Friday, March 05, 2010

Rachael Ray

I'm going to be on it. Today. Actually, we filmed it last week... The creepy thing is that I sort of actually liked her. Is that weird?


Blogger Melanie's Randomness said...

Ohh I'm at work I can't watch it!! I'm so going to look for it later on Hulu!! Good luck!!

I'm reading your book Cleaving now. You are one interesting lady!!

6:18 AM  
Blogger Everyday Goddess said...

I stopped watching her show because I got tired of watching her playing the food and talking to it like it was some kind of pet animal.

I can see how she might be more fun without the food connection though.

Maybe you can teach her something.

6:36 AM  
Blogger Laural Dawn said...

That's awesome.

Someone sent me a link about you being on the show earlier this week, and I'm recording it. Can't wait.

My son is a big Rachael Fan and we watch taped episodes together on the weekend. It will be cool for him to see you. (but I may skip reading Cleaving to him for now!)

P.S. thanks for your comment on my blog :) you're amazing.

6:37 AM  
Blogger cabin47 said...

Saw her a few years ago outside the W hotel in Union Square. She was draggin' on a cigarette and knockin' back a martini. It wasn't the perky little thing you see on tv. Maybe there's more that meets the eye after all. One can only hope...HA!

7:03 AM  
Blogger fredamans said...

I'm going to watch it in an hour.... love satellite. I am not crazy about her show, but will watch to see your segment.
Congratulation on the spot!

7:03 AM  
Blogger Museling said...

Hey, I just started my first blog because of you. Thanks for the inspiration and congrats about the latest adventure of Rachel Rachael Ray!

7:09 AM  
Blogger ybiben said...

yays I saws it :D Babe, I'm not sure if you're playing Amy Adams or Amy Adams was playing you, but you two could indeed be twins lol.

8:40 AM  
Blogger Roberta said...

Man I missed it...don't usually watch daytime TV...too busy reading blogs! Will have to see if I can catch it online...really curious to see this connection you made with RR...I can only take her in small doses. Have a great weekend!

8:43 AM  
Blogger Kathryn Sanchez Kasper said...

Don't watch her show . . too perky . . but I'll check hulu as someone previously wrote. Did you butcher something while discussing "Cleaving"?

8:50 AM  
Blogger Potluck said...

Hmmm. Maybe I'll record it on my DVR and fast forward through all the annoying Rachael Ray parts where she talks and stuff.

It's good to know you kind of liked her. Maybe there's a real human in there somewhere after all?


9:23 AM  
Blogger ybiben said...

who doesn't like perky? like Julie Powell /pinch :P

9:29 AM  
Blogger Kimmy said...

That's awesome!! Now I just wish that I knew ahead of time (before going to work) so that I could have taped it!

9:44 AM  
Blogger Editor said...

Ha- well she has to be a likeable person to have gotten so far :) I Like her in small doses. I'll be tuning in!

10:04 AM  
Blogger O'Reilly said...

Crazed Kook

10:33 AM  
Blogger Canadian Cutie said...

Just watched "Julie & Julia". I hope you were pleased with it. My daughter (13) and I enjoyed it. I am not much of a cook but I admire your courage to undertake such a huge project. Congratulations!

11:19 AM  
Blogger Kat Atonic said...

Why is it creepy to like her? She's f'n adorable.

11:24 AM  
Blogger Chels/Catz in the Kitchen said...

Oh I love Rachael Ray- she is the one who actually got me to really enjoy cooking. I've been married for 6.5 years and the first few years I wasn't that great and I never ever liked her until I watched her one day and thought how adorable she was. Because of her, I'm now a pretty good cook and I love all of her cookware- she's a flippin Genius and I can't wait to see you on the show.

11:38 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi my name is amanda and i am doing a research paper on Julia child and was wondering if you could tell me What was the most intresting thing that you learned about Julia Child and What you like most about her.


11:57 AM  
Blogger Julie, The Wife said...

I kind of like her, but I only see the show about once a year, so that's helpful. However, I would tune in every day if she was draggin' on a ciggie and knockin' back a martini a la JuicyBits!!!

12:56 PM  
Blogger Wendy Ramer, Author said...

Can't believe I didn't read this till 6:30pm. Would have loved to see you. Do you know if the episode is available online?

3:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wooaw ^^ . Looks like your blog is really famous :) !

I was watching the adaption movie about your novel, and I was wondering if you like this adaptation, did you ?


PS : sorry for my mistakes, I'm french ;) .

3:58 PM  
Blogger Delysia said...

I had to go to school, but I just saw it on Rachel Ray's show website. I'm buying "Cleaving" tomorrow for sure!!

4:27 PM  
Blogger Aldi said...

Sono Alda, ho visto film Julie and Julia e ti ringrazio molto.
Ti voglio bene.
Mio blog e
Tanti auguri per te e ter tutta la tua famiglia.
Mi dispiace, pero non so inglese molto bene.

5:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh I hope I can watch it on !

6:11 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Great Job!

6:34 PM  
Blogger Wendy Ramer, Author said...

Just watched you and Rachel Ray on the Web. How great to finally put a face on the "celebrity". An entertaining episode, definitely! (And I don't even watch her show ;-))

7:07 PM  
Blogger oddlyme said...

I saw the bit - and I loved it!

Funny, Rachel seemed to feel free enough to be a bit "edgier" with you, and I think it was good!

Fingers crossed on sunday for you all!

8:32 PM  
Blogger -C said...

I read your book Cleaving, and i can't tell you what an amazing, freeing experience it was! Thank you for having the guts to tell it all and to write something so different to J&J.

P.S. I am a farmer and have similar feelings about doing this thing that has traditionally been a male dominated field ( of course farming is now much more integrated)

9:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

R. Ray rocks! Not weird at all to like her.

10:29 PM  
Blogger ybiben said...

yea the only people I know that really have any criticisms of her are professional chefs who don't like how she simplifies approaches to cooking. I'm like maaann, at least someone is trying help day to day people find ways to save money and eat better. eating out should be treated as a luxury, but then I don't have gobs of money to throw away so I guess some people just like to show off or something. :P

6:11 AM  
Blogger snoopy said...

Its not creepy to like her at all. Questioning whether you like someone after accepting their invitation...well thats creepy.

9:50 AM  
Blogger Fran said...

I'm with snoopy, why did you agree to go on her show if you didn't think you liked her??

10:17 AM  
Blogger Kat Atonic said...

Agreed. If I were RR I'd have said "New guest, please. This one doesn't appreciate her good fortune."

1:11 PM  
Blogger La Lish said...

Hey Julie! I think Isaw you yesterday in Rachael`s. I`m not sure `cause I`m mexican and I watched the show in english and I could misunderstand! But I did understand about the movie and I went direct to the blockbuster.
I really enjoined to watch it. Right now I feel like you at that point...looking for something that makes me feel complete and happy!

1:44 PM  
Blogger ArvikasFinest said...

Hey! I just saw the movie Julie & Julia. Is it you that movie is about? Are you Julie i mean? Sorry for my bad spelling btw, im from Sweden :D

Anyway your really inspiring! :)

1:53 PM  
Blogger Sweet disposition said...

Julie you are an inspiration, eres una inspiracion! im from dominican republic and everyone here love`s the movie, u are great! eres genial!!

2:56 PM  
Blogger Robert Crane said...

yeah ... it is.

hmmm ...

3:11 PM  
Blogger Brandy Haru said...

I think that' she's cute. Good on you.

hmm does anyone know what reast means? it is my verifiatd word.

4:27 PM  
Blogger Jody said...

I watched the clip on-line and I have to say that the issue with it was that while Julie DID plug CLEAVING, she didn't exactly say what the book was about.

All she said is that the book was about her 6 month butcher apprenticeship.

But the book is so much more, isn't it?

4:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Drat! I missed it! Will look for it on Hulu!
You should have a show!

8:21 PM  
Blogger ennvee said...

Didn't read the other comments, but YES, it's weird you liked her. She's a phony pig and an abomination to all that is good in the world of food.

PS: Did she talk to you about her "running?" LIE.

I only saw it because I'm down with pneumonia and wanted to see YOU. I was waiting for you to kick the living shit out of her fat ass. I also regret the audience didn't get a copy of Cleaving. 90% of them couldn't have handled the reality.

Hope the movie wins buku awards so you continue to have the freedom to write what you want and not what an editor demands.

11:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Dolores and I just finished watching "Julie and Julia" and just loved every warm, funny, totally human moment of it.

Thank you for such an inspiring story.

12:29 AM  
Blogger Hallie said...

I wish I would have read this earlier. I missed it!

I'll just go search for the episode on youtube.

Rachael Ray is amazing<3

8:57 AM  
Blogger Julie Powell said...

Jody, babe... Give it a rest. Seriously, I'd love to give you a hug and make it all better, but mostly you just need to move on.

I didn't get to the entire plot of Cleaving because TV is a very short and quick medium and there wasn't the time. If you think I'm interested, as a rule, in hiding what my book's about, well, you're pretty silly.

12:27 PM  
Blogger RosalieBABY31 said...

OMG julie I swear to gosh that i adored your Julie and Julia book and I am only 13 and i thought it was amazingly funny and awsomely great for how many books I have read. So from a 13 read-a-lot chick. AWSOME, LOVED IT, WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!

6:35 PM  
Blogger Hothouse Blossom said...

I doubt you still spend a lot of time in Union Sq. I look for you. I go to school on 13th st.

P.S. It just dawned on me that Meryl Streep could win an oscar for a movie that you wrote the book. That must be crazy for you.

9:05 PM  
Blogger Mary G. said...

I just finished 'Cleaving'. Do you want to come to Alaska and hunt for moose or Caribou? Seriously, I think you would have a ball and possibly a new book. I am a widow now but I used to have a fishing lodge with my husband and grew up in Alaska hunting and fishing. Good books, Julie. My husband wrote about our life in the lodge business and I've always wanted to write the rest of the story. IU'm a wannabe friend. Mary

9:33 AM  
Blogger Chrissie said...

yes that's weird because it seems as though she tries too hard. I also don't understand why she is doing a talk sho when her supposed specialty is cooking and food. I think that she should stick to what she is good at. (as we all should) Also I just saw Julie/Julia the movie this weekend and I am going to get your book now. I've been meaning to do this forever.

10:20 AM  
Blogger michellencmountains said...

She gets on my nerves a bit but hope to catch you on!

10:52 AM  
Blogger michellencmountains said...

I love your writing style, It reminds me of a stream of thought that we keep to our selves. Most people are not as honest, even when "confining" things to others, when I think about it. When do I not have the filter on?? Anyway, best of luck in your have a friend in me. That word seems more fitting than fan some how.

11:05 AM  
Blogger SxyLayla said...

I just saw the movie last night and I have to say, although I don't know much about anything, I have to comment on the fact that you were still a dedicated Julia fan even after she didn't have something nice to say when she heard about this blog... that was such a heartwrenching moment for me... so frustrating... I just wanted to know how much truth there was to that or if it was all for Hollywood?

8:16 PM  
Blogger Berry Patch People said...

I love Rachel Ray...but I am not sure how authentic she is as a chef, I tried her recipe once from her show and did not taste good at all....

8:03 AM  
Blogger The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

i just read about Robert after reading your 2 books watching the movie 4 times falling on the floor laughing, buying every julia child book out their...and on it goes.

it is so hard to loose a beloved pet, he will always be with you right there in your heart though--and no matter how deep his slumber i am sure when every you think of him he is wagging his grateful tail

the wolf pack

8:16 AM  
Blogger Point of Grace said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8:42 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Did you ever meet Julia Child? i loved your movie. Now i want to read your book

11:44 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

11:45 AM  
Blogger Ex-Apathetic Discontent said...

Love you Julie, but I draw the line on RR. I'd sooner use my body to put out a grease fire. Her cutesy way of doing things annoys me to no end.

12:27 PM  
Blogger Point of Grace said...

What is soooo cool is that I have been using Julia Child's cookbook since I was in college for my culinary degree. This is such a delight to be able to blog with you...someone who truly appreciates cooking and our dear late Julia. You go girl!

1:28 PM  
Blogger Point of Grace said...

Hey Julie. Wanted to also say that I've read your orgininal blog, all of subsequent blogs, love your book and loved the movie - bought both, as they are real keepers. You rock! Can't wait to continue to keep up with more of your blogs. I am now retired and have even more time to cook ~ my first love, not counting my fab hubby! :) Keep on bloggin' girl!

1:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm so jealous of you.

Nonetheless, tonight I composed a list of 10 peeps who influenced my life this year, and somehow, you made it into the top 5.

Though the irony is painful, thanks Julie. I'd like to think I sorta get it, your story.

This is my first blog post ever,(really never before) btw...I seriously doubt I'll ever be drunk enough to post again so let's hope the world will forget it ever happened.



3:19 AM  
Blogger nickblitzz said...

I just saw the movie! It's amazing and i think what you did is extraordinary! You could be BFFs with Rachael Ray, just 2 women who loves to cook gennueinly.

7:00 AM  
Blogger The Irish Potato said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

11:21 AM  
Blogger The Irish Potato said...

Hello Julie,
Congrats on the show! This comment is not really in regards to your current post though. It is in regards to the movie. First let me start out by saying that I totally relate to you and to Julia and completely enjoyed the movie. However, there was something missing that was of utmost importance to the viewing public, that was sadly left out. I watched the special features in hopes it would answer my question, but it was not there either. I am sure that you have received this question I am about to ask of you from other fans of Julia and yourself, so here goes... What ever happened with Julia and her feelings and thoughts about your blog? Did you ever get the amazing privilege of meeting or talking with her personally about it? America needs to know!!!
Thanks for a great blog and a wonderful movie to escape with!
Kelli ~ The Irish Potato

11:28 AM  
Blogger Point of Grace said...

I concur with you Irish Potato...we need to know the answer. Julie...pray tell...did you ever personally speak or meet with the divine Julia prior to her passing? We sure hope you did and of course would LOVE to hear from you one way or the other. Another J& J fan wants to know too. Thanks! :)

11:51 AM  
Blogger Point of Grace said...

I was just thumbing through "My Life in France" and was looking at all the great photos included in the book. How amazing that the production company paid such close attention to Julia's photos when putting the movie together. So another question for ya dear accurate did they get your Queens apartment in the movie? Once again my dear...pray tell.

12:08 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, I'm polish girl, today I was watching film "Julie and Julia" and I want tell one thing: your story is amazing! I am impressed and I think it's so lovely, because you found your own way.
I don't like to cook but perhaps it starting from today will change. I have energy and willingness :)
Best wishes, Milena

1:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, I'm polish girl, today I was watching film "Julie and Julia" and I want tell one thing: your story is amazing! I am impressed and I think it's so lovely, because you found your own way.
I don't like to cook but perhaps it starting from today will change. I have energy and willingness :)
Best wishes, Milena

1:21 PM  
Blogger Andrea Glass said...

Well of course you are going to like her. She is a foodie, and she is passionate about good food and gourmet flavor. That is a passion you both have in common. To hell with what all the boring humans have tried to say about dear Rachel Ray. She is making the most out of her life, following her passion, food and sharing it with people! Those people "without a life" are the ones with the problem. Trying to rain on a joyous persons food-love-passion-parade! Bonn Appetite!

1:59 PM  
Blogger Andrea Glass said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

2:03 PM  
Blogger skhamb said...

Well..I wish You didn't have so much fan following. It is merely because my post(which is the first ever to anyone)might get unnoticed. I am not an American and I wouldn't haven known you if it wasn't for the Movie. I loved you Julie Powell..mainly because your character reminded me of myself. Well, but, I am not a foodie..I cook but don't quite like the way you do or may be like Julia did. Congratulations!! I know I am late, but its never too late like its never more butter..Lots of love..
Shikha from London

4:16 PM  
Blogger Jeremy said...

I am inspired to do a blog thanks to your movie.Take a peek sometime.

5:34 PM  
Blogger Ionutu said...

Hi Julie,
I have to say that I'm impressed by your story. Of course, like everyone around here, I've discovered you by watching J&J, wich was one of the best movies I saw lately.

I'm from Romania (a place on a different planet, also known as The Country of Dracula - thank you Mr. Stoker :D - )and now after your example, I want to start a blog in English. I'm already writing one but is in Romanian, so I don't know if you're gonna understand my "creations"..


11:06 PM  
Blogger Mimi said...

Hi Julia. My name is Frieska. I live in Jakarta, Indonesia. I recently just watch Julie&Julia. I love it. I hope I will find ur book around here. Well, nice to meet u. ^^

6:42 AM  
Blogger Ella B said...

Julie, I may seem so behind the times but picked up your book Julie and Julia. Absolutley love it and it relates so much to the time of life I am in now. just love the way you write :)

8:24 AM  
Blogger Wendy Ramer, Author said...

Just wanted to let you know I’ve awarded you the Sunshine Blog Award for being an inspiring blogger who helps spread the sunshine. Please see my blog post for more details. Thanks!

1:23 PM  
Blogger The French Bear said...

Okay, I missed it, great, I too will have to wait for reruns or you tube. Good for you though, even if you don't really like RR, it's still publicity, right?
I have watched J & J at least ten times, I love it, I think those of us who blog can relate!!!!
I am wanting to read Cleaving, hope to get a copy soon.
Margaret B

8:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi I watched the movie last night and I loved it. You are a very brave lady. The food looked amazing but not very good for your health with all that butter. Dont get me wrong I love butter but how did you and your hubby feel (healthwise) after eating that amazing food for a year?

2:27 AM  
Blogger Alex King said...

I saw you! You were pretty cool. To bad the film didn't get the Oscar... I have to say though, Sandra was the best.

11:31 AM  
Blogger Tanya Breese said...

oh I love's "creepy" that you think it's "creepy" to like her.

10:46 PM  
Blogger grewuponJlia said...

Julie, congrats to you and your accomplishments! But reading soem of your blogs you come of pretty nasty.. out of every person who reads a blog does not always comment, be aware of that, and of what comes out your mouth. Bonjour!

11:14 PM  
Blogger Orang Utang said...

13th January.


I have just read your article in today's UK Guardian trying to defend your adultery. You really don't get it, do you?

My wife had an affair. It was not the act of sex, nor the infidelity which was so heinous. It was the act of betrayal.

We had committed ourselves to each other. She had broken that committment while professing to love me.

She had broken my trust in the person I loved so much that I could no longer trust anyone else. She broke my trust in the world. If I could not trust her who could I trust?

The betrayal was further compounded by the fact that we had two children. She also betyrayed them. They could no longer trust anyone else. The mother who they loved and who professed that she loved them quite simply ignored them when she had her "fling".

That is why women and men like you should be branded with a large letter "A". To show that they are completely untrustworthy. If they betray somebody who trusts them implicitly, they seem the sort of people who could betray anyone at all.

So although your smug writing trys to justify what you did, it does not. It simply shows your arrogance, flaunting your affair yet again and betraying publicly, once again, those you profess to love.

3:07 AM  
Blogger Orang Utang said...

13th January.


I have just read your article in today's UK Guardian trying to defend your adultery. You really don't get it, do you?

My wife had an affair. It was not the act of sex, nor the infidelity which was so heinous. It was the act of betrayal.

We had committed ourselves to each other. She had broken that committment while professing to love me.

She had broken my trust in the person I loved so much that I could no longer trust anyone else. She broke my trust in the world. If I could not trust her who could I trust?

The betrayal was further compounded by the fact that we had two children. She also betyrayed them. They could no longer trust anyone else. The mother who they loved and who professed that she loved them quite simply ignored them when she had her "fling".

That is why women and men like you should be branded with a large letter "A". To show that they are completely untrustworthy. If they betray somebody who trusts them implicitly, they seem the sort of people who could betray anyone at all.

So although your smug writing trys to justify what you did, it does not. It simply shows your arrogance, flaunting your affair yet again and betraying publicly, once again, those you profess to love.

3:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Julie,
you inspired me to a similar project, although without the deadline and the restriction to one regional cuisine. It's more a journey around the world :) But I would've never started it without reading the book and watching the movie! So thank you!!

3:16 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Julie, your book Cleaving kinda sucks. I can't quite believe that you are so unknowingly selfish. I know you think you get a lot of hateful comments from self righteous people that you ignore as "they don't understand" but people really do understand. I think your lack of remorse is what inspires people to tell you what they think you did was really, really horrible. I hope that you are good to Eric now, as if he's as nice as you make out then you are damn lucky...

7:42 AM  
Blogger Point of Grace said...

Ok. Julie.... So I now read the past few blogs and decide to check out random book reviews on your book "Cleaving". OMG...what were you thinking girl! Has all of this whirlwind attention since Julie & Julia gone straight to you frickin head! I am sooooo disappointed. Like one of the reviews I read said, "Cleaving never should have come out of the drawer in the night stand"!. Amen to that! But one MAJOR bright point I do have to thank you for from "Julie and Julia", the book and the film, is that your brought Julia Child brilliantly back into my life. Julia is what the story is really about, and SHE is the one I will celebrate!!! So, the DVD we purchased, "My Life In France", I recently added to my "keepers collection", and even your "Julie & Julia" book, are all for Julia. "Cleaving" will NEVER be added to my book collection, so you can not count on me for any royalties on that one. I am very close to ending blogging with you, but I am really curious to see if you respond to your "fans". You owe us that much I believe. So, this "fan", and probably many others, is waiting for your comments. It's your turn Julie.

8:58 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Julie, just wanted to say how much I admire you and your honesty. I read both books and loved them. You are so strong and I admire you so much!

10:10 PM  
Blogger Jaclyn Barr said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

11:07 PM  
Blogger Jaclyn Barr said...

Dear Orang Utang (and Julie)-

To say that your wife "ignored" your children because she had an affair is preposterous. I hope you're not feeding that poison to your children. Things change in relationships. People change. Commitments change. You can't promise anything for forever...I would hope after reading both of Julie's books, that she would STOP IT(which is not my business to say, but there you go.). But it's her choice. You can't change who you are. But that said, who you are changes all the time. I don't want to live in a society of puritans. I want mess and love and sex and pain. If there was no chance that the other person could ever leave you, could ever stop loving you, or ever love someone else, how could you cherish it? I want to feel the good and the bad. Life is good and messy. And there's hope for us all.

Bitterness is a lethal infection. The longer you let that sit in your body, the less of you there will be. You have to let go.

11:19 PM  
Blogger Orang Utang said...

Dear Jaclyn,

You obviously do not get it either.

As I said, it was not the sex, nor the infidelity. It was the betrayal of trust.

That is nothing to do with being a puritan. It is to do with being a human being.

If my wife had told me that she was attracted to this other person and that she was thinking of having a fling then I would have been given a choice to accept this or end our marriage. She did not do this. She carried on her affair while leaving us all to continue believing that she was a loving, faithful wife and mother.

If she had not been found out, who knows how long this would have gone on?

I, like you, believe that committments change. And so she should have been honest about this. Instead she let me continue working hard for my family, believing I was building for all of our futures.

I do not believe that teaching my children to be faithful, honest and trustworthy is feeding them poison. I believe that it is teaching them to be decent human beings. If more people were faithful, honest and trustworthy then maybe our societies would not be in the mess that they seem to be in.

I've basically said my piece so will end on one final note. If you have a partner and feel, at any time, that you wish to cheat on him/her, then please be honest and end your reltionship instead of being deceitful. Don't try to have your cake and to eat it at the same time. It will only end in heartache for all concerned.

6:47 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Orang Utang,
No one in this workd is perfect. Sometimes affairs are a symptoms of a bad marriage to begin with. Sometimes the person who was unfaithful was very depressed and could not help themselves. Everyone makes bad mistakes. It is what they do after the mistake that is so important...go to counseling, figure themselves out, try and make things right. If your wife never tried to make herself a better person- for that I am sorry. Not everyone who makes the mistake however should be branded forever as a BAD dishonest person. Some people truley need help.

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julie-- I just read "Julie&Julia" :) I know this is a huge cliche, but you have inspired me(: I already loved cooking, but I mostly stick to the basics. I REALLY admire you for doing this!!! That is some kind of dedication. I wish I'd known about this book when I had to do a memoir book project!! Well, thanks for being the awesome person that you are(: and I think you are WAY awesome.

11:35 AM  
Blogger Nanci McFarland said...

I think sometimes a little bit of pep is a good thing :-) We feed off of other's energy...why not feed off of peppy engergy :-) So glad you liked her! Wish I could've seen it!

1:19 PM  
Blogger Angolo Di Berenike said...

Hi! we are Diego & Veronica from Italy, we've just seen the movie from your book Julie & Julia and we really loved it! ^_^

best whishes for your future

1:30 PM  
Blogger Gracy Ibarra =) said...

hiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!... O M G.... I finished to see the movie... is very interesant.... the histories are beautiful... I´m Gracy. ( Colima, Col. México). muchas felicitaciones.... te esperam0s en mexic0.. aqui tienes tu casa =) kises =* bye !

6:14 PM  
Blogger Pau Jordi said...

Julia, a ver para empezar tengo que pedir disculpas por expresarme en otra lengua, pero como existe el google translate prefiero que al menos mi primer comentario tenga algo de sentido :)

Acabo de ver la pelicula de Julie & Julia y me ha encantado, no es que sea precisamente un amante de la cocina (siempre he considerado una perdida de tiempo pasar tantas horas cuando te lo comes en 5 minutos), pero me han dado ganas de ponerme en los fogones,,

Veo que tenemos casi la misma edad, aunque mi vida es un verdadero desastre, pero me gustara seguir el blog.

Por cierto también tengo dos mascotas una perra y una gata, ya te las presentare y siento lo de tu perro , se siente uno fatal, y quien dice que es mas o menos tragedia?

Tengo que estudiar ingles y participar en el blog me ira genial, espero que me perdones mis miles de faltas que comentare a partir de ahora.

Hasta mañana :)

See you tomorrow

6:26 PM  
Blogger elhaf said...

So we know you cheated on your husband, did you also cheat on your blog? That is to say, be honest now, as we all suspect, you gave up on aspics, didn't you? It's funny how so many women are on your side, because they understand that it's an unforgivable sin to be nice, so you had to cheat, but will they be so understanding about you lying to them? If you have any guts or integrity you will answer this question rather than delete it. I will know your answer either way.

8:49 AM  
Blogger Don Martini said...

I can't stand Rachel. Her voice is like a chalk board being scratched. I wish they (the Networks) would give you your own cooking show. That, I would watch. Really. Blogs are nice and everything, but TV, that's where you could leave a lasting impression, Hon! No offense to your alter-ego of Ms. Adams, but we want the real Julie Powell. On my seventh go 'round for your AudioBook on my .mp3 player! Encore, Julie! Encore!

5:43 PM  
Blogger Not 2 Now Reader Sotet said...

I love Rachel Ray she grows on you. Funny thing I truly believe that if I met her in person we would hit it off great ... be close cooking friends.

8:31 PM  
Blogger Samantha said...

Obviously I missed the show, since I work morning shifts at a cafe/bakery. I have been a Racheal Ray fan since, gosh, day one of her show on Food Network. It was because of her that the idea of becoming a chef crossed my mind. I tried to record her talk/cooking/entertainment show that comes on at 10 am here in good ole Alabama, but alas, it never seemed to record. I finally did get to watch it one beautiful morning and to my shock, I highly disliked it. Again, I love Racheal, but that show just makes her look too.... fake?? I am sure that you made the show interesting and I again do hate that I did miss it. I do have to say that your Julie/Julia project, book and the movie that came out are probablly some of my favorite things to read and watch. Again I am a student at Culinard in Birmingham, AL and just reading those blogs and watching the movie makes me want to be finished with school fast. When I am done with classes in December of this year, I will be able to call myself a pastry chef. Interesting that I will be probablly one of the oldest in my class. I turn 30 in April and most of my classmates are in their early 20's... Now that seems weird!

8:51 PM  
Blogger M'larky C said...

I have watched her show a few times. I could take it or leave it. She seem sincere.

7:41 AM  
Blogger Victoria said...

I just watched your movie. :) I loved it. Bravo...

I was sorry to hear about your dog. I missed the R/R show. We don't get her on the West Coast. ;) I am glad to say. I stopped watching her when I lived on the East Coast, why? because of her tongue! Every notice when she is talking she licks each corner of her lips. Very disturbing..

10:41 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, this is actually the first actual blog I have ever been on. I saw the movie but didnt know it was a book. But believe me, I'm going to read it! It kind of gave me the idea of having my own blog. It would be similar, but I am not brave enough to cook my way through that many recipies! It's hard to cook for my picky husband, but I love, love, love to cook! Do you have any words of advice to starting a cooking blog that will allow people to give me ideas as well as tell others what I know? I have that kind of job where I sit at a desk 40 hours a week with nothing fun to do after work, except the entertainment from my dogs! But cooking is fun and I love trying new things...

1:35 PM  
Blogger Cara Mia said...

LOL! Don't ever mention that to Anthony Bourdain should you have the good grace to meet him!

10:27 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

U talkin to me cara?

2:10 PM  
Blogger Frances said...

You did a nice job on RR show, just saw it on her web.

12:04 PM  
Blogger Cara Mia said...

Stephanie, I was commenting to Julie's post . . . but I suppose this could apply to anyone who's lucky enough to meet Anthony Bourdain. LOL

8:53 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Cara, im new to this whole blog thingy...but i duno about a whole lot about Anthony, but i think anyone who makes a living from eating food is good in my books!! Maybe we should start a show! haha

11:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

why would it be creepy to like her? thats so disrespectful after she had you on her show. you dont have a show and you are creepy. sucks for you.

2:45 AM  
Blogger Cara Mia said...

Wow, how the F@*K did we go from Rachael "OMG-She's-So-Perky-I-Want-To-Hit-Her-In-The-Face-With-A-Frying Pan" Ray to Julie's infidelity?

Yes, Julie made a mistake but so did Eric.

Julie, you were courageous for telling the truth. I also mentioned it on a thread on your FB account.

People, lay off! If you don't like it, then just go away!

4:25 PM  
Blogger Cara Mia said...


You should watch Anthony Bourdain's show, "No Reservation" on the Travel Network. He's so entertaining and just damned funny!

4:27 PM  
Blogger Kariman Al Essawy said...

Sorry if the question is so silly but I just saw this blog now.
Are you "THE" Julie Powell??!!

5:15 AM  
Blogger Tanya Marie said...

Sorry I missed it!!


8:48 PM  
Blogger Pearl Harbor Child Survivor said...

Sorry I missed you. I watched the movie today for the 3rd time. My husband I had had many laughs. I am a new author and now starting my own blog. Please read my blog. I love your story. Bev

2:16 PM  
Blogger greengeekgirl said...

Okay, so--just saw the film, found the blog, bla bla bla. I'm wondering if you're aware that you shouldn't write things like this after you've been invited onto someone's popular show to plug your book. Not only have you thrown some doubt as to your feelings about your gracious hostess, but you've opened the door for people to say things like:

"[Rachael Ray]'s a phony pig and an abomination to all that is good in the world of food. "


"Rachael 'OMG-She's-So-Perky-I-Want-To-Hit-Her-In-The-Face-With-A-Frying Pan' Ray"

I'm sure that Rachael Ray could have found other guests who wouldn't let their blog readers shit talk her or who wouldn't insinuate that it's bad to like her. And I'm quite sure that there will be other hosts in the future who will shy away from inviting you on, thanks to this post. Not good for business, that.

4:21 PM  
Blogger mary said...

I think it kinda is. she is just so fake!

3:08 PM  
Blogger Lindsay said...

Is she less annoying in person?

9:56 PM  
Blogger stoppedcooking said...

Weird... you're not supposed to like her!

9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Julie. I just saw Julie and Julia. I cried so much! I just loved it. Such a beautiful story. I admire your strenght, and of course I love Julia. It is true, about the butter at the end of the movie? That's just lovely. With affection, from Argentina. Carolina

11:26 PM  
Blogger Sheri said...

I'm gonna have to find a recorded video of this.Always loved Julia Child

1:14 PM  
Blogger Gold Dust Woman said...

Julie I cant't wait to see you on Rachael Ray. I'm on a weight loss mission determined to eat fun,healthy foods and lose weight too. I'm blogging about it - inspired by you by the way. Anyway, it's not weird that you like her - she's got a likeable thing going although I'm not sure what it is? Debi

11:38 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Nice Nice Nice.

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8:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No. Rachel Ray is amazing!!! I still want to make that meatloaf I saw on her show...

4:20 PM  
Blogger Black Jesus said...

Don't understand why it's weird that you like Rachel Ray. She's always positive, you learn some stuff about cooking and she's not so saccharine or pretentious that you want to gag...I like her too...oh yeah...she's got nice cans and yams to boot...

12:43 AM  
Blogger Angie said...

Ya know . . . I used to love Rachel, but now she's all "glammed up" for TV and she's always peddling her cooking utensils on screen. She's been overplayed. Tired. Tired. Tired.

6:35 PM  
Blogger Yummies4Dummies said...

I love Rachael Ray too!

9:38 AM  
Blogger Joe V. said...

First of all Julie, your a doll and your talent better than butter, almost. I ran into Rachel Ray in NYC, she was rude, taunt and stuck-up; but other than that she's ok. I mean she's no Martha, but than again who is?
Your friend,
Joe V.

10:59 AM  
Blogger Joe V. said...

Julie, first of all i'm a biggest fan. No seriously. I'm over three pounds by 2 lousy pounds and losing. Anyway your one hell of a lady. Better than butter, well almost. I ran into Rachel Ray in NYC, literally knocking my packages out of my hand and on to a wet street. She was rude, stuck-up and totally classless, still I'm sure she loves her Mom. She's no Martha but than again who is.
Thanks for being you.
Joe V.

11:02 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Even Anthony Bourdain likes Rachael Ray. Strange.

12:05 PM  
Blogger JKS said...


11:10 AM  
Blogger astalavista.432 said...

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3:16 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I love Rachel Ray, she's so peppy. Almost nobody else can pull it off. Julia Child was a very cheerful person as well: maybe it's a flip side of the coin thing. If you were very grouchy, for example.

12:44 AM  
Blogger Diane Phillips said...

I loved your movie about Julie and Julia and your blog. It has inspired me to be different and unique in my own writing style. I love cooking and recipes but like RR and with the economic down side, I have to cook using what I have in my kitchen and sometimes I don't have all the ingredients so I make the best use with what I have to cook with. Bon Appetit!

11:21 PM  
Blogger Diane Phillips said...

Have you ever thought about writing with regards to another cook like you did Julia Child...There is Paula Dean and her interesting life among tons of other possible cooks you could conspire with. What an interesting sequel to the Julia and Julie movie that would be. Consider it because you have the potential to be something greater than just a sampler!

11:26 PM  
Blogger Diane Phillips said...

On another note you could write about Rachel Rae and try all her fantastic recipes and use her cooking utensil to get a feel of what it would be like to cook with her every day. Set up DVR, check out all her cookbooks and begin the quest to write about the average cook and what it feels like to have the bare minimum of ingredients. America would die to hear how you would attack that feat!

11:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it kinda is. she is just so fake! Thanks for sharing it here

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