Thursday, March 18, 2010

A little late in the day...

... But last minute announcement: I'll be reading as part of tonight's In the Flesh series at the appropriately named Happy Ending Lounge, at 302 Broome. Its from 8 to 10, but I've been advised people should try to get there by 7:30 if they want a seat. There'll be a bondage rope expert and a feminist porn star reading there, too, among others, so it ought to be a fun night. Come one, come all!

PS To the person in the comments who thought that because I had an affair, ergo, I didn't finish the aspics: I assure you, all of the aspics were made. I'll grant they weren't all consumed in their entirety.... There's only so much poached egg in aspic one can be expected to swallow.


Blogger J said...

I hope the reading goes well. :) Cheers!

11:09 AM  
Blogger Megan Lynae said...

I am fascinated with the idea that there is sort of (logical or otherwise) correlation between infidelity and not making a required amount of jelly out of animal parts.

Good luck at the reading.

11:16 AM  
Blogger Rachel said...

Very excited to hear you read tonight and honored to have you on the lineup!

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aspic, affair, aspic, affair. Nope. I don't get the connection either.

11:53 AM  
Blogger anuar bolaños said...

Hi, I'm anuar. I live in Colombia, South America.
I just saw the movie Julie and Julia, and I loved it. And here I am, writing to you.

I'm a writer, I write poems and short stories, in Spanish of course.

11:55 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Good luck with the reading! Would love to come, but i think an intercontinental flight maybe should take too much time to let me be in time ^^
Greetings from Italy!

12:26 PM  
Blogger Julie, The Wife said...

CLEARLY any cooking disasters you may have experienced are a direct result of the affair. As are the earthquakes and H1N1.

No one expects you to swallow all of that poached egg. Sometimes you can spit as well.

Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, hope you are at work on another book. Love it all.

12:38 PM  
Blogger Two French Bulldogs said...

Very cool...good luck
Benny & Lily
your furry friends

1:49 PM  
Blogger Nelly said...

You’re brave to even attempt aspics. And you’re too smart to have an affair :)

2:31 PM  
Blogger ardeth blood said...

Read your first book last summer, and loved it.
You are my new hero.

2:33 PM  
Blogger Misty said...

now I can successfully mark "Read post about aspics, porn stars and bondage rope experts" off of my life's goal list!

Good luck! :)

2:37 PM  
Blogger Soofia Qureshi said...


I am Soofia from Houston, TX. Now a days I am reading your book Julie and Julia and watched the movie too. Really nice. Loved it.

8:28 PM  
Blogger n warner said...

That is one wild setting…

Read are a witty one!

Should there be any left over eggs in life, toss 'em back into the crowd.

Your fan,


8:48 PM  
Blogger Grace said...

Hey Julie,

I recently 'discovered' you and want you to know what an impact you've made on someone on the opposite side of the globe (Australia).

I'd lost my mojo (either that or it's buried in the layers of lard that separates my skin from my bones), am turning 40 in November and STILL don't know what I want to do when I grow up!

Your story inspired me to embark on my own narcissistic project - to create the me I want to be. On March 1st, I started my journey and 2-weeks later, I was bearing my naked butt for the world to see (literally). It was liberating.

Today, I am feeling empowered and sense that the future holds something exciting for me... even though I can't see it yet.

Thank you for lighting the path .

May the Force be with you!

Grace :-) xx

3:18 AM  
Blogger Armin said...

Um, I wasn't a fan. I just watched the movie "Julie & Julia" and googled it. I liked the movie.
I hope you're having fun.
And I hope I have more time to visit your blog often.
Think I just need someone to tell me right now :"bon appetit"
Cause I'm going to try cooking something for myself. I mean really!! The movie made me hungry with all that delicious dishes...
Till then, GOOD LUCK Julie.

9:35 AM  
Blogger Laural Dawn said...

Hmmm ... I didn't quite get the connection between aspics and affairs either. But I guess whatever works. And, I googled pictures of aspics. (I was curious) I'm not sure that would have eaten them all either.
The event sounded pretty cool.
I hope it went well.

12:24 PM  
Blogger Laural Dawn said...

PS - after reading Cleaving my friend lent me all her Buffy DVD's because I'd never watched it (sorry!)
And, since I've become fully obsessed, people keep sending me links. This is a good one. Who knew ...

12:32 PM  
Blogger Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Just wondering if you would be willing to comment on a followers' blog to inspire a newbie? Enjoy your books and blog.

3:54 PM  
Blogger getitmello said...

I love your blogs, and I think everything you have done is so inspiring; You have inspired me in a way similar to how Julia inspired you. My 18th birthday will be coming up this summer, and it would mean the world to me if I could meet you and perhaps even get a cooking lesson for it. I'm sure you're much too busy, but if by some chance you happen to be free, that would be amazing. =]

8:02 PM  
Blogger heba said...

Just saw the movie... loved it... Bless You,
Heba from Egypt

5:30 AM  
Blogger Sandra Yang said...

Hey Julie, I am a girl in Beijing, China and my name is Sandra.
I just finished watching the movie and start checking out your blog. I've got to say I really love it! I even start to think about cooking my way through your book...
Anyway~Bon Appetit!

7:34 AM  
Blogger michellencmountains said...

That sounds fun. There is a place I used to like to go called the dirdge factory. It was so cool!! Where I live now, I don't know where the nearest one is to us...I am a new mom now and that is where my head's at now, but I still have my fun spirit though...wish I had a motorcycle!! I think I must have Spring fever...

10:16 AM  
Blogger Marianna said...

Your open love of flesh eating is perfectly honest. We are all flesh eaters in some way, literally or symbolically, or both. I too am openly hungry, starving in fact, and love to write about it. Thanks for being such an honest cannibal. :)

3:29 PM  
Blogger Marianna said...

And I just blogged about this very topic:

3:30 PM  
Blogger Luana Brandt said...

Hey, my name is Luana, i'm 15 and i'm from brazil, and i really respect and admire you :)

7:46 PM  
Blogger Jaclyn Barr said...

1. You really need to post these things earlier. I would have gone. 2. What a hateful little b***ard. I hadn't read your blog until Cleaving came out. In the interviews I read, you talked about how nasty people can get on here. Aren't you exhausted? How do you keep addressing these comments?

7:31 AM  
Blogger Julie Powell said...

Jaclyn - 1) you're right, I left that announcement way too late. 2) Mostly I don't acknowledge nasty comments, though I also don't take them down unless they cross the line into actually scary and threatening. People should be allowed to vent, and I actually find the extreme responses fascinating and occasionally enlightening. However, when one questions my aspic-making, that's just one step too far....

9:59 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

wish you well

10:42 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is my first time on the blog train EVER, so please forgive the fact that my comments are not limited strictly to your impending reading. The only reason I'm giving Blogverse a go is because of your book.
Your book is the funniest fucking thing I've ever read in my considerably lengthy stay on the planet. I warn against reading it on a plane, after incurring the in- air wrath of the cabin crew by guffawing uncontrollably when you quoted Buffalo Bill while fondling the pig meat. On another flight, I had what appeared to be seizure from trying to contain my delirium over Lobster Murder. No one was amused when the plane hostess threatened to withhold drink service unless I behaved.
You have cracked me up so much that I fear my ribs will never recover from the pain of laughing so heartily. You are my alltime hero.
One of these days I'm gonna get up there to New York City from eastern NC to see you In The Flesh.
(Does blogging etiquette limit the number of words? I hope not! If so, please forgive my ignorance and my protracted post.)
If only I had been there from the beginning...who knew?
Please accept my (blogger) virgin sacrifice as proof of my subservience. I am tugging my forelock as I speak.
Your humble servant, Kirby

10:42 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oi Julie acabei de ver o filme Julie e Julia ameiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,estou escrevendo em português porque sei que você e perseverante e vai traduzir meu comentario...kkkkk amei o filme você é demaissssssssss
Beijos Adriana Lira from Brazil- Fortaleza/ Ceará

11:59 AM  
Blogger Dörte said...

Hi Julie, i must say your julie & julia project was rally crazy and courageous too. i just watched the movie and didn't have a clue that it is all based on a true story...! :) i guess you have received thousands of comments like this, but i just wanted you to know that i felt so much amused and impressed by your idea. it's just great! thank you. :) lot's of love from germany, dörte

1:00 PM  
Blogger spuds1984 said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

3:45 PM  
Blogger spuds1984 said...

Just watched the film Julie & Julia, I think maybe I should read the book as films always seem to leave bits out. The film was ok but feel it was unfair the way you were judged as being disrespectful of the book that you were working through. If that's what it took to put you back on your road to success for writing then well done you!!

3:48 PM  
Blogger M'larky C said...

Have a great read...
I saw the movie but have not read your book I must admit. However, I wanted to say that you inspired me to blog for the first time. I have one blog and the objective is to vent critically about what I have seen, "Create a Handbook for Non-drivers" if you have time please visit my blog sometime soon. Your comments are welcome here.

7:54 PM  
Blogger Gastón Alarcon said...

Hello Julie!!! we saw the film of your proyect.It is very good and delicius.We congratulation to you.We are from patagonia Argentina.
Gabriel,Maru,Nadia and Gaston.Sorry with the mistakes.We try to buy your book, because I don`t know cook.But now i have to translate to the spanish ja ja.


9:51 PM  
Blogger trowbridge chronicles said...

Just saw the movie, Julie and Julia last night. I found the movie delightful and charming. Having now seen Merle Streep's uncanny portrayal of Julia Child in J and J, and Sandra Bullock's performance in Blind Side, I found myself wondering why Meryl Streep didn't win the Oscar. I enjoyed perusing your blog tonight.

11:34 PM  
Blogger Single Guy said...

Hi there...

You are my hero. I write a blog...and I want to get it published into a book...check it out..tales of a gay single boy...any tips..please drop me a line!

3:10 AM  
Blogger Denise Carmichael said...

I have just watched the film Julie & Julia which has made me look at this blog, I thought the film was great and what you did was wonderful although tiring for you.
Well done on a brilliant story

4:11 AM  
Blogger Denise Carmichael said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

4:12 AM  
Blogger Denise Carmichael said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

4:12 AM  
Blogger Jo said...

Tsk tsk...tell me, are you one of those people who JUST IGNORE negative comments? You do of course know you are singularly without any talent and a magnificent opportunist - which is EXACTLY what Julia Child thought. Goodness girl, you make Paris Hilton look like Michealangelo! Now the only question is, who will play you in the Brangelina movie...I've heard they have a sale on lives at your local Wallmart - get one...

5:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Apic sucks.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Aspic sucks

10:37 AM  
Blogger Brandy Haru said...

I can't imagine an aspic is very good. It's like a fruit cake for meat.

11:26 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

Again, my comment is tsk tsk to JO, what on earth are you doing with your time on earth other than insulting others by lowering them to the level of comparison to Paris Hilton the ttyn dingbat???? I am curious to know how exactly you are improving the world Jo...?:

9:06 PM  
Blogger Christina said...

Heaven forbid I pour my heart out in my first comment only to have it lost in the internet abyss!!! Well Julie I am assured that you are overwhelmingly busy but I am confounded and impressed by your immensely successful blog. I would like to get in touch with you for pointers on beginning my own blog.... but of course my main concern is how to deal with the critics... as I am sure that my views on corporate america, the health bill and so on will not always be in favor with the general public. I have never blogged before but I have a degree in English and Psychology and about 20 years of experience working in the dubious banking and investments arena... which needless to say are not on my list of honorable accomplishments. I am currently unemployed, yet quite talented and still unfortunately a bit idealistic.... I would love to get in touch with you personally but have no idea how to do so as you are most likely inundated every day with all sorts of whackadoo cockamamee (SP?) nonesuch that it is wisest to ignore. I also for that reason am not willing to broadcast my contact info to you directly as well.... I imagine you have the capability of tracing my ip address? Maybe not... but either way I truly would like to contact you for some advice on launching into the world of serious blogging.
Sincerely, Christina

9:18 PM  
Blogger Christina said...

BTW, Aspics have always looked rather formidable (as in inedible, not so much as impossible to make--albeit they do upon watching your movie seem quite impossible)... But ANYWAY-- were any of them edible? Would you ever make any one of them again? And how pray tell would you serve them up? Just curious....

9:55 PM  
Blogger Cara Mia said...

J. F#@king Ch@#st on a bicycle! What the hell is up with people making negative comments.

Julie, stay strong girl!


btw, all your dishes in Cleaving sound lovely but I don't know about the liver . . .

"Save the Liver!"

4:34 PM  
Blogger jody said...

Bondage and flipping the perfect crepe. What every American housewife needs to know!

6:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today late evening, I just saw the Movie Julie and Julia.This is such a wonderful movie. I never imagined that it was a real story (Forgive my ignorance ),until i saw the last scene.The moment I knew I just jumped on the internet and now am reading the actual blog that you wrote.This a very quite unique and enchanting experience for me ,ever received from a movie.

May god bless you always and you are one of the few people that can truly change how people think and shape their attitude.

Thanks again and have a great day.

8:45 AM  
Blogger Eliza said...

Hello julia ilook up to you just as you look up to julia you inspire me.

6:21 AM  
Blogger Eliza said...


6:23 AM  
Blogger Jeannine said...

I just watched the movie and it was adorable!

Thanks for the 5 minutes I spent "with" my mom, who has been gone 20 years. She used to sing "I Love You a Bushel and a Peck" and I thought she made it up!! LOL

As for the naysayers........jealous rubbish you are!!

2:53 PM  
Blogger taria said...

I hate to say it but it sounds gross (the aspics) there’s nothing more unappetizing than swallowing gelatin with an egg inside. (shutters) so hey I say at least you made them even if they didn’t get choked down.

How did the reading go?

6:54 PM  
Blogger Xena said...

i just watched Julie and Julia! wow, two real stories, amazing.

10:25 PM  
Blogger Lindsay said...

While I'm not entirely sure the reasoning for writing a book about it (I'm going to have to read it, both your books are on my Books To Buy Next Week list); having an affair doesn't make you a dishonest person in general.

I had an affair once. And I'm an extremely honest person in general. I think you're really brave to be so open about it. So many people are quick to brand a scarlet A on your head or act like you don't deserve your husband anymore because you cheated. People usually don't realize that there is almost always more to the story, it's never as simple as "I just felt like getting laid."

I'm probably preaching to the choir...

9:21 PM  
Blogger Melody Wyckoff said...

Hi Julie, I just love your movie
about you & Julia Childs & watch it
everyday. I am learning to cook &
it inspires me! I hope you don't
mind me asking, are you still
married to Eric? Either way I
wish you happiness.
Melody Wyckoff

11:21 AM  
Blogger Tharik Sham : Mobile Tricks said...

Nice Post!!!
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5:15 AM  
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Very nice, thanks for the information.
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3:01 AM  
Blogger Coasting Along: A Writers Journey said...

Dear Julie, I'm a little bit behind the times. Been helping raise a granddaughter for 5 years, watching movies like Finding Nemo and Beauty and the Beast. Now I'm catching up, and just watched the film, Julie/Julia 3 times, and had to read your book. Reading it made me laugh so hard I cried, and probably kept the neighbors awake. Ran out when I needed a rest, and bought all the ingredients for the potato soup which I loved. I finally understand that aspic thing my mother kept trying to get us to enjoy...I gagged and refused to eat in when I was 5 or never reappreared, but now I see, she must have been inspired as other 50s housewives were, by Julia. I always loved Julia, and now I do so event more. You are fabulous, and so glad to see I can follow your blog. Thanks for the laughs and wonderful view into two such beautiful lives.

12:32 PM  
Blogger Carol Chisholm said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

1:19 PM  
Blogger Carol Chisholm said...

I am new to blogging but so enjoyed the film which I have just finished watching. I got this from my best friend for Christmas and she always gets really good films for me. I loved this and just had to seek out your blog and post a comment. A true inspiration to you and so glad you persevered.

1:28 PM  
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3:41 AM  
Blogger the joyful potter said...

So, after watching your movie (okay, yours and "hers"), which we both loved, I got the cookbook. Fun reading, and I'm impressed that you not only wanted to cook it all in a year, but that you did it. One question, though, about the aspics: were they good, any of them?

12:17 PM  
Blogger Tharik Ahamed said...


8:06 AM  
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have fun!

5:16 PM  
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7:25 PM  
Blogger Brink said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

12:01 PM  
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9:58 PM  
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10:21 AM  
Blogger Sevax Ortix said...

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6:57 PM  
Blogger Sevax Ortix said...

I made a strawberry aspic for an English assignment, and I'm very well prepared.

7:07 PM  
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10:14 PM  
Blogger beeaturtle said...

I'm a 21 year old fresh graduate of a college in a country overlooked by most. I love cooking, baking, and eating. Though many, including myself, wonder why I never gained too much weight.

Any who, I lost my drive, willingness to cook or learning how to cook wonderful meals... Watching Julie & Julia, you restored all inspiration in me. I can't thank you enough. Though I know you won't be able to read this, with 88 comments before me. Hah! The great Julie Powell might not even bother to read this one comment.

Really, you are my hero. I hope I can read more of your blogs about cooking... like how you used to. Thank you again Julie. I hope I'd get to meet you in person (it's in my Christmas wishlist!). I hope your determination will rub off on me. Happy holidays Julie and more blessings for you.

2:52 AM  
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8:07 PM  
Blogger Blog Asal Jadi said...

Aspic, affair, aspic, affair. Nope. I don't get the connection either.

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