of onions . . .are the white onions pearl onions? I just don't want to ruin it . . .we already have stories of ruined meals with my husband and I and the rice krispie meals that were eaten instead! If you would to private message me. . my address is mrsschwartz5@gmail.com! Thanks if you are able to help!
My daughter is a chef and will love the movie and since it is her birthday in January, I will be getting it for her as well as your book. My sister and I just finished watching the movie and found it so good. We could especially relate to the parts about the assistant's role. We are both assistants and you certainly got that one right. I am also a blogger and write for guess who "Assistants" so what else would I write about? You write about what you know best.
Patricia Robb
P.S. My sister wants to know "Did you ever meet Julia Childs?"
Hi Julie. I will just moderate. I don't like diets. Today I picked up the ingredients for the boeuf bourginon (i know, I know not spelled right) and I am also reading Julia's "My Life in France" book. Happy New Years!
This year, I want to dedicate more time to my husband. It's been a hard year for the both of us. With deployments and things like that. So this year rather than spend every waking holiday with the in laws. I want to just spend time with him. As a matter of fact I'm planning a week long trip to Montreal just for me and him. We need to reconnect and focus. So that's what my resolution is. :)
I would say 'Get Published' would be high on my list, but I suppose 'Find a Way To Make Some Additional Income Even If It Involves Killing My Soul In A Cubicle' should probably be on there. 'Try To Be More Understanding With People' could be another, but other days 'Don't Be Such A Cream Puff' could be on there too. 'Cut Back on Drinking' can't be on here and be compatible with the other resolutions.
Bought 2 copies of Cleaving, gave one as a gift (from a Julie, me, to a Judy), was both disturbed a bit and loved it. I wanted to knit you a hat, give you a cookie, and then yell at you. I hope to make it to a signing (but won't yell.) Thanks!
I'm going to try to write my first novel. And of coruse the Get in shape one. hehe.
Good luck girl!! Your Awesome!!
Finish a something, anything really...
other than a poutine.
Finally saw your movie yesterday! Read the book ages ago, but never really make it to the theater anymore... saw an earlier post and thought you might like my blog about going to a slaughter. I know that sounds weird, god knows how many people have asked you to look at their blog, but anyway here you go... Good job by the way! You are an inspiration. Rebecca
I agree, this past year so much has went on, so this new year im hoping for better and keeping up with goals, so lets hope by this time next year my 115 things are done!
P.S. Love your writing
I'm going to try lighting white candles and let the burn out on their own. Someone told me today that would get rid of curses or at least negativity. Who needs that shit anyway? I stopped with the resolutions a long time ago. If I need to do something, I will get started with it once I recognize that it is necessary, maybe that happens in December and maybe that happens in August. Hopefully, we all eventually figure out what what we want and how to make it happen. Happy New Year!
New Year Resolutions? Hmmmm . . . work out on my Pilates, try to get out and garden more. As for food and cooking--how DO you find the energy to fix a REAL meal after a long day's work??
You might or might now answer this question--however, wishing you and all who read your blog a Happy Peaceful New Year!
I have never been one for resolutions myself. I agree with Rev_Sysyphus. If I don't improve, I can at least try not to end up back where I was last year.
Happy new year!
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I just finished watching Julie & Julia and I loved it. Your story is very inspirational for writer and cookers alike.
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I don't know maybe I should make a Resolution to stick to a resolution! I never stick to them when I make them. Last year my resolution was to stop drinking any and every kind of soda. It lasted until the end of Feb. Oh well, if I think of something I will post it later. ;)
Happy New Year!!
Julie, I just finished watching the movie,actually I am writing on my lap top as I watch the special features. I loved the movie and very interested in reading your book. I just recently turned 30 in October and I felt as though I was going through the steps with you, I mean I could relate in some way.
Did you ever meet Julia? Did she really make a comment about your blog? I was just wondering because I know usually movies are not always accurate.
Happy New Years!
My motto for 2010: get things done.
I want to get a part-time job on campus. I want to make use of connections on campus and get hooked up with the student paper... I miss the atmosphere of a student newsroom, it's so warming and so motivating to me. I want to work hard to improve my photography and get projects done. I want to continue my book, because I think it could be a hilarious one if executed properly.
I'm gonna' get things done this year! :)
I just watched Julie&Julia for the first time tonight and found your blog after that! I really enjoyed the movie. Very cute story :)
I just watched your movie. Wow... if I didn't know any better I would swear we were separated at birth. I am sure you hear this all of the time. I am in a dead-end job that doesn't offer me a sliver of inspiration, this town that I live in, well I don't even have words for it, I quit Facebook because I don't have anything inspiring to say and feel pretty lost most days. Oh and I pretty much can only find it in me to finish something that can be completed between the time I get home on Friday and the time I go to sleep on Sunday. If it takes longer than that, it will sit uncompleted. The only thing that truly keeps me going is my husband and two wonderful daughters. There are a few things that I enjoy (outside of my family), cooking and food related tv, Harpers Bazaar and home decorating (including landscaping). To some degree I can say I don't necessarily like most of my friends most of the time because I don't necessarily relate to them. I have just never felt so in tune with another individual as I did watching your movie.
I just wanted to say that your story has inspired me to fight to find my inspiration and do something with it.
Thanks for sharing your story!
Tammy Cortez
I just watched your movie. Wow... if I didn't know any better I would swear we were separated at birth. I am sure you hear this all of the time. I am in a dead-end job that doesn't offer me a sliver of inspiration, this town that I live in, well I don't even have words for it, I quit Facebook because I don't have anything inspiring to say and feel pretty lost most days. Oh and I pretty much can only find it in me to finish something that can be completed between the time I get home on Friday and the time I go to sleep on Sunday. If it takes longer than that, it will sit uncompleted. The only thing that truly keeps me going is my husband and two wonderful daughters. There are a few things that I enjoy (outside of my family), cooking and food related tv, Harpers Bazaar and home decorating (including landscaping). To some degree I can say I don't necessarily like most of my friends most of the time because I don't necessarily relate to them. I have just never felt so in tune with another individual as I did watching your movie.
I just wanted to say that your story has inspired me to fight to find my inspiration and do something with it.
Thanks for sharing your story!
Tammy Cortez
I just tonight watched your movie with my husband of 20yrs. I was born in 1965 and in 1970 I can remember watching the French Chef show on PBS. I learned all my techniques and tips from Julia. your story has inspired me to think about what I want to do I've been a REALTOR for 21 yrs and I looking for what my 2nd joy will be thanks for giving me a kick start...
So happy to find out that you arent that cloyingly sweet character from the movie (which I found very charming btw)
My resolutions are to quit smoking, finally expose my hidden 6-pack abs, earn enough to take the kids to NYC/ Garner St. Park, and get out of where I'm living.
Last years goals of quitting drinking, getting another car and giving the kids a great '09 Christmas were accomplished.
Hey, I'm a Texan- we get sh*t done...good luck on the new book too, J.
Dear Julie,
I agree with your resolution though I change the wording to evolution! What I am evolving into this year is action instead of reaction.
I loved the movie about your book and blog, absolutely enjoyable and inspiring. My husband and I enjoyed watching it in our living room last night.
I am a 39-year-old stay at home mom and redefining myself on the road to 40!
Thank you so much for your work.
My boyfriend and I watched Julie & Julia last night and we enjoyed every minute of it... All that great food being cooked got us pretty hungry... up to the point where you were trying to poche an egg, we almost felt like trying it ourselfes right then and there. So instead we paused the movie, made a cake, watched the rest of the movie while our cake was in the oven and enjoyed eating it while we watched the end of the movie. The cake turned out great, the movie even better. I can hardly wait to get my own copy of your book and Julia's book. Thanks for your project, it made me reflect on a lot of things (my boyfriend even suggested I have ADHD because most of the times I start things and don't end them ;) ...) I'm not much one for resolutions either, but knowing about you gives me that push to start writing (again). And ofcourse cooking, the thing I love the most...
Happy new year and thanks!
Lies (Ghent - Belgium)
This is the "Year of the House." I'm going to attempt to do one thing each day for the betterment of my home, and everyday cooking, cleaning and laundry will not count. Unusual cooking and cleaning projects might, such as trying a new recipe or cleaning out a closet. And I want to attend a ballet because I never have.
I'm completely with you on the resolutions. They're the same but different somehow. I can't explain it but this year I'm going to get serious about it all. The whole "doing the same thing and expecting different results" has finally caught up with me. I'm ready for 2009 to end and to start 2010 with a big bang!
Best of luck to you, Julie.
Just watched the movie Julia and Julia and of course loved it! I remember watching her when I was very young! My resolution is to do more fun things with my family and to see my friends more often. Seems like I rarely take time to do that any more and it use to be soooo important. It's like loosing a piece of myself and falling into a lonely place. Time to work on my marriage too! It's going to be a great year! Thanks for your writing!
Watched the movie last night...loved it! I have been teaching for 40 years now, and I can say I have never had a day that I did not love walking into the classroom. I think we have replaced passion with "tweets." Quick and easy...immediate gratification. What you did took perseverance...same for Julia...but I know so many do not want to take the time to meet the challenges...we make resolutions...but as I put in my blog last week...to quote Mark Twain..."“Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.”
I'm not making a resolution this year. By no means, am I perfect, however I already quit smoking, I don't drink, and I am thin enough. I will just strive to continue to be a good person every day.
Happy New Year everyone!
Well! my delicious resolutions is to read Julie and Julia with my wife and to do some Child´s recipes. We live in Brazil in a cold small town in the south mountains (Brazil is much more them sun, and tropical beaches, we have very cold places too)And in the cold winter (June until September) we´ll make some french hot food!
Have a happy new year.
Rev. Edwin Fickel
I'm hopeful every year that I'll manage to accomplish mine...losing weight, being more patient, not swearing as much...the usual!
I think I've spent this decade basically doing what I thought I wanted to. Never really getting out of the comfort zone, even if I did try to do something different once in awhile. It's been 10 years since I graduated high school and I thought that I made the right decision. I'm not saying that I regretted going into business but I should have never left that artistic side of me in high school. So, this decade is going to be a big change, but doing it methodologically as to not drive off too far from my path. Happy new year!
Hi Julie. I'm getting ready to put the whole kit and kaboodle in the oven for 3 to 4 hours or whatever time Julia's recipe calls for cooking. It smells good in here already. Happy New Years!
I wrote a review of Julie and Julia over at "Sleeping Kitten - Dancing Dog!" I think you are brilliant for this project but mostly for sharing part of your life with us.
Happy New Year!
skdd . wordpress . com
Please come and signup at BlogCatalog . com and
Half Hour Meals . com
I would love to interview you.
Theresa H Hall
First time at your blog. I don't really make resolutions anymore. However, when I blow the candles out on my birthday cake every year I always make a wish - this year it was: I wish to go beyond myself. The problem with me is I cannot help being myself, which makes evolution in my life impossible.
You're a pretty inspiring person Julie. I'm gonna have to pick up your books now because you and I seem so similar. I've added you on Twitter. Mine is @killergawp, if you ever wanna chat.
Watched Julie and Julia the other night and got most excited about your PASSION for doing something that totally excited you - brought you joy. Then read a magazine and came across a reference for a new book THE HAPPINESS PROJECT - getting that and moving forward with finding more joy and happiness in 2010 doing what makes MY OWN HEART SING. I had two blogs and know as of today that I can combine them into one and keep writing
it's all about going out and meeting people, valuing and affirming them and catching them doing something right. It's about spontaneity and just letting things happen - hey that happened to you when you started writing your blog and PEOPLE FOUND YOU!!
Thanks Julie. Look forward to paying more attention to you and LIFE in 2010. Martie
My resolution is to try to cook more. I've always loved cooking, and used to do it with my grandmother all the time before she died. It wasn't until I saw Julie and Julia this weekend that I relized just how much fun it could be. Thanks for your awsome blog, book, and movie and have a happy 2010!!!! :)
I am not much one for resolutions either, but you know what? I re-read your book a month ago and today watched the movie version again. Thanks for a little bit of inspiration on a grey New Year's Eve Day...
Happy New Year!
I saw the movie, got the book and the cookbook and the movie and am loving it. I made boeuf bourginonne and made few home videos as I drank alot of wine in the process and had a great time.
Once a month in 2010 will be Julia Child night.
I can't believe I found your blog!
Just finished reading Julie&Julia (it was a Christmas present to myself :-) this morning and the "teaser" for CLEAVING and I'm hooked, again. I dug out my 30 year-old MtAoFC and made a quiche (aux epinards)- it was fun to do and it turned out!! I was so happy to find that you still have a blog and that you are right here, asking us about the new year and the new decade. I'm not thinking of it so much as a New Year's resolution, but I definitely am inspired by you to be more forgiving of myself and enjoy the little successes each day. Thanks, Julie, and Happy New Year!
I am watching Julie and Julia for the 2nd time today (stuck in this New Year's with a sick husband and new baby :() I am loving this story! I know this has nothing to do with your post today... but this story brought some joy to my life today! Thanks!
I want to change.
I am the same when it comes to resolutions, i believe in goals whether short or long. I do the yellow stickies and write down my goals to accomplish with 2 months or 5 or a year etc.. all depending what they are. Check my blog out, just started it so it's fairly new. I loved your book and the movie and looking forward to reading your new book. Thanks, Isis
Peace and Cheers. :)
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Hi Julie! My mom and I just finished watching Julie and Julia the movie, so I decided to look at your blog. I have a lot of New Year's resolutions, but my top 2 are to get in shape and date (or maybe even kiss!) this guy I have a huge crush on. Peace Out!
I need, need, need resolutions. I need to write them down and post them or I will do nothing. This year, I'm determined to help my son start ten more bee hives and get his honey business up and running - so he can save the world. I have goats, sheep, cows, chickens, geese, turkeys and a donkey. I want a pig - two really. I want a pedicure and to pay off my tractor. Is that too much? - www.asthebutterchurns.com
My husband and I just finished watching Julie & Julia; we enjoyed it completely! It's funny because years ago people used to say they could tell I made something because it tasted like it had been made with a pound of butter! :) Thanks for sharing your experience - it was a wonderful look into the lives of yourself and Julia Child.
check out my blog on typer.blog.com
I just watched the movie tonight [had to wait for it to come out on RedBox, because that's all I can afford]. Afterwards, I spent some time reading your original blog, and stumbled my way through a few articles about you, and found my way over here to your "step up" blog. So, you're living the ultimate blogger's dream. How is the view from over there? I'd be happy with a very small book deal. Tiny. Actually, I'd just be happy if someone would pay me any amount of money to write anything. Nobody needs to make a movie out of my messy house or my meltdowns or my fights with my husband thank you very much! I'll pass. :-)
Anyway, in keeping with the post subject: my New Years resolution is to keep writing. Every day. About something. It may or may not be of interest to someone else, but in my case, I honestly hope it will help brighten someone else's day a little, or inspire them, or help them deal with a problem. And, if not, at least it's free therapy for me. Maybe this will finally be the lucky year I find my story. It's in here. Hiding. Somewhere...
So, Thank you for being one of my new inspirations. Anything's possible. Cheers for 2010! - Mo
P.S. I hate to cook. But, I love to eat. So, if I get up enough patience, I'd like to try that Beouf receipe which was making my mouth water the entire movie. Also, may I offer a suggestion? PLEASE consider allowing people to post comments with more options than just a google/blogger account. I blog at WordPress, others use Typepad, or Hub, or any other number of reputable sites, and many use their own self-hosted sites. It would be a nice courtesy so we don't have to use our dummy blogger accounts. Thanks! :)
Hello, from Istanbul, Turkiye.I have just watched the movie based on your book.And decided to do some research on you and Julia Child. Think both of your lives are inspiring.In the movie there is a line" I was about to drawn in the ocean" If this was the real case , then I believe you have found a treasure on the bottom of the ocean. A treasure that you share with everyone. Wish you the best.
I have started to fulfil my first resolution for 2010, that is, to contribute to this blog (Yippee!!) Your book actually inspired to do so!! I welcomed the new year with page 203 of your book and it was at that moment when I told myself, "enough working like crazy!! Make yourself happy!" So I have decided to take on mini projects too such as learning to cook! (btw I am vegetarian but enjoyed reading about your cooking episodes - but the ones with the lobsters made me turn green too)and scrapbooking. Thank you for writing the book. You have given me a new lease of life! There's no turning back now!!
I have not read your book, we just watched the Julie/Julia movie as part of New Year's Eve fesitivities (it was okay not great). As I try to find out about you I have stumbled on the criticism you received for your second book "Cleaving." I just wanted to write that to criticize an author for TMI or on the basis of her admitted flaws or transgressions is cruel and disingenuous. I know you are a big girl and "can take it" as you wrote, but this criticism does offense to the sincerity that I think is missing from popular American culture. So trash your prose, hate meat, whatever, but your confessions should be sacred.
Hi Julie,
I've come to your blog by way of the movie. What a terrific story! It inspired me in so many ways.
As for resolutions...well, I don't believe in them. It's become just something people do, because that's what you do to kick off the New Year, right? But I will say that I can totally relate to the "Quit trying to do the same things and expect different results." Einstein said that was the definition of insanity:). I think he's right.
i need a list of 29 things to try before my 30th birthday...
i mentioned this to my family and it brought up the topic of trying liver -- which 1) i have and 2) either am not sophisticated enough to enjoy or it was just really really gross x3.
so any suggestions for this idea?
oh -- and my life has been very ordinary -- so if you suggest it, it's likely i haven't done it. and i don't have a lot of money.
Mine have always been the same every year since I can remember, so add those to the pot and start simmering at medium heat. What else?? One of my new goals this year is to create a months dinner menu for each month and have all the ingrediences on hand except of course the fresh items. Working all day then coming home and standing in front of the frig. trying to figure out a meal is not fun. I do plan my weekend meals but just need to apply to Mon - Fri now.
A clean, organized life and home is always at the top of my list and I do find it very theraputic to organize my home and when you know where you put something it does save you time.
Have a wonderful New Year's day. I am making a fabulous lemonade cake for dessert tonight. It is a summer dessert but with all the heavy new years good luck food we will be consuming tonight I wanted to prepare something light and refreshing for all the guest.
Definitely hope for being organized. The New Year always inspires me to get organized, I WILL do it this year haha....
I have to admit, I've never read your blog till today, or heard of you till last night when I rented Julie and Julia and am now obsessed and so in love with sweet, funny Julia. I didn't know your role was a true story till sitting here obsessingly (word?) finding things to read about JC...wow, that must have been devastating to find out she didn't really like you :( I wish you had had the chance to meet her!
Hi. I'm not a good cook but I love writing and the movies and I really enjoyed Julie and Julia.
My first novel is on its query to agents stage. The dream of escaping the day job is a very common one. Imagine if it came true for me this year!
Happy New Year to you and yours and congrats on all your success!
My spooky tales
Hi , i'm like new to this, i watched the movie and was like OH WOW!! i wanna read the first real blog, do i have to buy the book to do it? , if so i will, i'm only 14 years old, and this has inspired me like sooo much, so thanks :D
- Stephanie
I have just finished "Cleaving" and I wish to hell I could talk to you about it.Obviously your book has hit a nerve. I am agog.
Hi Julie,
Read your book and watched Julie and Julia during my time off over the break. Loved both and you've inspired me to start my own blog, which I've been kicking around for some time now. I thought no better time to start than now, a new year and a new decade. My blog is my way of keeping myself on the right path because my new years resolution is to "move on". For 6 years now I've been a single mom doing it all by myself and I've allowed bitterness at my ex to consume me. I'm closing the door on that, not looking back and going to discover that I can move on and find joy again. So, I've resolved to document my successes and failures throughout the year by blogging. Don't know if anyone will ever read it, but I guess that's not what is important. To start the new year off, I decided to make Julia's Beef Bourguignon. I'm not much of a cook, but I'd like to learn more. It's cooking right now, and it sure smells good. So, thanks for your inspiration...I expect this to be a very big year in my life. Cheers to you!
Deanna Jane.
Great resolution! I have always made weekly meal plans and find them very helpful! If I go to the grocery store without a plan I will end up spending more and buy things I may not need right away. Since I love fresh food and never buy it unless I'm sure I can use it that week.
Have a wonderful New Years Day! I'm making my Julia Child/Gordon Ramsay inspired of Beef Bourguignon!
Hi Julie..I'm Elisabetta and alive in ItalY!I have just seen your film and I am liked as.I didn't know that it was based on a true history.when I have discovered that this blog existed really I am me "excited."does it ever happen you to watch a movie and to remain done disappoint because in reality it is everything invented?beh this is what have tried me before knowing that was everything true!thank you for having made to excite me!!excuse me for the errors of language!with affection Elisabetta
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Just saw the movie and looked you up online. I was disgusted. You really did not turn out who was presented in the movie. One thing is you are a B----. Your swearing is inappropriate, and quite frankly, Julia Childs must have had a six sense about you. Becasue you worte a book you cheat on your husband. Grow up Julie. You will never be up to Julia Childs level.
Dear Julie I just saw your movie Julie & Julia and it brought back a flood of memories. I cried througout the movie! 31 years ago my husband, who is sinced deceased, and I were given a copy of 'Joy of Cooking' as a wedding present. Boeuf Bourguinonne was one of my favorite recipes which was featured in the movie. Although it does not indicate what wine to use in the recipe, I use Portuguese Port wine in my Boeuf Bourguinonne. And I also put a bay leaf to marinate overnight. I made it so often that I recited the recipe as it was prepared in the movie. It's been years since I made it last. I promised my new friends I would make it for them. Thank you for bringing back those wonderful memories. God bless you.
I just finished Julie and Julia a few minutes ago, watched the movie earlier this week, and loved both. Just so you know. But mostly, I love that the entire project led to a writing career for you. That's the best discovery of all, don't you think?
As for resolutions, I've recently decided they are for the birds. Way too arbitrary. I'm more for an organic day-to-day sort of thing with the hope that good habits take hold eventually -- that way if you pig out today or skip running, you haven't blown it for the year (resolutions seem like good things but end up being cop outs when you blow them.)
I have been thinking of resolutions a lot in the past few days, and have come to the conclusion that I want to resolute myself to a year of inspiration. 2009 has been a year to hunker down and keep my nose to the ground, now I am really looking for that one simple thing to get excited about.. I just finished watching your movie Julie and Julia - so timely. Now I am inspired to seek out recipes with global flair that I may have passed up before because it felt so intimidating. Thanks for sharing! Cheers to you in 2010!
I've already started on the stop smoking resolution, and still waiting to get entusiastic about new challenges such yourself (can't help myself: loved the film!!!).
It's soo easy finding working targets, why can't we do the same for our personal lives...
Happy new year!
watched the movie today Julie/Julia. It's very inspiring!
I have the same resolution every year...To Be Happy...it is simple and not that hard to keep. Instead of making promises i might not keep i just try to do things that will make my life better all year long,Instead of letting my failures drag me down i just try to better every day.
hey julie, i just watched your movie julie & julia. I must admit being a male, i'm not one to typically watch those sorts of films, but i must admit was a truly inspiring. Speaking as someone who has the difficulty to stay on task with any subject, I found it amazing that you finally put your mind to something you were passionate about and went for it. Plus it was done initially with intentions of personal accomplishment not for financial gain. It's just a shame you never got the chance to meet your idol.
Well i hope is all goes well with you and your resolutions and such.
kyle j
I have been thinking about my New Year's Resolution for 6 months now. I always choose something specific, to practice my hand percussion more, to watch less TV, to stay away from sweets. I often forget about the resolution within a month or two. I think I have found a resolution that may work very well for me. To live life better than I did the year before. This way I am always moving forward.
Hey Julie! I just watched Julie and Julia tonight for the first time tonight. It was a wonderful story and I guess you get these sorts of messages all the time. I just wanted to say that I loved your story and it's quite inspiring. My new year's resolution is to better myself and enjoy life. I think that's all one really needs to be happy. And this summer I'll be starting a cooking blog as well! Happy New Year =) and I'll keep following your blog. Good luck on your new book!
I have just watched the movie and was getting ready to make a rump roast for tomorrow and decided to do a search on rump roast/ Julia. It came back with that fancy named (beef stew) dish that you slept through.
I too want to know if you had ever met Julia Childs, as the movie does not answer that question.
As far as resolutions, I know that the whole family will be training to compete in a marathon. It will be a task, though I am pretty fit, I still need the training for endurance and I wonder if my wife will finish. We will see what the new year brings
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Dear Julie,
its great to know that u r live character of movie "Julie and Julia", which i watched now and appriciated a lot...am from India and doing my "Agri-Business Management".. the best think i like in movie is Julia's behavior, joyfull, never b serious, jolly, and start work on her hobby in last 30s...its amazing...i love my girlfriend may cook food same like u but she is doin PHd and may not get time to prepare it...yes, our recepies are absolutely deferent from western country but i hope that she will like to cook, what u cooked and i don't know ur books are available in India or not but i will try to get that...am thinking that we will also invite some friends on dinner when my gf will cook ur recepies....even we both r living in diferent states (and hope will get married in 2011-12)so i told her to watch this movie and then search u on net as i did after watching.....love u a lot.
wish u Happy n prosprous new year...
i will greatfull if u'll reply me..
Dear Julie,
its great to know that u r live character of movie "Julie and Julia", which i watched now and appriciated a lot...am from India and doing my "Agri-Business Management".. the best think i like in movie is Julia's behavior, joyfull, never b serious, jolly, and start work on her hobby in last 30s...its amazing...i love my girlfriend may cook food same like u but she is doin PHd and may not get time to prepare it...yes, our recepies are absolutely deferent from western country but i hope that she will like to cook, what u cooked and i don't know ur books are available in India or not but i will try to get that...am thinking that we will also invite some friends on dinner when my gf will cook ur recepies....even we both r living in diferent states (and hope will get married in 2011-12)so i told her to watch this movie and then search u on net as i did after watching.....love u a lot.
wish u Happy n prosprous new year...
i will greatfull if u'll reply me..
Hmm, this evil thingy didnt post my comment. lol now i have to remember, lol.
I believe it was:
"I agree with the whole New Year resolution thing, why make promises that are not going to be kept? especially to oneself?"
or something to that effect.
Have a teriffic New Year Ms. Powell.
<3 McKenna <3
I have postponed all new years resolutions until such time as they seem viable enough to commit to paper... :)
Hi Ms. Julie, i totally agree with you on the resolutions bit.I going to take things as thy come, kinda puts the suspense on that.What good is life without suspense eh? Well i did watch the movie Julie and Julia after a friend recommended it, and I absolutely loved it!
I want to buy your book Julie and Julia, the only problem is I live in India and just wanted to know if you realsed it here. 'coz a lot ofthe bookstores I went to had no clue of it!! so please tell me if it's out here and who are your publishers in India.
Btw Happy new year!! hope you and your family have a great decade ahead!!
Hi Julie. You have inspired one of my major 2010 resolutions! I have begun a BLOG, albeit with some trepidation. If you like, check it out:
I have other resolutions, the essence of which is to live life to its fullest!!!! Engage in new altruistic endeavors! Travel! Meet new people! See new places! Write! Write! Write!
It will be a good year. Best wishes for much prosperity and happiness in 2010!
I'm taking up my own "Julie & Julia" project. I don't cook. My girlfriend is a chef so I always get stuck doing the dishes. She cooks, and I clean it up. That's just the rule. I hope she is ready. No more doing dishes for me in 2010.:)Thank you for the inspiration! :)
i just saw the movie...lovely!
a happy new year!
I am way up there with the getting fit stuff. I feel like I've definitely slipped in the past couple of months.
Julie, last year my husband as a NYR decided to "dedicate" the year to food. It seemed pretty funny given that as a food lover each day is dedicated to food. So with a chuckle the guy tried the same NYR this year. I think some of us cook and love to savior the taste while others like to enjoy but don't want or need to know how.
Loved the movie. Saw it yesterday. Immediately afterwards we pulled out a Julia Child's cookbook and proceeded to make a delightful omelet.
No resolution needed.
Hi Julie. First of all, I can very much relate to your entry. I keep a journal and it is amazing how the same old things crop up on the annual resolution list. I recently saw the movie after having read your book over a year ago. I loved Meryl Streep's Julia, but I don't think the character played by Amy Adams (though she is a fine actress) came near to revealing you as you actually are. Of course, I don't know you, but I think you painted an achingly honest portrait of yourself in your memoir. Like most of us, you are complex and have dark shadows, but I think your sense of humor will be your redemption, so hang on to it. (I am older than you and have been able to integrate some of my dark and twisty feelings into a pretty functional person finally.) My advice (gained from hard experience)is too focus on the many positive things in your life and try to feel deserving of them and thankful for them. Don't give yourself a "free pass" on the things you don't like and want to change, just don't forget to celebrate the important things, which are family, friends and your health. I had an impromptu dinner party last night w/ some old friends that I worked with 20 years ago, in the '80s. We had not seen each other in years due to a bit of geographical distance, but also because you just get so busy and the time slips away from you. My husband and I served a ridiculously good, but labor intensive Beef Bourguignon (Check this out: http://www.finecooking.com/articles/beef-bourguignon-master-class.aspx) We laughed at some of our old war stories, but we were all so thankful to be together again. Collectively we've gotten married (some of us twice), raised children, had careers, moved around the country and all the things that happen in 50 years of living. Two of us are cancer survivors, and I can't tell you how lucky we feel. We laughed and drank good wine and reminisced. It was one of the best dinner parties ever. Today my husband and I start what we do every January: Diet and Detox. We go the month with no alcohol and no more bacon/butter laden dishes. We are happy if we get through it without curling into the fetal position. Good luck to you on your personal journey and be kind to yourself! Resolve to give more love to everyone you know and good things will happen, I promise you.
I am a total resolution person. I think its good to at least attempt to better yourself and family.. right? Mine are pretty much the same.. get healthier, save some money.. blah blah blah.
Just finished reading BOTH of your books on my new Christmas Kindle. I laughed, cried, and marveled in your storytelling mastery! Thank you for renewing my pleasure in reading! I hope you have a delicious and prosperous New Year!
Im so glad to be following you now! I just saw the movie and my hubby and I are big fans. I will be ordering your book asap. Hope your New Years was awesome and btw!!! You have inspired me to start Poaching eggs!! lol We love them and yeah we agree they kinda taste like cheese sauce :) hehe Your amazing and such an insporation to me. thanks for being you and sharing it with all of us.
Im not much for resolutions either, they never turn out like you hope. In January I get so into it and then by March or April Im just toally done with it. Thanks for still writing even though the Julie and Julia project is over. Love your blog and everything else. I wish you were coming to my town but your not really coming very close to Washington. Anyway Happy New Year to all. Seeya later!
I watched the film again. This time I thought I'd be able to keep from tears - but no - it was just as bad as the first time. Probably because I felt an impetus to do the things I've been meaning to do - contact that large company that needs my marketing idea - and move to the great northwest finally. I don't know where, I don't know how, but me and my kids and their kids want to make the leap. That's my resolution - don't give up. Right, darling Julia? What Could Happen isn't just up to me!
I watched the film again. This time I thought I'd be able to keep from tears - but no - it was just as bad as the first time. Probably because I felt an impetus to do the things I've been meaning to do - contact that large company that needs my marketing idea - and move to the great northwest finally. I don't know where, I don't know how, but me and my kids and their kids want to make the leap. That's my resolution - don't give up. Right, darling Julia? What Could Happen isn't just up to me!
I watched the film again. This time I thought I'd be able to keep from tears - but no - it was just as bad as the first time. Probably because I felt an impetus to do the things I've been meaning to do - contact that large company that needs my marketing idea - and move to the great northwest finally. I don't know where, I don't know how, but me and my kids and their kids want to make the leap. That's my resolution - don't give up. Right, darling Julia? What Could Happen isn't just up to me!
I watched the film again. This time I thought I'd be able to keep from tears - but no - it was just as bad as the first time. Probably because I felt an impetus to do the things I've been meaning to do - contact that large company that needs my marketing idea - and move to the great northwest finally. I don't know where, I don't know how, but me and my kids and their kids want to make the leap. That's my resolution - don't give up. Right, darling Julia? What Could Happen isn't just up to me!
I met her - I loved her!
I just wanted to let you know that you became my inspiration for a NYR this year. I NEVER make them, but after watching Julie and Julia a couple of weeks ago, I decided to get off my butt, stop making excuses and start the new year off by writing every day. I spent a good portion of New Year's Day creating a blog--and I have no idea what I'm doing. But I wanted to thank you--your story gave me the push I needed.
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I'm a portuguese teacher but, just like you, I've a hobby. I make bijouterie. I've seen the film Julia and Julie and i've liked very must your force to meke something you, really, like. Congratulations. If you like, you may visite my blog - arteminorca.blogspot.com
Have a fantastic 2010!!!
hi julie!
hi my name is callie an dim 12 years old, i have just saw the movie "julie and julia" and i am inspired so much!! i was kinda mad that the movie had an ending *laughs*
my whole family is like surround my baking and the smell of olive oil with bread, wine with cheese and red wine the smell of my popop *laughs* i absolutely love food and cooking! i never really gave a thought o cooking though. my older brother Jonathan is an amazing cook and i wish he could do something with his skills anyways i never gave much thought about how much he puts into his cooking to make everything so perfect and delicious.
one day i got an to cook, so i did. i baked double chocolate brownie cookies with chocolate icing, it was my first thing i have really baked but it was pretty good for my age.
then i started to bake more.....same things really but i loved cooking.
my mom actually gave me the family recipe for apple upside down cake, i made for the first time and it was pretty good! moist and crunchy at the same time.
anyways i wanted to say that because of you and julia child, i love to cook instead of watching old boring TV!
thank you so much! -callie veach-dixon-
i dont expect a rely but here is my email....rockachick909@aol.com. and my other account is below.
I just cooked two dry-aged New York Strips following the recipe for "Josh's Perfect Steak." Delicious. Sorry we missed your gig in Tulsa. Had we known it was going on, we would have driven over from Oklahoma City. I loved "Julie & Julia," both book and movie. "Cleaving" was a bit more intense, but also enjoyable. Take care and keep writing. Larry and Scott
I to am on the resolution fence. I wanted to tell you that on New Years day I watched Julie and Julia over and over and over again. I know that sounds crazy but it's true. You said in the movie that Julia saved you. Well you both saved me. I thank and admire you for being able to touch someones life as you did mine. I wish you health, wealth and abundance of happiness in the New Year.
Julie Powell,
You are inspring woman of the 2000's. I admire you. Happy New Year may 2010 bring you more fans and lots more haters cause they have you on their mind so you must be a powerful woman. We need haters Julie they keep us going. We all make mistakes, we are all only human. Love your book and the movie. I have watched the movie 4 times in 20 days. Love it. Would love to get an e-mail from you. Be as wonderful as you can be. You are truly a Beautiful woman
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I do not make promises I cannot keep not even to myself...so, resolutions are out. It's a way to set yourself up for failure.
I just watched the Julia and Julia movie. The previews made it seem so heartwarming. Unfortunately the previews turned out to be the highlights of the film. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't nearly as funny as the previews suggested and at times boring. But, I watched to the end waiting for that insight the previews promised.
I didn't find the end insightful at all. You blogged for exactly one year, then quit. Granted you got a book deal out of it and your dream was fulfilled "Now I'm an author."
(But an blogger doesn't not an author make, I thought.) The end just really felt self-centered.
Still I liked your character so much the movie, I wanted you to be successful. I hopped over to Amazon to order your books... but the reviews... I mean I understood from the movie that you were self-centered, but the movie also suggested you had learned not to be that way.
The second book sounds like it was on calamity after another just so you'd have something to write about. It's like the year you spent cooking only taught you to be self-involved.
I don't suppose there's a purpose to this post. I'm just extraordinarily disappointed.
I feel bad for your husband. Yes you've achieved personal "success" but I think part of the Julia Child that was so interesting, wasn't just her personal success, but her relationship success.
I also have a question. What happened to that book you worked on for eight years then quit? Are you going to finish it now? If not that's okay, but maybe finishing it is a good project? I don't know, I just feel like whatever you set out learn, didn't get learned.
I guess that's why I'm so disappointed. Anyway congrats you your success, bittersweet that it is.
Good resolutions! Since you asked... mine are...
Plan my wedding without going all Bridezilla on everyone, improve my running time by 2 minutes per mile, get better at keeping my home tidy.
Good luck, and ya know...sharing your resolutions with the world means that you've now got tons of fans and readers to nag you about them. :-)
Julie, what I think about the New Year, 2010, is that is a year filled with boundless promise. I live in a third world country which in many ways represents a living oxymoron of the joy of living, peace of mind, happiness, murder and anxiety. The thing of it though is that I've always felt is possible (and better) for me and any other individual in fact to see beyond the negative situations around us and look towards the positive possibilities, something, I'm (almost) certain you are fully aware of yourself. I'm basing the assumption of your optimism and perseverance, on my recently watching the film of your journey with Mrs. Child - I loved it. Truth is you've given me a little more laughter to add to my new year. I'm only twenty-five, but the anxiety that Amy Adams portrayed in the film – Julie and Julia - a young women in her thirties who feels the desire to be more accomplished – is an anxiety I can relate to (as a Master’s level student, currently living with her parents, earning no major income whilst the rest of her peers launch potential multi-million dollar companies and make a name for themselves). Trust me, I have experienced my own, “meltdown” – euphemistically lying on my back on the kitchen floor, looking up to the ceiling, whimpering with the smell of raw chicken on my hands, at my wits end, wondering if I’ll get it right quickly enough. To watch the way you persevered from the beginning -through the early quiet of your blog and your cooking challenge, not knowing if what you were doing was really worth it; to the negative comments at the end and the multiple calls of, “I’d like to know if you were thinking of writing a book,” was inspiring and a real treat. So thank you for having your experience, writing your blog, your book and well, for sharing. I raise my imaginary glass of white wine to you. Cheers to a promising 2010!
First I want to say you have inspired me. I loved to cook before I saw Julie and Julia, now I'm crazy about food. My new years resolution: learn to cook new food, specifically French this year, next year; Italian. Thank you Thank you
do you ever cook any more???
I'll tell you what I did. I liked your blog site and have started my own. Thanks for the inspiration. I am one for resolutions.
So, is there a resolution in there about no longer being a completely self absorbed, disloyal, soiled and narcissistic whore?
I'm burning my copy of Julie & Julia. It has been irreparably tarnished with the vile stain of your pathetically vile selfishness and putrid lack of integrity. Rationalize and engage in moral relativity all you wish, Ms Powell, but in the end, you're still a dirty, useless woman, and always will be.
My sympathies to the indelible Mrs Child, who should have never had to suffer the indignity of having her good name become so closely tied in the social consciousness to yours. May she rest in peace, and may her name long outlive yours.
Hi Julie,
Finally saw your movie and wanted to let you know I loved it.
Happy 2010!
Cheers from Kodiak, Alaska
Hola Julie, yo solo quiero agradecerte por la maravillosa inspiración que has sido para mi vida, no te voy a mentir aun no leo tu blog completamente ya que hace exentamente 1 minuto, termine de ver tu película, sin embargo no dudes en que lo leeré y aprenderé de ti, solo quiero ser breve en esta parte:
Estoy a punto de casarme y como muchas mujeres, me di cuenta de que no sabia cocinar, ver tu película y descubrir a una maravillosa mujer como tu, me inspiro a aprender este maravilloso arte...
No se como funcione mi matrimonio, realmente son cosas que uno no puede predecir, pero deseo que sea exitoso así como en algún momento fue el tuyo... cuando termine, siempre quedaran los bellos recuerdos, que de alguna manera nos mantendrán unidos...
Aurora Gomez
Agreed, resolutions are silly and no one ever keeps them and then you feel like a failure! Why not just always strive for the resolutions you make on January 1st?
Hey Julie, how did you get your blog public?
Agreed! Why not always strive to live your life as the resolutions you feel you need to make on January 1st?
Hey Julie, how did you make your blog public?
Julie I loved the movie. It is the triumph of human nauture that I, 24 year old from India could relate to what you were trying to do...great work!
Saw your flick last night. I liked it, but wifey was bored. Maybe it's cuz I like to cook, she don't. I like to write, she don't. I use gooder english than she do.
Well, as Einstein said (or who ever) madness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I have said, LOSE WEIGHT for the past umpteen years. Now what? Same thing, same results. This year I am writing my own blog about peaceful resolution of conflict (my profession is mediator you see) in my own life however, I frequently forget what I preach. My business partner has often reminded me, "Don't you think that it would help if you would use the techniques we teach?" Bah, humbug. However,this year I am going to do what I preach. Not just smile wisely to my clients - "try to see the other person's perspective, go for a win win, separate the person from the problem." Smile, wise smile, nod, smile, wise smile.
I saw the movie and wow. I love to cook but why do recipes have to be so complicated for example it can call for red wine I go to get it and boomtons of wine and no idea which to choose. Idea when making a recipe write all ingredients then go buy them then write in your recipe what you got the the real chefs can change to their desire but the rest experience what you wrote. Oh same with pans like what is a jelly roll pan. Just my opinion thanks. Becky
I saw the movie and wow. I love to cook but why do recipes have to be so complicated for example it can call for red wine I go to get it and boomtons of wine and no idea which to choose. Idea when making a recipe write all ingredients then go buy them then write in your recipe what you got the the real chefs can change to their desire but the rest experience what you wrote. Oh same with pans like what is a jelly roll pan. Just my opinion thanks. Becky
I watched THE movie last night..during a time of feeling sad it made me laugh and love...and want to cook..ug..look at my ugly kitchen ..oh well...I was saddened that you never met the great lady..but I think we all knew a part of her from the tellie...as to New Years Resolutions..we all know by now ..they aren't kept...so we need to have some revelations...
Hello everyone. Just watched J & J for the 3rd time! Love the movie, book and My Life in France. Definitely read My Life in France for a complete perspective of Julia Child. My husband and I used to watch her shows on PBS (shows our age).....back in the day before the FoodNetwork.
Hi Julie,
Watched the movie a few days ago and loved. It made me wonder if you still had your blog so I googled you and was thrilled to find you still blogging away! The thing that inspired me the most from your story is the fact that you set a goal and stuck to it. You inspired me to post my goals (I'm not calling them resolutions)for my own writing projects. I know you are busy, but would love to have you stop by my blog sometime. I can tell from the movie and from perusing your recent posts here that you are a lady who enjoys the adventure of life. Wishing you much success in all your future endeavors.
God bless,
Dedicated Writer - Tammy L. Hensel
Resolution usually dont amount to much. The first month of January one sees some action taken but shortly after, nothing!!!! So my resolution is no resolution at all. Good luck with yours.
Hey ... I just watched Julie & Julia and I thought that when someone starts something so simple and humble based on talent, love and cherish then there's no wonder in ending up in unexpected fame and moving to hollywood in a way that truly honors the extreme worthy efforts that both You and Julia had done ... May God bless you and your Husband of course and Rest Julia's Soul in Paradise along with Paul.
Regards from Middle East,
I watched the movie Julie & Julia and loved it, it was very inspirational. Actually got out all my collection of Julia Childs cooking books and started to read through the wonderful recipes.
LOve to cook and I know I have a hidden cookbook inside me that I need to let out.
Can i just say that the braised cucumbers are awesome!! I make them all the time! cant believe how different they taste :))
I am a firm believer in NYR -one just should not take them TOOO seriously, as in "Man, I broke my NYR and therefore am a bad person." The key is to make your resolution and follow it with a plan. Whether it is to quit smoking, or lose weight or make more money or whatever, a resolution is worthless without some introspection as to why you have not done it before and how you can change your behavior to accomplish it in the future. Lets hope all this stupid insight helps me change this year!!
You know I haven't even thought of this New Year as not only a New Year, but also a New Decade. So, New Decade Resolutions, hmm, I dunno, that seems a little daunting. But, I would like to say, that I watched Julie and Julia for the second time yesterday (my family had not seen it and wanted to) and as I was watching I realized that it was this movie and essentially your blog that inspired to start a blog of my own. Mine has nothing to do with cooking, more of a "I'm on mat. leave and experimenting with blogging" type of feel, but nonetheless, you're blog/movie inspired me, so thanks for that! I guess then when it comes to a resolution for the year (not the decade), I would have to say: I would like to keep up with my blog! Happy New Year :)
working through the book Getting Things Done sounds pretty good right about now. Probably won't blog about though. Just saying...
I plan on cutting down the number of affairs I have with blog floozies whose brief taste of attention has made them penis happy. The easiest thing about it is that the sex is so terrible!
an A in Algebra.
Same here, Julie. Need to stop drinking and eating all together. I just look at food and gain weight. I keep vowing I will get in shape, but alas...not happening. THIS will be the year I do!
Bought the movie for my mom for Christmas and we watched it yesterday. So I hadn't really thought about a resolution until reading your note...so here goes - I am going to cook a real meal for myself at least once a week. This might not sound like a big deal, but I've found myself walking in at night and eating trail mix for dinner (last night). That might have been why I woke up with a tummyache at 2:30 this morning and found myself watching the French Chef and Julia was teaching me to make an omelette. So that's just what I did first thing this morning. :) So resolution 2010- 1 week done, 51 weeks to go.
I ALWAYS fail whenever I try resolutions! This year, I'm going to try something simple...(better handwriting...?) so maybe I can FINALLY get through a year without having the same resolution!!! ;)
Dont believe much in resolutions, I hate dissapointing myself more than anything in this world. I like to take one day at a time. Although I have to say that there is one thing I do want to do more of and that is painting. Maybe I can paint what I feel and that will give me an idea of what I can change in my life...Idk just a thought.
I feel the same way on losing a few pounds, but my main goal is to finish in one of the top 3 spots of culinary school. I graduate in June. I also purchased your book and I am very excited about starting it. You truly are an inspiration to me. Thanks
I am writing to you after watching "Julie and Julia" for the first time. I LOVED it! It made me laugh and it made me cry. Bravo for your sticktuitiveness. New Years Resolutions are failures waiting to happen (as I sit here feeling like the fated calf ready for the slaughter, drinking a glass of wine and smoking a cig). Why bother. I just want to be the best me that I can be this year. That's enough for anyone.
Well, here's a funny batch of synchronicity... our resolutions are inversed from what I gather and your husband knows a friend of mine.
Re. resolutions:
You see, my goal is to cook more. That's because I finally managed to lock down the "stop drinking" a year and a half ago and the "stop smoking" a year ago. I muse at the irony of how I would write over and again in my journal... "I drank too much last night. I really need to quit smoking." The former is more important than the latter. Do one, the other will follow. (Just don't try it all at once... but I have a feeling you know that. ;)
As they say, "If nothing changes, nothing changes."
Anyhoo, my goal this year is to bake less, cook more.
By the way - I don't know what your husband does w/ work based on the Liquid Sky blog - but Ben who designed it is a friend of mine here in LA. :)
I wish you luck with your resolutions or even better, a bit of divine intervention. I think that's what must have happened to get me to knock off my fantastic (read: I no longer leave the house and stay on the Internet writing all night) wino days.
(I'm a writer too...smoking and drinking goes with the territory... until we quit and write self-help blogs. :)
I read your book and i just finished your movie.. I think I love you! In a admiration point of view... You are inspiring.
I too love to cook and I am on the cross road of 30 something. When I was younger I had dreams of being someone important, but looking in my life now, a mother and housewife, I find myself lonely and always trying to find something to occupy my time (outside the perimeters of kids and house duties).. I doubt I can do the whole cook book, but you have fueled my desire to finish what I have started.
After reading a couple of your comments, I hope you know that you are inspiring and greatly appreciated. Thank you and bon appetite!
I watched the movie last night and I have to say I was amazed. The story of that kind should've found the way to the World! The courage in hope is something many people need these days, and that is exactly what I have learned about Julie/Julia project!
God bless!
My resolution is simple this year. I want to learn to use Chopsticks. Seriously. I always think people who use them look a little pretentious, but then maybe that's because I can't.
I know. Dream big.
Happy 2010.
the word "resolution" seems to imply "another solution", as in, "wasn't able to fix the problem before", which i think is what you contend.
i say we change the word to "reproblemation". that way we get to restate the problem we couldn't fix. it has a certain failure avoidance ring to it that suits my personality just fine.
and my first reproblemation is that it's not that i'm an unemployed writer as much as it is, i'm an x-treme skateboarder trapped in the 57 year old body of an unemployed writer. so i guess i should be practicing full gsiners, half pikes and 360's, rather than adsense ad placements on my dumb blogs.
do skateboards come in sizes?
Love your movie! Never heard of the movie or your until yesterday. I will be adding your blog area to my favorite site. Thank you and hope life is giving you all that you want. Happy New Year
I have just watched the movie and I would like to know, if possible, how can I cook that tomatoes in bred fried. kkk Sorry with my english but I am from Brazil. Obrigada, Dhara
Hi, I just saw your movie...was really sweet and even better when I realised it was a true story.
Would definitely look out for your new book
Julie, you are an inspiration to me. You have planted a seed in me. I think we all should consider that whatever resolution we make, someone is always watching. I think doing something that is important to you, any attempt we make in accomplishing our dreams, will truly make a difference in the great scheme of things.
Hi Julie. I had to tell you that the BB stew turned out excellent. It was a lot of work but it was worth it. The aroma in my home was out of this world. I'm 3/4 done in reading your Julie and Julia and of course I read My Life in France and I've watched the movie about 3 times. I'll be watching it again very soon like when I on purpose make time for it. hehehe. Happy New Year and no resolutions for me because I never keep them. Take care.
I just started reading your book "Julie and Julia" yesterday and am now on page 312. I LOVE it! Loved the movie, too. I'm so glad to see you're still blogging. My New Year's Resolution is to lose weight and get healthy. I don't usually do resolutions, but I'm gonna try this year.
Why is it we do the same things but expect different results? I have to do things differently. I did lose 30lbs once and for the most part have kept it off! I only have 10 to go for the past 6 years....only 10..I think my body loves this last ten and really doesn't want to give it up. I bought that Ab circle pro thing and it seems cool. Right now cause of the toilet flood my exercise room is a shell but it will come together. Ever had a homestay student flood a toilet and stare at it over flowing for 15-20 minutes. It must have been an amazing sight for this 10 year old boy. Only about 1/4 of the house is messed up but we just found more damage in the garage ceiling. Well it is nice to find you are real, I bought the Volume 2 cookbook cause I am French Canadian and should learn to cook as the roots go to France. Also I had a homestay girl from Paris so I am inspired to learn. My first time leaving a comment. Take care.
Nickki M
Why is it we do the same things but expect different results? I have to do things differently. I did lose 30lbs once and for the most part have kept it off! I only have 10 to go for the past 6 years....only 10..I think my body loves this last ten and really doesn't want to give it up. I bought that Ab circle pro thing and it seems cool. Right now cause of the toilet flood my exercise room is a shell but it will come together. Ever had a homestay student flood a toilet and stare at it over flowing for 15-20 minutes. It must have been an amazing sight for this 10 year old boy. Only about 1/4 of the house is messed up but we just found more damage in the garage ceiling. Well it is nice to find you are real, I bought the Volume 2 cookbook cause I am French Canadian and should learn to cook as the roots go to France. Also I had a homestay girl from Paris so I am inspired to learn. My first time leaving a comment. Take care.
Nickki M
Gloria (and others) - it's "Boeuf Bourguignon." Sorry to be such a spelling Nazi - it's my nature. Thinking about possible resolutions and will post soon. Cheers for a New Year and a New Decade!
Well, resolutions are all around us at the fitness clubs, which are overflowing with good intentions. At my age, I want to stay healthy and fit while continuing to enjoy life, which includes a great deal of cooking of all kinds. The J&J Project was so inspiring - reminding me of my time as a young mother of three babies under the age of 4. For mental stimulation, I studied Volume I of MTAOFC and cooked fabulous meals for the spouse who soon thereafter went away. Maybe it was just his arteries rebelling, but he's a fiendishly extravagant chef himself:) This year I endeavor to stop negative, self-defeating thoughts in their tracks. Instead of "I have to go to work today", it's "I get to go to work today - lucky to have a great job." So it sounds like Polyanna, but attitude helps the energy level, even at 65. On New Years Eve I made foccacia with roasted red grapes, a Timballo and shrimp al diavolo, insalata misto, biscotti, crostata, and boca negra. Can't eat like that daily, but it sure was fun. My daughter has started a blog, and I think I'll do the same - a food blog. Nobody wants to know my every thought - I know that for sure! But I have some awfully good cooking ideas sometimes (and other times it's just leftovers and tuna sandwiches.) Have a great year, everyone! PS - the new Gourmet Today cookbook is tons of fun.
Saw the movie again and felt very compelled to break down and yes... make the F&%$n Boeuf Bourguinon for New Year's Eve. ( made it day before) Took sooooo long - but yes - very delicious and guests were indeed impressed. Thanks giving me the inspiration.
Resolutions... looking to tie up loose ends - reconnect with people I have let go... forgive grudges, reconnect - and yes... answer my home, cell phone, and facebook comments...
looking forward to the new book!
I love to eat so dieting is out but I started my resolution early write, write and then write some more. Plus thanks to your inspiration I too am writing a blog about my personal life.
I enjoy journals and writing in them as much as buying all the pretty ones so my blog is about 365 days and 365 post not one per day because I am not that organized but i will most def. get them in.
Thanks Julia for your words you have truly inspired many of us.
Wow. Hello, Julie Powell. Last night my dad came home with the movie "Julie & Julia" I had heard of the movie, but didn't have a clue what to expect. After watching it, I decided my New Year's Resolution was to find a talent. Seems you found yours! I found the movie inspiring. I'm 14 years old, my name is Lacey, and I rarely set resolutions every year. I wish you the best with the rest of your life! You've come so far already, haven't you! Also, just know there are billions of people on this planet, I can guarantee you, atleast a handful of them see you as their "Julia Child". Thank you for perservering :] & Thanks for reading....a young fan(:
Holy animosity, Batman!! After reading some of the comments about Cleaving, which I have read, I am re-thinking my goal of getting published. Is it worth opening yourself up to so much criticism? Ouch. Now I don't want to yell at you anymore (earlier post) I just want to give you amnesia! Best wishes in 2010, and thanks for your writing.
After reading a whole lot of your comments and seeing that there can be so many mean people out there really hurts.
I for one think your movie was unique nothing near dis- appointing. I feel we the people need more realistic movies with inspiring outcomes yea the point of a blog is me. that is why we write one.
Your husband seems like a cool guy and I am sure he wouldn't want you any other way so boo to the haters.
Great for you Julie keep on writing your readers and new ones will keep on reading./
Those that don't like the story/movie great it's not for everyone and if everyone was the same then this world would probably be a very boring place.
Hi Julie,
Thank you!
Ive just seen the Julie and Julia movie and want to say thank you so much for what to me was a moving and inspirational story.
May I tell you a little about what I am doing in response to this?
I am Garry Lawrence from Auckland New Zealand and for a long long time I have wanted to do something magnificent to help humanity.
Only last week a dear friend encouraged me to write and play wonderful love songs from the heart-but not the usual romantic stuff, so since then as an aspiring but unpractised and only mildly talented musician I have purchased a keyboard and begun voice training by singing along to Adam Lambert's beautiful 'Mad World'. I have also just 'discovered' Alicia Keys' great music via her latest album.
Now for the inspiration your story provided. During the movie I realised that as well as wanting to practice singing, piano, voice and songwriting for one to one a half hours per day I will also write a blog about my experiences.
I think I'll entitle the blog 'Achieving the Impossible' or similar, and the aim will be to encourage others to access and follow their dreams.
Now you may be thinking, what's special about that?
Well for my two year project, my aims are:
(i)by Dec 2010- perform my own work at a top Auckland restaurant
(ii)by Dec 2011 -perform my own work on stage with Alicia Keys in New York and receive an offer which will enable me to live and work in New York as an inspirational musician
(iii) by example to encourgage others to follow their dreams
Finally, may I mention something which may be of interest to you?
There is a new global portal for business and personal advice from Young Grasshopper, and Young Grasshopper also has a facebook page where one can post results of one's working with the podcasts etc on the wall.
You will see there the recent encouragement given to me re my music, and you may wish to leave a message or check out the podcasts or personal advice service. May be very useful re New Years resolutions!
So thank you again for your example; it would be great to hear from you. :)
Garry Lawrence
Dear Julie,
I just watched the movie and was impressed by your story and your persistence.
I'm Muhammad Abdou, a medical student from Alexandria, Egypt.
I want to discuss some issues with you about publishing.
please please contact me
my e-mail is dr_motaleb@yahoo.com
Well, for me is the first time writting in a blog, but I bought the Julie & Julia book and loved it for many reasons, I am living in France and I can really imagine many of the problems that Julie encountered during the project, I find that French people is more than complicated! I tried the bouef bourgignon for Christmas and my husband and guests loved it! well at least that's what they sad, by the way "Happy new year" Rosa
Uh Uh, blog 101: it's not very smart to press 'publish' without checking what you have written.
Kindly disregard the word 'magnificent' from my comment above as it does not convey the humble but committed approach that I have.
My email is garryrlaw@hotmail.com.
I don't do resolutions because I don't want to feel disappointed. I do try everyday to do my best, though. That's all we all can do. I just watched Julie and Julia and loved it. I blogged about it and would love for you to check it out. http://son2jarah.blogspot.com/2010/01/julie-julia.html
I wish you the best in your New Year and I'll be following your blog now! :)
Julie, get more life in your life, and hold on to sweet Eric.
I'm finally going to live up to that answer I gave my grandfather when I was seven and he asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. Happy. I am committing to Happy and trying to survive the hard road I'll have to hoe.
I got Julie and Julia as a Christmas gift and I just loved it! It's my new fav. movie and I've watched it at least 10 times. It inspired me to start my own blog about cooking. My mom had cancer 6 times, and I was her sole caregiver. One of the few things that got me through was cooking. You're right...It's so comforting to know that you can at least come home and cook after a terrible day. I've come up with some pretty good recipes that I am going to put on there. (srjkitchen.blogspot.com). Thanks for inspiring so many people.
OMG you said it, year after year we need to have resolution. I saw if you did something new at anytime. Consider that a resolution you forgot to say on 12/31/##. I'm glad to see you are still active with the blog.
Oh are you going to have on the blog places you might be visiting to sign books?
Re New Year Resolutions:
There is a new facebook page by Young Grasshopper which has a weekly tip. This week's one is:
'Young Grasshopper WEEKLY TIP: A good New Year week to put down the first foundation blocks of your new fantastic life. Each day add a new foundation block, that is, one block success, next love etc. Soon you will build your new life upon that base foundation and have the life of your dreams.'
And one of the personal responses from a few days ago was:
'Look forward to this year, reflect on its beauty because it is a fantastic year for progress and attainment of lifelong wishes. Say good morning to each new day and know that if you treat each day as being a special day, the day will be especially good to you.'
Brilliant advice!
Hola! Julie
I'm Zuni Bustillo from Honduras.
I live in a small island in the caribbean. I read your storie about Julia and you 365 days cooking. I think That's wonderful thing to show other that everything is possible if we try.
Last night I finally watched you movie. I want to say thank you for your encourage. I am a Spanish teacher here in this beautiful island and I have another great storie to talk to my students.
Have a great day!
Well Julie I can't say I'm much of a cook but my 9 year old son loves to cook and we watched your movie and guess what he asked for for his birthday. Thats right the Julia Childs cookbook. He wants to do his own blog. Im sure it will take us 10 years to get through the book but his heart is set and here we go. We did our first. Rasberry Bavarian Cream which I thought was a bit confusing going back and force in the book, but then again maybe good cooks could understand. It turned out but we were worried. Anyway his name is Ben, and I believe he named his blog 10 year old Ben Mastering French Cooking, so if you have time he would love to hear from you.
I don't do any resolutions or anything...but I think that I will change this year...well doesn't everybody? A person could not withstand being the way they are for too long...sooner or later, they will change, at least that's my thinking. Julie, do you think that everyone will eventually change within a year or no? hint: leave ur comment on my blog!
you inspire me Julie! Many thanks!
<3 Steph <3
well, everyone has a goal don't they? Only the strong ones keep to it. And though mine is one of the usual, like you said, I'm holding onto it. I'm not letting go this time.
Okay Julie here goes nothing, I've decided to jump into the pool of blogs just as you did and make my life changes on the Internet for the whole world to see. I already write articles but here is the thing, I want more. More? Yes more, I want to make my life better. I have always had people tell me how special I was and now its time to put up or shut up. So here goes I will keep you posted if you don't mind since I need a focal point and it will do me good to think of your start. I will let you know when its up and able to be viewed I am just getting started. Tomorrow will be my first day and I will leave you a note and the address of my blog site. thanks again.
kimberly cummings
just had to stop by your corner of the world to say hello! I have to admit I've watched the movie . . . twice and just bought your book. little obsessed, but I love a good story about a great passion for cooking, which I myself possess as well :) but I kind of feel like I'm in the twilight zone, I guess you are real! lol happy new year!!
Hey Julia! I agree I find that every year my new year resolutions are the same and I usually only keep one. This year I'm making easier resolutions for myself like being more optimistic and blogging and cooking more. I'm not exactly new to the blog scene but I have finally made a blog that I am actually passionate about. I was one of the people that was barely able to fry an egg until this fall. I myself took a crappy assistant job straight out of college and decided to discover what else do I enjoy doing other than writing. And I got in the kitchen with my grandmother and have enjoyed cooking ever since. I saw the movie Julie and Julia and it brought tears to my eyes. I can even say it changed my life, it made me even more passionate about cooking and I even created a blog about my cooking experiences with my grandma. I just want to thank you for being such an inspiration to many of us bloggers, writers and passionate cooks out there. What you are amazing and it makes me even happier to know you are from Queens!
I've never read or commented on a blog before, but I just finished watching Julie & Julia (which my mom gave me for Christmas), and I felt compelled to find you on the internet. My New Year's resolutions are to not be afraid of cooking anymore, and to have balance in my life to a greater degree. I should explain about the cooking thing. My mom, having an undiagnosed case of OCD assigned each of us kids to cook one night a week once we were old enough. But the horror of it was that she would stand in the kitchen over us and criticize how we cooked. We could never stir right, measure right, or cook anything right, and if we spilled anything on the counter or the stove, we faced serious wrath. I'm now married (for the 2nd time) and have an adorable and very kind husband who is trying to encourage me to overcome my phobia.
Interestingly, it was my mother who gave me "Julie and Julia" for Christmas. Well, the long and short of it is that your story has changed my life, already. I watched the first part of it the other night and I told my husband, "if someone can learn to cook just by reading a book, then it may be possible for me too." Last night upon returning home very late, I felt inspired to cook. Seeing two cans of beef chunks on the shelf, I pondered what I could make with them. Beef Stroganoff was all I could come up with. My husband said, "Do you know how to make stroganoff?" I said, "No, I've never made it, but I'm going to, and you're going to love it because you're my husband!" We had a good laugh. 30 minutes later after "futzing" with a stroganoff recipe in the Betty Crocker cookbook (based on substituting for things I didn't have) dinner was on the table. I approached the kitchen last night with absolute confidence, knowing that if you could cook, so could I. And miracle of miracles, it turned out great! So great that my husband told me to write down what I did so we could have it again. Now that's progress! Anyway, tonight as I watched the rest of the movie I was moved to tears. There's something about your story that touches me deeply, although I haven't yet quite figured it out. When I do I'll look you up again. In the meantime, thank you for changing my life. Tomorrow I'm tackling apple pie. Wish me luck!
Loving your new book! As for resolutions...I don't do resoultions. I set goals for the year. And this year I've set monthly goals. Here's hoping I can keep them!
hey Julie,
I can't wait to see the movie Julie and Julia. I'm just reading your book and cant let go of it. Since i'm from Brasil and thing take a while to get here the movie is still playing on the theaters and i'm trying to finish the book before i go watch it!
So i decided to check your blog and see if what you were up to.
And i was very happy to know about your new book! And as soon as it is published, I'll try to get it in English, cause watting for the translation can take a while!
So thanks for being crazy and cooking 524 recepies in a year, because is defenetly making my holiday much more fun!
(sory for the bad bad english)
And... Thanks for writing anyway...
I started the decade by reading Julie/Julia. Beyond awesome! And my mother has the same Time/Life cookbook series you wrote about, with which I was also fascinated by the Viennese cakes on the cover of that book. That and trying to master pie dough are probably responsible for me getting into baking/pastry at age 12. I read the exerpt from the memoirs and can't wait to read that either.
I love they way you write and what you write about. Have a great 2010.
PS- my NYR is just to return to me. Whatever that means. And I turn 30 in September, so it's time for a new chapter to begin.
Hi, My name is Teresa, I work for the company who will print the tote bags for the Woodstock Writer's Festival. I am looking forward to attending and hopefully getting to meet you.
Can't wait to read your book
Hi Julie. My Girlfriend and I recently watched your movie and when the scene in which you celebrate your 30th birthday came about she sighed deeply and said, "I'm going to hate turning 30". She talks a lot lately about feeling down because she's almost 30 and she feels like she hasn't done much so far. I've been wracking my brain trying to think of a way to cheer her up and then it hit me- you turned thirty before your book was published and now you're a hit. I want to do something special for her birthday and it would mean a lot to her (and me!)if you could record a short message or something for her as you are living proof that thirty's not too late for success. I understand this is a lot to ask and I've done nothing special to deserve this, but she is an amazing person and she deserves to be cheered up. So from the bootom of my heart I ask, will you please help me? Please email me if this is possible. Anything you can do will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Where can I find your julie/julia blog? I just watched the movie-I know I'm late. But I loved it now I want to read the blog.
30 Come on folks, turning 30 losing 30 pounds is only a number.
Find what makes you happy in life. Julie (No offense or trying to speak about you) did something at that time of age.
The movie is good but make a life that makes you all happy.
Whether your 22 and need to be a writer.
Your 30 and need to get married before a carear is made.
Your 35 and want to have kids.
I believe we all need to start now at any age to accomplish something, but please don't let that be an anchore that will bring your life down. Example:
Oh i did my first marriage at 25, Now I need to have kids before 30, then I need to publish a book, then I need to make a movie, then I need to make another book or be in a film.
Life has qoals, but live it, don't regret it. That's my thought.
Love you all.
Cheesh I'm confused as to why someone hacked in and changed your blog summary/tag line? - Petty and rude hacker's much? hahahah That's funny people would get so worked up about a woman who took a chance on something and it changed her world... JEALOUSLY = PATHETIC.
Well, I'd have to say that people take some big leaps into order to overnight change themselves. I think it's about progression and about constantly making short term goals and plans in order to change who you are and ultimately who you want to be.
But of course keeping in mind those BIG ideas and dreams, just taking little steps to achieve them.
C.R. - oh, that was me. Occasionally I like to use the nastiest things people say about me (and that particular phrase was almost certainly a reference to my second book) and put it up there just as a funny. Because people are so rude and stupid it is, on occasion, hilarious.
My resolutions are similar to many, lose a few pounds, keep up with my blog and work on my novel more consistently. But this year I have more inspiration! My husband and I watched "Julie and Julia." I could relate to you, Julie, on so many levels. Now I'm determined to be consistent and FINISH something. I even started my blog again. You've probably inspired so many. Thank you!Here's the link to my blog www/thechristiannaturalist.blogspot.com.
Your movie has inspired my resolution for this new decade. I am now a blogger, too! sopranointhekitchen.blogspot.com I am really enjoy it! Dedicated to healthy AND delicious food development as well as my thoughts on creating a more peaceful, less stressed life in general, with a bit of humor and music thrown in. Thank you! Thank you for the inspiration.
Julie! Loved the movie and our DVD has been played 3times. I have a 1967 copy of the book, and my husband's copy is 1965. I am going back to the basics! Beef bourginonne! Thanks for the fond memories of learning to do the good stuff. Luv from 70s oldies.
Julie! The memories were great, not only from cooking our FIRST beef bourginonne (1965) but doing another tomorrow. Our copies of the BOOK are 1965 and 1967. Thanks, gal, from your Louisiana cooking friends. Come on down for Mardi Gras! Let us know.
Hi Julie, my sisters and I just finished watching the movie and we found it extraordinary as your life story..congratulations greetings from México!!!
From my previous comment about being inspired by Julie Powell's story from the movie Julie and Julia I have a goal and have come up with a blog called 'From dreams to excitement' and which will record my progress toward this.
Here is the link:
I look forward to your comments, and thanks Julie!
Read more. Can't put "Cleaving" down. Love it.
I absolutely loved the movie "Julie and Julia". I cried the entire movie. I loved Julia, she was my inspiration. I loved you because I felt I was watching my dream come true. I've been writing a cookbook since 2006 and have not made a priority to finish it. I'm from Texas, too. Thank you for sharing your story. It gives me hope that maybe my dream will come true, too.
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