Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Steve Jobs must die

Already my iPod that I got a year and a half ago can't hold a charge for more than fifteen minutes. That grates, not so much for the music lackage per se as for the vision of the vast fields of dead iPods littering the earth, and no effort by the bazillionaire world-saving genius who makes them to figure out to solve that particular problem.

And now the laptop. Which I've had a little over a year. Dead. Suddenly, irrevocably, mysteriously dead. All my data - i.e, my BOOK - gone. I had some of it backed up. I might - MIGHT - be able to get the rest of it through data retrieval, for the piddling sum of $850.

My friend Emily's just died too, today. Hard drive gone. Poof.

I'm really considering assasination options here.


Blogger Broadsheet said...

I almost spit my tea. I thought for sure your friend Emily died the first time I read this, and I thought you were being a bit nonchalant to say the least.

Anywho - that blows. See if you can't plug your hard drive into someone else's computer and tap into it that way. Then you could transfer everything you need to an external hard drive. This assumes the computer will recognize yours as an external drive. Good luck.

2:06 PM  
Blogger Grammy said...

I, too, thought your friend Emily had died, was feeling sorry for you! Glad it's only the computer.
FRUSTRATING!! I'd always wanted a Dell laptop until I got one. The fan was so loud I'd have to turn it off to hear our TV!! It died, too, with a black screen, and all the info I needed was gone. They wanted $650 to fix it and the fan would still be LOUD. Now I have an HP and it's super.
Did you have a great time eating chiles in Santa Fe? Bet the weather was better than here in Seattle (rain). At least we don't have to shovel it. We all missed your bloggings.
Luv, Grammy

3:38 PM  
Blogger tina said...

I'm on my third iPod, I know what you mean. And as for computers, I think no matter who spits 'em out they are just made to up and croak. I am in the middle right now with a horrid fight with the computer company who has a name that rhymes with that dark evil place (where they belong). If I ruled the world things would just be more FAIR!!!!

4:49 PM  
Blogger Robert P. said...

Julie, Macworld had an article a while ago. They say that if your iPod is out of warranty, Apple will replace the battery for $59. And unless your hard drive itself Hope this helps.

6:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have a great computer guy up in stamford, ct (might be a hike for you but you certainly aren't working on computer -sorry). i can't imagine that he would charge that much to fix/retrieve your computer info. if you want his info, contact me - he might even come to you.

5:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, just visiting and I just have to chime in here and say that I no longer use Mac and it was the best "corner" I ever turned in life. New Mac products work great but things are always breaking down or dying and all Apple wants is mo' -- mo' of your moolah. Nothing more. Just mo'!

5:52 PM  
Blogger oddlyme said...

I'm a mac user of many years and I say - when you work at home - getting applecare (an extended warranty) will save your life. For three years you get unlimited phone help and, they'll replace anything that breaks/wear out for free.

So, if you have not added that on already - do. Very much worth the money.

Plus, you're in NY, you can hit the genuis bar for advice and help as well.

Good luck on your new computer adventure!

7:52 PM  
Blogger Stacy said...

I'm having a mac problem currently, too. Ours has given us years of trusty service, though, so I guess that feels a bit better--at least I got some money out of it. I hope you are able to recover everything from your hard drive.

It's fun to see your current blog--I feel like I'm in a time machine since I'm currently reading "Julie and Julia". Thanks!

8:01 PM  
Blogger jules said...

I am feeling overwhelmed - or I have probably had too many vodka gimlets.(I strangely started drinking them about two days before starting your book although I have always been fond of a vodka soda)) I am half way through your book and never dreamed you would still have your blog going - given I live in Australia.I am enjoying J/J. I have been reading cook books since the age of 8 or so and your descriptions of life and friends, though so far in miles from mine, is so similar, familiar, and comforting I THANK YOU

5:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok - done. read the book. i really loved it...really i did and am going to recommend it for our bookclub. but funny story...last night hubby takes me to L'Impero in Tudor City. and i'm sitting there looking over the menu and YOU pop into my head. they had some bizarre foods and i'm not that adventurous. but i keep thinking WWJD (what would julie do)? so i ordered creamy polenta with crispy chicken livers. my husband almost fell out of his chair when i ordered it!! so thanks for making go to the other side even though it was just for crispy chicken livers (which were so yummy!!).
up in westchester

11:06 AM  
Blogger ThursdayNext said...

I just got a Nano and this bitch better hold up for $200...sigh.

8:26 PM  
Blogger Ahab said...

Perhaps I have lost my mind: Never a Mac man, I saw the announcement of the "Air" and bought one. I am crazy or a real cool cat. Beast to you in your travails.

4:23 PM  
Blogger gina said...

Just finished reading Julie/Julia for the 2nd time...
Laughed until I cried re: your description of driving into Washington DC..
We had a very similar experience this summer...

Wish o wish o wish you would write another book soon :)

12:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Stop hanging around magnets! Are you scuffing around the house in fuzzy socks? There is probably a little magnet that keeps your coach bag buttoned tight that is killing all your electronic fun.
Good luck -
Suzie in Brazil

10:25 AM  
Blogger Dani said...

HOORAY! You still have a blog.
I just finished Julie and Julia and was sad for it to end. I have some weird/scary/funny coincidences with you that made me think that it must have been IMPOSSIBLE we didn't know each other when I lived in NYC.
1. I also married my theater geek high school sweetheart and can relate to the reactions of friends regarding supposed lack of "experience." We moved to NYC for similar reasons...
2. We lived in Brooklyn for several years until we got priced out to Jersey City. We also suffered the fate of the friends who live in the outerboroughs - what is up with that?!
4. Buffy is/was/always will be my own version of Goddess. I also dream about her. Kinda weird so now you probably think I am a stalker.
There's more but you will probably think I am a nutcase so I will stop there.

Wish I had known you in my lonely Brooklynite days when I was also working a "day job" and facing 30. (I think we are the same age, too!)
Thank you for the book and the blog... please write more. ;)

6:25 PM  
Blogger kathrynclark said...

I just finished reading Julia/Julia and loved it! Great work! When is your next book coming out?

I noticed how we have a similar way of looking at life and I figured it was probably due to both being transplanted southerners to big cities (me from rural FL to San Francisco). But then I noticed you're also a taurus, ah ha! Hard to live with but we have such good taste! Keep up with the writing. Your blogs will entertain me until that next book is out! Best of luck!

1:21 PM  
Blogger WendyWings said...

Dying electronics are never a good thing. Count me among those who read that as your friend Emily died ! I thought wow she just kind of threw that in there lol.

4:52 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

OK, Julie and fans, I know I don't really know you, but since I've recommended Julie/Julia book to friends, I thought I'd give you my "if-you-like-Buffy-you'll-like-this" recommedation. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I bought it yesterday, finished it this morning and am off to buy the 2 sequels now. Seriously, it will totally distract you so you won't miss your crappy electronics. Cheers!

7:29 AM  
Blogger Christine Cody said...

Planned obsolescence. My best friend went to school with an engineer. Engineer's first job? Building electronics that would last exactly 366 days -- one day past warranty. I joke not.

8:19 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

Note to self: back up that dusty manuscript as soon as you get home.

12:53 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

$850!!!????!!! OMG!!!!??? That is terrifying. Note to self: back up my dissertation....

11:02 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

Merp you got your wish...
wah wah wahhh

7:30 PM  
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